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CFC Youth for Christ

(2010 EDITION)
Table of Content
I. YFC Communication Program Description
a. Rationale
b.What is YCOM?
c. YCOM Objective
d. YCOM Logo
e.YCOM Structure
f. YCOM Structure Guidelines
f. YCOM Roles and Responsibilities
II. YCOM Dynamics
III. YCOM Start Up Kit
IV. YCOM Expansion
VI. YCOM Activities
VII. Appendices


Media today has taken on another level. With technology taking it to greater heights,
media’s powerful influence on the world is now working double time. Everything is constantly
innovating and progressing, making current means of communication which are constantly
changing. Social networking sites are definitely the means to post people’s lives, to be virtually
active and to be socially updated. The communication industry has the ability to call the shots
of the world, easily and effectively. In an instant, media can dictate what’s good and what’s not;
what you should have; how should you act; and how you should think. Media is now able to
dictate what “reality” is.

Moved by the Holy Spirit, Youth for Christ chooses to see media as an opportunity to
bring about God’s transforming love at full creativity. It aims to use media and talents by
maximizing its creativity through events and activities. These are powerful evangelization tools
to attract, to communicate and to influence the young generation. Thus, YOUTH FOR CHRIST

Though YCOM is the tool to spread the message of God, it is also the avenue to enhance
the youth’s God-given talents and to channel their interests rightfully. This is a great venue for
them to generate ideas and be challenged on how to proclaim Jesus creatively. YCOM program
is the best training ground for good Christian artists.


Youth for Christ COMMUNICATIONS or YCOM is the official communications arm of

Youth for Christ, one of the family ministries of Couples for Christ; together with the Special
Events Team of Couples for Christ.

“…And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed?” Romans 10:14

YCOM exists mainly to share to the world God’s greatness in a creative and powerful
way. More than the talent and skills we’re blessed with, we are witnesses of Christ and we
serve as we believe that for people to hear about God, someone must tell them.
As the communications arm of the ministry, YCOM helps the other YFC programs in their
respective events and in terms of their creative needs. YCOM is event- based since our
community invests much on the evangelization through doing events; this is where YCOM gets
to be utilized more. YCOM is a talent enhancement program for its members; developing the
talents and skills to be used for evangelization and mission. YCOM is service oriented as it
assists the bigger community of Couples for Christ as well as the other ministries in conducting
their respective events and activities.

YCOM also makes efforts and strategies to introduce Christ and evangelize non-
community members. It now caters to doing activities and camps for the non community
members like the youths in the ANCOP villages, in the parishes, in the campuses, in other
organizations etc.


Creative Evangelization


Evangelization can be done by witnessing Jesus’ acts to others, speaking verbally about
Him, doing acts of kindness, going out on mission etc. These can be the usual means of telling
others of who Christ. Creative evangelization is the presentation and proclamation of God’s
message in an innovative and inventive way reaching to a target audience. This means to
proclaim Christ in a more attractive, understandable, relatable, interesting way of modern and
updated means of expression and communication.

Ipasok ang creative evangelization concept paper.

Specific objectives:

1. Proclaim God’s message in a creative and powerful way with the use of talents, art,
media, music and any other means possible. [Romans 10:14]

2. Attract more youth to the active and vibrant life that there is with Christ. This to invite
and draw them to the hip, vibrant and fun life that there are among Catholic and
Christian youth groups like Youth for Christ. We will show them that Christ is actually
cool and fun.

3. Have a wider reach of young people to hear and know about Christ through the use of
current mediums of communication; using it to the best advantage to make Christ
known to all.

2. Provide opportunities for God-given talents to be showcased and to be honed through

YFC activities and events, workshops and mission trips.


The broken cross – represents the Jesus in the breaking of the Bread, sharing of the
message to everyone
The color green – the YFC color which represents freshness and youthfulness as
what the ministry is.
The forward button- represents the program that has to move ahead in bringing God’s
message to all

YFC Communications is open to all YFC members and leaders. YCOM members are
grouped according to skills and interests into these 4 interrelated major groups: Multi edia,
Logistics, Press and Production.

