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on Ofiea-Aguian del Sur Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR July 7, 2023 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. _349 s. 2023 CONDUCT OF THE MAHAGSAY ANG SMART AGSURNON - NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP 2023 TO: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chiefs, SGOD and CID Education Program Supervisors/ Div. Coordinators Public Schools District Supervisors/District In-charge Elementary and Secondary School Heads Elementary and Secondary Teachers All concerned ‘This Division 1. In line with the DepEd Order No. 013, s. 2023 (Adoption of the National Learning Recovery Program in the Department of Education) and DepEd Order No. 014, s. 2023 (Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the National Learning Camp), the field is hereby informed of the following schedule of activities for the Mahagsay Ang SMART Agsurnon - National Learning Camp 2023: Date ‘Activities Facilitating | Modality/ Related Links Personnel/ Unit ‘June 21 - | Administration of Pre-_ | BEA, SGOD | Online duly 7, | Assessment Testing 2023 Coordinator cD Suly 10- [NLC Advocacies during [CID and | In-person 14, 2023 _| EOSY ites/Ceremonies_| SGOD Year- ‘Stakeholders’ CID Tn-person round, —_| Engagement/Forum starting July 10, | Collaboration with local | District 2023 community Offices and organizations, PGAS, _| Schools Liga ng mga Barangay, Po D0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur Ba depedagusandelsur@deped (085) 839-5456 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Coucation [ewe Albsh oe 4 yl 7073 CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR ‘Schonls Division Ofie-Agutan del Sur pebOREL™ SED HEI , such as the PNU, ADSU, St. Francis Xavier and other colleges , businesses and volunteers ‘July 15, | Reorientation of ID Online 2023 Schools Heads and NLC Morning | Teachers Afternoon | General Parents’ Schools/ | Online Orientation on NLC and | School other EOSY Break Heads Activities July 10- | Teacher selection or ‘Schools/ In-person & Online 16, 2023 | identification and School Submission teaching loading Heads procedure July 10- Learner screening and | Schools/ In-person & Online 19, 2023 | Registration/ ‘School Submission Enrolment/ Heads Placement bit.1y/NLCStudentsReg | July 18- | Capacity-Building CID - NLC 20, 2023 | Activities for NLC Chief In-person Teachers and School _} Trainers. Heads sGOD- HRTD July 19- | Development and ‘Schools/__| Online 20, 2023 | submission of class ‘School Head programs and SLAC Plans AN July 24- | Conduct of ‘Schools Tn-person August | Enhancement Camps 11, 2023 Sully 24 - | Conduct of Intervention | Schools Tn-person August | and Consolidation 25, 2023 | Camps ‘August | Development and Ib, Tn-person 26-28, | submission of report _| District 2023 summarizing the NLC | Offices and | AN outcomes and Schools recommendations Conduct ofa two-day | CID & | in-person Program SGOD Implementation Review, Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 2 depedagusandelsur@deped (085) 839-5456 Republic of the Philippines: Signature: Department of Cbucation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR rewards and CID, recognition District Offices and Schools 2. Schools may offer the following learning camps and End-Of-School-Year Break Activities as per DepEd Order No. 013, s. 2023 (Adoption of the National Learning Recovery Program in the Department of Education) and DepEd Order No. 014, s. 2023 (Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the National Learning Camp). Grade level EOSY Break Activities Dates of Implementation Grade 7 & 8 - Intervention Camp (Did not meet expectations in at most 2 subjects) July 24 - August 25, Grade 7-8 | Grade 7 & 8 - Consolidation Camp 2023 (Satisfactory & Fairly Satisfactory) 5S weeks Grade 7 & 8 - Enhancement Camp | July 24 - August 11, (Outstanding & Very Satisfactory) 2023 3 weeks Grade 1-3 - EOSY Break - Reading & Mathematics Program (Did not meet expectations in English or Math) Grade 1-3 | Grade 1-3 - EOSY Break - Reading | July 24- August 11, & Mathematics Program 2023 (Satisfactory and Fairly Satisfactory 3 weeks in English or Math) Grade 1-3 - EOSY Break - Reading & Mathematics Program (VS and Outstanding in English & Math) Grades 4-6 | Grade 4-6 and 9-10- Enrichment | July 24 — August 11, Grades 9 - 10 | Activities (Satisfactory, FS, VS or 2023 Outstanding) 3 weeks Grades 1-6 | Grades 1-6 and Grades 9-12 - July 24 - August 25, Grades 9 - 12 | Remedial Classes (Did not meet 2023 expectations in 1 or 2 learning (S days a week; 2 days areas) may be DLDM) Grade 12 _| Grade 12 Subjects taken in July 24 - August 25, Advance (1 or 2 subjects) 2023 (S days a week; 2 days may be DLDM) F) DO Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur & 38 (085) 839-5456 Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR 3, The conduct of the National learning camp is voluntary. With foreseeable needs, interested public and private schools are required to register their learners and NLC teachers to the links provided above (see stipulation 1) and within the specified dates for official registration. 