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Examination of the confounding effect of subcutaneous fat on
muscle echo intensity utilizing exogenous fat
€ ller, Fabio J. Lanferdini, Juliana Y. Passos Karam, and Heiliane de Brito Fontana
Jonathan Neto Mu
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by on 05/25/21

Abstract: We aimed to provide an unbiased estimate of the confounding effect of subcutaneous fat thickness on ultrasound
echo intensity (EI) measures of muscle quality. The effect of fat thickness on EI was verified for an approximate range of
0 to 3 cm of fat using exogeneous layers of pork fat over the human tibialis anterior muscle. Sonograms were obtained
(i) with focus constant across fat thickness conditions, and (ii) with focus position adjusted to the muscle region of interest
(ROI) position for each fat thickness level. In agreement with our hypothesis, increasing fat between the probe and the ROI
resulted in a decrease in EI. This overestimating effect of fat on muscle quality differs between sonograms with constant
focus and sonograms with focus position adjusted to the vertical displacement in ROI position that occurs for different lev-
els of fat thickness. Correcting equations to account for the overestimating effect of fat on muscle quality are provided for
both focus conditions. This is the first study to systematically analyze the confounding effect of fat thickness as an inde-
pendent factor and the provided equations can be used for improved accuracy in estimates of muscle quality in obese/
overweight subjects/patients.
 The independent confounding effect of subcutaneous fat thickness on ultrasound (US) estimates of muscle quality was
 US estimates of muscle quality depend on whether focus is adjusted to the muscle region of interest or not.
For personal use only.

 Equations for correcting muscle quality estimates are provided.

Key words: fat, ultrasound, methods, agreement, focus, force, tissue, muscle quality, intramuscular fat, skeletal muscle.
Résumé : Notre but est de présenter une estimation non biaisée de l’effet de confusion de l’épaisseur de la graisse sous-cuta-
née sur les mesures de l’intensité de l’écho par ultrasons (« EI ») de la qualité musculaire. L’effet de l’épaisseur de la graisse
sur l’EI est vérifié pour un écart approximatif de 0 à 3 cm de graisse en utilisant des couches exogènes de graisse de porc sur
le muscle tibial antérieur humain. Des échographies sont obtenues (i) avec une mise au point constante du foyer dans
toutes les conditions d’épaisseur de graisse et (ii) avec l’ajustement de la mise au point du foyer à la région musculaire d’in-
térêt (« ROI ») pour chaque niveau d’épaisseur de graisse. Conformément à notre hypothèse, l’augmentation de l’épaisseur
de la graisse entre la sonde et la ROI suscite une diminution de l’EI. Cet effet de surestimation de la graisse sur la qualité
musculaire diffère entre les sonogrammes à mise au point constante du foyer et les sonogrammes avec la mise au point
ajustée au déplacement vertical de la ROI qui se produit pour différents niveaux d’épaisseur de graisse. Des équations de
correction pour tenir compte de l’effet de surestimation de la graisse sur la qualité musculaire sont fournies pour les deux
conditions de mise au point. Il s’agit de la première étude à analyser systématiquement l’effet de confusion de l’épaisseur
de la graisse en tant que facteur indépendant; les équations fournies peuvent être utilisées pour améliorer la précision des
estimations de la qualité musculaire chez les sujets/patients obèses/en surpoids. [Traduit par la Rédaction]
Les nouveautés :
 L’effet de confusion indépendant de l’épaisseur de la graisse sous-cutanée sur les estimations de la qualité musculaire par
ultrasonographie (« US ») est quantifié.
 Les estimations par ultrasonographie de la qualité musculaire dépendent de l’ajustement ou non du foyer à la région muscu-
laire d’intérêt.
 Des équations pour corriger les estimations de la qualité musculaire sont fournies.

Mots-clés : graisse, échographie, méthodes, accord, foyer, force, tissu, qualité musculaire, graisse intramusculaire, muscle

Received 19 May 2020. Accepted 1 November 2020.

