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Muara Tawar CCPP Block 2, 3, & 4 Add-on Project Contract No; 0125.PJ/DAN.02.


Meeting Agenda

Muara Tawar Combined Cycle Power Plant Block 2, 3 & 4 Add-on Project
Contract No. 0125.PJ/DAN.02.01/DIR2017

Minutes of Meeting for WBS for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Erection


Date 09th November 2022

Time 09.00 – Finished

Place Consultant's Site Office Meeting Room

Participants PJB Owner PT Hutama Karya

Reconsult /PLNE

I. Background
1. Refers to:
a) Contractor’s letter No. MRT-HK-PJB-LC-221633 dated November 29 th,
2022, the Contractor proposes that the Contractor needs to change the
weight of the erection phase which has been agreed upon previously. a
change to the method of calculating the physical progress of the Civil,
Mechanical and Electrical Erection and Commissioning Works for payments
b) Owner's letter No. EA0438123 dated December 7 th, 2022, the Owner
express their response that basically Owner will agreed with proposal
contractor as one effort to support the contractor to accelerate the progress
of the works.
II. Discussion
1. Owner considered and will agree with proposal contractor to change to the
method of calculating the physical progress of the Civil, Mechanical and Electrical
Erection and Commissioning Works for payments as follows:
Erection Phase
Initial WBS Contractor
Method Proposal
On Base 30% 60%
Levelling 30% 30%
Centering 30% 4%
Bolt Tightening 5% 3%
TOP 5% 3%
Total 100% 100%

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2. These changes of method as per point II.1 above will apply for calculating
progress of December 2022.
3. Changes in the weight of the erection stage will have effect on owner payments
and contractor cash in.
4. Based on the point no. II.1 above, the Owner also emphasized need the
commitment for Hutama Karya’s management for the to utilize use of payment
from the Owner used to support the sustainability and acceleration of the Muara
Tawar Add On Project (Muara Tawar) not for another Hutama Karya’s project.
5. The Contractor explains will do the best that cashflow of this project is already on
minus condition, and Contractor already do the best to continue the work and
close the minus of cash flow from other source of income (other project, Bank,
etc.) which is manage by head office management. Anyhow, based on latest
High-Level Management, that Contractor tries to finish the Muara Tawar Add On
Project as per the result of High Level Management Meeting that achieve COD
block #2 will achieve at 2022 and COD Blok 3 & 4 will achieve at 2023.
6. Table comparison
 Initial WBS method

Erection Phase
On base 30%
Levelling 30%
Centering 30%
Bolt Tightening 5%
TOP 5%

 Contractor Proposal

On base 60%
Levelling 30%
Centering 4%
Bolt Tightening 3%
TOP 3%

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All parties agreed to the contractor proposal to support the sustainability and
acceleration of the project.


PJB Div. Konstruksi Reconsult / PLNE HUTAMA KARYA
dan PMO

Hermono Dwi G. Ody Anjar Bambang Subariyatno Hari Cahyono

Construction Control Manager of UPP-1 Project Director Project Manager

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