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Trigger Relax

A skier on the west side of the

A massage will help your muscles
mountain triggered an avalanche to relax.
of cascading snow.

Volunteer Approve
When their babysitter canceled at
His parents don’t approve of his
the last minute, I volunteered to
career choice.
take care of their son.

Predict Restrict
Laws restrict the amount of
Gamblers try to predict which
horse will win a race.. tobacco a person can bring into the

Accompany Violate
The Secretary of State
By speaking to the press he
accompanied the President on his violated our contract.

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
Relax (V) Trigger (V)
Relaxing / Relaxed / Relaxed
Triggering / Triggered / Triggered
Def: To become less tense, to
Def: To cause sth to happen, to set
Relaxation (N) / Relaxing, Relaxed
Trigger (N)

Approve (V) Volunteer (V)

Approving / Approved / Approved Volunteering / Volunteered /
Def: 1.To consent to, to allow, or to Volunteered
endorse 2. to believe to be correct Def: To offer to do sth, usually
or good without being asked or paid
Approval (N) / Approving (Adj.) Volunteer (N) / Voluntary (Adj.) /
Approvingly (Adv.) Voluntarily (Adv.)

Restrict (V) Predict (V)

Predicting / Predicted / Predicted
Restricting / Restricted / Restricted
Def: To know what will happen in
Def: To limit, to reduce
the future, to foresee
Restriction (N) / Restrictive (Adj.) /
Prediction, Predictability (N) /
Restrictively (Adv.)
Predictable (Adj) / Predictably (Adv)

Violate (V) Accompany (V)

Accompanying / Accompanied /
Violating / Violated / Violated
Def: To defy, to disobey
Def: To go or come along with
Violation (N)
Accompaniment (N)

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
Immigrate Conform
Millions of Italians immigrated to Unlike his free-spirited, artistic
the US between 1880 and 1915.. sister, he has always tried to

Acknowledge Expose
You should acknowledge that your The journalist exposed a bribery
mistakes caused the accident. scandal in the mayor’s office.

Interpret Demonstrate
Research has demonstrated that
He says that he can interpret
people’s dreams. this new medication is five times as

Adjust Diminish
His influence in the company
You may need to adjust your TV
antenna for better reception. diminished after his successor was

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
Conform (V)
Conforming / Conformed / Immigrate (V)
Immigrating / Immigrated /
Def: 1. To follow rules or standards
2. to follow social conventions, to fit
Def: To move to a new country
Immigration, Immigrant (N)
Conformity, Conformist (N) /
Conformist (Adj.)

Expose (V) Acknowledge (V)

Exposing / Exposed / Exposed Acknowledging / Acknowledged /
Def: 1. To reveal, to uncover 2. to Acknowledged
make vulnerable, to put in contact Def: To admit or accept as a fact, to
with sth dangerous recognize
Exposure, Expose (N) / Exposed Acknowledgment (N) /
(Adj.) Acknowledged (Adj.)

Demonstrate (V) Interpret (V)

Demonstrating / Demonstrated /
Interpreting / Interpreted /
Def: To show, to prove, to establish
Def: To explain or understand the
(a principle or theory) with evidence
meaning of, to translate
Demonstration, Demonstrator (N) /
Interpretation, Interpreter (N) /
Demonstrable, Demonstrative (Adj.) /
Demonstrably, Demonstratively (Adv.) Interpretive (Adj.)

Diminish (V) Adjust (V)

Diminishing / Diminished /
Adjusting / Adjusted / Adjusted
Def: To change or alter sth slightly
Def: To become less or worse, to
in order to improve it, to modify
Adjustment (N) / Adjusted (Adj.)
Diminished, Diminishing (Adj.)

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
My teacher told me that if I revise
the essay I will get a better grade. A sponge can absorb a lot of liquid.

Purchase Select
They are raising money to
The judged selected five dancers
purchase new computer for the as finalists.

Intervene Enhance
A fight broke out during the school
Dressing neatly for a job interview
dance, but the chaperones
will enhance your likelihood of
intervened before anyone was getting hired.

