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Reprod Dom Anim 43 (Suppl. 2), 129–136 (2008); doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2008.01152.

ISSN 0936-6768

The Importance of Interactions Among Nutrition, Seasonality and Socio-sexual

Factors in the Development of Hormone-free Methods for Controlling Fertility
RJ Scaramuzzi1,2 and GB Martin3
UMRPhysiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, L’Institut National de la Reproduction, Nouzilly, France; 2Department of Veterinary
Basic Sciences, Royal Veterinary College, Hertfordshire, UK; 3Animal Production Systems, UWA Institute of Agriculture, The University of
Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia

Contents environmental management and animal ethics and

Around the world, consumers are demanding animal products welfare. This is particularly evident in high-profit,
that are produced to agreed standards for human health, discerning markets that are influenced by discretionary
environmental management and animal welfare. This has led to spending power. Our challenge is to turn these develop-
the development in Australia of the concept of ‘clean, green and ments to advantage, improve productivity and profitabil-
ethical’ (CGE) animal production based on the manipulation of ity and, simultaneously, promote ‘clean, green and ethical
nutrition (‘focus feeding’) and the application of phenomena, (CGE) production’ (Martin et al. 2004a; Kadokawa and
such as the ‘male effect’, to provide ‘natural’ methods for
Martin 2006; Martin and Kadokawa 2006). Importantly,
managing small ruminant production systems. With respect to
the management of fertility, CGE involves utilization of the these issues need not pose difficulties or increase costs – on
inherited responses of animals to environmental factors to the contrary, they offer excellent opportunities. For
manipulate their reproductive processes. The successful extensively managed sheep and goats, we are developing
development and implementation of this new generation of management tools, such as ‘focus feeding’ and the ‘male
management tools depends on a thorough yet holistic effect’, for controlling reproduction and quantitative
understanding of the interactions among environmental factors breeding values for improving temperament (Martin
and the ways these interactions affect reproductive physiology et al. 2004a).
and behaviour of the animal. For sheep and goats, a central This paper reviews current information, mainly for
aspect of CGE management is the way in which ovarian function sheep and goats, on a central aspect of the CGE system –
is affected by three major factors (nutrition, photoperiod and
the way in which ovarian function is affected by three
socio-sexual signals) and by interactions among them. Nutrition
can exert two profound yet contrasting types of effect on ovarian major factors (nutrition, photoperiod and socio-sexual
activity: (i) the complete inhibition of reproduction by under- signals) and by interactions among them. We review the
nutrition through the hypothalamic mechanism that controls way in which nutrition can influence the ‘decision to
ovulation and (ii) the enhancement of fecundity by nutritional reproduce’ through the hypothalamic mechanism that
supplementation, through a direct ovarian mechanism, in controls ovulation and the ‘decision for fecundity’
females that are already ovulating. A similarly profound control through a direct ovarian mechanism in females that are
over ovarian function in female sheep and goats is exerted by the already ovulating. In addition, we review the ways in
well-known endocrine responses to photoperiod (seasonality) which the endocrine responses to photoperiod
and to male socio-sexual signals. The ‘male effect’ already has a (seasonality) and to male socio-sexual signals interact,
long history as a valuable technique for inducing a synchronized
synergistically and antagonistically, with nutritional
fertile ovulation during seasonal and post-partum anoestrus in
sheep and goats. Importantly, experimentation has shown that inputs. It is increasingly clear that the multi-dimensional
these three major environmental factors interact, synergistically nature of these interactions are often far more important
and antagonistically, but the precise nature of these interactions than the responses to the individual environmental input
and their significance to reproductive outcomes are not well (Blache et al. 2007).
understood. Most research to date has been with small Most research to date has been with small ruminants
ruminants but CGE principles can be applied to any species in but the ‘CGE principle’, in which manipulation of the
a managed environment. For example, a male effect has been environment is used to control reproductive processes,
reported for lactating cattle and, in the horse, the pattern of can be applied to all species. For example, a male effect
seasonality of oestrus can be altered by nutrition. Well-fed mares has been reported for cattle (review: Ungerfeld 2007)
have a longer breeding season and some animals become non-
and, in this review, we will describe nutrition–reproduc-
seasonal. Similar observations have been reported for sheep and
goats. By working towards a holistic perspective of the physi- tion interactions in the horse.
ology, nutrition, genetics and behaviour of our animals, we will Thus, the aim of this review is to outline the state of
be able to formulate ways to manipulate the animals’ our knowledge on the interactions among environmen-
environment that will improve management, productivity and tal facts that affect reproductive processes, and to point
profitability and, simultaneously, promote a CGE industry. out research that is needed for refining CGE manage-
ment of farm animals, particularly with respect to
management of the nutritional inputs.
Animal industries around the world are being chal-
lenged by changing attitudes in the market place, and Nutrition and Ovarian Function
consumers are increasingly demanding products that are All major measures of reproductive performance (pro-
produced to agreed standards for human health, lificacy, fertility and fecundity) are affected by genetics

