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Analysis- Lesson 1 - Main activity

Topic- Influence of culture on food choices

Key points -
● Food choices are strongly influenced by the cul- ture of one's community and country, or what is
known as 'food culture'. Food culture is created by a long tradition involving local food products, en-
vironment, climate, lifestyle, religion and related events.
● Food culture is changing, because people are changing—their values, priorities, and perceptions.
● For example, to Hindus the cow is a sacred animal and so beef, to them, is not a food. Jews have
religious laws forbidding them to eat pork and shellfish, so these are also not viewed as food. These
examples illustrate how culture influences food preference.
● Nations or countries are frequently associated with certain foods.
● Food items themselves have meaning attached to them.
● Regional food habits do exist, but they also change over time. As people immigrate, food practices
and preferences are imported and exported. Families move to other locations, bringing their food
preferences with them

Question 1
a. What is the sub topic about?
➔ The sub topic is about the “influence of culture on food choices”

b. Why do you think the sub topic might be of national/local

importance ?
➔ Influence of culture on food choices has a big importance at national
as well as international level. Cultural influences lead to the
difference in the habitual consumption of certain foods and in
traditions of preparation, and in certain cases can lead to restrictions
such as exclusion of meat and milk from the diet around the world.

c. Why do you think the sub topic might be a global issue ?

➔ The cultural influence on food choices is a global issue as The term
"cultural food choices" refers to the material factors that contribute
to the development of particular dietary patterns within a given
geographic area or social group. Material factors include the food
production systems that grow, transport, and distribute food, the
financial resources needed to purchase food, as well as meal
preparation (purchasing, cooking, and storing food) and the location
of eating.

d. What are your Group’s views about the topic?

➔ My group strongly believes that Food choices are strongly influenced

by the cul- ture of one's community and country, or what is known as
'food culture'. The areas in which families live— and where their
ancestors originated—influence food likes and dislikes. These food
preferences result in patterns of food choices within a cultural or
regional group.

d. Why did you choose this sub-topic?

➔ I chose this sub topic because I found it interesting to learn and

research about it. Culture does influence the food choices of the
people and People from different cultural backgrounds eat different
foods. The ingredients, methods of preparation, preservation
techniques, and types of food eaten at different meals vary among
cultures. The areas in which families live— and where their ancestors
originated—influence food likes and dislikes. These food preferences
result in patterns of food choices within a cultural or regional group.

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