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Reprod Dom Anim 45 (Suppl. 3), 42–49 (2010); doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2010.01661.

ISSN 0936-6768

Neuroendocrine and Genetic Control of Seasonal Reproduction in Sheep and Goats

P Chemineau1, L Bodin2, M Migaud1, JC Thiéry1 and B Malpaux1
INRA, UMR Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, INRA, CNRS, Haras Nationaux, Univ. F. Rabelais, Nouzilly France; 2INRA,
Station d’Ame´lioration Ge´ne´tique des Animaux Castanet Tolosan Cedex, France

Contents here on the neuroendocrine mechanisms involved in the

Goats and sheep generally express seasonal variations in their seasonal variations of reproductive activity in sheep and
sexual behaviour, spermatogenic activity (from moderate goat species and on the genetic variability of this trait,
decrease to very low sperm production), gamete quality because genetic improvement for low seasonality opens
(variations in fertilization rates and embryo survival), ovula- new prospects for these species.
tion frequency (presence or absence of ovulation), and
ovulation rate (number of eggs shed per ovulation period).
This induces seasonal availability of derived, fresh animal Seasonality of Lambings and Kiddings is
products (meat, milk and cheese) because of a more or less Because of Changes in Gonadal Activity,
marked seasonal distribution of births. A complex combina-
tion of an endogenous circannual rhythm driven and synchro-
Controlled Centrally by GnRH Pulsatile
nized by light and melatonin, which controls the pulsatile Activity
activity of GnRH neurons in the preoptic-mediobasal hypo- In bucks and rams, although spermatogenic activity and
thalamus, is responsible for these changes. Dramatic and sexual behaviour never stop, they vary enormously with
long-term neuroendocrine changes, involving different neu- season. In Soay sheep, a primitive breed from North
romediator systems and neuronal plasticity, have been shown Scotland, plasma Folliculo-stimulating hormone (FSH),
to play a role in these processes. A strong variability between testosterone concentration, sexual ‘flush’, aggressive
breeds exists in both species regarding the dates of onset and
behaviour and testicular size (which reflects spermato-
end of the breeding season, with a gradient of seasonality from
southern to northern latitudes. Within a breed, seasonal traits genic activity), reach their maximum during the ‘rut’
are heritable; thus, genetic selection could be one way to season, i.e. between August and November (Lincoln
decrease seasonality in sheep and goats in the future. 1979). Sperm production per testis (directly measured at
its output) and testicular weight in Ile-de-France rams
vary from more than 5 billion per day and 300 g in
Introduction September, to <1 billion per day and 200 g in March,
Under temperate climates, the amount of milk in goats respectively (Ortavant et al. 1985). Sexual behaviour
and sheep and the number of kids or lambs vary greatly (1.5–0 mating in 10 min), individual sperm motility
throughout the year. This has dramatic consequences on (3.5–2.5 over 5) and fertilizing ability (70–20% of
the attractiveness of these different products to the food kiddings after AI) also vary dramatically in Alpine
processing industry and ⁄ or in the price paid to produc- bucks between the autumn–winter and spring–summer
ers. For example, in France, the mean monthly produc- periods (Delgadillo et al. 1992). In this breed, seasonal
tion of lambs is low in October and high in April, changes in ejaculate volume and sperm concentration
causing significant changes to the market price of lamb show a deleterious effect of seminal plasma on in vitro
meat. Similarly, goat milk production is highly seasonal, sperm survival have important implications for semen
ranging from over 20 million litres in November to technology.
approximately 50 million in May, in which more than Ovulations and oestrous behaviour in Chios and
halves the price paid to the producer in the winter Serres ewes (Avdi et al. 1993), as well as in Ile-de-France
months (Chemineau et al. 2007). This pattern is because ewes (Thimonier and Mauléon 1969) present a period of
of a more or less marked seasonal peak in births at the sexual rest during the anoestrous season even when
most favourable period for the progeny to survive in maintained in excellent body condition. Unmated
natural conditions, i.e. at the end of winter–early spring. Alpine and Saanen dairy goats show similar variations
Human consumption probably adapted to the seasonal (Chemineau et al. 1992). In some breeds, such as Ile-
availability of animal products for a long time before de-France and Prealpes ewes, isolated ovulations with-
domestication (Balasse et al. 2003, 2006). Although out any associated behaviour are observed in some
seasonality is generally reduced by domestication com- females during the anoestrous season (Thimonier and
pared to wild counterparts of the domestic farm species, Mauléon 1969). In prolific breeds, ovulation rate also
sheep- and goat-derived products generally remain acces- varies seasonally; this is the case of Chios ewes for which
sible seasonally. Even after a prolonged process of the ovulation rate is higher during the breeding season
domestication, domestic stocks still show the character- than during the anestrus season (4.0 vs 2.0, respectively;
istics of the natural populations from which they origi- Fig. 1; Avdi et al. 1993).
nated, and cycles of reproduction and production remain The seasonal changes in breeding activity originate
seasonal (Ortavant et al. 1985; Bronson 1989). almost exclusively from changes in luteinizing hormone
Because it is one of the main remaining constraints (LH) and FSH secretions from the pituitary, which is
within some domestic animal populations, we will focus itself controlled by GnRH pulsatility at the brain-portal

