Sesion 8 Ejercisio de Ingles Suclupe

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'Wh' Questions

where did I go? ¿Dónde fui?

what did you play? ¿Qué jugaste tú?

what did he cook? ¿Qué cocinó él?

why did she listen? ¿Por qué escuchó ella?

when did it rain? ¿Cuándo llovió?

where did we eat? ¿Dónde comimos nosotros?

how did they travel? ¿Cómo viajaron ellos?

Make the past simple, positive, negative or question

Completar las oraciones en pasado simple en cualesquiera de las formas, según sea el

1) I
did´nt drink

(not/drink) any beer last night.


2) She
did´nt get on

(get on) the bus in the centre of the city.


3) What time

Marcial Suclupe Sandoval Agropecuaria

did he get up

(he/get up) yesterday?


4) Where
did you get o

(you/get off) the train?


5) I
did`nt chang

(not/change) trains at Victoria.


6) We
w aked up

(wake up) very late.


7) What
did he give

(he/give) his mother for Christmas?


8) I
i received

(receive) £300 when my uncle died.


9) We

Marcial Suclupe Sandoval Agropecuaria

w e didnt us

(not/use) the computer last night.


did make sh

(she/make) good coffee?


11) They
they lived

(live) in Paris.

12) She
she read

(read) the newspaper yesterday.


13) I
i ddnt w atch

(not/watch) TV.

14) He
he didnt stud

(not/study) for the exam.



Marcial Suclupe Sandoval Agropecuaria

did he call

(he/call) you?

did i forget

(I/forget) something?

17) What time

te film starte

(the film/start)?

18) He
he has

(have) a shower.

19) Why
did you com


did he go

(he/go) to the party?


Marcial Suclupe Sandoval Agropecuaria

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