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NAME: Luis David Guerra Alvarado

CALUSAC CARD: 2100028594

NAME: Luis David Guerra Alvarado
CALUSAC CARD: 2100028594

My Plan:
My brothers and I want to organize an elegant dinner for the 25th anniversary of my
parents. For this event we are going to invite all my family and my parent's friends
that are important to them. I need to send the invitations and the agenda to all the
For this event it's important to have the projector set up and the sound works well to
play it the video and I also need a microphone too to give the speech that we made
for my parents but to get this ready I will need help and I think my brothers could
help me with all these things because they know how to set up the projector and the
We need to decorate the whole place according to the event so my brothers who will
be my assistant will help me with all these things because they are good at
organizing and decorating but i will ask my other family for help to decorate all the
place because it is a big place and only me and my brothers it's not enough to do
I hope that everything goes well from the beginning to the end of the event because
it is important for my brothers and I, but it is even more important for my parents.

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