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130 RJ Scaramuzzi and GB Martin

and by a variety of environmental factors including: folliculogenesis is associated with either short-term
(i) nutrition, energy balance and diet; (ii) photoperiod nutritional supplementation or moderate increases in
and seasonality; (iii) socio-sexual factors; (iv) tempera- body weight, extreme increases in body weight (obesity)
ture and relative humidity and (v) stress. Nutrition and rapid fluctuations in nutrient supply, such as
appears to have bi-directional effects on ovarian function repeated cycles of ‘binge-eating’ followed by starvation,
and the nature of these effects we suggest are inhibitory at have inhibitory effects on ovarian function and reduce
a hypothalamic level (allowing or preventing ovulation) fertility (Hartz et al. 1979; Lake et al. 1997; Wolfe 2005).
and stimulatory at an ovarian level (affecting ovulation Thus, there appears to be a nutritional threshold
rate) and, furthermore, may differ between ruminant and below which reproduction is inhibited because of the
monogastric species. With respect to prolificacy, small suppression of the GnRH pulse-generating system to a
ruminants are generally regarded as seasonal monocot- level of activity below that required to maintain regular
ous species, although natural twinning is not uncommon, ovarian cycles. At the hypothalamic level, nutritional
and there is considerable variation in the incidence of influences on reproduction are qualitative determining
twin ovulations and twin births among and within breeds. fertility by assessing whether an animal ovulates or not.
The component of the diet that is probably the most However, once this threshold is reached and ovarian
important with respect to ovarian function is energy cycles are occurring, nutritional regulation becomes
particularly that derived from glucose, although the quantitative and operates at the level of the follicle to
evidence in favour of any particular nutrient is still determine the rate of reproduction – ovulation rate,
controversial and the precise interrelationships between prolificacy or litter size.
ovarian function and the components of the diet are
Dietary supplementation, flushing and dietary signals
Flushing, a form of dietary supplementation, is a
Nutritional effects on ovarian function are bi-directional practice that has been used in ruminant production
Nutritional deprivation of the female, whether as a systems since at least the beginning of the 19th century
result of an insufficient supply of energy in the diet, or a (Youatt 1837). Despite, or perhaps because of, its
reduced availability of energy because of excessive widespread use, there appears to be a variety of
demands for energy (extreme physical activity, energy- nutritional practices covered by the term, ‘flushing’. In
demanding processes such as lactation), inhibits hypo- the absence of a precise definition of flushing, the
thalamic GnRH release and thus leads to reduced interpretation of published information and attempts to
secretion of pituitary LH and eventually to anovulation elucidate the mechanism of nutritional influences on
and anoestrus. The hypothalamic GnRH pulse-generat- ovarian function have been problematic. The metabolic
ing system in monogastric species (rats, primates and outcomes of a period of short-term (3–7 days) nutri-
humans) appears to be more sensitive to nutritional tional supplementation are very different to those for a
deprivation than in ruminants (sheep, goats and cattle). 6- to 8-week period of supplementation. Similarly, the
In monogastric species, undernutrition and associated metabolic consequences of dietary supplementation of
hypoglycaemia quickly leads to suppression of the animals in negative energy balance will be very different
GnRH system and a cessation of LH pulsatility (Bron- from those for animals in positive energy balance. It is
son 1988; Cagampang et al. 1990). Farmed ruminants therefore very likely that the effects on ovarian follicu-
rarely develop hypoglycaemia and thus appear to be logenesis and the GnRH pulse-generating system will
somewhat protected against nutritional anovulation, also depend on the metabolic state of the animal and the
although LH pulsatility is inhibited when they are made nature of the supplementation. For example, Nottle
hypoglycaemic under experimental conditions (Down- et al. (1997a) reported an experiment with ewes that had
ing and Scaramuzzi 1997; Szymanski et al. 2007) or as a been previously managed for 6 months as separate
result of lactation (Rhodes et al. 1995). On the contrary, flocks on either a high or low plane of nutrition. The two
for animals in normal body condition, nutritional flocks were recombined 17 days before mating and given
supplementation appears to have little direct influence short-term nutritional supplementation with lupin grain
on hypothalamic GnRH secretion or pituitary gonado- for the 10 days prior to mating. The short-term supple-
trophin secretion in the female and there is little ment increased the ovulation rate by 54% in the
unambiguous evidence to show that nutritional supple- underfed group, compared with only 23% in the well-
mentation stimulates gonadotrophin secretion by a fed group, and the interaction between previous nutri-
primary hypothalamic mechanism or pituitary mecha- tional history and short-term supplementation was
nism. significant (Nottle et al. 1997a). Another experiment
Thus, for ovulation, primarily a GnRH-dependent (Leury et al. 1990) reported an opposite finding; lupin
process, the effects of nutrient supplementation are not grain supplementation in ewes fed 1.2 times mainte-
simply the opposite to the effects of nutrient deprivation. nance increased ovulation rate by 22% compared with
On the contrary, nutritional supplementation can stim- ewes fed at 0.8 times maintenance where lupin grain
ulate folliculogenesis (Webb et al. 2004; Scaramuzzi supplementation increased ovulation rate by 10%. The
et al. 2006) and thus increase prolificacy (Knight et al. reasons for this difference are not immediately apparent
1975; Wang et al. 2004; Gaskins et al. 2005), but this and additional investigation is obviously required.
appears to involve direct nutritional influences on the There has been considerable speculation and some
follicle itself. Follicular responses to increased nutrient research attempting to identify the critical components
supply are not always positive and although increased of the diet that influence ovarian function. The diet of

