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Journal of Chromatography A, 1218 (2011) 7663–7669

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On-line concentration sample stacking coupled with water-in-oil microemulsion

electrokinetic chromatography
Hsi-Ya Huang ∗ , Wan-Ling Liu, Brenda Singco, Shih-Huan Hsieh, Yung-Han Shih
Department of Chemistry and Center for Nanotechnology at CYCU, Chung Yuan Christian University, 200 Chung Pei Road, Chung-Li, 320, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study describes for the first time, the ability of a normal stacking mode (NSM) on-line concentration
Available online 1 June 2011 step coupled with water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (MEEKC), using six
common penicillin antibiotics (oxacillin, penicillin V, penicillin G, nafcillin, ampicillin, and amoxicillin) as
Keywords: test analytes. Optimization of penicillin separation in the conventional W/O MEEKC system demonstrated
Water-in-oil microemulsion that change in the type and concentration of the oil phase (1-butanol) and column temperature had a
Microemulsion electrokinetic
pronounced effect on the separation. With the subsequent development of the NSM coupled with W/O
MEEKC, improved separation and detection sensitivities were observed when an organic solvent plug
On-line concentration
Food sample
(1-propanol; 1.04 cm) was placed between the W/O microemulsion and the sample solutions. This could
be attributed to the solution viscosity difference between the aqueous sample zone and the organic
solvent plug causing the penicillin to be stacked in this 1-propanol plug. The optimal NSM W/O MEEKC
provided about 12-fold increase in detection sensitivity compared with conventional sample injection
(50 mbar, 3 s). Finally, this proposed method was successfully applied in the analyses of several food
samples (porcine organs) spiked with penicillin.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of W/O MEEKC as separation strategy for a range of acids, bases

and neutrals; with emphasis on the method’s suitability for very
Microemulsions are composed of water-immiscible organic sol- water-insoluble drug compounds [18]. Recently, Li et al. compared
vent (oil), water, surfactant and/or cosurfactant (medium chain the separation ability of both O/W and W/O MEEKC with thirteen
alkyl alcohol). When the surface tension between an immiscible phenolic acids and diterpenoid compounds. They found out that
organic solvent (oil) and water is reduced with the aid of surfac- oil and organic modifier concentrations were the main influenc-
tants and/or co-surfactants, stable, dispersed, and surfactant coated ing factors in both MEEKC systems, whereas oil type and surfactant
nanometer-sized droplets are created in microemulsion solutions concentration had only little effect on W/O MEEKC separation [19].
[1–3]. These nanometer-sized spherical droplets, which can either Regardless of the high separation efficiency of MEEKC for a
consist of water droplets in an oil continuous phase (W/O) or oil wide range of analytes [4–19], inadequate detection sensitivity was
droplets in a water continuous phase (O/W), have been demon- still observed when it was used for the trace compound analyses.
strated as promising separation media to influence the separation Presently, there have been many reports on the use of an on-line
behavior of analytes in microemulsion electrokinetic chromatogra- sample concentration technique such as field-amplified sample
phy (MEEKC) [4–19]. Most of the MEEKC reports are focused on the injection (FASI), anion-selective exhaustive injection (ASEI) and
evaluation of O/W microemulsions for the separation of lipophilic reversed electrode polarity stacking mode (REPSM) in combination
and hydrophilic compounds [7–16]; however, there have been with O/W MEEKC separation in order to enhance their detection
very few reports on the use of W/O microemulsions as separation ability [20–28]. To our knowledge, no studies employing an on-
media [17–19]. Altria et al. used water-in-oil (W/O) microemul- line concentration step coupled to W/O MEEKC analyses have been
sions as running solution in MEEKC for the first time, and a uniquely reported to date.
different separation from O/W MEEKC was obtained [17]. More- There have been more than 30 chromatographic reports every
over, the same research group also demonstrated the usefulness year on penicillin analyses for the last decade. This implies that
the development of novel chromatographic methods for peni-
cillin determination still receives considerable attention. Penicillin
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 3 2653319; fax: +886 3 2653399. residues analyses in environmental and food samples by O/W
E-mail address: (H.-Y. Huang). MEEKC coupled with an on-line sample concentration step have

