Deghabour WTP - Annex 1 Raw Water Quality

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Source: GROUND WATER WELL Client: Somali Region
Contractor: Tandad Water Well Drilling Pie
Area: Towlane, Dagahbur, Ethiopia. Well ID: BH# /l 3
Type of water sample (Treated/ un): Untreated
Date of sampling: 28/08/2021
Date of Analysis: 09/08/2021
Physical parameters ..
Max Permissible cone.
No Tests Unit Tests Result WHO National Standard
I Conductivity Us/cm 1288 3552
2 Turbidity FTU 1.02 5
TDS 644 1000 1776
4 pH " 7.59 6.5-8 .5 The same
I 5 Temperature oc 27.6 Non
Chemical parameters
6 Total hardness Mg/I 511 300 AP 392
i 7 Calcium " 70 75
8 Calcium hardness 175 187 187
9 Magnesium " 82 50
10 Magnesium hardness 336.2 205 205
11 Iron " 0.28 0.3AP 0.4
12 Potassium " 5.7 1.5
13 Fluoride " 2.95 1.5 D
14 Sulphate " 195 250 483
I 15 Chloride " 149 250 533
16 Sodium " 96.85 200 358
17 Sodium chloride " 245.85
18 Nitrite N Trace
NO2 Trace 3.0 D 6.0
19 Nitrate N 7.23
I NO3 31.8 50 D 50.0
1 20 Ammonia N 0.96 1.0
I NH3 I. 15 1.5
I 21 Total alkalinity as CaCO3 " 375 200
122 Bicarbonate as HCOf " 458
23 Carbonate as CO3 - 2 220
Note: The water sample was taken and brought to the laboratory by the project Managers' Agent. As described in the above
table the water sample physiochemical analysis conforms Ne:1ti_onal Standards, therefore; the water sample was determined to
be palatable aRer disinfection. ~ ;-. ~ ~
- -
s·ignature: ~ - 1-~ ~Maxi~um permissible leve l: a r,''1lllrl·mcn1 level \\ho,e 111m- I

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,md uscabk l,ir clorn.:stie purp<isc . j
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------------------·· --··---··-···-···

1i/ 0251 11 34 96/025 1 11 33 40/0254 11 06 76 UL 'I ih,emt ~Dl

0254-110710/0251-124892 WATER IS LIFE FAX 025 111 49 87 [8l
Source: GROUND WATER WELL Client: Somali Region
Contractor: Tandad Water Well Drilling Pie
Area: Towlane, Dagahbur, Ethiopia. Well ID: BH# /2 4
Type of water sample (Treated/ un): Untreated
Date of sampling: 28/08/2021
Date of Analysis: 09/08/2021
Physical parameters ..
Max Pennissible cone.
No Tests Unit Tests Result WHO National Standard
l Conductivity Us/cm 3371 3552
2 Turbidity FTU 2.91 5
3 TDS 1676 1000 1776
4 pH " 7.27 6.5-8.5 The same
5 Temperature oc 27.6 Non
Chemical parameters
6 Total hardness Mg/I 677 300 AP 392
7 Calcium " 78 75
8 Calcium hardness 194 187 187
9 Magnesium " 115 50
10 Magnesium hardness 205 483 205
11 Iron 0.019 " 0.4 0.3AP
12 Potassium " 4.7 1.5
13 Fluoride " 0.012 .J 1.5 D
14 Sulphate " 0.93 483 250
15 Chloride " 170 533 250
16 Sodium " 110 358 200
17 Sodium chloride " 280
18 Nitrite N 0.65
NO2 2.15 3.0 D 6.0
19 Nitrate N 8.44
NO3 37.14 50 D 50.0
20 Ammonia N 0.85 1.0
NH3 1.02 1.5
21 Total alkalinity as CaCO3 " 270
22 Bicarbonate as HCQ3· " 329
23 Carbonate as CO3 -2 170
Note: The water sample was taken and brought to the laboratory by the project Managers' Agent. As described in the above
table the water sample physiochemical analysis confonns National Standards, therefore; the water sample was determined to
be palatable after disinfection.

By: Mussea Kaleel (DDWSS~C Chent

Maximum permissible leve l: a rcqu1rcmc:n1 lcv..-1 whose nPn· I
~ v,"O~ ,,.,. fulfillm,·111 would disqualify the wat<:r li 1 r drinking aml
Signature: ........ ~ . . . ~-~"-t' ~ domestic us,· becaus.- of its prnbabk ha,ard for ht:alth. >
st-,. ~!;'C, ....,1.~
..-.., S· . c. 11:- ~~'( Palatable water: Mlkr that is sak lo drink, pk:mml l(> taste. i·
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'JI 0251( 11 34\/6/0251 11 33 40/0254 11 06'7{f:~:~ ,• ~T )Ill
0254-l 10710/0251-124892 - ER IS LIFE FAX 025 111 49 87 i8j
(JJ.'/'i lj:il if 'lt\llAITI')
Water Supply and Sewerage Authority


Source: GROUND WATER WELL Client: Somali Region
Contractor: Tandad Water Well Drilling Pie
Area: Towlane, Dagahbur, Ethiopia. Well ID: BH# /35
Type of water sample (Treated/ un): Untreated
Date of sampling: 15/11/2021
Date of Analysis: 19/11/2021
Phvsical oarameters
Max Permissible cone.
No Tests Unit Tests Result WHO National Standard
I Conductivity Us/cm 1837 3552
2 Turbidity FTU 0.83 5
3 IDS 923 1000 1776
4 pH " 7.81 6.5-8.5 The same
5 Temperature OC 31.9 Non
Chemical parameters
6 Total hardness Mg/I 511 300AP 392
7 Calcium " 75 75
8 Calcium hardness 187 187 187
9 Magnesium " 92 50
10 Magnesium hardness 377.2 205 205
11 Iron " 0.09 0.4 0.3AP
12 Potassium " 6.2 1.5
13 Fluoride " 2.98 ..,,, 1.5 D
14 Sulphate " 210 483 250
15 Chloride " 175 533 250
16 Sodium " 113.75 358 200
17 Sodium chloride " 288.75
I 18 Nitrite N Trace
NO2 Trace 3.0D 6.0
19 Nitrate N 6.8
NO3 29.92 50D 50.0
20 Ammonia N 0.67 1.0
NH3 0.8 1.5
21 Total alkalinity as CaCO3 " 340 200
22 Bicarbonate as HCO3- " 415
23 Carbonate as CO3-2 190
Note: The water sample was taken and brought to the laboratory by the project Managers' Agept. As described in the above
table the water sample physiochemical analysis conforms National Standards, therefore; the water sample was determined to
be palatable after disinfection . .
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Maximum permissible level: a rcquirl'mcnt kvcl wh<,,c 11011-
fulfillmclll would disqualifi· the water for drinking and
dnmc,tii: us;,; because of ib probable hazard for health.

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• 0251 11 34 96/0251 11 33 40/0254 11 06 76 · ... 111.11 ih.emt )m,
0254-110710/0251-124892 WATER IS LIFE FAX 025 111 49 87 ~


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