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Reprod Dom Anim 43 (Suppl. 2), 40–47 (2008); doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2008.01141.

ISSN 0936-6768

Seasonality of Reproduction in Mammals: Intimate Regulatory Mechanisms and

Practical Implications
P Chemineau, D Guillaume, M Migaud, JC Thiéry, MT Pellicer-Rubio and B Malpaux
UMR Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, INRA, CNRS, Universite´ F. Rabelais, Haras Nationaux, Nouzilly, France

Contents causing significant changes to the market price of lamb

Farm mammals generally express seasonal variations in their meat.
production traits, thus inducing changing availability of fresh In the equine species, the odds ratio for a mare to be
derived animal products (meat, milk and cheese) or perfor- pregnant at the end of the year, relative to the month of
mances (horses). This is due to a more or less marked seasonal first mating, is approximately 1.4 from January to April,
birth distribution in sheep and goats, in horses but not cattle. while it falls to approximately 0.5 after June. Very early
Birth peak occurs at the end of winter-early spring, the most mating (January–February), however, did not totally
favourable period for the progeny to survive. Most species
valorize this advantage because many mares were not
show seasonal variations in their ovulation frequency (pres-
ence or absence of ovulation), spermatogenic activity (from spontaneously in oestrus at this time (see below).
moderate decrease to complete absence of sperm production), Autumn mating was rare and lead to poor reproductive
gamete quality (variations in fertilization rates and embryo performances (Langlois and Blouin 2004). In the same
survival), and also sexual behaviour. The intimate mechanism species, in all the race and sport competitions, birth
involved is a complex combination of endogenous circannual month of the foal has a highly significant effect on its
rhythm driven and synchronized by light and melatonin. future sport performances estimated by financial gains
Profound and long-term neuroendocrine changes involving in adult horse. Annual earnings are higher for horses
different neuromediator systems were described to play a role born in January-February, than for those born from
in these processes. In most species artificial photoperiodic April to June (Langlois and Blouin 1997, 1998).
treatments consisting of extra-light during natural short days
Seasonality of animal product availability is the result
(in sheep and goats and mares) or melatonin during long days
(in sheep and goats) are extensively used to either adjust the of several intricate factors based on the underlying
breeding season to animal producer needs and ⁄ or to com- physiological mechanisms of the adaptation of farm
pletely overcome seasonal variations of sperm production in animals to local environmental conditions. This is due to
artificial insemination centres. Pure light treatments (without a more or less marked seasonal birth peak in sheep and
melatonin), especially when applied in open barns, could be goats, horses but not cattle, at the end of winter-early
considered as non-invasive ones which fully respect animal spring, the most favourable period for the progeny to
welfare. Genetic selection could be one of the future ways to survive (Fig. 2). We will focus here on the basic
decrease seasonality in sheep and goats. mechanisms involved in the seasonal variations of
reproductive activity, because it is one of the main
remaining constraints within some domestic animal
Products of Animal Origin are Seasonally populations.
Availability of animal products for human consumption
was probably seasonal for a long time before domesti- Gonadal Activity, Sexual Behaviour and
cation. Although domestication processes generally Littering Vary Seasonally
reduced seasonality of reproduction compared to what The frequency of ovulations and oestrous behaviour in
is observed in their wild counterparts, a majority of unmated Alpine and Saanen dairy goats, even when
animal-derived products remain accessible only season- maintained in excellent body condition, present a long
ally. Cycles of reproduction and production are them- period of sexual rest, the anoestrous season, as it varies
selves seasonal because domestic stock have inherited dramatically from 0 (March–September) to 100%
the characteristics of the natural populations from (October to January, Fig. 3; Chemineau et al. 1992).
which they originate (see below and Ortavant et al. Ile-de-France ewes show similar variations but isolated
1985; Bronson 1989). ovulations without associated behaviour are observed in
Under temperate climates, the quantity of lambs and some females during the anoestrous season (Thimonier
kids and the collection of sheep and goat milk greatly and Mauléon 1969). A majority of mares stop ovulating
vary throughout the year, which induces high variations from December to May (Palmer and Driancourt 1983).
in the price paid to producers and ⁄ or in the ability of In pony mares, duration of winter anovulatory season is
these different products to be processed by the food increased by undernutrition (Salazar-Ortiz 2006).
industry. For example, in France, goat milk production Dairy or beef cows, in contrast to sheep and goats,
is highly seasonal, ranging from over 30 millions litres in when not mated, do not stop ovulatory activity. This
May to approximately 10 millions in November indicates that they are potentially able to breed all the
(Fig. 1). This induces large variations in prices paid to year round. However, the presence of a calf (if calving in
the producer (53%). Similarly, monthly mean produc- winter), undernutrition and photoperiodic rhythm, syn-
tion of lambs is low in October and high in April, ergistically combine to induce a seasonal pattern of the

