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American Journal of

Volume 149 Copyright © 1999 by The Johns Hopkins University

Number 10 School of Hygiene and Public Health

May 15, 1999 Sponsored by the Society for Epidemiologic Research


Prisoners of the Proximate: Loosening the Constraints on Epidemiology in an

Age of Change

A. J. McMichael

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"Modern epidemiology" has a primary orientation to the study of multiple risk factors for chronic
noncommunicable diseases. If epidemiologists are to understand the determinants of population health in terms
that extend beyond proximate, individual-level risk factors (and their biological mediators), they must learn to
apply a social-ecologic systems perspective. The mind-set and methods of modern epidemiology entail the
following four main constraints that limit engagement in issues of wider context: 1) a preoccupation with
proximate risk factors; 2) a focus on individual-level versus population-level influences on health; 3) a typically
modular (time-windowed) view of how individuals undergo changes in risk status (i.e., a life-stage vs. a life-
course model of risk acquisition); and 4) the, as yet, unfamiliar challenge of scenario-based forecasting of health
consequences of future, large-scale social and environmental changes. The evolution of the content and
methods of epidemiology continues. Epidemiologists are gaining insights into the complex social and
environmental systems that are the context for health and disease; thinking about population health in
increasingly ecologic terms; developing dynamic, interactive, life-course models of disease risk acquisition; and
extending their spatial-temporal frame of reference as they perceive the health risks posed by escalating human
pressures on the wider environment. The constraints of "the proximate" upon epidemiology are thus loosening
as the end of the century approaches. Am J Epidemiol 1999; 149:887-97.

epidemiology; history; methods; population; social environmental

The past 3 decades have witnessed the methodolog- answers. The question of context has excited much
ical consolidation of "modern epidemiology," with its recent debate about the mission, models, and methods
particular orientation to studying the multiple risk fac- of modern epidemiology (2). To understand the deter-
tors for chronic noncommunicable diseases. That con- minants of population health in terms beyond proxi-
ceptual and methodological orientation arose from mate, individual-level risk factors (and their biological
midcentury as epidemiologists formally engaged in the mediators) requires a social-ecologic systems perspec-
study of diseases of long latency, multiple causality, tive. Yet, modern epidemiology has largely ignored
and apparently noninfectious etiology (1). (I will refer these issues of wider context. We have typically
to such diseases as "chronic diseases," while also not- assumed that populations are merely aggregates of
ing the likely involvement of infectious agents in the free-range individuals and that methodologically cor-
etiology of some of them.) rect local studies can estimate presumed universal
It is axiomatic that the theoretic framework within individual-level risk relations. Such an approach, how-
which we formulate our research questions determines ever, forfeits understanding of the causes and distribu-
the scope, content, and social relevance of our tion of disease within populations and thus restricts the
social usefulness of the research, particularly in a
Received for publication August 20, 1998, and accepted for pub- rapidly changing world.
lication December 16, 1998. That familiar word, "understanding," has great epis-
Abbreviation: CHD, coronary heart disease.
Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, London temologic significance. It refers to the intellectual
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, England. framework within which we gather and interpret our

888 McMichael

individuals" (5, p. 678). Rothman et al. (6) have

responded, expressing misgivings about the capacity
of epidemiology to "eradicate poverty" by studying its
sedimentary role in disease causation and preferring
instead to concentrate on poverty-associated, measur-
able, proximate risk factors for which clear-cut
answers can be gleaned. Meanwhile, on another front,
the elucidation of proximate "risk factor" relations has
been enjoying newly forged links with the microepide-
miologic world of molecular biology (1,7).


Was there a time when epidemiologists took a more

deliberate interest in the social patterning of disease?
Table 1 summarizes the historical ebb and flow of epi-
demiologic ideas about the determinants of population
health and disease over recent centuries.