YFC Communications is led by the YCOM Core. It is composed of the YCOM youth heads
together with the YCOM couple coordinator and the heads of each of the YCOM groups.

a. YCOM Program Heads – they are identified by the YFC area head who will lead the
YCOM program in the area.
b. YCOM Program Coordinators – they are identified by Couple Coordinator head of the
area (province, sector and country coordinator).

c. YCOM Group Heads – they are youth heads (ideally a pair of male and female leader)
assigned or appointed to work on the groups for logistics, press, multimedia and

d. The YCOM sub- group heads – they do NOT belong to the YCOM core but they are the direct
team members of the YCOM group heads. Each subgroup leader takes on one specialization
like graphics, audio visual, stage production, performers, web team and documentation.

e. YCOM Crew- They are the direct members in each of the groups and sub groups. They are
talented and interested YFC members, who participate in the workshops, volunteer in the
YFC events and activities in their area, contribute to the creative aspect of YFC in their
respective areas. They can be ordinary members and leaders from the different YFC

Note: Non- YFCs are not part of the YCOM crew they are just welcome to join and attend events
and workshops but not part as the YCOM group heads.


Here are the guidelines to follow in setting up or filling in your respective YCOM structure.

a. Whether it is an established or a starting area, the YCOM structure remains in the upper
level (sector level for Metro Manila, provincial level for Philippine Missions, area level for
International Missions). It does not cascade to the program, cluster or chapter level.

b. The YCOM group heads and sub group heads remain in the upper level. While the YCOM
crew in the area keeps growing in numbers and are strengthened in terms of training and
workshops, the YCOM crew will be the one to run and do the creative events in their
respective areas.

c. It is ideal to have a pair of youth heads in each of the YCOM groups because of the many
events and other activities that needs to be done in the whole area. But if the area is still
starting and there are scarce talents found, it can be that there will just be one group head
leading the group just as long as he or she can manage to run the group well and be able to
deliver the needs of the programs.
d. If there is only one leader assigned per YCOM group head, in the long run one has to find a
partner to be able to run the program very well. This is so since there are will be many
events and activities that need to be conducted.

e. School based programs (High school and Campus Based) Vice President for Special Projects
will be trained and will be having workshops from YCOM. They will be considered as YCOM
crew. They are the ones who will do and make their events in their schools and campuses
with the help of the other YCOM crew in their respective areas.

f. YCOM group heads and sub group heads will have their pastoral nourishment like
households and one on ones under the YCOM heads and couple coordinator.

g. It is also important that in choosing the YCOM group leaders in the area, they are
spiritually matured and have undergone the 3 year pastoral formation tracks. In case these
group heads have not undergone any yet, the YCOM heads will make sure that the group
leaders will go through these formation tracks in the nearest area they are in. The YCOM
heads does not have the responsibility to conduct it to them instead they will look for
opportunities that the group leaders should attend the 3 year formation track.

h. The YCOM crew members will have their pastoral nourishment like household and one on
ones to the YFC mainstream whether they belong to a campus, a school, a chapter or
cluster but not in YCOM.


The YCOM leaders should have the 3 H’s. The Head which is the knowhow about the skill and
the talent, the Heart to be committed, to be patient and to be passionate in fully expressing
God’s message and the Hand to do the work entrusted to them.

The YCOM leaders’ (group and subgroup heads) pastoral role is to make sure that relationships
amongst each other in the YCOM crew are healthy, nourishing and harmoniously working with
each other. At the same time, conducts one on ones with their direct down line heads.

Generally, since our main objective is creative evangelization it is the main responsibility to the
YCOM leaders to invite and evangelize non YFCs or non community members to attend events,
workshops and activities. Thus, making sure that creative evangelization happens in their areas.
The following are the roles and responsibilities of the YCOM leaders:

YCOM Program Youth Head

1. They are the point persons for main events of the area. At the same time, they are the
resource for the creative aspects, materials, concepts etc… in their area.
2. During events, they are in charge of marketing the event in terms of branding, imaging
and keeping the pastoral and creative value intact so as to make the event more sellable
and more enticing.
3. They man, oversee and make sure that the whole group functions properly in terms of
activities and/or events.
4. Conducts Events Management Training.
5. They ensure that the YCOM manual is properly executed in their area.
6. They make sure that the YCOM group heads are doing their respective responsibilities
with efficiency and excellence.
7. They conduct the recollections, workshops and the necessary trainings needed of the
YCOM group heads.
8. Consults with the couple coordinator for major decision makings regarding the program
development and main YFC activities.
9. Together with the YCOM couple coordinator, they serve as pastoral leaders of the YCOM
group heads. They conduct households and one on ones with them.