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

Seasonality of Reproduction in Mammals 41

40 0.61 100
Harvest (106 liters) Ovulations

% females showing at least one ovulation/

Price (Euros/liter) Oestrus


30 0.53

oestrus per month


20 0.46 40

10 0.38
Harvest 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Oct. Feb. Oct. Feb. Oct. Feb.
0 0.30
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D Months

Fig. 1. Seasonal variations in the harvest and farm price of goat milk Fig. 3. Seasonal variations of the occurrence of ovulations and
in France (year 1992; adapted from Chemineau et al. 1996) oestrous behaviour in Alpine goats (adapted from Chemineau et al.

post-partum ovulatory activity in beef cattle character- stallions also show seasonal variations in sexual behav-
ized by a limited period of time for ovulations (Ingrand iour and sperm quality, the lowest season being in
et al. 2003; Agabriel et al. 2004). winter and the highest in spring-summer (Magistrini
In rams and he-goats, although spermatogenic activ- et al. 1987).
ity and sexual behaviour do not stop, they deeply vary Within a given species, the various breeds may express
with season. In Soay rams, a primitive breed from North variable degrees of seasonality. For example, Soay and
Scotland, testicular size (which reflects spermatogenic Texel ewes are highly seasonal, while Merino and
activity), plasma FSH and testosterone concentrations Manchega ewes present more discrete expression of
as well as sexual ‘flush’ and aggressive behaviour reach seasonality (Hafez 1952; Santiago-Moreno et al. 2000).
their maximum between August and November, the Breeds raised in the Subtropics and in the Tropics
‘rut’ season in this breed (Lincoln 1979). Ile-de-France generally present a low seasonality or cycle all the year
rams show testicular weight and sperm production per round with no anovulatory period (Gonzalez-Stagnaro
testis (directly measured at its output) varying from less 1983; Khaldi 1984; Yenikoye 1984; Chemineau 1986;
than 200 g and 1 billion per day in March, to more than Mahieu et al. 1989; Arroyo et al. 2007). This is an
300 g and 5 billion per day in September, respectively interesting trait of these breeds for local farmers who
(Ortavant et al. 1985). Alpine bucks also display dra- can then organize the breeding season of their flock all
matic variations in sexual behaviour (0–1.5 matings in the year round, without expensive hormonal treatments.
10 min), sperm individual motility (2.5–3.5 over 5) and Unfortunately, a marked seasonality is expressed in
fertilizing ability (20%–70% of kiddings after AI) these breeds when subjected to the large photoperiodic
between the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods variations and temperate climates of northern countries
(Delgadillo et al. 1992). In this last breed, changes in (Chemineau et al. 2004), preventing the possible use of
ejaculate volume and sperm concentration occur sea- these breeds in flocks under temperate latitude. How-
sonally, which, in this species showing a deleterious ever, in temperate breeds maintained under environ-
effect of seminal plasma on in vitro sperm survival, has mental conditions similar from which they originate,
important implications on semen technology. Finally, intra-breed variability also exists. Some reproductive

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Feral horse
Feral cattle
Goat Breeding season

Texel sheep
Soay sheep
Mouflon Birth season

Californian mountain sheep

Alaska mountain sheep
Fig. 2. Timing of the annual
reproductive cycle of some sea- Wild pig
sonal breeders. Breeding season is Mink
indicated as a grey box and deliv-
ering season as a black box J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
(adapted from Ortavant et al.
1985) Months