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

Nutritional Interactions and Reproduction 131

mammals is made up of complex mixtures of proteins, livestock – sheep, goats, horses and, under some
fats and simple and complex carbohydrates as well as circumstances, cattle and pigs show seasonal rhythms
trace elements, vitamins and other micronutrients, and of ovarian function that are driven primarily by photo-
all of these components have the potential to influence period. These patterns and the processes that underpin
reproduction, either directly or indirectly. The current them, especially in sheep, have been extensively inves-
consensus suggests that dietary energy is a very impor- tigated and there are a number of detailed reviews on the
tant component of the diet with respect to nutritional subject (e.g.: Yeates 1949; Hafez 1952; Karsch et al.
influences on ovarian function. The short-term admin- 1984; Malpaux 2006).
istration of glucose or other energy-yielding substrates
can increase ovulation rate in ewes (Nottle et al. 1988;
Teleni et al. 1989; Downing et al. 1995a,b; Viñoles et al. Interactions between nutrition and seasonality
2005). However, there are other published reports in Photoperiod and nutrition both exert major influences
which the increased supply of glucose did not increase on reproduction so it seems axiomatic that seasonal
ovulation rate in ewes (Iglesias et al. 1996) and further- rhythms in ovulation will be influenced by nutrition. It is
more, in the male, the published data suggest that the highly probable that photoperiodic and nutritional
increased spermatogenesis seen in response to feeding a inputs to the hypothalamus interact at the level of the
lupin grain supplement is not caused by an increased GnRH neuron (Hötzel et al. 2003; Blache et al. 2007),
availability of glucose (Blache et al. 2002). yet there are relatively few published investigations of
From the above remarks it follows that, when the interaction between nutrition and photoperiodism in
examining the effects of nutrition on ovarian function females. There are few controlled studies with ewes
and folliculogenesis, there is an obvious need for a more investigating the relationship between nutrition and the
detailed description of both animals’ diets and metabolic pattern of seasonality, although there are reports of
states than is customary. alterations in the seasonal pattern of cyclic ovulatory
activity associated with nutritional conditions in previ-
ous seasons (Hunter 1962; Smith 1965; Oldham et al.
Sources of metabolic glucose that affect ovarian function 1990). In one study carried out over 13 months (Hulet
Glucose for the generation of ATP is derived from either et al. 1986), ewes at pasture had a lower proportion
dietary sources or from gluconeogenesis, either with or ovulating in the months of anoestrus (May, June and
without accompanying glycogen synthesis. Monogastric July) compared with ewes in a drylot that were
species derive their glucose principally from dietary supplemented with alfalfa hay (Fig. 1). The pasture-
sources rather than from gluconeogenesis, whereas the fed ewes had a higher proportion of anovulatory ewes in
ruminant species reduce their dietary glucose in the February suggesting that they were entering anoestrous
anaerobic conditions of the rumen and derive their sooner. Similarly, in August, the pasture-fed ewes had a
glucose almost exclusively by gluconeogenesis, from lower proportion of anovulatory ewes, again suggesting
diet-derived long-chain fatty acids and short-chain that they were slower to resume ovarian cyclicity at the
volatile fatty acids. Compared with monogastrics, this is start of the new breeding season. In another study, the
probably a highly significant functional difference with seasonal pattern of ovarian cyclicity was determined in
respect to the effects of nutrition on ovarian function Rasa Aragonesa ewes maintained at two levels of body
because ruminants, animals with highly efficient gluco- condition (Forcada et al. 1992; Forcada and Abecia
neogenesis rarely become hypoglycaemic or, for that 2006). This study showed that the duration of anoestrus
matter, hyperglycaemic. For example, dairy cows with a was reduced by approximately 2 months in the ewes
high genetic merit for milk production do not become
hypoglycaemic at the peak of lactation, although they can
100 Pasture
be in severe negative energy balance. Indeed, hypoglyca-
90 Dry lot
emia is usually only seen in ruminants in the most extreme
situations such as pregnancy toxaemia (twin lamb 80
Ewes ovulating (%)