Motivate Imply
Although he didn’t complain, his
Our coach motivates us to practice
harder by setting goals. reaction implied that he was

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
Revise (V)
Absorb (V)
Def: 1. To reconsider 2. to improve
(a piece of writing, etc.) by
Def: To take in or soak up
changing it.
Word Family: Absorption (N) / Word Family: Revision,
Absorbed, Absorbing (Adj.) Revisionism (N) / Revised,
Revisionary, Revisionist (Adj.)

Select (V) Purchase (V)

Def: To choose
Def: To buy
Word Family: Selection, Selector
Word Family: Purchase, Purchaser
(N) / Selective, Select (Adj.) /
Selectively (Adv.)

Intervene (V)
Enhance (V)
Def: To become involved in a
Def: To make better, to improve
situation, to interfere
Word Family: Enhancement (N) /
Word Family: Intervention (N) /
Enhanced (Adj.)
Intervening (Adj.)

Imply (V) Motivate (V)

Def: To suggest that sth is true Def: To give (a person) a reason or
without saying so directly, to incentive to do sth, to encourage or
insinuate inspire
Word Family: Implication (N) / Word Family: Motive, Motivation
Implicit, Implied (Adj.) (N) / Motivated (Adj.)

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
Thrive Strive
This plant will thrive in a warm, wet She strove to be a role model for
climate. female athletes..

Require Accelerate
Finishing a crossword puzzle The gas pedal makes a car
requires a lot of patience. accelerate.

Respond Reject
Only half of the people we
Very few scientist entirely reject
contacted responded to our this theory.

Derive Invest
All of the ingredients in this He made his fortune by investing
shampoo are derived from plants. in the stock market.

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
Strive (V) Thrive (V)
Strove / Strived, Striven / Strived Throve/Thrived, Thriven/Thrived

Def: To try, to attempt or endeavor Def: 1. To flourish, to do well, to

Word Family: Striver (N)

Accelerate (V) Require (V)

Def: To gain speed, to speed up Def: To need or demand

Word Family: Acceleration (N) Word Family: Requirement (N)

Respond (V)
Reject (V)
Def: To answer, to reply
Def: To refuse to accept, to dismiss
Word Family: Response,
Word Family: Reject, Rejection (N)
Respondent, Responsiveness (N) /
/ Rejected (Adj.)
Responsive (Adj.)

Invest (V)
Derive (V)
Def: To put money into (stock, a
business, real estate, etc.) in the Def: To obtain (sth) from a source
hope of making a profit Word Family: Derivation,
Derivative (N) / Derived, Derivative
Word Family: Investment, Investor (Adj.)

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
Utilize Seek
Our system utilizes the most They are seeking applicants for a
advanced technology. paralegal job.

Encounter Involve
The plans for a new shopping mall
I don’t want to get involved with
encountered opposition in the city this; it sounds like a terrible idea.

Anticipate Modify
Experts anticipate a major victory
She modified her car to run on
by the opposition party in this solar power as well as gasoline.

Undergo The layer of rock that underlies the
The website underwent a complete earth’s crust is called the mantle.
remodeling. Numerous issues underlie the
failure of the peace talks.

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ
Seek (V) Utilize (V)
Sought, Sought
Def: To use
Def: To look for
Word Family: Utilization, Utility (N)
Word Family: Seeker (N)

Involve (V)
Encounter (V)
Def: To make (someone) a part of
sth Def: To meet, to face

Word Family: Involvement (N) / Word Family: Encounter (N)

Involved (Adj.)

Modify (V) Anticipate (V)

Def: To adapt, to change or adjust Def: To expect or look forward to

Word Family: Modification (N) / Word Family: Anticipation (N) /

Modified (Adj.) Anticipated, Anticipatory (Adj.)

Underlie (V) Undergo (V)

Underlying / Underlay / Underlain
Undergoing/ Underwent /
Def: 1. To be located beneath 2. To Undergone
be a cause or reason for sth Def: To experience, to be subjected
Word Family: Underlying (Adj.) to

เป็ นกําลังใจให้กบั ทุกๆการเรียนรู ้ จาก @SAYCOOLENGLISH

& Ener – G ตืนเต็มตา เติมพลังพร้อมสอบ

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