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

42 P Chemineau, D Guillaume, M Migaud, JC Thiéry, MT Pellicer-Rubio and B Malpaux

traits including the onset, offset and duration of the key-nucleus (Thiery et al. 1989, 1995), intermediate
breeding season were found heritable, therefore becom- between oestradiol binding cells and LHRH neurons
ing candidates for genetic selection (Ricordeau 1982; of the pre-optic area. Interestingly, these cells are
Quirke et al. 1986; Hanrahan 1987; Smith et al. 1992; located in dual sites, the retrochiasmatic hypothalamus
Al-Shorepy and Notter 1997). Indirect traits such as the itself (Gallegos-Sánchez et al. 1997) and the ventral pre-
presence or absence of ovulatory activity in spring, a optic area (Anderson et al. 2001).
trait found heritable in Merino ewes (Hanocq et al. In ewes, thyroid hormone T4 needs to be present at a
1999) could be used for genetic selection. constantly low plasma level (Billings et al. 2002) and
probably acts in the pre-mammillary area of the
posterior hypothalamus for its effect. Seasonal plastic-
Neuroendocrine Mechanisms and Combination ity, identified by changes in PSA-NCAM, has been
of Endogenous Circannual Rhythms with the demonstrated in the LHRH neurones (Lehman et al.
Entraining Effects of Photoperiodic Variations 2002). Concurrent seasonal changes identified by syn-
are Responsible for Seasonality apsin expression have been shown in the A15 nucleus,
Numerous experiments were done, mainly in sheep to this latter plasticity depending upon thyroid hormone
identify which are the neuroendocrine mechanisms (Adams et al. 2006). Similarly, changes in the expression
involved in seasonality of reproduction. A spontaneous and binding capacity of serotonergic receptor 5HT2A
seasonal change in the negative feedback (FB) potency were observed in association with pulsatile LHRH
of gonadal steroids (strong FB in anoestrous season) activity (Le Corre et al. 1994; Chemineau et al. 2003).
was identified as one of the first key-elements of the Within a given specific species or breed, the breeding
system (Pelletier and Ortavant 1975). Ovariectomized- season appears very stable from one year to another,
oestradiol implanted ewes show parallel changes in with stable dates of onset and offset of female ovulatory
plasma LH pulsatility and mean concentration with the activity and a period of maximum quantitative and
frequency of ovulations of ovary-intact ewes (high LH qualitative sperm production. This precise timing is due
pulsatility and mean concentration during the ovulatory to complex mechanisms which allow animals to ‘locate’
season vs low LH pulsatility and mean concentration their breeding season over the year and express their
during the anoestrus season; Fig. 4; Legan and Karsch sexual activity at the right time, synchronously between
1980; Karsch et al. 1984). These changes originated sexes and with external environmental factors. In these
quasi exclusively from changes in LHRH pulsatility at seasonal mammals, similarly to the circadian ‘clock’ (i.e.
the brain level (Barrell et al. 2000), which makes the with a free-running period close to 24 h which generates
frequency of LHRH release in the portal system as the endogenous circadian rhythms), a circannual ‘rhythm’,
essential message sent by the brain to seasonally control endogenous to animals, is likely to generate alternate
the whole pituitary–gonadal axis. Seasonal changes in periods of sexual activity with periods of sexual rest
the steroid transport from the periphery to the brain via throughout the year. These alternate periods can be
changes in the blood-brain barrier potency could be experimentally observed when animals are kept under
responsible for a part of the mechanism (Thiery and artificial constant photoperiodic regimens (constant
Malpaux 2003; Thiery et al. 2006), but the main part of short days, for example), over at least two consecutive
the phenomenon probably takes place in various specific years (Jansen and Jackson 1993; Malpaux et al. 2001;
hypothalamic areas bearing identified or putative oes- Malpaux 2006). Hamsters and sheep are the two
tradiol receptors. The Dopaminergic (DA) A15 nucleus experimental models that have contributed to a better
of the retrochiasmatic hypothalamus is probably a understanding of the endogenous rhythms governing


LH plasma concentration in Ovx ewes (n = 6)

LH plasma concentration in Ovx + E2

ewes (n = 6)

% Ewes cycling

Fig. 4. Seasonal variations in E2
% entire ewes cycling negative feedback potency on
(n = 14) plasma LH concentration in
E2 ovariectomized ewes bearing
(Ovx+E2) or not (Ovx) an estra-
diol implant and compared to the
Estradiol plasma concentration in Ovx + E2 ewes (n = 6) percentage of ovary-intact entire
ewes of the same breed (adapted
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct from Karsch et al. 1984)