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The first stirrings of formal epidemiology were in
John Graunt's descriptive analysis of London's bills of
mortality in the 1660s (8). At that time, the classical-
rationalist approach to the causes of illness was being
challenged by the ontologic notion of specific diseases
(9). The idea arose that empirical observations could
usefully be made about disease causation (such as in
Ramazzini's linking of particular occupations with
particular diseases (10)).
In the late 1700s, epidemiologic enquiry in Britain
began to address several specific problems. Thomas
Lind carried out his miniaturized controlled trials of
FIGURE 1. The power of the prevailing paradigm: drawing of an the dietary prevention of seaboard scurvy. Case series
Australian kangaroo by a sixteenth-century Dutch artist (Cornelis de of unusual diseases—such as scrotal cancer in chim-
Jode), based on descriptions by early explorers. ney sweeps and colic in Devon cider drinkers—indi-
cated particular environmental causes. However,
observations. Figure 1 shows how a Dutch artist of the analyses of differential mortality and disease causation
sixteenth century, Cornelis de Jode, visualized an were still principally framed in terms of geography,
Australian kangaroo from early explorers' reports. relative wealth, and occupation. Epidemiologic con-
Presumably, he was told that the mother kangaroo car- cepts remained broad; methods of inquiry were, by
ried the young in a sort of a bag at the front of the today's standards, extremely crude.
body. The paradigmatic carry-bag, for European city In early nineteenth-century industrializing Europe, a
dwellers, is something hanging from a shoulder strap. more humane, egalitarian, post-Enlightenment interest
Hence, this bizarre artistic rendition. emerged in public health problems associated with
Likewise, our understanding of disease causation urban squalor, deprivation, and crowding. The observa-
reflects the theoretic paradigm, the epistemologic tions of Villerme in France and Virchow in Germany
framework, within which we do our research. Has epi- emphasized the association of diseases with urban con-
demiology become predominantly a discipline of tech- ditions, poverty, and hazardous occupations (11, 12). In
nique rather than of substantive understanding (3)? 1845, Engels described Manchester's factory-working
Krieger and Zierler argue that modern epidemiology masses as "pale, lank, narrow chested, hollow-eyed
has theories of causal modeling and of errors, but lacks ghosts" (13, p. 128) afflicted with ricketts and scrof-
a theory of "what shapes population patterns of dis- ula. He documented a doubling in death rates between
ease" (4, p. 107). Pearce states: "Epidemiology has families living in the best and the worst housing.
largely ceased to function as part of a multidisciplinary Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century,
approach to understanding the causation of disease in the miasma theory of disease causation prevailed, tem-
populations and has become a set of generic methods pered by minority support for the alternative idea of
for measuring associations of exposure and disease in "contagion," first mooted in the sixteenth century (14).
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TABLE 1. Four centuries of epidemiologic research: evolution of ideas about the causes of disease in

Period Protagonists Perspective

1600s Graunt and Ramazzini Basic description of patterns of disease mortality
1700s Casal, Lind, Pott, and Specific causation of diseases
Early 1800s Villerme, Virchow, Farr, Social-environmental etiology
Chadwick, and Holistic ideas of the sanitationists
Mid-1800s Semmelweiss, Snow, Transmissible "particulate" agents
Holmes, Panum,
and Budd
1880s Pasteur and Koch Germ theory: specific etiology (Henle-Koch postulates)
Late 1800s-early 1900s Takaki, Goldberger, Micronutrient deficiencies as specific causes
and Funk
Rehn et al. Specific causes of occupational diseases
Galton and Pearson Ideas of specific "genes" (and eugenics) appear

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1920s-1930s Frost, Greenwood, Broader causal model: host, environment, agent;
and Sydenstricker "crowd diseases"
1950s-1960s Doll, Hill, Wynder, Specific, multiple causes of chronic
Kannel, Keys, et al. (noncommunicable) diseases
1980S-1990S Susser, Rose, Pearce, Emphasis on social causation of disease, population
Krieger, et al. perspective