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Seasonality of Reproduction in Small Ruminants 43

Photoperiod Synchronizes an Endogenous

4 Circannual Rhythm of Reproductive
Neuroendocrine Activity
It is known for a long time that long days (LD) inhibit
Ovulation rate

while short days (SD) stimulate sexual activity in short-

day breeders, such as sheep and goats. However, these
2 day length–specific effects are not permanent, and when
subjected to a constant photoperiod, animals become
‘refractory’, they ‘escape’ from the prevailing photope-
1 riod: LD are no longer inhibitory, SD are no longer
stimulatory. In goats and ewes, this refractoriness could
conceptually be considered as merely the first step of the
expression of the circannual endogenous rhythms. It can
be overcome (‘broken’) by transferring animals into the
opposing photoperiod: refractoriness to SD, which
Fig. 1. Seasonal variations in ovulation rate in Chios (closed circles) occurs naturally in sheep in late winter, is broken by
and Serres (open circles) ewes from Grece (from Avdi et al. 1993) 2 months of exposure to LD in December–January,
allowing the efficiency of stimulatory SD to be restored
(Jackson et al. 1988).
system ⁄ pituitary level (Barrell et al. 1992). The fre-
Thus, controlling the seasonality of reproduction is
quency of GnRH release in the portal system is the
possible by subjecting animals to opposing photoperiods.
essential message sent by the brain seasonally to control
This property is now commonly used in photoperiodic
the whole pituitary-gonadal axis.
treatments applied on farms or in AI centres (Chemineau
These seasonal changes in GnRH pulsatile activity are
et al. 2007). The definition of what is really LD and SD is
driven by photoperiod and melatonin, which acts to
not straightforward: it is possible to define a threshold of
synchronize the endogenous rhythm of reproduction.
photosensitivity based on the number of light hours per
The neuroendocrine mechanisms responsible for the
day, under which LD are stimulatory and below which
seasonal and luminous control of GnRH pulsatility
SD are inhibitory (see reviews Chemineau et al. 1996 and
were discussed extensively by Malpaux a few years
Malpaux et al. 1996). It is now commonly accepted that
ago (2006) and we will only give a brief overview of
LD are days longer than the preceding ones, and that SD
the principal mechanisms involved in the present
are days shorter than the preceding ones.
As previously explained, the breeding season for a
These mechanisms can be placed into four main
given breed is very stable from 1 year to another, with
groups closely interrelated with each other (Fig. 2):
fixed dates of onset and offset of female ovulatory
1. The photoperiodic drive of reproductive activity activity and a period of maximum quantitative and
which has been demonstrated by numerous and qualitative sperm production. This precise timing is
varied light-controlled experiments using inversion because of complex mechanisms that allow animals to
of the annual cycle, long day and short day regimens, ‘locate’ their breeding season over the year and express
acceleration of the annual frequency, medium-term their sexual activity at the right time, synchronously
maintenance in constant long and short photoperiods with external environmental factors and between sexes.
(which induce refractoriness) and illumination of In these seasonal mammals, similarly to the circadian
photosensitive phases. clock (i.e. with a free-running period close to 24 h that
2. The endogenous circannual rhythm of reproduc- generates endogenous circadian rhythms), a circannual
tive activity, whose existence was strongly suggested rhythm, endogenous to animals, is likely to generate
by the results of pinealectomy, or long-term main- alternate periods of sexual rest with periods of sexual
tenance in constant long and ⁄ or constant short activity throughout the year. These alternate periods can
photoperiods. This endogenous circannual rhythm be experimentally observed over at least two consecutive
is synchronized by discrete external light signals and years, when animals are kept under artificial constant
could either work on a clock basis or on an photoperiodic regimens (constant short days, for exam-
hourglass basis. ple, Jansen and Jackson 1993; Malpaux et al. 2001;
3. The neuroendocrine mechanisms of light action on Malpaux 2006; Gomez-Brunet et al. 2008). Sheep and
reproductive activity which have been demonstrated hamsters are the two experimental models that have
to be driven via pineal melatonin secretion in the contributed to a better understanding of the endogenous
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), its action on the pre- rhythms and refractoriness, which are essential mecha-
mammillary hypothalamus (PMH) probably via Mel- nisms governing seasonal reproduction (Larkin et al.
atonin receptor type 1 (MT1), and the cascade of 2002; Lehman et al. 2002; Paul et al. 2008) or pelage
events to GnRH control. moult (Paul et al. 2008).
4. The neuroendocrine mechanisms involved in the In ewes, this endogenous rhythm is timed by discrete
seasonal regulation of reproductive activity, strongly signals given by external changes in photoperiod (Barrell
associated with the mechanisms above, and which et al. 2000). However, the physiological mechanisms
were demonstrated to vary seasonally and control underlying this circannual system remain largely
GnRH pulsatile activity. unknown.