€ ller, F.J. Lanferdini, and J.Y. Passos Karam. Biomechanics Laboratory, School of Sports, Center of Sports, Federal University of Santa Catarina,
J. Neto Mu
Florianópolis, SC 88040-900, Brazil.
H. de Brito Fontana. Biomechanics Laboratory, School of Sports, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil; Department
of Morphological Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Corresponding author: Heiliane de Brito Fontana (email:
Copyright remains with the author(s) or their institution(s). Permission for reuse (free in most cases) can be obtained from

Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 46: 473–478 (2021) Published at on 6 November 2020.
474 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 46, 2021

Introduction increases. Focus position, in contrast is usually set automatically

to a fixed proportion of depth. Therefore, if focus is not adjusted
Echo intensity (EI) of skeletal muscle sonograms has been used
manually, the vertical distance between focus and the muscle
as an estimate of muscle quality in individuals with various phe-
ROI positions will vary depending on fat thickness. This effect
notypes (Blue et al. 2018; Herda et al. 2020; Mota and Stock 2017;
has not yet been analyzed and is not accounted in the current
Stock et al. 2020), with greater EI scores indicating a greater accu-
methods used to correct EI estimates of muscle quality for the
mulation of intramuscular connective tissue and/or fat (Pillen
confounding effect of fat thickness.
et al. 2009; Young et al. 2015). EI has been proved to be reliable
In this study, we aim to provide an unbiased estimate of the
(Caresio et al. 2015; Lanferdini et al. 2019), thereby encouraging
effect of subcutaneous fat thickness on EI scores. Fat thickness
its application in investigating training and aging adaptations
was modified by adding exogenous fat layers over the skin, and the
(Fukumoto et al. 2012a; Mota and Stock 2017).
Associations between subcutaneous fat thickness and EI esti- resulting change in EI was analyzed. This experimental approach
mates of muscle quality in humans are usually discussed from allowed us to mimic the effects of increasing fat thickness (attenua-
a physiological perspective (Herda et al. 2020; Oranchuk et al. tion and changes in ROI relative position) on EI estimates of muscle
quality. We hypothesized that increasing fat thickness between the
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by on 05/25/21

2020; Ryan et al. 2016; Vakula et al. 2019), addressing the damag-
ing effect of obesity on muscle quality that has been confirmed probe and the ROI in the muscle leads to an overestimation of mus-
in animal models (Biltz et al. 2020; Collins et al. 2018). However, cle quality. To explore the interactions between the effect of fat and
the confounding effect that a fat layer may have on EI estimates the vertical displacement of ROI relative to the sonogram focus, we
of muscle quality has not been carefully investigated and is cur- compared EI measurements obtained with and without adjusting
rently not properly taken into account in the literature (Arts the focus to the ROI position for each fat thickness level. Correcting
et al. 2010; Nijboer-Oosterveld et al. 2011; Schless et al. 2019; Stock equations for the effect of fat thickness are proposed for sono-
et al. 2020). grams with and without focus adjustment.
The confounding effect of subcutaneous fat thickness on EI
Materials and methods
estimates of muscle quality leads to an underestimation of the neg-
ative impact of obesity/overweight on muscle health (Oranchuk Ten (5 males and 5 females) healthy subjects (age, 28.0 6
et al. 2020; Ryan et al. 2016) and may lead to erroneous conclusions 5.6 years; height, 1.70 6 0.11 m; body mass, 67.8 6 11.9 kg) partici-
regarding chronic exercise-induced changes in muscle quality pated in this study. Participants were selected based on convenience
(Wong et al. 2020) and differences in muscle quality between men and gave full written informed consent to participate in the study.
and women or between muscles and muscle regions (Oranchuk This study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki, and
the procedures were approved by the local Institutional Research
For personal use only.

