The Fae

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Compendium Class: Lord of Arcadia

When you are one of the fae and consistently act in an overly dramatic
manner, you may take this move when you level up:

When you swear a solemn oath with someone, it is empowered by your fae
nature. Both of you get +1 ongoing on actions to keep your oath, and must
Defy Danger if you break it.

Once you've taken "Oathbound," the following moves count as class moves for
you. In addition to your normal list of moves, you may choose from this
list when you level up:

The Brothers Grimm:

When you spin a fantastic and wonderous tale, roll +Cha.
On a 10+, the story comes to life, in a sense. People around you will
assume roles in the story and act it out as you tell it.
On a 7-9, people will act out your story, but they'll break free of
their role if the character does something they wouldn't do.
On a 6-, your words tap into a more primal magic. The central conflict
of your story manifests in reality, poised against you.

When you bequeath a title to someone for their accomplishments, roll
+Cha. On a 10+, they hold 3. On a 7-9, they hold 1. On a 6- the title falls flat,
ringing false to any that hear it. They may spend this hold one for one
to do one of the following.
* Make a pact or oath sworn on their title magically binding.
* Gain +2 forward to do something related to their title.
* Instantly convince someone of their title's (and
accomplishment's) veracity.

Fickle Nature:
Once per session when you act in a manner contradictory to your
alignment, you may shift your alignment by one step.

The World's A Stage:

When you shapeshift into a humanoid disguise, roll +Con. On a 10+
choose 2, on a 7-9 choose 1.
* You have normal feet for your form.
* Your form casts a shadow that matches its appearance.
* You can speak without rhyming.

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