0021-9673/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
7664 H.-Y. Huang et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011) 7663–7669

been previously reported [21,25], but separation by W/O MEEKC 2.2. Sample pretreatment
method has never been documented.
The purpose of this study was to develop a novel W/O MEEKC Test samples (porcine liver and kidney) were obtained from
method for penicillin antibiotics; concomitantly, the feasibility of supermarkets in Taiwan. The porcine samples (100 g) with or with-
an on-line concentration procedure combined with W/O MEEKC out spiking penicillin standards (50 ␮g/L) and IS (25 ␮g/L) were
was evaluated for the first time. Several on-line concentration vortex-mixed twice with 50 mL of acetonitrile for 10 min. The mix-
strategies coupled with O/W MEEKC mentioned above can provide ture was centrifuged for 10 min at 6000 rpm, and the resulted clear
high sensitivity with a large-amount sample introduction. Intro- liquid was diluted with 50 mL of n-hexane followed by vortex-
duction of a large sample zone into the capillary, however, would mixing for 30 min. After the n-hexane organic layer was discarded,
likely cause phase separation if applied in W/O microemulsion. the acetonitrile–aqueous liquid was collected and then was oven-
In addition, an acidic running solution (pH 2) was often used in dried at 120 ◦ C. This extraction procedure followed the previous
FASI- or ASEI-O/W MEEKC reports to suppress EOF. In this study a method [35], with slight modification. The dry residues were dis-
basic solution (pH 8) W/O microemulsion is needed to convert test solved in deionized water (10 mL) ready for SPE treatment as
molecules into anions to maintain an adequate migration velocity described below.
because of a very low EOF produced in W/O MEEKC. Consequently, C18 column (LC-18; Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) used in SPE
a normal stacking mode (NSM) on line concentration W/O MEEKC was conditioned prior to use by washing with methanol (5 mL)
using a basic running buffer and a medium amount of sample and deionized water (5 mL). After the addition of the clear sample,
requirement would be used. The NSM strategy reported for the the extraction column was washed with deionized water (2 mL)
first time by Liu et al. [29] has been successfully used to concen- and then air-flushed to dry. The absorbed penicillins and I.S. were
trate cationic or neutral analytes in a single-run sweeping step eluted from the column with 5 mL ACN at an approximate rate of
[30–33]. Since a specific combination of surfactant, oil and water 0.5 mL min−1 , and the eluted solution was then dried in an oven at
concentration is required to form the W/O microemulsion phase, 120 ◦ C. Finally, a 1 mL deionized water was added to the final dried
this NSM strategy used for penicillin analyses needs to be modified residues followed with a 0.45 ␮m membrane filtration, and then
so that a stable microemulsion phase can be maintained when cou- the filtrate was ready to be analyzed by NSM-W/O MEEKC.
pled to W/O MEEKC separation. Finally, after a simple solid phase
extraction (SPE), as low as 50 ␮g/L level of penicillin antibiotics was 2.3. Preparation of microemulsion for NSM-W/O MEEKC
determined in real food samples (porcine organs) by the optimal
NSM-W/O MEEKC method, in which this spiked concentration was All microemulsions were prepared on a w/v basis (g/mL) in
referred to the maximum residue limits (MRLs) of penicillins in ani- 70 mM sodium acetate solution (pH 8). A sodium acetate solu-
mal tissues (25–300 ␮g/kg) in the European Union and in Taiwan tion of pH 8 at a concentration of 70 mM was prepared by adding
[34]. 0.574 g sodium acetate into 100 mL of deionized water. The opti-
mal W/O microemulsion solution was composed of 5% surfactant
2. Experimental (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS), 80% oil (1-butanol), and 15% sodium
acetate solution at pH 8. After the addition of SDS to the oil
2.1. Chemicals and reagents phase, the solution was mixed with sodium acetate solution fol-
lowed by sonication for 30 min until an optically transmittance W/O
Oxacillin (O) (pKa1 = 2.61) was purchased from Fluka (Buchs, microemulsion was formed. This sequence was to ensure that the
Switzerland). Penicillin V (PV) (pKa1 = 2.62) was purchased from W/O system will not pass through an emulsion phase, which might
ICN (OH, USA). Penicillin G (PG) (pKa1 = 2.62), ampicillin (Amp) be difficult to break [17,18]. The microemulsion solution was not
(pKa1 = 2.62, pKa2 = 7.4), amoxicillin (Amo) (pKa1 = 2.62, pKa2 = 7.2, filtered prior to use.
pKa3 = 9.6) and methyl paraben were purchased from Sigma (St.
Louis, MO, USA). Nafcillin (N) (pKa1 = 2.61) was purchased from MP 2.4. Apparatus and operating conditions for CE
(Eschwege, Germany). The above-mentioned test analytes were
individually dissolved in deionized water at a stock concentra- All experiments were performed with a Hewlett-Packard 3D
tion of 1 mg/mL. Internal standard (methyl paraben, 100 ␮g/mL) capillary electrophoresis system equipped with a 3D UV–vis detec-
was dissolved in deionized water. Stock solutions of standards and tor (Waldbronn, Germany). Agilent Chemstation software was used
internal standard were prepared weekly. All other chemicals were for instrumental control and data analysis. Separations were per-
reagent-grade. formed in a 48.5 cm total length (40 cm to detector) of 50 ␮m ID