et al. 2020; Stock et al. 2020). Until now, most studies that correct
ultrasound-based estimates of muscle quality for the confounding Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Santa Catarina
effect of subcutaneous fat have counted on the equations devel- (1.721.566). The effect of fat thickness on EI estimates of muscle qual-
oped by Young et al. (2015). ity was evaluated for an approximate range of 0 to 3 cm of fat using
Young et al. (2015) proposed a correction factor for subcutane- the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle and exogeneous fat layers. Six layers
ous fat thickness on EI estimates of muscle quality that has been of pork fat (layers 1 to 6) with approximate length, width and thick-
widely used (Blue et al. 2018; Ryan et al. 2016; Stock et al. 2020). ness of 8  4  0.5 cm were used.
However, their experiment consisted on changing fat thickness All participants were instructed to maintain their normal rou-
by applying different levels of external pressure on the skin, tine and avoid strenuous exercise in the 48 h before the data col-
which is expected to lead to changes in tissue parameters, such lection. Before measurements, participants rested supine on a
as density and stiffness, that influence the speed of ultrasound stretcher for 5 min. To identify TA muscle belly limits, a 50 mm
(US) wave propagation (Kot et al. 2012; Winn et al. 2016), produc- linear array ultrasound probe (8 MHz) was positioned at the mid-
ing changes in EI that may not represent the effect of subcutane- distance between the lateral malleolus and the lateral knee con-
ous fat thickness (Ishida et al. 2016). The authors, therefore, did dyle and a transversal ultrasound B-mode scan was performed
not evaluate the independent effect of fat but only the associa- (LOGIC S7 Expert, General Electric, Wauwatosa, USA). Sonograms
tion between changes in fat thickness and changes in EI that were then taken from the mid-belly with the ultrasound probe longi-
occur when pressure is applied to the skin. Additionally, their tudinally aligned with the muscle and perpendicular to the skin.
correction factor was incorrectly based on average estimates of The probe was coated with water-soluble transmission gel and
EI scores for a thickness of 1 cm, instead of on the slope of the care was taken to avoid compression of the skin. The skin was
relationship between EI and thickness. This methodological issue shaved to remove the excess of hair and avoid a possible unknown con-
results in further limitations in the use of the equation proposed, founding effect of hair in the gel interface. B-Mode was configured with
especially when extrapolated to other subjects/muscles, as their an image depth of 40 mm; general gain of 60 dB and TGC at neutral
factor essentially reflects an (compression-biased) estimate of the position. Two sonograms were obtained with the probe directly over
quality of the muscle samples analyzed and not the effect of subcu- the skin (layer 0) and for each additional exogenous layer (layers 1 to 6);
taneous fat. one in which the focus was kept at 1 cm (without focus adjustment)
Despite the appeal of ultrasound EI as a noninvasive, low-cost and another in which the focus was adjusted (with focus adjustment)
surrogate measure of muscle quality and lipid accumulation to coincide with the ROI (area right below TA superficial aponeurosis).
within skeletal muscle (Choi et al. 2016), estimates depend on the After obtaining the 2 sonograms for layer 6, the fat layers were
standardization of ultrasound parameters to be reliable (Caresio removed from the skin and the procedure was repeated twice,
et al. 2015; Paris et al. 2020). Most studies standardize gain and resulting in 3 sonograms for each layer and focus condition.
time gain compensation (TGC), and recently the importance of Sonogram analysis was conducted by 2 evaluators using ImageJ
maintaining depth fixed across sonogram acquisitions has been 1.42q software (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA) and
systematically demonstrated (Paris et al. 2020). However, for com- included measurements of adipose layer thickness (AT) and mus-
parisons made across individuals with different subcutaneous fat cle EI. Excellent agreement was reached between evaluators
thickness; fixing gain, time gain compensation and depth still (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (2,1) >0.934 for all meas-
does not control for changes in the relative position between the urements and conditions).
region of interest (ROI) and the sonogram focus position. Muscle AT was defined as the distance between the TA superficial apo-
ROI position within the sonogram window is displaced down- neurosis and the superficial limit of the adipose layer measured.
wards as the amount of subcutaneous fat in the sonogram EI was determined in the ROI using the mean value of a standard

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€ ller et al.
Neto Mu 475

Fig. 1. Sonogram (left) including the muscle region of interest (ROI) and the associated schematic representation (right) showing the
subcutaneous fat layer and the 6 fat tissue layers used in our experiment. EI, echo intensity.
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by on 05/25/21
For personal use only.

