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Class Rules:

1. Be Respectful (listen to others, don’t interrupt others, be open to others’ opinions, don’t be

2. Hands, feet and objects to yourself

3. Do it with purpose (Do the best you can and put forth effort. Do it nice or do it twice or do it

4. Be ready


1. Everyone wants to be treated with respect and it is important to respect others as well.
Respectful classroom allows students to feel safe about speaking their mind and giving their
opinion. It allows them to be comfortable to take risks and learn.

2. If you can’t control your body, then you or someone else will get hurt.

3. If we are given something to do, even if we don’t like it, we might as well do the best possible
job we can. We are already investing time into a task and don’t want to repeat it. Enjoy the
journey and find joy in doing things with great pride.

4. Time is the one thing that we never get more of each day. We need to be efficient and be ready
to listen, learn, and live.


1. Verbal warning

2. Name on board

3. Time to reflect and practice class rule that was broken

4. Contact parents

5. Admin Notification


Classroom points, table points, extra recess, extra independent reading, special privileges

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