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Esteem – in high esteem – esteemed – self-esteem

Meaning: respect for or a good opinion of someone / to hold in high esteem: to respect very
much / self-esteem: belief and confidence in your own ability and value.

1-The compliments she received after the presentation boosted her self-esteem.

2-Of course you try to build up your children’s confidence and ___________________.

3-There has been a drop in public ___________________ for teachers.

4-Her recent success at work has been very good for her ___________________ .

5--Because of their achievements they were held ___________________ .

6-The Chinese hold Confucius ___________________ .

7-All the people in the study had high ___________________ and they had no issues with their

8-Jealousy within a relationship is usually symptomatic of low ___________________ in one of the


9-I speak on behalf of those who hold you ___________________.

10-Firstly, parties of this kind are not much ___________________ in any country.

11-You were always surrounded by ___________________ and general respect but you have now
disappointed us.

12-She has very low ___________________.

13-She suffers from low ___________________ and it prevents her from pursuing her goals.

Showboat - showboating

Meaning: someone who behaves or plays a sport in a way that is intended to attract attention or
admiration, especially when this is annoying / showboating: a slightly annoying form of
behavior, especially in sport, that is intended to attract attention or admiration because it is very

14-When he scored his fourth goal of the afternoon, we were forced to forgive his
___________________ and other antics.

15-He’s not a ___________________ and isn’t comfortable attracting attention to himself.

16-He’s a ___________________ outfielder who’s famous for his flamboyant catches.

17-Then the skilled boys came out and went in for some ___________________ .

18-I was the best football player in town but I’ve never been a ___________________ .

19-He was no daredevil, preferring calculated risks to ___________________ stunts.

20-His eccentricity has won him a great deal of fans, but what some perceive to be
___________________ has drawn substantial criticism.

Pre-eminence (n) – pre-eminent (adj)

Meanings: the quality of being more important or better than others / pre-eminent: more
important or better that others.

21-His ___________________ in this subject is internationally recognized.

22-She is the ___________________ authority un her subject.

23-In the process of solving design problems this technique is the ___________________ tool
employed by these architects.

24-The company hopes to reestablish its ___________________ with an international clientele.

25-The old word used to be “___________________ “; now the word “outstanding” is more used.

26-The ___________________ of English in films, music, and software helped make it a global


27-Starting with an obviously ___________________ erudition and an enviable range of

knowledge, he has assembled great forces of evidence and argument.

28-This gift will help ensure that the university maintains ___________________ in the

geosciences for generations to come.

29-It is not possible to specify the magnitude of this role and this article does not assume that the

role has been ___________________.

30-It isn’t clear yet which of the new technologies will come to ___________________ .

31-It isn’t clear yet which of the new technologies will come to be ___________________ .

Endemic (adj) – endemically (adv).

Meaning: especially of a disease or a condition, regularly found and very common among a

particular group or in a particular area / endemically: in a way that is endemic.

32--Malaria is ___________________ in many of the hotter regions of the world.

33-She suggests the country’s government is ___________________ corrupt.

34-This will not solve the problems ___________________ rooted in the system.

35-The disease is ___________________ among/to British sheep.

36-There is ___________________ racism/poverty/violence in many cities of the country’s cities.

37-They depicted the whole system as ___________________ evil.

38-He sees the world as an ___________________ cruel place.

39-She defended a police service which has been denounced as ___________________ racist.

Humble (adj/verb) – humbling (adj) – humbled

Meaning: not proud or not believing that you are important / poor or of a low social rank /

ordinary; not special or very important / to make someone understand that they are not as

important or special as they thought / humbling: causing someone to understand that they are

not as important or special as they thought.

40-He was ___________________ by the child’s generosity.

41-He’s very ___________________ about his success.

42-It is quite ___________________ for me to have the chance to work with such incredible


43-The world champion was ___________________ by an unknown outsider in last night’s race.

44-Even when he became rich and famous, he never forgot his ___________________

45-Losing this game has been a ___________________ experience.

46-Seeing the courage and skill of the disabled athletes was a ___________________ experience.

47- In my ___________________ opinion we should never have bought the car in the first place.

48-It’s a ___________________ experience to see people being so positive about life when they

have so little.

49-At that time he was just a ___________________ mechanic.

50-I find his heroism ___________________ .

Belittle /belittling /belittled

Meaning: to make a person or an action seem as if he, she or it is not important / to make to

seem unimportant (usually by harsh criticism).

51-Though she had spent hours fixing the computer, he ___________________ her efforts.

52-Stop ___________________ yourself – your work is highly valued.

53-She’s always ___________________ his achievements.

Hubris (noun)

Meaning: a way of talking or behaving that is too proud.

Allure (noun)

Meaning: the quality of being attractive, interesting, or exciting / the quality of being exciting

and attractive

54-Becoming famous is the ___________________ of working in television.

55-This surprise is part of the ___________________ of this brand new design.

56-He was punished for his ___________________ .

57-It requires great humility to overcome ___________________ .

58-Nobody ignored their mutual sexual ___________________ .

59-We have seen the negative effect of hubris in individuals and nations throughout history.

60-My uncle’s hubris caused him to be an egotistical and cruel man.

61-___________________ leads to the downfall of many celebrities and Politians.

62-That hotel’s greatest ___________________ is its atmosphere.

63-Monroe was famous for radiating a powerful ___________________.

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