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Eastern Public School

Summer-Holiday Homework 2023-24

Grade 6

1. Based on your understanding of the story, write a detailed character analysis of 'Mr.
Otis and Lord Canterville (ghost)
2. Describe a scene in your own words from the story.
3. Describe the following based on your reading
a) the Setting and plot of the story, timeline
b)What is the theme of the story
4. What do you learn from the story, or what conclusions can you draw? Elaborate.
5. Write a summary of the story in 200-250 words.


‫سبق ۔حمد اور شجرکاری کےسوال و‬

‫الفاظ و معنی اورقواعد کاپی میں لکھ کر‬،‫جواب‬
‫ صفحات نقل کریں۔‬۱۰ ‫الئیں ۔‬

निम्ननिखित निषय ों पर प्रनतनिि एक पृ ष्ठ का पठि एिों आधा पृ ष्ठ िे िि कायय करिाI
(समाज एिों पररिार, हमारे जीिि का महत्त्व, निध्यािय, मिु ष्य का शरीर, बििते
म सम, महापु रुष, प्राणी )
Global Perspectives (GP)

Dear Students
Holiday is the time we all eagerly wait for. This summer vacation the holiday homework is
designed to achieve the motto of “Fun and Learn.” The activity based assignment will foster
curiosity, develop creativity, enhance knowledge and instill the joy of learning among you all.
This will certainly help you
discover a new you who is more enriched and confident and performs every action to
perfection.Be a wonderful Human Being: keep in mind ISP-Learner profiles.

● Neatness and presentation are common parameters for the activities assigned. Please
maintain the quality of work done.
● Complete and submit the holiday homework on 19thJune, 2023. Note down the date
carefully as late submission after this date is not acceptable and you will be losing the
marks/grades for the same if you miss the date.
● Make sure that the syllabus done till April must be revised thoroughly as it will help you to
retain and adjust after the long break.
● Read newspapers daily and stay updated with current affairs.
● Activity 1 and 2 has to be done in your GP Journal.

Activity 1: Interview
Students have to interview someone in their community who has faced barriers to education,
such as someone who has immigrated to a new country, a person with a learning disability, or
someone who has experienced homelessness. Ask the students to write a summary of the
interview and reflect on what they learned about the importance of education for all.

Activity 2: Poster Making

Create a poster or infographic on the topic of education inequality around the world. You can
include statistics and information on which countries have the highest rates of illiteracy, how
poverty affects access to education, and what can be done to address these issues.

Activity 3: Timeline

Research the history of artificial intelligence and create a timeline on A3 size sheet highlighting
important developments in the field. You can include information on early AI research, the
development of machine learning, and recent advancements in AI technology.

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