disease) in sheep and in lactating first-calf beef heifers 70

that are still growing. Hypoglycaemic beef heifers have an 60
extended period of post-partum anovulation associated 50
with reduced LH pulsatility, because the hypoglycaemia 40
inhibits the GnRH pulse-generating system. The situation 30
with monogastric species appears to be quite different 20
because they depend on the diet for supplies of glucose
and have a limited capacity for gluconeogenesis com-
pared with ruminants. Monogastric species readily Feb May Jun Jul Aug Sep
become hypoglycaemic when deprived of dietary energy Time of the years
and the consequence is a reduced GnRH ⁄ LH pulse
frequency and thus anovulation. Fig. 1. The proportion of ewes ovulating in February (entering
anoestrus), May to July (during anoestrus) and August and September
(the start of the next breeding season) in two groups of fine-wool ewes.
Seasonality and Ovarian Function One group was managed on rangeland and the other group was
managed with alfalfa hay in drylot. The within month treatment effects
Seasonal patterns of reproduction are relatively com- were significant for all months except September. Data taken from
mon among the mammals including the domestic Hulet et al. (1986)

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132 RJ Scaramuzzi and GB Martin

maintained in good body condition (BCS, 2.8) com- of the season of calving (winter versus spring at latitude
pared with ewes maintained in poor body condition 45 south) was observed only under conditions of low
(BCS, 2.3). nutrition. The same seems to apply to laboratory rats, in
More extensive data are available for two other which undernutrition seems to be able to modulate
seasonal species, the horse and the goat. In a study just reproductive responses to photoperiod through a pineal-
completed at the INRA laboratory at Nouzilly, Salazar- dependent pathway (Walker and Bethea 1977).
Ortiz and Guillaume studied the effect of nutrition on What do all these observations tell us? Most impor-
the seasonal rhythm of ovarian activity in mares kept tantly, that there is an interaction in which nutrition
under natural photoperiod (Salazar-Ortiz 2006). The affects the seasonal pattern of ovarian cyclicity in sheep,
pattern of ovarian cyclicity over three consecutive years goats and horses; the variety of species suggests that
was determined from weekly blood progesterone mea- nutritional influences on patterns of seasonal reproduc-
surements in two groups of mares. One group was well tion are probably present in most, if not all, seasonal
fed and the other group was received a diet calculated to breeding mammals, including non-seasonal species such
keep the mares thin but in good health. At the start of as beef cattle. However, the studies done to date with
the experiment, the average body weight of the two female animals do not shed any light on the mechanisms
groups was approximately 300 kg. The well-fed mares that underlie this interaction or on how the interaction
gained approximately 20 kg in the first year after which can be usefully incorporated into systems of CGE
their mean live weight did not change for the remainder animal production.
of the experiment. The restricted mares lost approxi-
mately 65 kg in the first year and then their live weight
also stabilized for the remainder of the experiment. The Socio-sexual Signalling and Ovarian Function
nutritional regime had a profound effect on the pattern The ‘male effect’ is a well-studied phenomenon in sheep
of ovarian cyclicity (Fig. 2) – the well-fed mares had a and goats and there are a number of excellent recent
much longer period of ovarian cyclicity and six of the 10 reviews of the subject (Martin et al. 2004b; Ungerfeld