The manifest tendency of certain diseases such as constitutional "fitness" were boosted by the rediscov-
influenza, cholera, and yellow fever to sweep over ery of Mendel's work on particulate genetics in peas
entire populations seemed to confirm that nonspecific (19). So, here, in the early twentieth century was a
miasmatic emanations from decaying organic matter world in which disease was caused by germs, carcino-
were the cause. Accordingly, William Farr explained gens, vitamin deficiencies, and genes. Disease causa-
the marked district variations in cholera mortality tion could now be interpreted in terms of proximate
within London in terms of housing quality, residential personal exposures and attributes.
height above sea level, and general air quality (15). However, epidemiologists (like humans every-
This was epidemiologic research that moved easily where) keep returning to the search for wider meaning
between population, neighborhood, and individual lev- and understanding. In the second quarter of this century,
els (1). Overall, a social and environmental holism in the triumphant germ theory was broadened to accom-
public health characterized the early 1800s. modate the interactive roles of environmental condi-
Then, from midcentury in Britain, the application of tions and host susceptibility. In the United States in
Chadwick's "Sanitary Idea" foreshadowed a narrower, 1927, Wade Hampton Frost sought to "establish a the-
technical stratagem to banish miasmas by purifying the ory" to explain the distribution of disease within pop-
water and air. Hamlin (16) described this rise of sanitary ulations (20). Greenwood (21) in England and
engineering as the "degreening" of nineteenth century Sydenstricker (22) in the United States wrote of
public health. Meanwhile, the accruing evidence of "crowd diseases," the social environment, and social
contagion, especially from Semmelweiss' studies of inequalities in health.
puerperal fever (17) and Snow's studies of cholera (18), Since the 1950s, as infectious diseases receded, epi-
challenged the miasma theory. Eventually, in the 1880s, demiologists in developed countries have been preoc-
the germ theory reoriented epidemiology toward the cupied with chronic diseases of complex etiology.
idea of specific causation: Diseases could each be Faced with this diversity of diseases and risk factors,
understood in terms of a single causal infectious agent. they adopted an essentially empirical approach.
This powerful idea was reinforced by the discovery Numeric reasoning, based on statistical modeling, has
of certain occupational exposures as causes of cancer been central to the effort. A growing preoccupation
and by the implication of specific vitamin deficiencies with the role of multiple proximate risk factors largely
in nutritional disorders. Meanwhile, early crude ideas eclipsed ideas of social causation of disease. We have
about the human genetic determinants of individual thus evolved a modern epidemiology that is adept at

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determining which individuals are at increased risk, but "PROXIMATE" CONSTRAINTS ON MODERN
not at understanding disease distribution within and EPIDEMIOLOGY
between populations. We have been busy reacting to
our consumer society's procession of new, potentially The mind-set and methods of modern epidemiology
hazardous exposures: mobile telephones, replacement entail four types of proximate constraints upon our
estrogens, vitamin supplements, mad cows, photo- research agenda. They are:
chemical smog, and endless new chemicals and drugs.
1. Our preoccupation with proximate risk factors
The explanation goes deeper, however. As also fol- 2. Our focus on individual-level versus population-
lowed the rise of the germ theory, modern epidemiolo-
level influences on health
gy's search for specific proximate causes has deflected
3. Our typically modular (time-windowed) view of
us from social-contextual models of disease causation.
how individuals undergo changes in risk status
It has changed the conceptual framework. Hence, the
4. The, as yet, unfamiliar challenge of scenario-
recent calls for restoring the population perspective,
for recognizing that population history, culture, and based forecasting of health consequences of
social structure determine the level and internal distri- future, large-scale, social and environmental
bution of disease risk (4, 5, 23, 24). Some argue that a changes.
theoretical "black box" positivist epidemiology should Figure 2 represents these four interrelated constraints.

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be recast within an "ecologic" paradigm attuned to Epidemiology, shown as a little orb, is "imprisoned" at
population processes, interdependencies, and multi- bottom left. Let us consider these four constraints in
level causality (1, 3). This proposed systems perspec- more detail.
tive is being reinforced by emerging ideas about the
life-course evolution of chronic disease risk (25). Preoccupation with proximate risk factors
So epidemiology is edging, again, toward a more
integrative view of the sources and distribution of dis- Most contemporary epidemiologic research focuses
ease. This time, we are countenancing a more ecologic on proximate risk factors, that is, specific exposures,
view of how the social and environmental conditions of circumstances, or behaviors that are measurable at the
life influence population health. (Epidemiologists have individual level. During 5 decades, this has yielded
long misused this word "ecologic," borrowed from many important new insights into chronic disease cau-
sociology (26). Ecology is the formal study of the inter- sation. With seemingly fewer large effects remaining
relations between groups of organisms, populations, to be discovered, however, such research is becoming
and species and their surroundings. I here use the word less informative (1, 27, 28). Nevertheless, important
liberally to refer to contexts characterized by interde- findings continue to be made (29), in part reflecting
pendencies between individuals and groups of humans improved measurement methods and the use of very
and their environments.) In seeking an epidemiology large studies or meta-analyses (8, 30).
that integrates across macro-, meso-, and microlevels of The preoccupation with seeking specific proximate
causal analysis and deals with complex social and eco- risk factors has been disdainfully referred to as "risk
logic relations, we must understand the constraints that factorology" (28, 31). The criticism is misleading; the
currently confine us. fault is not in doing such studies, but in only doing