Fig. 1. Illustrations of a modified NSM step coupled to W/O MEEKC model. (Step 1) A capillary was conditioned with a W/O microemulsion solution of pH 8.0, and then
an organic solvent plug (1-propanol; 50 mbar for 10 s) was introduced into the capillary. The penicillin sample prepared in deionized water was pressure-injected into the
capillary (50 mbar for 60 s). (Step 2) W/O microemulsion solution was placed at the inlet end of the capillary followed by the application of a 29 kV.
H.-Y. Huang et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011) 7663–7669 7665

uncoated fused-silica capillary (Polymicro Technologies, Phoenix, a series of W/O microemulsion solutions with different concen-
AZ, USA). The capillaries were conditioned prior to separation by trations of 1-butanol (75%, 77.5% and 80%) were evaluated for
washing with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (1 min), deionized water penicillin separations, in which the total amount of 1-butanol and
(2 min), then with running solution (5 min). Sample and standard aqueous buffer was kept constant (i.e. 95% in microemulsion solu-
solutions were pressure-injected into the capillary column for W/O tion). The result indicated that with an increase in 1-butanol level
MEEKC (0.12 cm) (50 mbar, 3 s) and NSM-W/O MEEKC (2.4 cm) (i.e. decreased water level) the separation velocity and the peak
(50 mbar, 60 s). Separations were carried out using an electrical resolution for all tested analytes improved (data not shown). This
voltage of −29 kV. The temperature of the capillary was maintained phenomenon could be attributed to fewer water droplets formation
at 37.5 ◦ C, while the detection wavelength was fixed at 200 nm. at higher 1-butanol level resulting to a more negatively charged SDS
carried by each water droplet. Therefore, these hydrophilic analytes
that can strongly partition with the water droplets would migrate
2.5. NSM-W/O MEEKC model
rapidly toward the detector (i.e. positive polarity electrode). Thus,
the 80% 1-butanol that provided the highest resolution and best
The optimal NSM W/O MEEKC method used in this study is
peak symmetry was chosen as the optimal oil level in the study.
shown in Fig. 1. First, the capillary was filled with a pH 8 microemul-
Similar to previous W/O MEEKC studies wherein an additional
sion solution, and then an organic solvent plug (1-propanol,
oil phase (e.g., 2% heptanes or octane) improved microemulsion
50 mbar for 10 s, 1.04 cm) was introduced into the capillary. The
stability but no influence in the separation [17,18], the incorpora-
penicillin sample prepared in deionized water was introduced
tion of long-chain alkane to this three-component microemulsion
hydrodynamically into the capillary (50 mbar for 60 s) (step 1).
system of SDS–1-butanol–sodium acetate buffer had no improve-
After the sample was injected, a separation voltage of −29 kV was
ment in the penicillin separation, therefore, no additional oil phase
applied with the microemulsion solution in the inlet vial (step 2).
was used.
This step allowed the analytes to be stacked in the organic solvent
Several column variables such as applied voltage and column
zone because of the difference in solution viscosity; meanwhile, the
temperature were also evaluated for enhancing the penicillin
negatively charged water droplets also entered the stacked sample
separations. An increase in the applied voltage (or column tem-
zone to sweep the analytes, then the separation proceeded by W/O
perature) sped up penicillin separation, thus, 37.5 ◦ C and −29 kV
were chosen as the optimal column temperature and applied volt-
age, respectively; where these analytes had resolutions of 1 and
3. Results and discussion the whole separation was completed within 9 min (Fig. S1, supple-
mentary data). In contrast to previous W/O MEEKC reports wherein
3.1. Optimization W/O MEEKC method for penicillin separation 10–18% SDS and 2–8% octane or 2-propanol was often used to
improve separation [17], lower surfactant amount (5% SDS) and
First, a W/O MEEKC method was developed for the penicillin no extra oil phase were necessary in this case.
analyses. In order to achieve a baseline separation, microemulsion