 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

44 P Chemineau, L Bodin, M Migaud, JC Thiéry and B Malpaux

Transduction Endogenous circannual
Light --> Endocrine rhtyhm:
(a) Pineal gland Message «box» Endogenous Pinealectomy
Photoperiodic drive: Eyes circannual
Inversion of annual cycle Permanent SD
Melatonin Clock «box»
Long days-short days Permanent LD
Clockor Discrete light driving
Frequency acceleration SCN
Hourglass ? Not connected to circadian
Refractoriness to SD and to LD
Photosensitive phases CSF Thyroid gland
PMH Brain

(c) DA
Neuroendocrine A15
mechanisms of GnRH drive
«box» Neuroendocrine mechanisms of
seasonal regulation:
Melatonin rhythm Nutritional regulation
GnRH drive
CSF route Plasticity of connexions
Changes in –ve FB of E2
Importance of PMH
KissPeptin Importance of A15 nucleus and DA
Melatonin receptors MT1
GPR54 Role of NA, DA and 5HT
GnRH control by melatonin
Brain plasticity
Permissive role of T4
Nutritional regulation
T4 window GnRH pulsatility
GnRH neurons «box» KissPeptin and GPR54
T4 acts in PMH
5HT and 5HT2A receptors
BBB and pineal gland BBB GnRH
Pituitary gland



Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the neuroendocrine control of seasonal reproductive activity in sheep and goats. The various mechanisms
were placed into four closely interacting groups (see text for more explanations). Groups (a) and (b) SD = short days, LD = long days; Group
(c) )ve FB of E2 = negative feed-back of estradiol, DA = Dopamine, NA = Noradrenalin, 5HT = Serotonin; Group (d) CSF = cerebro-
spinal fluid, PMH = Premamillary hypothalamus, MT1 = Melatonin receptor type 1, T4 = Thyroxine, 5HT = Serotonin, 5HT2A = Sero-
tonin receptor type 2A, BBB = Blood-brain-barrier, GPR54 = Kisspeptin receptor. Figure itself: SCN = Suprachiasmatic nuclei, A15 = A15
nucleus of the retrochiasmatic hypothalamus, E2 = Estradiol, LH = Luteinizing hormone, FSH = Folliculo-stimulating hormone