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

Seasonality of Reproduction in Mammals 43

reproduction (Larkin et al. 2002; Lehman et al. 2002; photic signal into a chemical one by synthesizing and
Paul et al. 2008) or pelage moult (Paul et al. 2008). This secreting melatonin. Synthesized during the night by the
endogenous rhythm is timed, in ewes, by discrete signals pineal gland, it is thought that melatonin is delivered to
given by external changes in photoperiod (Barrell et al. the brain via the cerebrospinal fluid, and to peripheral
2000). However, the specific physiological mechanisms tissues by general circulation. To control reproductive
underlying this circannual system remain largely un- activity in sheep, melatonin acts on the pre-mammillary
known. hypothalamus where specific receptors transcripts are
The specific role of short days (SD) and long days expressed (Migaud et al. 2005) and the membrane
(LD) days in timing reproductive activity varies among receptor is present, which stimulates, approximately
species. In long-day breeders (i.e. animals which are 45 days after the onset of daily impregnation (Viguié
fully sexually active during LD) like horses, LD are et al. 1995), the pulsatile activity of LHRH-LH which in
stimulatory and SD inhibitory of sexual activity. In turn will drive gonadal and behavioural sexual activities
contrast, LD inhibit while SD stimulate sexual activity (review by Malpaux 2006; Malpaux et al. 2001). Exter-
in short-day breeders such as sheep and goats. However nal melatonin can be given to ‘mimic’ short days and has
in mammals subjected to a constant photoperiod, the been of practical use in sheep and goats to stimulate
daylength-specific effect is not permanent. Animals reproduction in spring. Details of the neuroendocrine
‘escape’ and become ’refractory’ to the prevailing pho- mechanisms responsible for the seasonal and light
toperiod: LD are no longer stimulatory in mares or control of LHRH pulsatility could not be discussed
inhibitory in sheep and goats, SD are no longer extensively here (see Malpaux 2006 for an extensive
inhibitory in mares or stimulatory in sheep and goats. review), especially what differs between short-day breed-
This refractoriness could conceptually be considered as ers (sheep and goats) and long-day breeders (horses and
merely the first step of the expression of the circannual hamsters) to explain their opposite change in LHRH
endogenous rhythm. It can be ‘broken’ by transferring neuron pulsatility to the same melatonin signal. How-
animals into the opposite photoperiod: refractoriness to ever, it is likely that the difference lies in the neural
SD, which occurs naturally in sheep in late winter, is network connecting hypothalamic melatonin receptor
broken by 2 months of exposure to LD in December– bearing cells and LHRH neurones, a network that is
January, allowing the efficiency of stimulatory SD to be also responsible for the long delay of action of melato-
restored. Thus, by subjecting animals to opposite nin on LHRH pulsatility (Viguié et al. 1995). For
photoperiods, it is possible to control seasonality of example, dopaminergic activity inhibits the LHRH
reproduction. This property is now commonly used in pulsatility at the end of the neural network during long
photoperiodic treatments applied on farms and ⁄ or in days in sheep (Thiery et al. 1989). Interestingly, dopa-
AI centres (see below). The definition of what is really mine from the median eminence is also correlated with
LD and SD is not straightforward: it is possible to the inhibition of gonadotropin release, which takes place
define a threshold of photosensitivity based on the under short days in these species (Steger et al. 1985;
number of light hours per day, under which LD are Glass et al. 1988).
stimulatory and below which SD are inhibitory (see Although molecular mechanisms underlying the cen-
reviews Chemineau et al. 1996 and Malpaux et al. tral control of gonadotrope system by melatonin still
1996). The ‘photoperiodic history’ of each individual constitute a ‘black box’, numerous experiments using
should also be taken into account. Thus, it is now only photoperiodic variations have lead to proposals to
commonly accepted that LD are days longer than the farmers and artificial insemination centres of specific
preceding ones, and that SD are days shorter than the light devices, which may be able to control seasonality
preceding ones. This property is interesting under field of reproduction of their animals.
conditions: following a period of artificial long days,
animals perceive SD even though natural daylength is
longer than 12 h of light per day. Another interesting Using Artificial Photoperiodic Treatments to
property can be used under farm conditions to apply Control Seasonality of Reproduction in Farm
long days: the illumination of a specific phase of the Animals
night, the so-called ‘photosensitive phase’, generally Photoperiodic treatments have been of practical interest
situated 14–16 h after dawn in sheep and 9.5 h after for controlling seasonal reproduction essentially in
dusk in mares, allows animals to perceive LD even sheep, goats and horses. Sheep and goat AI centres,
though real LD are not applied (see reviews of Malpaux equipped with dark housing, use alternate light regimes
et al. 1996; Chemineau et al. 1996 in sheep and goats, with 1 month LD and 1 month SD which allow
and Guillaume 1996 in mares). permanent high semen production in rams and bucks,
More generally, photoperiod, which entrains the with no seasonal variations in sperm quality. Currently,
endogenous circannual rhythms of reproduction, exerts in the French national genetic improvement scheme, all
its action through two different but complementary and bucks (approximately 70 per year) are permanently
dependent pathways by (1) adjusting the phases of treated with rapid alternation LD–SD, which increases
gonadal development with external natural conditions the AI dose production (+40%) per buck and per year
and (2) by synchronizing the reproductive period (Delgadillo et al. 1993) and reduces duration of the
between individuals of the same species. In mammals, breeding period of males (slaughtered after 18 months
all the photoperiodic input is perceived exclusively of production, or approximately 18 months earlier that
through the eyes then transmitted via a multi-synaptic those maintained under natural photoperiod). In other
pathway to the pineal gland, which transduces the AI centers which do not require all the year-round