gray-scale histogram function, with values ranging between 0 (black) developed for sonograms obtained with and without focus adjust-
and 255 (white). The ROI consisted of a rectangle (4.0  1.0 cm) posi- ment separately. The correcting equations were based on the subtrac-
tioned below the superficial aponeurosis of the TA as shown in Fig. 1. tion of the confounding effect of AT on EI scores (ATeffect) from a
measured EI value.
Statistical analysis
The mean across the 3 repeated sonograms for each condition EIcorrected ¼ EImeasured  ATeffect
(layer  focus adjustment) per subject was used. Precision for
repeated procedures yielded ICC (2,3) values greater than 0.84
(p < 0.001) for EI and greater than 0.953 (p < 0.001) for AT in all condi- To estimate ATeffect, the effect of AT on EI was calculated for ev-
tions. Normal distribution and sphericity of EI and adipose tissue data ery participant using individual best-fit regression equations.
were verified using Shapiro–Wilk and Mauchly tests, respectively. Quadratic regressions were used to best fit the effect of fat on
Intraclass correlation (ICC 2,1  agreement) was tested between sonograms obtained without focus adjustment, while linear
focus adjustment conditions with ICC ≤ 0.25 being classified as regression equations were used to best fit the effect of fat on sono-
absent correlation; 0.25 < ICC ≤ 0.5, as weak correlation; 0.5 < grams obtained with focus adjustment. Finally, the average effect
ICC ≤ 0.7, as moderate; 0.7 < ICC ≤ 0.9, as strong; and ICC > 0.9 as (ATeffect) was calculated by averaging the regression coefficients
very strong (Caresio et al. 2015). Standard error of measurement across participants. Standard errors were calculated for each coeffi-
(SEM) and minimum detectable change (MDC) were calculated cient of the correcting equations. For all analyses, GraphPad Prism
using eqs. (1) and (2). Confidence interval was set at 95% and (USA) was used with a significance level set a = 0.05.
z score adjusted to n = 10.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Results
ð1Þ SEM ¼ SDpooled  1  ICC AT varied from approximately 0.4 to 3.0 cm with the additional fat
layers, while EI scores varied from 138 6 11 to 43 6 17 depending on
ð2Þ MDC95 ¼ SEM  2:228  2 the condition (Table 1). Agreement between EI scores obtained with
and without focus adjustment was highly dependent on AT. While a
very strong ICC and a SEM <1% were observed for sonograms with a
For subjects pooled data, the effect of increasing adipose tissue thin fat layer, for sonograms accompanied with a fat layer thicker
thickness on EI scores was best-fitted using linear regression than 2 cm, ICC between sonograms with and without focus adjust-
analysis for the focus-adjusted condition and was best fitted using ment decreased to weak or absent correlation with SEM values
quadratic regression analysis for the without focus-adjusted reaching values greater than 30% when all 6 layers were included in
condition. Based on the effect observed, correction equations were the analysis (Table 1 – agreement analysis).

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476 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 46, 2021

Table 1. Mean (SD) of echo intensity (EI) scores and adipose thickness (AT) (n = 10) for an increasing number of adipose layers.
EI (a.u.) Agreement between focus conditions (1  2)
No. of layers AT, cm* 1. Focus not adjusted 2. Focus adjusted ICC [95%CI] F SEM% MDC
0† 0.40 (0.10) 137.3 (11.2) 137.7 (12.5) 0.988 [0.955, 0.997] 158.945‡ 0.9 4.0
1 0.87 (0.12) 122.1 (12.4) 123.0 (13.5) 0.953 [0.832, 0.988] 39.919‡ 2.2 8.6
2 1.28 (0.12) 105.2 (18.8) 104.8 (18.2) 0.979 [0.917, 0.995] 83.981‡ 2.5 8.2
3 1.63 (0.09) 99.6 (21.5) 85.9 (23.8) 0.826 [–0.041, 0.969] 78.246‡ 10.4 30.5
4 1.92 (0.14) 98.1 (18.4) 75.5 (20.2) 0.561 [–0.037, 0.898] 32.598‡ 16.9 46.1
5 2.41 (0.17) 87.2 (13.2) 57.1 (18.3) 0.327 [–0.024, 0.774] 20.244‡ 24.9 56.7
6 2.95 (0.17) 76.9 (9.5) 42.9 (16.6) 0.160 [–0.041, 0.575] 5.408§ 33.1 62.5
Note: Values were obtained from sonograms with and without focus adjustment. Estimates of agreement for EI between procedures are shown: intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC [2,1] agreement) with confidence intervals (CI), standard error of measurement (SEM), and minimal detectable changes (MDC).
*Mean across focus conditions (average agreement ICC [2,2] = 0.99).
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by on 05/25/21

No additional adipose layers, only the subject’ subcutaneous fat.

p = 0.001.
p = 0.01.