implants inserted within the PMH triggered GnRH-LH

Light is Transformed into a Nervous and then activity, while melatonin implants inserted within the
Hormonal Message, Melatonin Secretion, pars tuberalis of the pituitary (where a strong density of
Which Controls the Reproductive melatonin receptor is expressed in ewes as in a majority
Neuroendocrine Activity of mammals) did not (Malpaux et al. 1998). Melatonin
The photoperiodic input in mammals is perceived receptor MT1 transcripts can be detected (Migaud et al.
exclusively through the eyes, then transmitted via a 2005), and the membrane receptors are expressed in the
multi-synaptic pathway to the pineal gland, which Ile-de-France sheep PMH.
transduces the photic signal into a chemical. Approximately 45 days after the onset of daily
Peripheral blood melatonin concentrations are very melatonin impregnation (Viguié et al. 1995), these
repeatable within ewes, but very variable between ewes; receptors are likely to be involved in the stimulation of
this trait has a strong heritability, and is linked to pineal the pulsatile activity of GnRH which, in turn, will drive
size and weight (Chemineau et al. 2002). It is thought gonadal and behavioural sexual activities (review by
that melatonin is delivered to the peripheral tissues by Malpaux et al. 2001; Malpaux 2006). Whereas melato-
the systemic circulation and to the brain via the nin acts within the PMH to control GnRH-LH pulsatile
cerebrospinal fluid (Malpaux et al. 2001; Tricoire et al. activity, it operates within the pars tuberalis to control
2002). Thiery et al. (2009) have recently shown that the seasonal prolactin secretion. In the pars tuberalis,
turnover rate of CSF in ewes changes according to the melatonin stimulates a complex signalling pathway
light–dark cycle; it is increased during short days and which involves different ‘clock’ genes (Lincoln 2002;
reduced in long days, thus this phenomenon could Hazlerigg et al. 2004; Hanon et al. 2008).
account for differences in hormonal concentrations in The neural network connecting hypothalamic mela-
the CSF, and could to some extent affect the melaton- tonin receptor bearing cells of the PMH and GnRH
ergic message to the responsive sites within the brain. neurons is probably very complex and could also be
To control reproductive activity, and especially responsible for the long delay in the action of melatonin
GnRH pulsatile activity in sheep, melatonin acts on on GnRH pulsatility (Viguié et al. 1995). In sheep,
the PMH. It was clearly demonstrated that melatonin dopaminergic activity inhibits the GnRH pulsatility

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Seasonality of Reproduction in Small Ruminants 45