YCOM Logistics Group Head

Since Youth for Christ makes use of events to evangelize and attract its members and
non- members as well; it is yet very important to make the first good impressions of an event
last. With this, we hope to ensure the good quality of events we do in our areas.

Whether it is a small scale event like chapter assemblies, youth camps and other PFO
activities, it is still important make things excellent despite the small quantity of attendees
compared to big scale events. It is important to know what appropriate needs to be delivered
for a small set up. Basing from big scale events, we will downsize the logistical needs but never
the quality. With this, we can still ensure the excellence of the event.

1. Handles mainly YFC events in terms of physical preparations like sound system and
venue, visual art designs, stage, venue design and set up, electricity, water and others.
2. Handles event suppliers (sound system, stage, lights etc…); handles the negotiations
with them; maintains good relationships with them as well.
3. Helps in the event operations and in carrying them out excellently and effectively;
making them all fall into place.
4. Makes a database of suppliers, possible good venues for camps, events etc… This is
important for our area not to have a hard time working on event venues in the future.
5. To take care of the logistical needs of the local events (meaning those in the chapter,
cluster and school/ campus level); the logistics group head finds good YCOM crew who
can manage to be a logistics head. He or she then connects with the YCOM group head
for possible help in negotiations, resources, suppliers etc…

YCOM Production Group Head

1. Handles and takes care of the 2 subgroups which deals with stage management and the
entire talent pool of the area namely the music ministry, dance group, artists, models
and performers.

Two (2) sub-groups:

a. Stage production- refers to the handling of the program; may it be big scale or small
scale. They are those who manage and run the program, both in technical and the
stage production.
 For big scale production, they are the stage managers and runners, the segment
directors, the assistant director, technical director, lights director, audio
playback, costume mistress, production manager and others.
 For small scale events, they are the director, stage manager (which can also be
the runner) technical director (which can also be the audio and video playback)

b. Performers- refer to the talent pool like the dancers, music ministry, chorale, artists,
models and other performers.

2. Initiates activities like workshops and trainings in order to develop and enhance the
talents of the YCOM crew. And at the same time provides opportunities for new and
interested talents to be honed and shown through these workshops and trainings.

3. The Production group head looks for and trains possible pool of directors especially in
the local areas. When there will be local events, it would not be too hard to look for
directors to handle the event.

YCOM-Multimedia Group Head

According to Wikipedia, multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of

different content forms. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content
forms) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms. The term is
used in contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced
material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video,
and interactivity content forms (
Multimedia has been used and breathed each and every time by the youth because this
catches more of their attention than the usual media forms. We will be using this medium to
effectively communicate Christ to the youth.

1. Handles the 2 subgroups which deal with the “media and content combination” aspect
of YFC. This makes creative evangelization more visually entertaining, interactive and
attractive to the young.

Two (2)sub-groups:

a. AV (audio visual) team – refers to any work with sound and visual component. This
includes video editing, flash presentations, audio visual support, animation, sound
mixing. The AV team is the main makers and resource of these materials in events
and activities.

b. Graphics team – refers to the group who focuses on visual communication and
presentation which includes visual arts, graphic designs, packaging, and lay outs of
publications, flyers, brochures, conference materials, merchandise and the like.

2. Provides the needed creative materials of the YFC activities in the area.

3. Constantly updates and upgrades oneself with the ever evolving media tools, styles and
strategies so as to be more relatable and relevant to the creative needs of the youth.

4. Takes care and enhances talents of these video editors and makers, graphic and visual
artists through workshops and trainings.

YCOM Press Group Head

Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable
communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to
turn communication into interactive dialogue ( Since
we are in the onset of social media and continuously evolving its ways to enable anyone, we
will make use of the advantages that this means of communication has brought. Taking in mind
the main purpose of spreading the word of God to a wider reach with immediate and effective

1. Handles the 2 subgroups which deal with the web team and the documentation team.

Two (2) sub groups:

a. Web Team – refers to the web administrators of the different social networking sites
of their area. The content writers in the newsletters and the social networking sites
or the web sites.
- Covers main events in the area through write ups in the newsletters, updates in
the social networking sites and posts on online blogs. Thus, they keep these
documentation properly.
- Initiates content and production of newsletters, maintains and updates the
social networking sites of the area and makes sure that the write ups and
content are accurate, inspiring and empowering.
- Ensures that the social networking sites and websites of the area are linked to
the main YFC website.

b. Documentation team – refers to the photographers and videographers in capturing

the best moments and highlights of the events in the area.

