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It’s time to go

It’s time to…: Phrase card 是时候做…

Example & sentence

What can you see in the cover?

Pg 1 – 2

Monday: First day of the week

Can you tell me the seven days of the week?

Which day is it today?

What days do you go to school? Not go to school?

Leave: go away from

Ask using animal rubbers

…in…: Phrase card 在…(多长时间以后)要…(做什么事情)

Examples & sentences

Will…: Phrase card 会…

New tense, future tense, talking about something in the future


Late: after the expected, proper, or usual time


Lost: unable to be found 找不到

Have you lost something before?

What is it?

Lego: a type of toy

Do you have legos?

Like playing with it?

What do you make with lego?

Pirate: a person who attacks and robs ships at sea

Without: in the absence of… 没有


What time is it?

When are they leaving?

Why do they need to leave in 10 minutes?

What did Dan lose?

What does Dad say?

Pg 3 – 4

Rabbit: What feature in the rabbit is really long?

What does it eat?

Fav animal?

Find: discover after a deliberate search

Difference between find and look for

Test using examples

Phone: a telephone

What do we use a phone to do?

Do you like to play on phone?

What do you play on phone?

Pocket: a small bag sewn on clothing used to carry small objects 口袋 兜子

What clothes normally has pockets?

Does your clothes normally have pockets?

What do you normally put in your pockets?

What did Sophie lose?

Where’s her rabbit not in?

What can’t mum find?

Where was her phone?

Pg 5 – 6

Look: 2 meanings

See or Try to find?

Bag: a container used for carrying things

What do you normally put in your bag?

Maybe: Perhaps; possibly


Here: in, at, or to this place or position

…is here: Phrase card …在这里


What can’t mum go without?

Where does Sophie look?

What does Sophie find in the bag?

Pg 7 – 8

Sitting room: a room in the house

What room is next to your sitting room?

What furnitures are in your sitting room?

What do you do in the sitting room?

Come on: Phrase card 快点


Everyone: all the people 所有人 大家


Where does Sophie run to?

What does Dad tell everyone to do?


What does Sophie find?

Pg 9 – 10


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