FIGURE 2. Epidemiology as "prisoner of the proximate": schematic representation of the four axes, along each of which much of modern epi-
demiology is constrained by its current concepts and methods.

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such studies. We should also be looking upstream for a and White Americans in proximate biomedical terms,
fuller account of disease causation within a population then we might choose to treat socioeconomic status as
context; we must extend our focal length. Consider a potential confounder that requires routine adjust-
alcohol consumption and liver cirrhosis. The proxi- ment, like age and sex. However, this naively assumes
mate "cause" of liver cirrhosis is the individual's that the "risk" attributes of socioeconomic status are
drinking behavior—or the ethanol itself. However, we independent of those associated with race, including
also wish to account for the within-population distri- the experience of racism at individual, institutional,
bution of alcohol-related liver cirrhosis. Are there dif- and societal levels (35). Kaufman et al. (35) therefore
ferences between generations, social classes, ethnic advocate more creative approaches to causal explana-
groups, or occupations? Are those differences due to tion in social epidemiology, drawing on the concepts
subculture, peer pressure, commercial advertising, of infectious disease epidemiology and systems analy-
opportunity, or employment status? sis. Using multilevel or pathway modeling, and collab-
How epidemiologists relate to that upstream catego- orating with other disciplines, epidemiologists can
ry of question is influenced by whether we perceive then develop quantitative and structural analyses of
the distal determination of disease as being part of how social variables affect health outcomes.
either a linear causal chain or a systems-based causal Consider the widening social class gradient in coro-
web. The former model may tempt us to argue that, nary heart disease (CHD) mortality in Britain over the

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while it is the epidemiologist's task to define the past 2 decades (36, 37). This divergence reflects a
downstream relation between alcohol consumption much sharper decline in CHD deaths in the upper
and disease, it is the separate task of social scientists classes than in the lower classes. The principal chal-
working upstream to elucidate the determinants of lenge is to understand why, in terms of material cir-
drinking behavior and why it differs between popula- cumstances, social relations, knowledge, and behav-
tion subgroups (32). The latter, systems-based, iors, this class-related gap in the risk of dying from
approach envisions a causal web that extends inward, CHD has widened (38). Why is the class-related CHD
via multiple paths, from the encircling realms of the gradient evident in northern European countries but
population's history, culture, and socioeconomic rela- not in France, Switzerland, and Mediterranean-Europe
tions, through residential conditions and subpopulation countries, where, instead, the class gradient is most
attitudes, to the inner proximate factors of individual evident for cancers and gastrointestinal diseases (39)?
behaviors and exposures and their biomedical mani- Explanations for such patterns cannot come from
festations (33). Causal processes within this web are exclusively downstream research. From the experience
not necessarily linear and sequential, but may involve of social epidemiology, we need to learn how to con-
interactions and feedbacks. We may not, as epidemiol- ceptualize and analyze this complex of proximal and
ogists, like this complexity, but life is like that; it com- distal influences on health outcomes (1, 33).
prises complex systems. Epidemiologists must, of course, continue to study
Attuning epidemiologic methods to social proximate causes. Further important causal relations
complexity. Kaufman and Cooper argue that "the tra- will be revealed at that level. However, if that is all we
ditional epidemiologic method is ill-suited for consid- do, ignoring wider social-environmental causes, then
ering social quantities as risk factors" (34). We should we risk reinforcing inefficient programs of local
be seeking a systems-based model of the observable "health promotion" accessible only to the better-
world, they say, and not statistically estimating risks educated, better-resourced stratum of society (40).
by reference to what, in this context, entails an unten- Effective and equitable social interventions require an
able (unobservable) "counterfactual." For example, we understanding of the contextual determinants of health
can consider a smoker who, we can imagine, does not risk distribution within the population.
smoke (i.e., the idealized unexposed "counterfactual") Rose's "sick population" perspective. There is
as being otherwise still the same person (thereby guid- another, related issue. We may wish to distinguish
ing our selection of an appropriate unexposed compar- between factors that explain the occurrence of disease
ison group). However, we cannot consider that a in individuals within a specific population and those
socially disadvantaged person, if no longer socially that account for the overall population rate of the dis-
disadvantaged, would otherwise be the same person, ease. Geoffrey Rose (41) pointed out that a factor that
since many other complex determinants and concomi- is an important cause of disease in individuals within a
tants of socioeconomic status would also be changed. population may differ from one that primarily deter-
With race and gender, they argue, the counterfactu- mines the disease rate within the whole population.
als become even more meaningless. If we seek to Rose illustrated his argument with risk factors from
explain the differences in health status between Black the familiar downstream catalogue, each of which