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

44 P Chemineau, D Guillaume, M Migaud, JC Thiéry, MT Pellicer-Rubio and B Malpaux

production of semen doses, rams raised in open barns In ewes, a majority of out-of-season lambings are still
are subjected to 2–3 months extra ‘LD’ (from December obtained using ‘classical’ hormonal treatments (FGA
to February) followed either by return to natural sponges + eCG), but the frequency of utilization of
photoperiod, or by subcutaneous treatment with mela- melatonin implants to get out-of-season breeding is
tonin implants which mimics SD (‘SD’) (Fig. 5). This increasing, especially in Mediterranean countries. The
succession ‘LD’–‘SD’ stimulates semen output in quan- use of implants also increases fecundity: + 0.20
tity and quality in spring, thus mimicking the normal lamb ⁄ ewe treated ⁄ year has been almost always ob-
sexual season which itself normally lasts 2–3 months served, mainly due to increased proportions of twins
(Malpaux et al. 1995). rather than triplets (Chemineau et al. 1996).
In goat farms, (always in open barns), males and Photoperiodic treatments are also applied in mares to
females are subjected to the second type of treatment advance the annual breeding season and to provide foals
performed in AI centres (succession ‘LD’–‘SD’). This with a decisive age-related advance when competing
treatment should be associated with a ‘buck effect’ with their contemporaries born the same year (see
(introduction of treated bucks for 45 days, after 35–75 above). This is generally performed by exposing mares
‘SD’) in order to induce ovulations and oestrous to LD or pseudo LD during autumn and winter. Such
behaviour and to get high fertility rate. Under such treatments allow mares to be fertilized approximately
conditions, out-of-season fertility and prolificacy can be 2–3 months earlier than females kept under a natural
kept at high levels (>75% kidding rate with approxi- photoperiod (Guillaume 1996).
mately two kids per kidding) (Chemineau et al. 1996). Thus, photoperiodic treatments are now used in both
This type of treatment could be satisfactorily associated sexes of nearly all farm species to control seasonal
with AI on fixed-time basis with fertility results equiv- reproduction. Whatever the species, they use common
alent to ‘classical’ hormonal treatment with FGA properties of alternations between inhibitory and stim-
sponge and eCG (Pellicer-Rubio et al. 2007, 2008). ulatory photoperiods, where durations are adapted to
For local breeds in subtropical conditions where sea- the species and sex. When using pure light treatments
sonality is less marked than those raised under temper- (without melatonin), especially when applied in open
ate latitudes, the treatment of females is not necessary. barns, they could be considered as non-invasive which
When the LD treatment is applied only in bucks used fully respects animal welfare considerations. It is very
for the ‘buck-effect’, the percentages of ovulating probable that these photoperiodic treatments will be
females and their fertility after natural mating are high used more extensively in the future as livestock produc-
(Delgadillo et al. 2002, 2004). tion systems strive to be more sustainable.

