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Komp. Gedung Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Buddis Bumi Maitreya
Jl. Prof. Ir. Sutami No. 38 Telp. (0771) 312672 Fax. (0771) 27346
Tanjungpinang – Kepulauan Riau


KELAS : V ( Lima )
I. Choose 1 correct answer!
1. Made : What do you usually wear on a rainy day?
Seta : I usually wear…………….
A. A yellow raincoat and flip-flops
B. A red and white uniform
C. A pair of blue sneakers
D. A brown belt

2. What do you wear on a sunny day? I wear a……………

A. Umbrella C. Raincoat
B. T-shirt D. Sweater

3. Dona : May I help you?

Nurul : Yes, please. I’m looking for a jacket
Dona : What color do you want?
Nurul : Blue, please.
Dona : …………………….
Nurul : Medium
A. What color? C. Can I go?
B. What size? D. Can I try it on

II. Choose 2 correct answers!

4. A sheep gives………………..
A. Eggs
B. Wool
C. Milk
D. Meat

5. Seta, can you play the piano?

A. Yes, I can
B. Yes, I will
C. No, but I can play the guitar
D. No, he didn’t
III. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

6. A hen eats………

7. I …………(minum) coca cola last month.

IV. Change this sentence into the correct form!

8. (+) They may eat this apple at class. (SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE FORM)

(-) ……………………………………………….

(?) ……………………………………………….

9. (+) She went to the waterfall last year. (SIMPLE PAST TENSE FORM)



10. (+)………………………………………………

(-) He did not eat Sate last night. (SIMPLE PAST TENSE FORM)


I. Choose 1 correct answer!
1. Jack wear a pair of jeans with a brown……………on his waist.
A. Tie
B. Belt
C. Socks
D. Jeans

2. It’s raining outside. Dona wears a blue………………made of plastic.

A. Jeans
B. Raincoat
C. Hat
D. Scarf

3. A cow has…….on its head for self-defense.

A. Tail
B. Skin
C. Leg
D. Horn
II. Choose 2 correct answer!
4. It’s a farm animal. It eats grains. Who am I?
A. Sheep
B. Hen
C. Rooster
D. Cow

5. Hasan is a musician. He can play many musical instruments. He…………(√√√) plays the
drums. He………………(√√)plays the piano.
A. Always
B. Usually
C. Never
D. Sometimes

III. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

6. What did you do last holiday? I went…………..

7. Let’s go to the………………(danau) next holiday.

IV. Arrange the following words into a good and correct sentence!

8. Was – last – here – night - I

9. A – gives – meat – wool – and – sheep – us

10. Hiking – Mount – to – Seta – Kerinci - went

------------------------------------------------------------GOOD LUCK--------------------------------------------------------------

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