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could be meaningfully measured at either the individ- ual suicidal tendencies. Rather, it reflected properties
ual or the population level. Consider an example in of the population: the underlying social values, the pat-
which population A has a higher rate of CHD than does tern of social relations, and the moral significance
population B. Within each population, individuals who accorded to the act of suicide. The usual individualis-
smoke have twice the CHD risk of nonsmokers. tic accounts, he said, were therefore deficient.
Nevertheless, the prevalence of smoking is identical in Consider the well-known example of herd immunity
each population and, hence, cannot account for the in relation to infectious disease (44). If, within a pop-
between-population difference in CHD rates. ulation, sufficient of the potential contacts of a primary
However, population A has a generalized higher con- infectious case are immune, then the average number
sumption of saturated fat than does population B. of secondary cases will be too few for the infection to
Hence, the between-population difference in CHD spread. By definition, it is only a population that can
rates is explained by differences in diet, not smoking, have herd immunity; it has no direct, corresponding
even though smoking is the dominant risk factor at the representation at the individual level. It is this consti-
individual level. tutional property of the population that determines
That example would be equally plausible if we whether the infectious disease can be sustained within
interchanged smoking and dietary fat. Often, however, the population. Therefore, there is an interdependence
the factors that operate at individual and group levels of risk between the unit members of the population,