mares had no period of winter anovulation in the 3-year et al. 2004; Chemineau et al. 2006; Ungerfeld 2007). In
experiment. This was in contrast with the restricted summary, sexually active males produce a pheromone
group in which the winter period of anovulation was that stimulates the secretion of GnRH pulses and ovarian
longer and present in all the 10 mares. activity and can induce anovulatory females to ovulate.
Zarazaga et al. (2005) studied the effect of nutrition
on the seasonal pattern of sexual activity in female
Payoya goats kept under natural photoperiod over a Interactions between nutrition and socio-sexual signals
period of 20 months. The does were maintained on two As with photoperiod, socio-sexual signals are a major
levels of nutrition: a high group fed 1.5 times their factor controlling ovulation in seasonal species and,
calculated maintenance requirements and a low group because nutrition also has major influences on
fed to maintenance. The pattern of seasonality was then ovulation, it also seems highly probable that nutrition
determined by daily monitoring for oestrus and for would influence the efficacy of the ‘male effect’ and that
ovulation using progesterone measured in blood twice a the site of the interaction is again the GnRH neuron in
week. The length of anoestrus was 32 days shorter in the hypothalamus (Martin et al. 2004b; Blache et al.
does on the high diet and this difference was significant 2007). When a group of female goats were divided
because of both a delayed entry into anoestrus and an according to bodyweight, it was observed that the
earlier resumption of ovarian cyclicity at the end of oestrus response to the ‘buck effect’ was reduced in the
anoestrus. does with the lowest body weight compared with those
Although domestic Bos taurus cattle are non-seasonal, with medium and heavy weights (Véliz et al. 2006).
one study (Montgomery et al. 1985) reported an inter- Similar findings have been reported for ewes (Lassoued
action between season and nutrition on the resumption and Khaldi 1990). Similarly, in beef cattle, the socio-
of ovarian cyclicity post-partum. In this study, an effect sexual influence of bulls can affect growth rate and the
age of puberty in heifers (Roberson et al. 1991), and
nutrition modifies the ability of bulls to reduce the
100 duration of post-partum anoestrus (Monje et al. 1992;
Anovulatory mares (%)

Stumpf et al. 1992).

In a recent experiment, we have investigated the
60 interaction between nutrition and the ‘male effect’ in
anoestrous female goats (De Santiago-Miramontes et al.
40 2008). Two groups of 25 anoestrous female goats grazed
very poor quality natural vegetation from 09:00 to
16:00 h daily. Overnight, they were housed in pens and
0 one of the groups received a supplement (950 g lucerne
Sum Aut Win Spr Sum Aut Win Spr Sum Aut Win Spr Sum hay, 290 g rolled corn and 140 g soy bean per animal
Season daily) for 7 days before exposure to bucks. The propor-
tion of does ovulating, the proportion in oestrus and the
Fig. 2. The weekly proportion of anovulatory mares over a 3-year
period. The data for the mares on a high plane of nutrition are shown ovulation rate at the first ovulation detected within
by the solid line and that for the mares on a low plane of nutrition by 5 days of exposure to males were all greater in supple-
the dashed line. Redrawn from Salazar-Ortiz (2006) mented than in the control females (Fig. 3). The effect of

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

Nutritional Interactions and Reproduction 133

2.0 100 Ovulating

1.6 80

Ovulation rate

Response (%)
1.2 60

0.8 40

0.4 20
Fig. 3. The ovulation rate
(mean ± SEM; n = 25), interval 0.0 0
(mean ± SEM days) from the
8.0 100
introduction of bucks to the onset

Does with short cycles (%)