probably at the end of the network, in the median located in dual sites, the retrochiasmatic hypothalamus
eminence (Thiery et al. 1989; Viguie et al. 1997), itself (Gallegos-Sánchez et al. 1997) and the ventral
through D2 receptors (Bertrand et al. 1999). Interest- preoptic area (Anderson et al. 2001). Within the A15
ingly, in hamsters, dopamine from the median eminence nucleus, DA neurons are contacted by glutamatergic
is also correlated with the inhibition of gonadotropin terminals, and the number of close contacts is signif-
release (Steger et al. 1985; Glass et al. 1988). icantly higher in anoestrus than during the breeding
Pelletier and Ortavant (1975) identified a spontaneous season (Singh et al. 2009).
seasonal change in the negative feedback (FB) potency In ewes, seasonal plasticity, identified by changes in
of gonadal steroids (strong FB in anoestrus season) as Poly-Sialated Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (PSA-
one of the key elements of the system. Changes in NCAM), has been demonstrated. The expression of
plasma LH pulsatility and mean concentration, which PSA-NCAM immunoreactivity associated with GnRH
are parallel to the expression of ovulations in ovary- neurons was significantly greater during the breeding
intact ewes, are observed in ovariectomized, estradiol season than that during the anestrus season, in the
implanted ewes (low LH pulsatility and low LH medium preoptic area, around the periphery of GnRH cell
concentration during the anoestrus season vs high LH bodies (Viguié et al. 2001; Lehman et al. 2002). Con-
pulsatility and high LH medium concentration during current seasonal changes identified by synapsin expres-
the ovulatory season; Legan and Karsch 1980; Karsch sion have been shown in the A15 nucleus, this latter
et al. 1984). Seasonal changes in the steroid transport plasticity depending upon thyroid hormone (Adams
from the periphery to the brain via changes in the et al. 2006). Similarly, increases in the expression and
blood–brain barrier permeability could be responsible binding capacity of serotoninergic receptor 5HT2A in
for a part of the mechanism (Thiery and Malpaux 2003; the PMH were observed in association with high
Thiery et al. 2006), but the main part of the phenom- pulsatile LH activity during active phases of refractory
enon probably takes place in various specific hypotha- states compared to inactive phases (Le Corre et al. 1994;
lamic areas bearing identified or putative estradiol Chemineau et al. 2003; Fig. 3).
receptors. The dopaminergic (DA) A15 nucleus of the Thyroxine or T4 plays a permissive role and needs to
retrochiasmatic hypothalamus is probably a key-nucleus be present at a constantly low plasma level during
in the network between estradiol binding cells and seasonal transitions (Dahl et al. 1995; Billings et al.
GnRH neurons of the preoptic area (Thiery et al. 1989, 2002); it acts centrally in the ewe brain (Viguié et al.
1995). Interestingly, these estradiol binding cells are 1999).

Plasma LH (ng/ml)

3H-Ketanserin binding (fmol/mg of protein)
5HT2A receptor mRNA (grains/neuron)

20 30

1 (p < 0.01) (p < 0.05)

1 2 3 4


100 20
1 2 3 4
Plasma LH (ng/ml)

10 mRNA Ket binding

Jul Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar June

1996 1997 1998

Fig. 3. 5HT2A receptor gene expression (mRNA) and 5HT2A protein binding (Ket binding) in two phases of the endogenous circannual rhythm
(top: high LH pulsatility and high mean LH plasma concentrations vs low LH pulsatility and low mean LH plasma concentrations) in ovx + E2
pinealectomized Suffolk ewes (from Chemineau et al. 2003)