Fig. 2. Regression analysis between echo intensity scores and varying adipose layer thickness. (A) Pooled raw data (n = 10) obtained from
sonograms with focus fixed at 1 cm, and (B) pooled raw data obtained from sonograms with the focus adjusted to the region of interest.
Note that echo intensity decreases with increasing adipose layer thickness, even though the muscle (and its “quality”) is not changed for
a given subject.
For personal use only.

For both focus conditions, a significant effect of AT was observed et al. 2020), and can be estimated from ultrasound EI assessment
on EI, with EI scores decreasing as thickness increased (p < 0.001). in a noninvasive, easily accessible, and relatively inexpensive man-
While a quadratic relationship was observed between EI and AT ner (Choi et al. 2016; Watanabe et al. 2018; Young et al. 2015). Given
for sonograms acquired without focus adjustment (Fig. 2A), the the popularity of EI in clinical settings, it is crucial to maximize its
relationship between EI and AT for sonograms with the focus accuracy (Heymsfield et al. 2015).
adjusted to the ROI was best fit with a linear equation (Fig. 2B). Every 1-cm increase in AT may result in an underestimation of
A stronger prediction of AT effect on EI was obtained for sono- EI of more than 39 arbitrary units on a scale from 0 to 255. Consid-
grams obtained with focus adjustment compared with those ering that subcutaneous fat thickness varies substantially across
without adjustment. While 69% of the variability in EI was associ- individuals and across muscles and muscle regions (Oranchuk
ated with changes in AT in sonograms with focus adjustment et al. 2020; Stock et al. 2020), estimates of muscle quality that are
(Fig. 2B), maintaining the focus fixed at 1 cm (Fig. 2A) allowed not corrected for this effect are biased. More importantly, mus-
only for 54% of the variability to be explained using a second cle quality is often considered in people with obesity undergoing
order polynomial equation. weight gain/loss and nutritional interventions (Blue et al. 2018;
Equations for correcting for the effect of AT on EI estimates of Rahemi et al. 2015), and for those, the confounding effect of AT
muscle quality are presented below for sonograms without focus on muscle quality estimates will become quite substantial due to
adjustment (i) and with focus adjustment (ii). the large amounts of subcutaneous fat.
If no correction is applied, differences in muscle quality
ðiÞ EIcorrected ¼ EImeasured  5:0054  AT2 þ 38:30836  AT between subjects with different subcutaneous fat are underesti-
mated: while a worst muscle quality – i.e., greater EI – may be
expected in individuals with greater fat accumulation (Choi et al.
ðiiÞ EIcorrected ¼ EImeasured þ 39:2297  AT 2016; Ponti et al. 2019), the confounding effect of subcutaneous
fat on EI will reduce EI units, leading to similar estimated values
where standard errors of coefficients in eq. (i) were 62.24 and 68.27, of muscle quality as for a thin person with good muscle quality.
respectively, and, in eq. (ii) 62.09. This confounding effect may also explain weak associations between
EI and AT or percentage of body fat (Fukumoto et al. 2012a), and
Discussion between EI and functional parameters (Stock et al. 2018).
Skeletal muscles produce the forces required for movement Despite early studies pointing to the need of considering sub-
and play an important role in regulating body metabolism (Baskin cutaneous fat thickness for diagnostic evaluation of muscle echo-
et al. 2015; Dickinson et al. 2000). Muscle quality is an important de- genicity (Blue et al. 2018; Reimers et al. 1993), this issue is still
terminant of muscle function (Goodpaster et al. 2006; MacLennan disregarded in the growing literature on EI and muscle quality.

