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Subject Name Entry and Advancement in the Australian Workplace

Unit Code &

EAW1 – Australian Workplace Culture
Assessment Name A2. Work Effectively with Diversity

Assessment Due Week 2

Student Name
Trainer &
Assessor Name

Submission Date

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Task 1: Just the Facts

 Read the statement below carefully.

 Conduct some research and write down your answers in the space provided.

An Australian Culture Overview

Australia is a vast island continent situated southeast of Asia. Australia is renowned for its
natural beauty, multiculturalism, and diverse population. The country’s immense
geographical variety has given Australia much of its character, creating a land of cultural
fusion and enriching opportunity. In order to fully comprehend the complexity of this nation,
it is essential to gain an understanding into the underlying concepts of its culture. (Ref: Doing
Business in Australia).

Official Name of Australia: Commonwealth of Australia

Population: 25million

Official Language: English

Currency: Australian Dollar

Capital City and Why: Canberra

GDP: 1,480.36 USD

GDP per Capita: 57,210.82 USD

Inflation Rate: 1.34 percent

Unemployment Rate: 7.2 percent

Australia’s First Prime Minister: Edmund Barton

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Task 2: True or False Activity


 Read all statements below carefully.

 Place a tick in the appropriate column.

Statements True False

1. A sense of humour is important in the T ☐
Australian workplace.
2. A business letter should have a formal T ☐
and concise introduction.
3. Australians like to communicate T ☐
4. Socialising after work is not common ☐ F
in Australia.
5. Managers dislike suggestions from ☐ F
6. Levels of management are structured T ☐
and strictly observed in Australia.
7. Sport is a key discussion item in the T ☐
Australian workplace.
8. Older people are often not chosen for ☐ F
jobs in the Australian workplace.
9. Women are not suitable for high ☐ F
pressure management positions in the
Australian workplace.
10. There are laws that ensure equality in T ☐
the Australian workforce.

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Task 3: Research Activity


 Read the statement below carefully.

 Form a group of 3-4 students to discuss the questions.
 Write your answers in the space provided.

International students working in Australia often find the culture at work quite different from
their own country. It is important to familiarise yourself with the cultural practices in
Australia in order for you to be competitive in finding work and in performing well once

Some of the most cultural characteristics of the Australian workplace are listed below:
󠄀Hierarchy and Leadership Styles
󠄀Work Structure and Protocols
󠄀Small Talk

a) Using the criteria above research how the Australian Workplace implements each criterion
in the workplace.

Communication is very professional in Australian workplace. The message in communication
is clear and ideas are exchanged. Everyone is encouraged to give feedback. Listening is
another aspect in Australian workplace due to which every co-worker has chance to speak.
󠄀Hierarchy and Leadership Styles
Office hierarchy is different in Australian. There’s a strong attention on the team instead of
individuals. That is why it is comfortable atmosphere in Australian Culture.

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An effective leader is someone who can communicate rationally, connect relationally,
manage practically and lead directionally and strategically. As well as providing direction,
inspiration, and guidance, good leaders exhibit courage, passion, confidence, commitment,
and ambition. They nurture the strengths and talents of their people and build teams
committed to achieving common goals
󠄀Work Structure and Protocols
Work structure of Australia is kind of non-hierarchal structure where attention is paid to titles
and rankings within the organisations. Status is assign to achievements rather than position in
the organisation
Diversity is about what makes each of us unique and includes our backgrounds, personality,
life experiences and beliefs. Diversity is also about recognising, respecting and valuing
differences based on ethnicity, gender, age, race, religion, disability and sexual orientation. In
Australia, diverse culture is beauty of workplace.
󠄀Small Talk
There are some things about Australian work environments that international workers can
find surprising, small talk is one of them. At the beginning of most meetings, Australians tend
to chat about unrelated subjects like sports, the weekend, even the terrible commute to work
they had that day. This is called small-talk

b) Consider your own culture and identify how it differs from these practices

In contrast to my culture, Australian workplace has different style of communication. I feel it
is more casual and feedback is encouraged. While in my culture sometimes the feedback is
not considered, moreover, the hierarchical structure is similar to Australia.
󠄀Hierarchy and Leadership Styles

The Australian culture is relaxed, but everyone is punctual for meetings i n both countries, there
is gender equality and women are employed at senior managerial positions. Both Pakistan and
Australian managers focus on achieving the targets and getting the job done. Many people work
much longer hours and they start early.
󠄀Work structure and Protocols
Its relax and casual atmosphere mostly in Australian Workplace. In my culture there is formal
relation between boss and employee. Attention is on the progress of overall company instead
of one person in Australia.

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Australia is home to a diverse Indigenous population; however, most of the leadership
positions in the country are held by people of European descent. Over 200 languages are
spoken in Australia. 21% of the population reports speaking a language other than English.
This identifies that the diversity of Australia while in my culture most people at workplace
are from my country.
󠄀Small Talk
There is small talk in my culture as well where all co-workers share their stories. Sometime
we share jokes to have a good start of day at office.

Task 4: Research Activity

Summarise your findings from Country Comparison- Power Distance Index
Power Distance: Comparing Pakistan with Australia in power distance the graph shows
Pakistan stands at 55 and Australia at 38. There is difference in power sharing in Pakistan as
boss holds the most authority. In Australia there is equality and information are equally
accessible to both boss and employees.
Individualism: Relationship is another factor when we talk about individualism in Pakitsan.
Australia is independent society while Pakistan is dependent on each other in terms of
Individualism. Australia stands on 90 while Pakistan is on 14 in individualism graph.
Masculinity: The graph shows Australia a masculine society as there is healthy competition
among people. The graph shows Pakistan at 50 which means it is difficult to decide whether
it is masculine or feminine society.
Uncertainty Avoidance: Australia has 51 and Pakistan scores 70 at uncertainty avoidance.
Australia is intermediate in this uncertainty avoidance while Pakistan people are more
involved in their work and passionate about the results.
Long term orientation: Australia stands at 21 and Pakistan at 50 in long term orientation.
Pakistan society believes in long term goals instead of quick results. While in Australia it is a
bit different but workplace is more organised.
Indulgence: There is huge gap between Australia and Pakistan regarding indulgence.
Pakistan society has different view about their spending's and lifestyles. Australia has a better

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