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National Center for Teacher Education

The Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Taft Avenue, Manila


Directions: Three pictures were presented. Observe and answer the questions

1. What similarities did you observe in the pictures? Elaborate.

The three pictures depict misalignment in a pipeline, a bridge, and letters of the alphabet.

2. What happens when there is misalignment?

Misalignment can have significant consequences across different contexts. It can diminish the

efficiency, performance, and stability of systems or structures. For instance, in pipelines, misalignment

may result in reduced flow capacity, heightened friction, and the possibility of leaks.
National Center for Teacher Education
The Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Taft Avenue, Manila

3. Do you have life experiences where misalignment occurred? Explain.

One instance of misalignment that I can reflect upon is when, as a teacher, I experienced

a mismatch between my expertise as a biological science major and the subject I was

assigned to teach in my new station, values education.

4. Is alignment important in our daily lives? How can you say so?

Alignment holds significant importance in our daily lives. It enhances efficiency, productivity,

and personal well-being by streamlining our efforts towards common goals. It fosters

harmonious relationships based on shared values, and facilitates confident decision-making

aligned with our aspirations. Ultimately, alignment enables progress, growth, and a more

purposeful existence.

5. What can you do to avoid misalignment?

I believe that to avoid misalignment, I must clarify my values and goals and align my

actions accordingly. I understand that effective communication and collaboration with

others help establish shared understanding and goals. I also recognize the importance of

regular evaluation to identify and correct any misalignments. Additionally, seeking

feedback and continuously learning enable ongoing adaptation and alignment with

changing circumstances.

*Instructions for submission of outputs shall be determined by the course instructor.

*Suggested repository apps: Google Drive, Google Classroom, PNU LMS.

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