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Scale: Strongly Agree=5 Agreed=4, Undecided=3, Disagreed=2,

Strongly Disagreed=1
Variable S/AG AG UN DA S/DA
1. Customer are satisfy with our product
2. We meet the need of our customer
3. Our customer services are favourable
4. we have feedback from our customer regularly
5. The expectation of our customer are met
1.The rule and regulation guide our behavior in our organization
2.Rewards and punishment are entered/implemented based on merit
3.Recruitment and training of staff is based on merit and requirement
4. Product and service quality is a core policy of our organization
5. The role of engagement and conflict resolution is based on our
organizational value.
1. Most of our customer make a repeat buying
2. Most of our customers have sense of belongings
3. Our customer patronize us regularly
4. Our customer have faith and trust in our product
5. Our customer favour product in the midst of other.

Scale: Strongly Agree=5 Agreed=4, Undecided=3, Disagreed=2,

Strongly Disagreed=1
Variable S/AG AG UN DA S/DA
5. Customer are satisfy with our product
6. We meet the need of our customer
7. Our customer services are favourable
8. we have feedback from our customer regularly
5. The expectation of our customer are met
1.The rule and regulation guide our behavior in our organization
2.Rewards and punishment are entered/implemented based on merit
3.Recruitment and training of staff is based on merit and requirement
4. Product and service quality is a core policy of our organization
5. The role of engagement and conflict resolution is based on our
organizational value.
1. Most of our customer make a repeat buying
2. Most of our customers have sense of belongings
3. Our customer patronize us regularly
4. Our customer have faith and trust in our product
5. Our customer favour product in the midst of other.
The following hypothesis will be used to test the study:

H1: there is a significant relationship between the organization value and customer

H0: there is no significant relationship between the organization value and

customer satisfaction

2. H0: there is a significant relationship between customer loyalty

H1: there is no significant relationship between customer loyalty

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