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Subject Name Entry and Advancement in the Australian Workplace

Unit Code &

EAW1 – Australian Workplace Culture
Assessment Name A2. Work Effectively with Diversity

Assessment Due Week 2

Student Name Zeeshan 202200650
Trainer &
Sukhwinder Singh
Assessor Name

Submission Date 15 March 2023

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Task 1: Just the Facts

 Read the statement below carefully.

 Conduct some research and write down your answers in the space provided.

An Australian Culture Overview

Australia is a vast island continent situated southeast of Asia. Australia is renowned for its
natural beauty, multiculturalism, and diverse population. The country’s immense
geographical variety has given Australia much of its character, creating a land of cultural
fusion and enriching opportunity. In order to fully comprehend the complexity of this nation,
it is essential to gain an understanding into the underlying concepts of its culture. (Ref: Doing
Business in Australia).

Official Name of Australia: The Commonwealth of Australia

Population: 25.36 million

Official Language: English Language

Currency: Australian Dollar

Capital City and Why: Canberra because the conflicts between

Sydney and Melbourne so decided the
GDP: 1.397 trillion

GDP per Capita: 55060.33 USD

Inflation Rate: 0.87%

Unemployment Rate: 5.1%

Australia’s First Prime Minister: Edmund Barton

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Task 2: True or False Activity


 Read all statements below carefully.

 Place a tick in the appropriate column.

Statements True False

1. A sense of humour is important in the  ☐
Australian workplace.
2. A business letter should have a formal  ☐
and concise introduction.
3. Australians like to communicate  ☐
4. Socialising after work is not common ☐ 
in Australia.
5. Managers dislike suggestions from ☐ 
6. Levels of management are structured ☐ 
and strictly observed in Australia.
7. Sport is a key discussion item in the  ☐
Australian workplace.
8. Older people are often not chosen for ☐ 
jobs in the Australian workplace.
9. Women are not suitable for high ☐ 
pressure management positions in the
Australian workplace.
10. There are laws that ensure equality in  ☐
the Australian workforce.

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Task 3: Research Activity


 Read the statement below carefully.

 Form a group of 3-4 students to discuss the questions.
 Write your answers in the space provided.

International students working in Australia often find the culture at work quite different from
their own country. It is important to familiarise yourself with the cultural practices in
Australia in order for you to be competitive in finding work and in performing well once

Some of the most cultural characteristics of the Australian workplace are listed below:
󠄀Hierarchy and Leadership Styles
󠄀Work Structure and Protocols
󠄀Small Talk

a) Using the criteria above research how the Australian Workplace implements each criterion
in the workplace.

In Fact, effective communication is crucial to every aspect of workplace organization in
Australia because it fosters strong relationships with co-workers and helps projects be
completed on schedule. Aside from the fact that they are the best at what they do, they also
have the best sense of humour.

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󠄀Hierarchy and Leadership Styles
There are many points where Australian leadership is important from different perspectives. 
People don't judge each other by their jobs and jobs. On the other hand, the organization is fai
rly flat and friendly, and any workrelated issues should be discussed with a manager or superi
or.The majority of Australians work in teams or groups and tend to work independently

󠄀Work Structure and Protocols

Australian organizations are very organized and can maintain consistency even with many
branches. You should also arrive at all meetings and workplaces on time and make sure your
tasks are clearly done. Or I need to discuss further too fully understand the concept. Offer
totally innovative ideas to express your own thoughts.
Indeed, the Australian workplace has always been multicultural, there is no room for racism o
r discrimination and everyone is treated equally regardless of race, colour, gender or age
etc.This organization loves hearing new ideas from employees based on diverse ideas. Backgr
ound Ultimately, Australian businesses love to offer an inclusive platform work culture.
󠄀Small Talk
Small talk is very strange at first for cosmopolitan people in Australia as it's not so common i
n other countries, but it's a great way for employees to talk a little bit about their weekend ho
bbies and many other things. Communicate and kickstart the day. You feel completely comfo
rtable and relaxed. Not usually required, but very common in Australia.
b) Consider your own culture and identify how it differs from these practices

Communication in Pakistan plays an important role in every organization. Even most compan
ies in Pakistan host open meeting workshops where teams connect with everyone and share id
eas. Business communication in Pakistan can complete each other, share innovative ideas and 
improve business performance.
󠄀Hierarchy and Leadership Styles
Normally, Pakistann organizations have a very strong hierarchy and management style, but it 
depends on the ranking and the performance of the company, the top companies have almost t
he same hierarchy as the Australian companies, and the bosses have a very strong relationshi
p between the employees to make a decision.
󠄀Work structure and Protocols
Companies in Pakistan have flexible working environments and protocols, employees have th
e option to work onsite or remotely, and managers and bosses work together to achieve work
place goals, but important decisions remain high up in the organization. Only by authorities.
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Pakistan is a country whose people come from different tribes and have their own unique cult
ure and heritage. When all employees in an organization work together, employees can speak 
many other languages and communicate with providers in their native language, thus enhanci
ng the company's reputation and increasing company profits enterprise.

󠄀Small Talk
Small talk is not very common in Pakistan like Australia. Usually Pakistann employees start t
alking directly about work and chat casually with each other. Small talk should be encourage
d in Pakistan, like Australia, as it is a very good tool to break the silence in the morning befor
e starting work.

Task 4: Research Activity

Summarise your findings from Country Comparison- Power Distance Index

First, you can see the ratio between Australia and Pakistan. Pakistan is 55 and Australia is 38.
This is the big difference between these two countries. Australia is multicultural, but Pakistan
is not inferior to many others, especially languages. Exploring Pakistani culture, Pakistan has
more than Australia.
A hierarchy has been established within Australian organizations, managers are usually
dependent on their employees, both managers and her members of the team consult each
other for project updates, and communication is informal.
Pakistan has a very high dimension value of 55, making it almost impossible to find a
Pakistani preference on this dimension.
Overall, Pakistan and Australia have unique cultures and heritages, both rich in diversity,
communication and more. Finally, Australia prides itself on being multicultural, with her
over 200 nationalities worldwide.

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