composition (concentration or type of surfactant and oil) and col- 3.2. On-line concentration NSM step coupled to W/O MEEKC
umn condition (temperature and applied voltage) were examined.
SDS, which is a commonly used surfactant either in O/W or W/O The above results indicated that a W/O microemulsion solution
MEEKC system, was used in the study, and the influence of SDS con- composed of 5% (w/v) SDS, 80% (w/v) 1-butanol (oil phase), and
centration on penicillin separation was then examined. Unlike in 15% (v/v) sodium acetate solution (pH 8, 70 mM) provided good
most O/W MEEKC wherein the SDS concentration was around 3%, a separation within 9 min but with low sensitivities (Fig. S1, supple-
SDS level higher than 10% was often used in W/O MEEKC to increase mentary data), with LODs in the range of 0.6–1.0 ␮g/mL). Various
solution conductivity and lower surface tension [17–19]. However, on-line concentration strategies including FASI, ASEI and REPSM
deposition of SDS on the CE electrodes occurred and a frequent have been successfully combined with O/W MEEKC in the past,
electrode cleanup had to proceed between several runs. To avoid however, failed separations often happen when these modes were
surfactant deposition, the SDS level used in this W/O MEEKC study used to concentrate analytes in the W/O MEEKC. This is possibly due
was kept in the range of 3–6%. The results indicated that variation in to the low-conductivity solution or sample zone introduced into the
the SDS concentration influenced the resolutions significantly, but capillary, by which the “extra” solution zone created would likely
changed the migration velocities slightly for all analytes. Since a 5% cause the phase separation of W/O microemulsion. Furthermore,
SDS level produced more efficient separation, thus it was chosen as in contrast to previous FASI- or ASEI-O/W MEEKC reports wherein
the optimal surfactant level in the study. an acidic running solution (pH 2) was used to suppress EOF and to
Next, the effect of oil type on the penicillin separation was speed up analyte separation, in this study a W/O microemulsion
examined. Two short-chain alcohols, 1-butanol and 1-pentanol, composed of basic sodium acetate solution (pH 8) is necessary in
which are more miscible in water than other long-chain alkanes order to convert penicillin molecules into anion forms (pKa s (or
or alcohols, are commonly used as oil phases in W/O microemul- pKa1 ) are around 2.6) and, in turn, maintain an adequate migra-
sion. Due to the high viscosity of 1-butanol and 1-pentanol, tion velocity. Consequently, a NSM procedure was used to on-line
the W/O microemulsion with high levels of alcohol (e.g., 70% concentrate penicillin solutes in this W/O MEEKC.
or 80%) only produced a little electroosmotic flow (EOF) dur-
ing electrophoresis; as a result, penicillin migration was only 3.2.1. Effect of acidic solution plug
dependent on its electrophoretic mobility or its affinity with A conventional NSM mode was first used to concentrate peni-
negatively charged water droplets. To increase the EOF mobil- cillin solutes, in which the penicillin sample prepared in deionized
ity, a lower viscosity of alcohol (1-propanol) was used as the oil water was pressure-injected into the capillary (10 ␮g/mL; 50 mbar
phase in the study (e.g., the EOF mobility is 4.1 × 10−9 , 1.5 × 10−8 for 30 s). The results indicated that all analytes’ signals were obvi-
and 4.5 × 10−8 m2 V−1 s−1 for 1-propanol, ethanol and methanol, ously enhanced by the conventional NSM mode; however, the
respectively [36]). Penicillin separations with different oil phases resolution of penicillin G and nafcillin became worse (R = 0.96) as
(1-propanol, 1-butanol or 1-pentanol) in W/O MEEKC were com- well as broaden analyte signals were observed (Fig. 2a). Subse-
pared (data not shown), and better resolutions and rapid migrations quently, this NSM procedure was further modified as shown in
were still obtained with 1-butanol as the oil phase. Subsequently, Fig. 1: an acidic solution or organic solvent plug was placed between
7666 H.-Y. Huang et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011) 7663–7669