Interval to oestrus (days)
of oestrus, and the proportions of
does ovulating, showing oestrus 80
and having short cycles at the first 6.0
ovulation following buck
introduction in does that were
either given nutritional supple- 4.0
mentation or not given nutritional 40
supplementation for 7 days before
the introduction of sexually active 2.0
bucks. All between-treatment
comparisons are significant. Data
taken from De Santiago- 0.0 0
Miramontes et al. (2008) Control Supplemented Control Supplemented

supplementation did not persist and the proportion of more of supplemented does ovulated over the first
does in oestrus was not different if ovulation occurred 5 days compared with the non-supplemented does
after 5 days (Fig. 4) and neither was the ovulation rate because most does responding in the first 5 days have
(De Santiago-Miramontes et al. 2008). We concluded a short cycle (Chemineau et al. 2006; Delgadillo et al.
that short-term feed supplementation before the ‘male 2006). These findings are consistent with the suggestion
effect’ can increase the proportion of females responding that a shorter delay from male introduction to the first
and their ovulation rate. However, the stimulatory effect ovulation is associated with an increased proportion of
of supplementation did not persist and was not observed short cycles (Pearce et al. 1985). The nutritional supple-
at the subsequent ovulation. The increase in ovulation ment appears to have accelerated the follicular phase
rate suggests that the supplement promoted the growth induced by the ‘buck effect’ and the shorter period of
of a greater number of ovulatory follicles or reduced the follicular development (Fig. 4) leads to either a non-
rate of atresia among the existing cohort of follicles. functional CL or, perhaps, to uterine entrainment for an
Somewhat surprisingly, supplementation also increased early luteolytic signal.
the proportion of does showing short cycles after the Somewhat similar findings have been reported for
first male-induced ovulation and this response was ewes. In one study, Nottle et al. (1997b) reported that
associated with a reduced interval from the introduction supplementation of Merino ewes daily with 500 g lupin
of bucks to oestrus (Fig. 3). The effect of nutritional grain from Days 12 to 26 after the introduction of rams
supplementation on the proportion of short cycles significantly increased the ovulation rate from 1.26 to
induced by the male effect could be due to the fact that 1.46 at the second ovulation following ram introduction.
Working with lactating Sarda ewes, Molle et al. (1995)
also observed an increase in ovulation rate following
60 supplementation starting 2 weeks before the ‘ram effect’,
but only with a supplement of soya bean meal and not
Does in oestrus (%)

50 a
with whole corn grain. In a later study, Molle et al.
(1997) reported that short-term supplementation for
30 only 7 days before the introduction of rams increased
20 ovulation rate from 1.36 to 1.66 but, in this case,
10 the difference was not significant, possibly because of the
group size of 15 ewes per treatment was too small. These
outcomes contrast with those from a factorial study with
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Time relative to the introduction of bucks (days)
390 Merino ewes (Fisher et al. 1993) – there were no
significant effects of short-term supplementation with
Fig. 4. The daily proportion of does showing oestrus for 15 days after lupin grain on the proportion of the flock responding,
the introduction of sexually active bucks on day 0 and following a ovulation rate or the frequency of short cycles in ewes
nutritional supplementation for 7 days before the introduction of the stimulated with the ‘ram effect’. This outcome was
bucks. The data for the supplemented group are shown by the dashed
line and for the non-supplemented (control) group by the solid line; the independent of the previous nutritional history of the
letter ‘a’ = p < 0.05 compared with the control group at the same ewes, although the percentage of ewes ovulating was
time. Redrawn from De Santiago-Miramontes et al. (2008) higher in ewes in good condition than in ewes in poor

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134 RJ Scaramuzzi and GB Martin