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are not interchangeable, being of qualitatively differ- reflecting the prior experience of that population as a
ent scale and content. This brings us to the second cat- whole.
egory of constraint. Indeed, infectious disease epidemiologists well
understand that the individual-level risk of infectious
Levels of causal analysis: individual versus disease often reflects population-level characteristics
population (45). For example, the sexual spread of human immun-
Implicit in the focus on proximate risk factors is an odeficiency virus within a population is strongly deter-
assumption that the individual is the site of etiologic mined by the pattern of sexual activity within the pop-
action. We thus assume that, while social and environ- ulation, which, in turn, reflects economic relations,
mental influences may originate on a broader front demographic mobility, and cultural traditions. An indi-
upstream, they ultimately become manifest, as risk vidual's risk, for a given number of sex partners,
factors, at the level of the individual. The individual, depends on who is having sex with whom and on the
therefore, is viewed as the natural unit of epidemio- prevalence of the infection within that contact net-
logic observation. Larger-scale variables that affect work. Individuals have sex; populations have patterns
whole groups or populations, such as poverty and cul- of sex. Both are risk factors, but at different levels.
tural disruption, are only important because they trans- The distribution of income within a population is
late into individual-level risk factors. Poverty affects another interesting population characteristic: Individuals
diet, cultural disruption breeds alcoholism, and so on. have a personal income; populations have an income
This population/individual distinction, however, distribution. At the individual level, income has a well-
needs careful consideration. Are we, as in the previous known relation to health: Poor individuals die younger.
section, merely distinguishing between upstream Davey-Smith et al. (46, 47) have recently demon-
social contexts and their downstream proximate mani- strated a clear gradient in mortality across 14 income
festations? Or is there a category of risk factor that, in classes in US Blacks and Whites separately. Low
some collective way, influences the health of the pop- absolute personal income, we presume, affects indi-
ulation at large via processes that have no direct down- vidual health principally via material deprivation.
stream manifestation? Further, complex entities such At the population level, however, the relation
as poverty, for example, can have very different mean- between wealth and health is different. Wilkinson (48)
ings and can measure qualitatively different constructs and others have demonstrated, in developed countries,
at the individual and population levels (42). that differences in average life expectancy between
Susser has recently reminded us that the subject countries show little correlation with average income.
matter of epidemiologic research is "ecological in the Rather, average life expectancy correlates inversely
original biological sense of organisms in a multilevel with the extent of within-population income inequality.
interactive environment" (1, p. 609). The sociologist This relation reflects health experiences across the
Emile Durkheim, in the late nineteenth century, was income scale and is not a simple arithmetic conse-
one of the first to argue that society's characteristics at quence of extremely poor health in a deprived minority.
large can affect a health outcome (43). The suicide Nor is it explained by interpopulation differences in
rate, he said, was not simply the aggregate of individ- levels of public expenditure on health and welfare (49).
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At a subnational scale, Kaplan et al. (49) have shown simply in terms of individual-level risk behaviors (such
for the US states that the inverse correlation between as smoking and drinking) or exposure to environmental
average state income and mortality is entirely accounted pollutants (58). Watson (58) postulates that the general-
for by differences in within-state income inequality. ized state control of daily life, poverty of community
Something about a population's internal income rel- networks, and suppression of individual initiative
ativities thus appears to affect overall population induced a collective learned helplessness and communi-
health independently of any effect of average personal ty disengagement, while reinforcing inward-looking tra-
income. Recently, in a study in 39 US states, Kawachi ditional family values (59). This loss of social capital
et al. (50) showed that, in states where income differ- eroded the traditional role of men more than that of
ences are greater, people experience their social envi- women and created conditions that jeopardized health.
ronment as more hostile; they are less likely to join In post-Soviet Russia, social frustration and disintegra-
community organizations and more likely to mistrust tion appear to have underlain the dramatic surge in pre-
other people. Those researchers conclude that the gap mature male mortality attributable to excessive alcohol
between rich and poor affects social organization and consumption during 1990-1995 (60). Regional analysis
that the resulting loss of "social capital" may impair shows that the local decline in life expectancy was
the population's health. clearly correlated with local labor turnover, recorded
How is this effect mediated? Some of these investiga- crime rates, and unequally distributed income (61).
Rapid social and economic change apparently disrupts

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tors invoke individual-level physiologically based
explanations via the neuroendocrine response to status stabilizing social-behavioral patterns, leading to self-
destructive behaviors.
deprivation, insecurity, and chronic stress. Studies in
primate colonies indicate that individual-level measures There is other historical evidence that social, cultur-
of status-related stress, cortisol levels, and atherogenesis al, and political characteristics of a society influence
are positively associated (51, 52). Recent epidemiologic susceptibility to disease. After European settlement, the
evidence suggests that the rate of progression of athero- emergence of CHD in indigenous Amerindian, Maori,
sclerosis is inversely proportional to socioeconomic sta- and Australian Aboriginal populations reflected the
tus (53) and occupational reward:effort ratio (54). social structures of both the indigenes and the settler
populations (62). More generally, changes in the life
So, is this search for individual-level explanation
expectancy of the native population was influenced by
merely biological realism? Or does it reflect the hege-
the social and political structures of settler populations
monic power of individual-based biomedical thinking?
and by the form of interaction between populations.
Might it be that lessened income inequality reduces
These examples underscore the importance of study-
rates of alienation, violent crime, and infectious disease
ing the role of population-level influences on health.
risk behaviors in ways that confer protection on every-
Such factors, intrinsically difficult to characterize, are
one? Perhaps the generalized relative paucity of mater-
neither the mere aggregation of individual risk factors
ial assets (including health care facilities) in unequal
nor the directly connected upstream determinants of
societies (55) and, indeed, the legacies of social, cultur-
proximate factors. Rather, there appear to be constitu-
al, and political history of those unequal societies tional properties of populations, such as herd immunity,
impair their health prospects (56). We are not well income inequality, and social morale, that affect health
placed to answer these questions because we have not processes at a supra-individual level, in addition to any
yet undertaken the types of multilevel analysis that manifestations of risk that they might induce at the indi-
could elucidate coexistent and interactive influences at vidual level.
the population and individual levels (33). Perhaps part
of the widely reported individual-level inverse associa-
tion between income and mortality actually results from Life-stage versus life-course models of risk
the group-level experiences of subpopulations experi- acquisition
encing relative deprivation. The debate continues. A third constraint on our thinking is that much epi-
The bleak mortality experience of central and eastern demiologic research implies a static, modular view of
Europe in recent decades raises other population-level the acquisition of risk. In caricature, we take 1,000
questions. During the 1970s and 1980s, as life expectan- healthy adults, add 10 cigarettes per day or a regular
cies increased in western Europe, central and eastern dose of air pollution, and then see by how much the
European countries experienced increasing mortality health status changes. This approach is not necessarily
from many causes, including heart disease, stroke, res- wrong, but it often gives incomplete or misleading
piratory infections, accidents, and violence, all espe- answers. Much risk of disease, especially noninfec-
cially in men (57). The striking east-west divergence in tious disease, evolves over a lifetime via cumulative
death rates during those decades cannot be explained and interactive processes.