- Handles the still and video documentation of the events in the area.
- Handles the filing, archiving and storing still and video documents of the area
- Conducts workshops to further enhance talents of photographers and
videographers of the area.

2. Takes care and enhances their skills through trainings and upgrading.

YCOM Couple Coordinators

1. They work hand in hand with YCOM area head in being pastors and service heads of the
YCOM group leaders.
2. Oversees the YCOM program in its activities, events and its development as a service-
oriented program
3. Takes part in major decision making and consultation in the program development and
main YFC events.


1. They are the direct interested and talented members in the different YCOM groups.
2. They are the warm bodies that proclaim the message of God and make the YCOM group
3. They attend trainings and workshops that enhances and develops their talents.
4. Non YFCs are welcome to join YCOM trainings and workshops, provided that in a certain
period of time they will have to join the Youth Camp.

YFC Communications is a very exciting program with countless opportunities and

challenges as well. Effective and excellent quality of work and produce is essential to widen our
reach to more young people, to excite them to our cause and to develop more Christian artists.

YCOM is a service-oriented program based on the interests of the youth and dealing
with enhancing their artistic skills through reco-trainings [pastoral-oriented skills trainings] and
workshops; serving in the YFC events; making concepts, strategies and more innovative ways to
evangelize creatively. This makes YCOM dynamic and interesting thus, making it available to all
the YFC members and leaders interested to join without them having to change areas,
programs and households.

Official YCOM people are only those in the YCOM core group, since the YCOM crew is
outsourced from other programs and other areas. Each member of the YCOM crew is allowed
to be part of any of the YCOM groups according to their interests and expertise (events,
production, press and multimedia). They are on “on-call” status as they are the prime movers
in the creative evangelization in the YFC events and activities in their respective area. YCOM
crew who are YFC leaders in their area should prioritize their service and households in YFC

In YCOM, all five (4) groups are interrelated and closely coordinated in making things
work for the program and in any event in their area. Here are some examples to have a clearer
picture of how dynamic the program can be.

a. During major events like concerts, assemblies, conferences and the likes, all four (4)
groups with the YCOM head leading the group together with the head of event. They
gather together to do the creative concepts of the event.
b. The Logistics group takes the lead in handling the event operations like the canvassing
of logistical needs. They spear head also in conceptualizing the physical design and set
up of the event.
c. The YCOM head then taps the Production group for performances needed in the
production. The talents coordinator which is part of the stage production subgroup
oversees the practices, mans the talents involved for the production and makes sure
excellent performance will be shown.
d. The Multimedia group head leads his group in making the video support needed for the
event, graphic designs needed for visual presentation, merchandise concept and design,
logo, teasers, posters and flyers etc…
e. The Press group lead by the web team (subgroup of the Press) broadcasts the event
through the web for promotion purposes; excites the target audience for the event
through constant update and write ups. Same thing happens on the d-day and after the
event. They also collaborate with the Multimedia group for graphic materials and videos
to be used on the web for promotions and information needed by the audience.
f. The Press group lead by the Documentation team (subgroup of the Press) in
collaboration with the Multimedia group works for video shoot and photo shoot as
materials needed for graphic designs and video support. They document everything on
the d-day and archive these materials after the event for future materials needed in the
next coming events.

For specific needs of creative materials, the YCOM head directly contacts the specific
YCOM group head for these materials.

Example: a. logo – multi media group head; b. dancers –talents group head; c. pictures for a
certain activity – documentation group head; d. creative content needed for a poster – press
group head; e. stage director for a youth camp- events group head. The YCOM couple
coordinator just ensures that all these are carried out well and effectively.


In any area where Youth for Christ is established and would be established, it is highly
important to set up Youth for Christ Communications (YCOM) in the area. This greatly helps in
attracting young people in the area; making it appealing and fun to be part of Youth for Christ

Here is a simple and applicable step by step process to set up YCOM in the area
(provincial, country and sector level). This is done in coordination of the area head and
coordinator (PCC/ PYH, SYH / SCC, country head or FTW).