(a) Light-proof buildings:

h 16

Dusk Progressive 8L

0 60 150 days
January March June

(b) 17
h 16

Short days

0 60 150 days
January March June

(c) 17
h 16


0 60 150 days
January March June
"Long days" "Short days"

(d) Open barns:

2nd period of suppl. light
Natural dusk


Natural light
12 or
8 1st period of suppl. light
Natural dawn
Fig. 5. Photoperiodic treatments
to control sexual activity in small
January February March April May June ruminants raised in closed (a–c) or
open (d) barns (adapted from
"Long days" "Short days" Chemineau et al. 1996)

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

Seasonality of Reproduction in Mammals 45

Conclusion implants de mélatonine et des traitements photopériodiques

pour maı̂triser la reproduction saisonnière chez les ovins et
The seasonality of animal products release is more the les caprins. Prod Anim 9, 45–60.
consequence of interactions between the natural Chemineau P, Daveau A, Pelletier J, Malpaux B, Karsch FJ,
endogenous rhythmicity of animals and environmental Viguie C, 2003: Changes in the 5-HT2A receptor system in
constraints than a deliberate choice of the farmer to the pre-mammillary hypothalamus of the ewe are related to
produce at a definite season. In most seasonal species regulation of LH pulsatile secretion by an endogenous
and breeds involved in these productions, specific circannual rhythm. BioMedCentral Neurosci 4, 1 (http://
photoperiodic treatments derived, at least in part,
from the cumulative knowledge of physiological mech- Chemineau P, Daveau A, Cognie Y, Aumont G, Chesneau D,
anisms involved in the control of the reproductive 2004: Seasonal ovulatory activity exists in tropical Creole
female goats and Black Belly ewes subjected to a temperate
function, have progressively been proposed to over- photoperiod. BioMedCentral Physiol 4, 12 (http://www.
come the problem raised by the seasonal availability of
reproduction-derived products. In mammals, such Delgadillo JA, Leboeuf B, Chemineau P, 1992: Abolition of
treatments should be taken as an interesting alternative seasonal variations in semen quality and maintenance of
to classical hormonal treatments in a general context sperm fertilizing ability by short photoperiodic cycles in
of reduction of hormonal utilization in more sustain- he-goats. Small Ruminant Res 9, 47–59.
able animal production systems. The existence of Delgadillo JA, Leboeuf B, Chemineau P, 1993: Maintenance
strong genetic bases for seasonality of reproductive of sperm production in bucks during a third year of short
activity in the main farm animal species should be photoperiodic cycles. Reprod Nutr Dev 33, 609–617.
further explored to propose selection criteria and ⁄ or Delgadillo JA, Flores JA, Veliz FG, Hernandez HF, Duarte G,
Vielma J, Poindron P, Chemineau P, Malpaux B, 2002:
gene markers accessible to primary breeder and pro- Induction of sexual activity in lactating anovulatory female
ducer organizations willing to reduce seasonality in goats using male goats treated only with artificially long
their flocks. days. J Anim Sci 80, 2780–2786.
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Seasonality of Reproduction in Mammals 47

secretion by melatonin in the ewe. I. Simultaneous delayed Conflict of interest: P Chemineau has received a research grant from
increase in LHRH and luteinizing hormone pulsatile secre- CEVA Animal Health and has no potential conflicts to declare.
tion. Biol Reprod 52, 1114–1120. J-C Thiéry has received a research grant from ‘‘Institut de Recherche
Yenikoye A, 1984: Annual variations in estrual behavior, rate Servier’’ and has no potential conflicts to declare.
D Guillaume has no potential conflicts to declare.
and possibilities for ovulation in Peulh ewes from Niger. M Migaud has received a research grant from ‘‘Institut de Recherche
Reprod Nutr Dev 24, 11–19. Servier’’ and has no potential conflicts to declare.
M-T Pellicer-Rubio has no potential conflicts-to declare.
Author’s address (for correspondence): P Chemineau, UMR Physiol- B Malpaux has received a research grant from ‘‘Institut de Recherche
ogie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, INRA, CNRS, Servier’’, from ‘‘CEVA Animal Health’’ and has no potential conflicts
Université F. Rabelais, Haras Nationaux, 37380 Nouzilly, France. to declare.

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

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