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Only recently, Young et al. (2015) developed a correcting equation subjects in this study suggest that interindividual variability
for the effect of subcutaneuos fat on ultrasound-based estimates with regards to the effect of fat are small when compared with
of muscle quality and their equation has been used widely in the the magnitude of the average confounding effect observed.
literature. However, the independent effect of fat thickness was Longitudinal sonograms were used as they allow for the simul-
not evaluated in their study but only how the changes in fat taneous determination of muscle architectural parameters, such
thickness are associated to the changes in EI when pressure is as physiological cross-sectional area, fascicle length and penna-
applied to the skin. Additionaly, as indicated in the introduction, tion angle that are often of interest in studies evaluating muscle
the procedures used to derive the equation are rather unsound quality and are not possible to estimate using transversal scans.
as the correction factor proposed was the absolute estimated While the independent effect of fat thickness is not expected to
value of EI measured in their sample (5 participants, muscle not change between transversal and longitudinal scans, this compar-
informed) for a subcutaneous fat thickness of 1 cm (EI  40). By ison would require further investigation.
doing so, they introduced an arbitrary correction factor that does Acute and chronic changes in EI have been observed with exer-
not represent “the addition of EI with every 1.0-cm subcutaneous cise. However, further experimental work is needed to provide
fat thickness” as claimed but solely the estimated quality of the appropriate interpretations of these changes in physiological
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by on 05/25/21

muscles analyzed for a subcutaneous fat thickness of 1 cm. When and clinical contexts (Routledge et al. 2019; Rowe et al. 2019;
using their equation, therefore, one has to assume that the esti- Wong et al. 2020). The omission and/or inappropriate accounting
mated EI of the muscles evaluated in their experiment (muscle of the effects of subcutaneous fat on EI might partly explain
not specified) for a subcutaneous thickness of 1 cm can be used as inconsistent results in skeletal muscle tissue quality following
a linear factor that represents the changes in EI with increasing resistance training reported in a recent review (Wong et al.
fat thickness. To truly evaluate the rate of change in EI, the slope 2020).
of the relationship between subcutaneous fat thickness and EI In our experiment, pork fat was used as a surrogate for human
should have been used as the correction factor. fat. The choice of using pork fat was based on the ease and safety
The slope of the relationship between subcutaneous fat thick- of access to this material. In this experiment we assume the
ness and EI observed by Young et al. (2015) with tissue compres- effect of pork fat is similar to human fat, but it is possible that dif-
sion (fig. 1 in their manuscript) differs substantially from the one ferences exist. Given the similarities between the subjects’ sub-
observed in our study (Fig. 2A). Differences may be explained by cutaneous layer and the added layers on the ecogram, we believe
the nature of the experiment conducted by Young et al. (2015), US waves behave similarly in pork fat and in human fat. Future
which does not allow for the quatification of the independent studies investigating this issue in cadavers will add to our current
effect of fat thickness, and also by the the limited range of fat thick- knowledge regarding the confounding effect of fat on ultra-
For personal use only.

ness tested in their experiment. Only 2 out of the 5 participants sound-based estimates of muscle quality.
tested presented subcutaneous fat thickness greater than 1 cm and
changes in subcutaneous fat thickness yielded by compression Conclusion
were very small (0.4 cm). With our experimental approach, we We conclude from the results of this study that (i) subcutane-
were able to assess changes in AT by an average of 2.95 6 0.17 cm, ous fat affects muscle quality estimates based on EI of ultrasound
which allowed us to quantify the confounding effect of fat with- imaging; (ii) that focus adjustment is crucial in quantitative
out having to extrapolate the data assuming a linear effect. assessments of muscle quality by EI; and (iii) that the correcting
Adjusting the focus to the muscle ROI optimizes the image by
equations proposed here prevent the overestimation of muscle
increasing the spatial resolution for a specific area. Although this
quality in people/muscles with thick subcutaneous fat layers.
approach has been previously used for measuring EI estimates of
muscle quality (Fukumoto et al. 2012b; Masaki et al. 2016; Taniguchi Conflict of interest statement
et al. 2017), most often focus position is not specified in the litera- The authors have no conflict of interest to report.
ture. The confounding effect of fat thickness is different between
sonograms obtained with a fixed focus position (Fig. 2A) and sono-
grams obtained with the focus adjusted to the ROI position within Acknowledgements
the sonogram (Fig. 2B). Therefore, it is important that the equations We acknowledge The National Council of Scientific and
proposed in or study are used accordingly. As the thickness of the Technological Development (CNPq), an agency of the Ministry
subcutaneous fat layer increases, and the ROI is displaced down- of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC)
wards in the sonogram window, measurements with and without in Brazil, for the scholarship (PIBIC) provided to J.N.M.
focus adjustment become poorly related (Table 1) with errors reach-
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