4. All participating schools, teaching and non-teaching personnel are requested to adhere to the required activities for the NLC; and add or follow the official social media page of the Mahagsay Ang SMART Agsurnon - National Learning Camp ( for information and other future communications for implementation and advocacy activities. 5. Schools are required to organize NLC Core Team to facilitate the registration and Preparation activities, as well as team of writers and documenters for the production of school-level portfolio of implementation of the NLC. 6. School may utilize printed registration forms (See Enclosure 1) at the school-level registration and enter the learners’ data online through the link as scheduled provided in Stipulation 1. 7. All Public Schools District Supervisors /In-charge, District Prefects and School Heads are required to monitor the registration progress and compliance of all NLC-offering schools to the Registration procedure. The Teachers’ and Learners’ Online Registration compliance may be checked through the links: + + 8. All participating learners are required to secure parents’ consent (See Enclosure 2) submitted to the School Head for filing. The Parents’ consent form texts may be translated in the dialect more comprehensible to the locals. 9. Digital Learning and Teaching Guides/Materials specific for the Grade 7 and 8 Learning Camps (Intervention, Consolidation and Enhancement Camps) are available and will be provided to the schools through the Public Schools District Supervisors and School Heads. The learning materials for the rest of the grade levels shall be the available, quality-assured and ready-to-use DepEd LRs/ teacher-developed/ contextualized materials for EOSY break classes /activities. 10.Teachers serving for the National Learning Camp are requested to complete the ‘Teachers’ Self-Assessment Tool (See Enclosure 3) prior to the start of the camp sessions to be submitted to and compiled by the School Head ready for National, Regional and Division Monitoring and Evaluation. D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur ©2 depedagusandelsur@deped (085) 839-5456 [ Sehenis Brvsion oftce-Avusan del Sur Republic of the Philippines psteoot - 93D Bepartment of Coucation — See 0 Boggy} CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR TI.All Public Schools District Supervisors/In-charge and Education Program Supervisors shall monitor the conduct of the National Learning Camp using the NLC Monitoring Tool (See Enclosure 4). The National Learning Camp - offering schools are requested to review the NLC Monitoring Tool (During Implementation) for guidance. 12.The learners shall be given time during the end-of-camp activities to answer the National Learning Camp - Learning Survey on Motivation, Engagement, Interest and Socio-emotional (See Enclosure 5) for Monitoring and Evaluation Purposes. 13.The Monitoring and Evaluation Team with the Curriculum and Implementation Division SME (Science, Mathematics, and English) Team shall conduct a Focus- Group Discussion at the end-of-camp activities following the Guidelines (See Enclosure 6) for further evaluation of the program. 14. The Curriculum Implementation Division led by the Public Schools District Supervisors at the District or School level shall hold a two-day Program Implementation Review, and Rewards and Recognition Ceremony at the end of the Learning Camp. A separate Program Implementation Review (Division-level), led by CID-SME and SGOD-M&E, participated by all Division Personnel shall be held afterwards. 15.For questions clarifications, you may contact the Curriculum Implementation Division at (085) 839-5456 or through Mr. Jeffrey Q. Apat at 09157593906 or through email at 16.Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned is highly desired. ' Digitally signed by Carmen JostaBruzon ‘ate: 2023.07.12 191322 +0800" JOSITA B. CARMEN, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent Enclosure 1: Registration Form Enclosure 2: Parents’ Consent Template Enclosure 3: Teachers’ Self-Assessment Tool Enclosure 4: NLC Monitoring Tools (During Implementation) