Lack of Parental Guidance - Brian Jomes Portfolio

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Brian Jomes Portfolio

H ome Science English

Hardship. Pain. Anger. This is what teens feel every day with not having parents in their lives. When teens do not have parents in
their lives it causes problems for them in many ways. Lack of parental guidance means when parents are not in the child's life.The
lack of parental guidance affects the life of many teens in the U.S.

Help in school is one the most important things a child need in their lives. “Eighty six percent of the general public believes that
support from parents is the most important way to improve the schools”(Michigan Education). Having help from parents is very
important in the schools and at home. Teens need you in the early years so they know the difference between right and wrong.  “Of
course, parents can't know everything their children are doing or be with them at all times” (McHugh). Parents don’t know everything
that their parents do at school so they need they need to trust them for their actions.  Parents don’t have control over everything the
child does so they need to be able to trust them.  Not knowing the difference can affect you in many ways. Many kids in the U.S. have
no parents to go home to at night.

Lack of parental guidance is a big thing in the United states. Help from parents in school is very important. There are many thing that
can happen when you don’t have parents their. You can have an unexpected pregnancy or get yourself into bad situations.Because
you will know that the is not something you want to get into a such a young age. “Dawn Ravenell, a 13-year-old girl from Queens, New
York, died tragically in 1985 after undergoing a legal abortion”(Brown). This is what can happen if you make the wrong choices. Lack
of parenting can be a bad thing for your future. You can get lead down the right path and start hanging out with the wrong people.
Knowing the right time to step in as a parent and stop bad things from happening is very important.

Knowing the things that can happen to your child you need to know why it is very important to be there with you child in their
childhood. “The earlier in a child’s educational process parent involvement begins, the more powerful the effects” (What Research
Says”). Because you can lead them down the right path in life at an early age.

Why is it important to be in your childs life? How can you get more involved in your childs life? “You must be involved in your child's
life to a certain extent because he relies on you to feed and clothe him, as well as to provide shelter. Of course, almost all parents want
to spend quality time with their child, as well. Beyond being enjoyable for both of you, parental involvement is crucial to your child's
development. Parental involvement has certain benefits while your child is young, but it will benefit has he grows up and makes a life
of his own, too” (Ipatenco). Becoming involved in your child's school life is a powerful way to encourage educational success. Because
you need to teach them about life and what  they need to do to be successful in life.  You need to be involved so the kid isn’t one of the
children living without parental support. Being there in the early years of the child's development is imported for you and the child.  

There are many children and teens that are affected by lack of parental guidance. It can affect the child in many ways physically and
emotionally. It is very important that parents are involved in their lives to help them grow up to be a good person.
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