condition. There is no obvious explanation for the Chemineau P, Pellicer-Rubio MT, Lassoued N, Khaldi G,
differences in outcomes among these various studies. Monniaux D, 2006: Male-induced short oestrous and
Nutritional studies are difficult because they require ovarian cycles in sheep and goats: a working hypothesis.
strict control of previous nutritional history. The mech- Reprod Nutr Dev 46, 417–429.
De Santiago-Miramontes MA, Rivas-Muñoz R, Muñoz-
anism behind the reproductive response to nutritional
Gutiérrez M, Malpaux B, Scaramuzzi RJ, Delgadillo JA,
supplementation is still problematic because we do not 2008: Ovulation rate in female anoestrous goats exposed to
have experimental models to explain the variability in the male effect is increased by nutritional supplementation
the response to a nutritional supplementation, the male under grazing conditions. Anim Reprod Sci 105, 409–416.
effect and their interaction. Delgadillo JA, Flores JA, Véliz FG, Duarte G, Vielma J,
Overall, it is clear that the efficacy of the ‘male effect’ Hernandez H, Fernandez IG, 2006: Importance of the
is influenced by nutritional and metabolic factors in the signals provided by the buck for the success of the male
females. Thus, optimization of the efficacy of the ‘male effect in goats. Reprod Nutr Dev 46, 391–400.
effect’ for CGE management requires a very clear Downing JA, Scaramuzzi RJ, 1997: The effect of the infusion
understanding of how nutrition influences the respon- of insulin during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle on the
ovulation rate and on plasma concentrations of LH, FSH
siveness of females to socio-sexual signals.
and glucose in ewes. Theriogenology 47, 747–759.
Downing JA, Joss J, Scaramuzzi RJ, 1995a: A mixture of the
branched chain amino acids, leucine, isoleucine and valine,
Conclusions increases ovulation rate in ewes when infused during the late
This brief review of nutritional interactions with sea- luteal phase of the oestrous cycle: an effect that may be
sonal rhythms and the ‘male effect’ draws attention to mediated by insulin. J Endocrinol 145, 315–323.
the importance of nutrition as a major factor influencing Downing JA, Joss J, Scaramuzzi RJ, 1995b: Ovulation rate
reproductive outcomes and points to critical areas of and the concentrations of gonadotrophins and metabolic
future research. There are some reports, often only hormones in ewes infused with glucose during the late
luteal phase of the oestrous cycle. J Endocrinol 147, 403–
descriptively documenting the nature of these interac-
tions but there has been very little research exploring the Fisher JS, Martin GB, Oldham CM, Gray SJ, 1993: Long-term
underlying processes. We need molecular genetic expla- effects of nutrition on spontaneous ovulation in Merino
nations of the reproductive, metabolic, behavioural and ewes and their responses to the ‘ram effect’. Proc VII World
physiological processes that underpin, for example, the Conf Anim Prod 2, 32–33.
influence of nutritional inputs on the melatonin-driven Forcada F, Abecia JA, 2006: The effect of nutrition on the
seasonal rhythms of ovarian cyclicity, and on female seasonality of reproduction in ewes. Reprod Nutr Dev 46,
responsiveness to the ‘male effect’ at both brain and 355–365.
ovarian levels. By working towards a holistic perspective Forcada F, Abecia JA, Sierra I, 1992: Seasonal changes in
of the physiology, nutrition, genetics and behaviour of oestrous activity and ovulation rate in Rasa Aragonesa ewes
maintained at two different body condition levels. Small
our animals, we will be able to formulate ways to
Rumin Res 8, 313–324.
manipulate their environment that will improve man- Gaskins CT, Snowder GD, Westman MK, Evans M, 2005:
agement, productivity and profitability and, simulta- Influence of body weight, age, and weight gain on fertility
neously, promote a CGE industry. and prolificacy in four breeds of ewe lambs. J Anim Sci 83,
Hafez ESE, 1952: Studies on the breeding season and
Acknowledgements reproduction of the ewe. J Agric Sci (Camb) 42, 189–265.
RJ Scaramuzzi is the recipient of a Marie Curie Chair of Excellence Hartz AJ, Barboriak PN, Wong A, Katayama KP, Rimm AA,
from the European Union (SUSTREPRO: FP6-2005-Mobility- 1979: The association of obesity with infertility and related
10 ⁄ 42499) and their support is gratefully acknowledged. GB Martin menstrual abnormalities in women. Int J Obes 3, 57–73.
was funded by Meat and Livestock Australia (Project MS.027; Hötzel MJ, Walkden-Brown SW, Fisher JS, Martin GB, 2003:
‘LambMax’). Thanks are due to Dr B Malpaux and Dr D Guillaume Determinants of the annual pattern of reproduction in
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136 RJ Scaramuzzi and GB Martin

Youatt W, 1837: Sheep, Their Breeds, Management and Author’s address (for correspondence): RJ Scaramuzzi, UMR Phys-
Diseases. Baldwin & Craddock, London. iologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements, Centre INRA de
Zarazaga LA, Guzmán JL, Domı́nguez C, Pérez MC, Prieto Tours, 37380 Nouzilly, France. E-mail:
R, 2005: Effect of plane of nutrition on seasonality of
reproduction in Spanish Payoya goats. Anim Reprod Sci Conflicts of interest: Much of GBM’s research is funded by Meat &
Livestock, Australia; RJS has not declared any conflict of interests.
87, 253–267.

 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Verlag

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