60 60
(a) No acidic or organic solvent plug
40 Cyclohexanol
40 1 2 3,4
20 6

20 123 6 0
40 1-Butanol
12 5
34 6 I.S.
60 20
(b) acidic plug (0.3 cm; 50 mbar, 10 s) 0
40 60


20 2 5
1 3 4 6 I.S.
1 23, 4, 56 20

0 0
60 I.S.
60 Ethanol
(c) organic solvent plug (1.04 cm; 50 mbar,10 s) 12 5
34 6
40 20
23 5 0

1 6
20 4 60

0 12 5
20 34 6 I.S.

7 8 9 10
Time (min) 7 8 9 10 11
Time (min)
Fig. 2. Electropherograms of penicillin compounds on NSM-W/O MEEKC with or
without acidic/organic solvent plug. W/O microemulsions composed of 5% SDS, 80% Fig. 3. Electropherograms of penicillin compounds on NSM-W/O MEEKC with
1-butanol, and 15% sodium acetate solution (pH 8) was used as the running solution. different alcohols used as organic solvent plugs. Several alcohols including cyclo-
No acidic or organic solvent plug was used in (a); while an acidic plug (b) or organic hexanol, 1-butanol, 1-propanol, ethanol and methanol were used as organic solvent
solvent plug (c) was pressure-injected into the capillary for 10 s (50 mbar) before plug, and the injection length for each organic solvent was maintained at 1.04 cm.
sample injection. The concentration of analyte standard was maintained at 10 ␮g/mL All other conditions were the same as in Fig. 2.
for each analyte, and deionized water was used as sample matrix. Samples were
pressure-injected into the capillary (50 mbar, 30 s). Oxacillin (1), penicillin V (2),
penicillin G (3), nafcillin (4), ampicillin (5), and amoxicillin (6). the reversed EOF (produced in the sample zone) and entered the
organic solvent zone (1-propanol), their electrophoretic mobili-
ties were likely retarded via this high-viscosity 1-propanol zone
the W/O microemulsion and the sample zone. All penicillins that (1.04 cm in length) placed in front of the sample zone. Therefore,
have pKa s (or pKa1 ) around 2.6 are present as cation or neutral the decrease in migration velocity caused the stacking of peni-
forms in an acidic solution. Once the penicillin anions entered an cillin anions in the interior of the organic solvent zone, which
acidic zone (pH 2), they would be converted to neutral or cationic resulted in a higher detection sensitivity and resolution. To clarify
solutes, thus a better stacking effect was possibly obtained. How- this assumption, several alcohols with differing viscosities includ-
ever, the detection sensitivity of all the analytes did not improve ing cyclohexanol, 1-butanol, 1-propanol, ethanol, and methanol
and even a poor separation was observed when a short acidic plug (with viscosities of 41.7, 3.0, 1.9, 1.0 and 0.5 cP at 25 ◦ C, respec-
(50 mM, phosphate solution of pH 2) was used (Fig. 2b). A most tively) were used as the organic solvent plugs, and their effect
probable reason for this could be that the presence of a phosphate on the penicillin stacking were compared (Fig. 3). Compared to 1-
solution (0.3 cm length) in the capillary inlet end would cause a propanol, these two alcohols, 1-butanol and cyclohexanol, created
phase change in the subsequent W/O microemulsion leading to an a larger viscosity difference with the sample zone, but their insol-
inadequate separation and stacking effects. uble nature with aqueous sample reduced the penicillin stacking
in the modified NSM step. Consequently, 1-propanol improved the
3.2.2. Effect of organic solvent plug sensitivities and resolution of the test analytes separation, thus it
Next, an organic solvent zone (1-propanol) in lieu of an acidic was employed as the organic solvent zone in the modified NSM
plug was further employed in this modified NSM (Fig. 1). All peni- procedure.
cillins had better sensitivity and resolution (Fig. 2c) compared In addition, the length of the organic solvent plug (1-propanol),
with conventional NSM mode (i.e. without organic solvent plug) which varied from 0.52 to 1.56 cm (50 mbar; 5–15 s) was examined
(Fig. 2a) (N and R were in the range of 320,000–634,000 plates and to optimize penicillin stacking, and results indicated that the migra-
1.38–2.38 for Fig. 2c, and were in the range of 200,000–552,000 tion time of penicillin analytes was increased with the 1-propanol
plates and 0.96–2.10 for Fig. 2a). 1-Propanol has a higher viscosity length (e.g., amoxicillin that has the slowest migration among six
than the aqueous sample zone (i.e. deionized water and penicillin penicillins was detected at 9.1 min and 9.7 min at 0.52 cm and
anions), thus its presence in the study should play a similar role 1.56 cm 1-propanol, respectively), but there was no apparent influ-
with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) in protein stacking [37–39] (e.g., ence on the stacking abilities (supplemental information, Fig. S2).
0.89 cP and 1.9 cP at 25 ◦ C for water and 1-propanol, respectively). This observation confirmed that the migration of penicillin anions
When the penicillin anions in the sample zone migrated against toward the detector was really restricted by the higher-viscosity 1-
H.-Y. Huang et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011) 7663–7669 7667

