Psychology - of - Introverts. - Thread - by - Upskillyourlife - Jul 10, 23 - From - Rattibha

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6 Tweets • 2023-07-10 •  See on Twitter 

Psychology Of Introverts.

- Thread -
1. Introverted sensors.

- You are observant and pay great attention to details.

- You respect society norms and rules.

- You like planning everything before hand.

- You think and reflect on previous experiences when

you plan.

- You prefer tiny intimate gatherings.

2. Introverted feelers.

- You are very intelligent and creative

- You are passionate about social justice.

- You are deep thinker.

- You enjoy loneliness.

- You like to express your feelings and sentiments in

artistic way.

- You like to happily go on a solo date/vacation.

3. Introverted thinkers.

- You deal with things sensibly and practically

- You depend on facts

- You always lookout to enrich knowledge and wisdom

- You construct logical arguments while making a


- You are very self-aware and are not very reactive to

the situations
4. Introverted Intuitives

- You consider life as a giant mystic puzzle to be


- You like understanding the big picture behind every


- You find ways to solve complex problems

- You enjoy speculating future how things are likely to


- You are straight forward

Thanks for reading.

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