AND1 4EVA - Basketball Stretches

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Wednesday, December Stretching Program 11:51:01 AM

14, 2022

- AND1 moves Basketball Stretches What programs do you

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need in addition?
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BEFORE YOU BEGIN STRETCHING: If you have any injuries, or even
- Offence think you might, or you have health problems of any kind or feel any sort of Defence
- Plyometrics unusual pain or discomfort, consult a doctor. These stretches are all very Dribbling
- Shooting standard. None of them should cause pain. If they do, stop.
- Strength Strength
- Stretching Very few sports are as demanding as basketball. Ping-pong, bowling, or Stretching
- Tips checkers perhaps, but few others. It's essential that you stretch key muscles
- Quickness Jumping
before putting them to real work.
Basketball Warm-Ups Submit

Before you do anything, the body needs a warmup, lasting 5-10 minutes.
Lightly jog around or jump rope until you start to sweat.

About Stretching

Once you're warmed up, immediately go into your stretches. The purpose of
stretches, in case you don't know, is to increase the range of motion of your
joints. And note that basketball flexibility takes time to achieve. It doesn't
happen overnight. Do not bounce as you stretch. You stretch slowly,
leaning/pushing into the stretches so that you feel them working, but no
pain should result and you shouldn't feel anything extreme. Focus your
attention on the area you're stretching. Breath slowly. Hold each stretch for
15-25 seconds. Perform each stretch twice. Do not over-stretch. When in
doubt, stretch easier, not harder. Again, if anything really hurts, stop
stretching. Muscles are not to be torn or yanked, they are to be eased into
the stretches.

Basketball Stretches

Stretching: Hamstring Stretches

Your hamstrings are the muscles on the back of your upper legs. Sit on the
floor. Cross your legs in front of you. Slowly straighten your left leg with
your toes always pointing straight up. Keep your right leg bent, with the
bottom right foot against the inner part of your left leg. Lean forward from
the hips until you start feeling your hamstring stretch. Hold this stretch for
20 seconds. Now switch legs and repeat entire stretch.

Stretching: Back Stretches

Lie on your back, legs flat on the ground. Hold your right leg just below the
knee and slowly raise it towards your chest. Keep your leg straight (or as
straight as possible) and your head down during this. Hold for about 25
seconds. Lower the leg. Switch legs. Repeat. Do this with each leg 3-5

Stretching: Calf Stretches

Stand near a wall. Lean your forearms against it, with feet flat on the
ground. Lean your forehead against the back of your hands while they're on
the wall. Bend your left knee, bringing it towards the wall. The right leg
remains straight while doing this. Start moving your hips forward. You will
feel your right calf stretch. Hold for about 20 seconds. Rise to a standing
position and switch legs and repeat.

To stretch your Achilles tendon, do the above while bending slightly at the

Stretching: Groin Stretches

Sit on the floor. Forming a circular shape with your legs, join the soles of
your feet together and hold them with your hands. Lean your elbows on the
inside of your legs. Lean your upper body forward from the hips. You'll feel
a stretch in your groin. Hold it for 20 seconds, slowly sit up, and repeat this
from the beginning once or twice more.

Stretching: Shoulder Stretches

Stand up. Put your right hand over your left shoulder. Put your left hand on
your right elbow and pull that elbow toward your left shoulder. You'll feel
your right shoulder stretching. Hold it for 20 seconds. Then reverse
everything and repeat.

Stretching: Arm Stretches

Loosen up your arms/shoulders by sticking them straight out (sideways),

swirl them in small tight circles, make the circles wider and wider until
you're basically swinging your arms in a circle that goes from the floor
around to the ceiling. That should take about 30 seconds. Do this again but
swirling your arms in the reverse direction.

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