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1) Elizabeth had a very good education and preformed well within her education, she was very

hard working and was extremely determined especially when it came to languages, As a
queen these values would possibly influenced her to be more assertive and certain when it
came to making decisions as she knew her worth and potential, she would have also kept
much of her work to a very high standard and therefore likely expected lots from her
parliament and Privy council and even the public.

2) Both sources indicate that the was a well thought of and gentle person in her childhood, her
upbringing led her to be caring and sweet which was commented on by various people. Her
childhood was good and she was looked after by many and well thought of.

3) This source shows she was deeply religious and was very loyal to her royal duties, in addition
it also indicates her resilience and strong will which isnt afraid to comment on things which
she does not agree with or if she has been accused of something which isnt true.

4) Elizabeth was welcomed as she was independent, she knew what needed doing and she was
confident in herself. Her religious beliefs were also strong and common amongst the British.

5) MacCaffrey thought she had good strategy of caution and immobility, which would have
helper her through her reign, however she did not yet have the leadership, commanding and
ensuring commands were met skills needed to be a strong monarch.

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