Step 1: Identify and appoint YCOM heads and couple coordinators for the area.

Step 2: Identify and appoint YCOM group heads. It can be that we identify at least one
person to lead per group just to get the group started.

Step 3: Recruit gifted young people to be part of the each group. Provide opportunities
to showcase their talents for them to be interested in the program.

Step 4: Establish relationships by conducting one to ones and households, conduct

fellowships etc… so as establish trust and to strengthen working relationships.
Step 5: Meet and plan as to how to run the program effectively in the area in relation to
the creative evangelization needs of the YFC in the area.

Step 6: As soon as plans are set in the area, it is time for reco-trainings, workshops and
activities to enhance and improve talents of the YCOM group heads and crew.


a. The establishment of YCOM in the area runs from 0-12 months as soon and as long as
there is Youth for Christ and Couples for Christ in the area already.

b. As we identify the YCOM leaders that we appoint in the area, it is but important to really
discern and pray for them very well. Conduct one on ones with them and explain to
them the responsibility that they will be taking on.

c. It is also important that these appointed leaders are spiritually mature, the ability and
knowhow needed for the program, the leadership skills and the commitment to serve
God through YCOM.


YCOM has three (3) stages in which we are able to identify the YCOM level of
implementation and growth in the area. It is a guide to gradually achieve the full blown capacity
of the program in the area; thus, achieving the objective of creative evangelization in Youth for



This is where we establish the YCOM core in the area by using the YCOM start up kit (see the
start up kit in the previous page).

Indicators of Growth:
 YCOM WEEKEND has already been done amongst the YCOM leaders.

a. Has established YCOM heads and YCOM couple coordinators in the area.
b. Have at least (two) 2 established and working YCOM groups.
c. Have done households and one on ones with YCOM groups. Have established working
relationships with YCOM crew as well.
d. Have conducted the initial plans set by the YCOM core as to how to have more YCOM
crew and how to run the program more effectively.
e. Have conducted initial workshops for the existing YCOM groups.


This is the stage where YCOM core group is already complete and fully operational in their
respective responsibilities. YCOM crew also exists in each of the YCOM groups. In this stage, it is
where we sustain, we intensify and we strengthen the gifted people entrusted to the YCOM
core. This happens in the second (2nd) year since the YCOM program has been initiated in the

Indicators of Growth:

 YCOM WEEKEND and YCOM ACADEMY 1 has already been done in the area.

a. Have a fully operational YCOM core group (see YCOM dynamics).

b. Have intensified involvement and an increase in numbers of the YCOM crew under each
of the groups.
c. Have continuous pastoral support and nourishment amongst the YCOM core.
d. Have executed the plans to sustain and to train the YCOM core and YCOM crew in their
field of expertise through workshops and reco-trainings.
e. Have lead and have served in the main YFC events in the area.


This is the all-out stage where the YCOM program is ready to engage in the higher calling of
going out of the YFC ministry to serve and proclaim God to the young. Here, we conduct events
outside YFC premises like in the malls, fun runs, praise concerts, program or advocacy
launching; where in these events target non- YFCs. In the same manner that we serve to help
other youth organizations especially in the dioceses or parishes in their events etc…This is also
the stage where we serve fully in the other ministries of our community like KFC, SFC and CFC.

Indicators of growth:

a. Everything in the above stage indicators still exist, fully operational and continually
growing in terms of number, efficiency and excellence as well.
b. Leveling up of workshops and trainings done for the enhancement of skills and talents of
the YCOM core and the crew. YCOM ACADEMY 1 and 2 are done.
c. Have conducted major creative evangelization events like mall evangelization, fun-runs
etc… in their area.
d. Have taken part in the major diocesan activities and in other youth organization’s major
e. Have served and taken big part in preparing and organizing major community activities
(CFC, SFC and KFC)
f. Serves in mission trips to conduct YCOM trainings in near areas as well.

YCOM ACADEMY 1 – this training serves as the entrance activity for the YCOM crew and for
those who wants to join YCOM. Please see YCOM Academy 1 manual

YCOM ACADEMY 2 – also known as the CREATIVE CAMP. This is a 2 weekend succession talents
workshop /training that is intended for non – YFCs; which eventually will lead them to join YFC.

YCOM WEEKEND - this is a pastoral recollection and training intended for the YCOM leaders in
the areas.



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