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An intriguing example comes from research done in adult lives (70). Further, the combination of being a
a rural population in The Gambia, West Africa. Survey small baby and a large adult—a combination that max-
data show that the average weight of adult women in imizes the metabolic mismatch between life stages—
that population fluctuates seasonally, being 5-7 percent markedly elevates the risk of hypertension (figure 3)
greater in the harvest season. An historical survival and of cardiovascular disease mortality (71, 72).
analysis of children born around midcentury revealed A life-course model of disease etiology is thus
that those children born during the harvest season expe- evolving, distinct from the static "adult lifestyle"
rienced distinctly better survival in adulthood than did model. It posits coexistent, often interactive, chains of
those born in the nonharvest season. By the fifth decade biological and social influences that underpin the
of life and with no survival difference apparent before development of adult disease risk (73). These life
age 15 years, survival in the two groups was approxi- course-based insights, intrinsically scientifically inter-
mately 65 and 45 percent, respectively (63). Something esting, also have important implications for disease
to do with perinatal nutrition has profoundly affected prevention, of course. This line of research will require
long-term biological robustness. various new data-analytic techniques, such as repeated-
Asthma offers another example. For several measures techniques, multistate modeling, and adap-
decades, we have sought immediate environmental tive genetic algorithms.
causes: air pollutants, environmental tobacco smoke,

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and aeroallergens. Yes, many of these exposures prob- Forecasting health risks under conditions of global
ably trigger attacks in susceptible persons. However, change
why has the disease increased severalfold in western
The fourth constraint is our confinement, as essen-
populations over the last 25 years? Why, in ecologic
tially empirical scientists, to working in the present
terms, are we producing successive generations of
and recent past tenses. We are not yet well attuned to
children with increasing susceptibility to asthma?
forecasting future health risks in relation to potentially
Perhaps early childhood experiences (infections, con-
important future "exposures." Indeed, the possibility
tact with environmental bacteria, vaccinations, etc.)
of major adverse systemic environmental change has
affect immune system programming along allergic or not previously pressed upon us.
nonallergic pathways (64). Because of the combined weight of human numbers,
Over the past decade, considerable evidence has economic activity, and technology, we are starting to
accrued that biological processes and experiences in change the conditions of life on Earth. Such a change
early life, especially fetal life, affect lifelong suscepti- will affect the global patterns of human health and dis-
bilities to various adult disease processes: cardiovas- ease (1, 74). For the past 2 centuries, epidemiologists
cular disease, diabetes, immune disorders, respiratory have lived and worked in a world in which large-scale,
diseases, and others. Research along these lines in natural life-support systems have not been perceptibly
Britain, especially by Barker (65) and others, has perturbed and weakened. We no longer live in such a
greatly extended Forsdahl's work in Norway in the world. We must therefore now think beyond the tradi-
1970s and, indeed, that of certain British nutritional tional striving for incremental health gains within pop-
scientists in the 1930s (66, 67). These ideas need to be ulations; we must also address the issue of the sustain-
subjected to critical tests of replication (68) and ability of population health against the prospect of a
require biological corroboration from laboratory and deteriorating natural environment.
clinical sciences. Further, the public health ("attribut- The two best-known global environmental changes
able risk") significance of these potentially important are the accumulation of heat-trapping greenhouse gases
early-life influences on adult disease risks should also in the lower atmosphere (troposphere) and the deple-
be assessed. tion of stratospheric ozone caused by ozone-destroying
Inevitably, many of these dynamic causal models are gases. Authoritative international scientific reviews
complex. The relative importance of early-life and have semiquantitatively characterized the anticipated,
adult-life influences varies between categories of dis- mostly adverse health consequences of these global
ease outcome. A cohort study of Scottish men found that change processes (75, 76). These, however, are only
the risk of stroke and stomach cancer mortality depend- part of a longer list of newly recognized, global and
ed primarily on childhood socioeconomic conditions, worldwide environmental changes (77). Other major
whereas heart disease mortality was influenced by con- changes include losses of biodiversity, depletion of
ditions in both childhood and adulthood (69). Early-life supplies of freshwater, degradation of food-producing
experiences may critically affect some heart disease risk systems on land and at sea, and the worldwide dissem-
factors, such as triglyceride levels, while cholesterol ination of persistent organic chemicals, each entailing
level and blood pressure are affected by both early and potentially great risks to human health (78).