60 respectively [36]). Finally, a 1.04 cm 1-propanol (50 mbar, 10 s) that

(a) W/O MEEKC provided the best penicillin resolution was used as the optimal
(50 mbar, 3 s) organic solvent plug in the study.
5 6
1 4 3.2.3. Effect of sample injection time on penicillin stacking
The analyte amount that was pressure-injected into the capil-
lary possibly influenced the detection sensitivity. Thus, the sample
0 injection time variation from 30 s to 90 s (50 mbar) was evalu-
ated, and their effects on penicillin stacking were also compared
60 (supplemental information, Fig. S3). Results obtained from dif-
(b) W/O MEEKC ferent sample injection time showed that when this was raised
(50 mbar, 60 s) from 30 s to 60 s, a 2-fold enhancement in penicillin sensitivity
was observed with no reduction in resolution and performance.

A further increase in the sample injection time to 90 s, worsen

12 5
20 34 the resolution and peak intensity of the three analytes (penicillin
G, nafcillin, and ampicillin). In addition, the penicillin separation
time became longer, which could be attributed to the stronger EOF
formed in this longer sample zone that limited the penicillin anions
migration toward the organic solvent zone. Consequently, 60 s sam-
60 ple injection (50 mbar) that provided a baseline separation and
(50 mbar, 60 s) better sensitivity enhancement was employed in this NSM-W/O
40 MEEKC method.
5 In addition, to investigate if the variation in the peak intensities
1 4 6 I.S. observed in Fig. 3 is due to a sharpening phenomenon caused by a
small solvent plug or some variations in the sample loading, the test
samples (5 ppm per analyte) were introduced with the same sam-
0 ple injection time (60 s, 50 mbar) by normal (i.e. without 1-propanol
7 8 9 10 11 plug) and NSM modes (i.e. with 1-propanol plug, 1.04 cm), respec-
Time (min) tively. Results indicated that the presence of 1-propanol improved
the peak intensities, efficiencies as well as resolutions (Fig. 4) and
Fig. 4. Electropherograms of penicillin standards determined by W/O MEEKC (a, the observed peak intensity variations were due to the sharpening
b) and NSM-W/O MEEKC (c). Penicillin standards were pressure-injected into the effect produced by the short organic plug.
capillary at 50 mbar for 3 s (100 ␮g/mL) (a) or 60 s (5 ␮g/mL) (b) for W/O MEEKC,
and 50 mbar for 60 s (5 ␮g/mL) (c) for NSM-W/O MEEKC. All other conditions were
the same as in Fig. 2. 3.3. Performance, qualitative precision, and recovery of