 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

46 P Chemineau, L Bodin, M Migaud, JC Thiéry and B Malpaux

More recently, the stimulatory role of kisspeptin and season were found repeatable and heritable, and are
its receptor GPR54 was shown in the seasonal (Clarke therefore candidate traits for genetic selection (Ricordeau
et al. 2009; Smith et al. 2009) and photoperiodic (Chali- 1982; Quirke et al. 1986; Hanrahan 1987; Smith et al.
voix et al. 2010) control of GnRH ⁄ LH pulsatility, 1992). Out-of-season fertility was also shown to be a trait
suggesting that this couple plays a key role for the which can be used for successful divergent selection (Al-
stimulation of pulsatility and that kisspeptin neurons Shorepy and Notter 1997; Notter 2008). To avoid the
themselves are subjected to seasonal and photoperiodic deleterious effects of selecting experimentally against
control. fertility (which is difficult for flock renewal), indirect traits
such as the presence of spontaneous ovulatory activity in
early spring, which probably indicates a longer breeding
Inter- and Intra-breed Variability Indicates the season and is linked to potential fertility, was found to be
Existence of a Genetic Control of Reproductive heritable in Merino ewes (Hanocq et al. 1999) and could
Seasonality be used in selection. In this breed, divergent selection on
Among sheep and goat species, variable degrees of this trait is feasible (Teyssier et al. 2002). Such lines could
seasonality are expressed by the various breeds. For be used in the future to explore in more detail the intimate
example, Merino and Manchega ewes (Santiago- mechanisms by which seasonal breeds control their
Moreno et al. 2000) as well as Chios ewes (Avdi et al. annual reproductive ability and the genes involved in this
1993), present moderate expression of seasonality, while control.
Soay and Texel ewes are highly seasonal (Hafez 1952). Unfortunately, the results for the neuroendocrine
In the tropics, local breeds generally present a very low mechanisms which were investigated to explain this
seasonality, or cycle all the year round with no anovu- genetic variability in the characteristics of the breeding
latory period (Gonzalez-Stagnaro 1983; Khaldi 1984; season were relatively disappointing. As stated earlier,
Yenikoye 1984; Chemineau 1986; Mahieu et al. 1989; plasma melatonin concentration has a strong heritability
Arroyo et al. 2007). Farmers in the tropics are interested and is linked to pineal size and weight (Chemineau et al.
by this low seasonality as they can then organize the 2002). Selection for out-of-season fertility was demon-
breeding season of their flock all the year round, without strated to be associated with a decrease in nocturnal
expensive hormonal treatments. Unfortunately, when melatonin plasma concentration, which may suggest a
subjected to the large photoperiodic variations and link between nocturnal melatonin amplitude and sea-
temperate climates of northern countries, a marked sonality (Notter and Chemineau 2001). However, prob-
seasonality is expressed in these breeds (Chemineau ably because the melatonin signal from the pineal gland
et al. 2004; Fig. 4). This prevents their possible practical to the PMH is transduced via direct liberation into the
use in flocks under temperate latitude and also impairs CSF and not via the general circulation (Tricoire et al.
their experimental use to explore the mechanisms 2002), this genetic variability in melatonin secretion is
involved in the genetic control of seasonality of breeding not linked to the variability in either the onset or the
activity under temperate latitudes. offset of the breeding season (Zarazaga et al. 2003). The
Intra-breed variability also exists in temperate breeds demonstration of a significant relationship between
maintained under environmental conditions similar intensity of anovulation (presence ⁄ absence of spontane-
from which they originate. Some reproductive traits ous out-of-season ovulations) and the relative frequency
including the onset, offset and duration of the breeding of precise alleles of the melatonin receptor MT1 in


% of goats showing at least
one ovulation per month




Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Fig. 4. Ovulatory activity of tropical Creole meat goats submitted to a tropical (closed circles) or to a temperate (open circles) photoperiodic
regimen (from Chemineau et al. 2004)

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Seasonality of Reproduction in Small Ruminants 47

Merino sheep was shown and suggests that using this Al-Shorepy SR, Notter DR, 1997: Response to selection for
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Conflicts of interest by submitting Alpine goats to a tropical photoperiod. Small
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Authors declare the absence of any financial and personal relationships Chemineau P, Malpaux B, Pelletier J, Leboeuf B, Delgadillo
with other people or organisations (employment, consultancies, stock JA, Deletang F, Pobel T, Brice G, 1996: Emploi des
ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, or direct or indirect implants de mélatonine et des traitements photopériodiques
funding) that could inappropriately bias or influence their work. pour maı̂triser la reproduction saisonnière chez les ovins et
les caprins. Prod Anim 9, 45–60.
Chemineau P, Daveau A, Bodin L, Zarazaga L, Gomez-
Author contributions Brunet A, Malpaux B, 2002: The sheep as a mammalian
model of plasma melatonin variability. Reproduction Suppl
PC wrote the first version of this manuscript which was corrected and 59 (Large Mammals as Neuroendocrine Models), 181–190.
amended later on by LB, MM, JCT and BM. Chemineau P, Daveau A, Pelletier J, Malpaux B, Karsch FJ,
Viguie C, 2003: Changes in the 5-HT2A receptor system in the
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Thiery JC, Martin GB, Tillet Y, Caldani M, Quentin M,
Jamain C, Ravault JP, 1989: Role of hypothalamic cate- Author’s address (for correspondence): Philippe Chemineau, INRA
cholamines in the regulation of luteinizing hormone and Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, INRA, CNRS,
prolactin secretion in the ewe during seasonal anestrus. Haras Nationaux, Univ. F. Rabelais, 37380 Nouzilly, France. E-mail:
Neuroendocrinology 49, 80–87.

 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

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