Am J Epidemiol Vol. 149, No. 10, 1999

Prisoners of the Proximate 895

Lower 2/3 Upper 1/3
145 of adult of adult
BMI range BMI range
(N = 429) (N = 202)

2 135
1 °

<3250 3250-3749 3750-4249 4250+

Downloaded from by guest on February 14, 2013

Birth weight (gms)

FIGURE 3. Relation of systolic blood pressure at age 50 years in Swedish men to, jointly, birth weight and adult relative body weight (71). The
relation is similar for diastolic blood pressure.

Is the role of epidemiology essentially reactive? Is it As time passes, the relevance of the latter use
limited to helping society understand and tidy up its increases.
public health messes after they occur and, thus, to 2. Integrated mathematical modeling of the future
reducing the likelihood of recurrence? Hopefully not. health outcomes in relation to the forecast sce-
Rather, as the scale of humankind's impact on large narios of environmental change (i.e., scenario-
biophysical systems increases, triggering unfamiliar based health risk assessment).
global-scale environmental changes, epidemiologists
should acquire new skills in anticipatory, scenario- A balance is needed between empirical and predic-
based, health risk assessment (79). The role of such tive research. The latter, relying substantially on inte-
assessment is primarily to assist human society to fore- grated mathematical modeling, is important for assess-
see and understand the range of likely consequences of ing the range of plausible outcomes (for example,
current and emerging economic, social, and environ- geographic shifts in the potential transmissibility of
mental trends (80). Only by entering the rapidly devel- vector-borne infections, changes in regional food secu-
oping arena of "futures studies" (81), rich in interdis- rity and levels of malnutrition, and increases in skin
ciplinary challenge, can epidemiologists engage in cancer incidence rates) and also for revealing gaps in
health risk assessment that can guide the development knowledge about relations and processes (79). The for-
of proactive policies to constrain these large-scale mer, empirical research will fill those gaps and
environmental changes. enhance our capacity to forecast future scenario-based
Research into how future changes in world climate, health impacts. Empirical studies of the health conse-
in ambient ultraviolet radiation exposure, and in other quences of recent variations in exposure—for exam-
large-scale environmental changes are likely to influ- ple, El Nino climatic episodes (82)—will yield further
ence health risks is still in an early developmental understanding of these environment-health relations.
phase. There are two major categories of research The advent of these macroscale environmental risks
needs: to human health means that a future-oriented interdis-
ciplinary research effort is required in which epidemi-
1. Empirical studies into the relation between rele- ologists play a substantive role.
vant environmental variations (e.g., meteorologic
variables and ultraviolet radiation levels) and CONCLUSIONS
human health outcomes. Such studies can serve
two purposes: the extension of knowledge about As we enter a new century, we epidemiologists must
these causal relations and the detection of early broaden our causal models and recognize the important
health impacts of these environmental changes. ecologic dimensions of social-environmental influences

Am J Epidemiol Vol. 149, No. 10, 1999

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