propanol zone. The reversed EOF produced in the 1-propanol plug Comparison of the electropherograms indicated that the reso-
possibly caused the decrease in the analyte’s migration, however, lutions of most penicillins became better with NSM W/O MEEKC
compared with that of the aqueous sample zone, this reversed EOF separation method than with conventional mode (Fig. 4) (R was
seemed too weak to slow down these analytes (EOF mobilities (eo ) in the range of 1.9–2.1 and 1.2–2.5 for the NSM and conven-
are 7.6 × 10−8 and 4.1 × 10−9 m2 V−1 s−1 for water and 1-propanol, tional modes, respectively; N was in the range of 194,000–402,000

Table 1
Performance of on-line concentration W/O MEEKC method for penicillin compounds.

Analytes SERheight a LOD (␮g/mL)b Migration Calibration curvesd Theoretical

time (%)c plate numbers
(N, plates)e

W/O MEEKC NSM-W/O Coefficient of Standard Standard

MEEKC determination deviations of deviations of
(r2 ) the slopes the intercepts

Oxacillin 21.7 1.20 0.08 9.05 (0.19) 0.9989 0.005 0.025 194,000

Penicillin V 16.9 0.74 0.06 9.17 (0.20) 0.9965 0.008 0.043 402,000

Penicillin G 15.8 0.82 0.08 9.30 (0.21) 0.9993 0.003 0.015 328,000

Nafcillin 17.4 1.28 0.11 9.37 (0.10) 0.9991 0.002 0.012 305,000

Ampicillin 21.4 0.95 0.07 9.46 (0.23) 1 0.001 0.004 386,000

Amoxicillin 16.7 1.00 0.09 9.59 (0.21) 0.9992 0.004 0.021 289,000

SERheight , sensitivity enhancement factor in terms of peak height = dilution factor × (peak height obtained with NSM-W/O MEEKC/peak height obtained with W/O MEEKC).
S/N = 3.
n = 3, The values in parentheses are the relative standard deviations (RSD) of migration time.
The calibration curves were constructed from three replicate measurements by NSM-W/O MEEKC at each concentration in the range of 0.5–10 ␮g/mL (0.5, 1, 2.5, 5 and
10 ␮g/mL).
N = 5.54 × (tR /W1/2 )2 .
7668 H.-Y. Huang et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011) 7663–7669

Table 2
Quantitative precisions and accuracies of on-line concentration MEEKC method.a

Analytes Repeatability of Reproducibility Recovery 1 (%) Recovery 2 (%)

peak areab (%) of peak areac (spiked (spiked
(%) 2.5 ␮g/mL) 5 ␮g/mL)

Oxacillin 0.34 3.45 105 (4.77) 98.3 (0.44)

Penicillin V 0.97 4.58 102 (1.28) 90.9 (0.95)
Penicillin G 3.62 2.54 107 (4.20) 99.8 (3.80)
Nafcillin 1.93 4.53 101 (2.93) 104 (1.97)
Ampicillin 1.91 1.55 101 (2.60) 100 (2.02)
Amoxicillin 1.37 3.90 101 (3.05) 96.3 (1.36)
Values were obtained at 5 ␮g/mL of penicillin standard with 2.5 ␮g/mL methyl paraben (internal standard). Recovery = (concentration of penicillin standards obtained
by NSM-W/O MEEKC/spiked concentration of penicillin standards) × 100%.
The RSD of each peak area for three intra-day replicated injections represented repeatability of quantification.
The RSD of each peak area for three inter-day replicated injections represented reproducibility of quantification.

plates/m and 223,000–763,000 plates/m for the NSM and con- W/O MEEKC with previous on-line concentration O/W MEEKC
ventional modes, respectively). Additionally, the large background method (FASI [25] and REPSM [21]), different selectivities were
signal between 9.5 and 10 min observed in the conventional MEEKC observed (i.e. the order of elution in O/W is different from in W/O),
method (Fig. 4a), became smaller in the NSM mode (Fig. 4b). that showed different separation mechanisms exist between them.
The LODs of the six analytes were reduced from the range of Similarities in retention times were observed between the 2 modes
0.7–1.2 ␮g/mL to 0.06–0.11 ␮g/mL by the NSM step, and thus an (e.g., 9 min [25] or 12 min [21] for O/W and 10 min for this W/O,
almost 12-fold enhancement in the detection limit was achieved respectively), but a narrower separation window was found in this
when compared to normal injection (50 mbar, 3 s). In order to eval- W/O mode or in O/W with Brij 35 as surfactant [21]. The efficiency
uate the feasibility of the proposed on-line concentration method in FASI O/W MEEKC was higher than in NSM W/O MEEKC (N was
for the penicillin analyses, the qualitative and quantitative perfor- 112,000–2,066,000 plates for O/W and 194,000–402,000 plates for
mances were examined (Table 1). The quantitative precisions of W/O, respectively). The detection limits were similar in both sys-
the sample stacking method are shown in Table 2. Without internal tems with conventional sample injection (50 mbar, 3 or 5 s) (LODs
standard (IS), the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the peak area were in the range of 0.7–5.2 ␮g/mL [25] or 0.5–1.0 ␮g/mL [21] for
for three intra-day replicate injections ranged from 2.0 to 5.9%, and O/W and were 0.74–1.28 ␮g/mL for W/O), but with on-line concen-
three inter-day replicate injections ranged from 3.9 to 11%. After tration step O/W MEEKC, better detection sensitivities were noted
the IS addition (methyl paraben, 2.5 ␮g/mL), the RSD values of peak (LODs were in the range of 0.5–2.9 ␮g/mL (FASI) or 10–25 ␮g/mL
area were in the range of 0.3–3.6% and 1.6–4.6% for three intra- (REPSM) for O/W and were 60–110 ␮g/mL for NSM W/O MEEKC),
day and inter-day replicate injections, respectively. These results due to a longer sample injection time allowed in O/W system (i.e.
indicated that the addition of IS was useful for the improvement 900 s (10 kV) (FASI) or 270 s (50 mbar) (REPSM) for O/W and 60 s
of quantitative precisions in this proposed method. Furthermore, (50 mbar) for this NSM W/O).
the quantitative accuracies of six penicillins by the MEEKC method Next, the detection ability of this proposed W/O MEEKC with
were in the range of 90.9–107% (Table 2). The results indicated that other CE and LC methods was compared. Previous studies on the
this on-line concentration method provided good qualitative and analyses of penicillin compounds reported the detection limits of
quantitative performances for the penicillin compounds analyses around 0.7–5.2 ␮g/mL in CE/UV (normal sample injection) and was
after internal standard calibration. improved to 0.2–10 ␮g/L when an on-line concentration step was
employed [25]; while LODs were around 0.44–1.99 ␮g/mL in LC/UV
[40] and around 0.1–20 ␮g/L in LC/MS [41]. This indicated that the
3.4. Comparison of NSM-W/O MEEKC with other methods proposed NSM W/O MEEKC method has better detection abilities
than LC/UV and CE/UV, but poorer sensitivity compared with LC/MS
The performances of several penicillin separations in both W/O or other on-line concentration CE methods.
and O/W MEEKC systems were first compared. Comparing NSM

60 60

porcine liver spiked with

50 mg/L penicillins and 25 mg/L I.S. porcine kidney spiked with
40 40 50 mg/L penicillins and 25 mg/L I.S.


1 1
5 3 5
2 3 6 I.S. 2 6 I.S.
20 4 20 4

0 0

8 9 10 8 9 10
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 5. Electropherograms of porcine organ samples determined by NSM-W/O MEEKC. The porcine samples (porcine liver and kidney), which were spiked with or without
the pencillin standards (50 ␮g/L for each one) followed with a sample treatment procedure described in the experimental section, were analyzed by the NSM-W/O MEEKC.
Samples were pressure-injected into the capillary at 50 mbar for 60 s.
H.-Y. Huang et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (2011) 7663–7669 7669

3.5. Real sample analyses by NSM-W/O MEEKC Supplementary data

Subsequently, the optimal NSM W/O MEEKC method was used Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
to analyze porcine liver and kidney samples (Section 2.2). The the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2011.05.091.
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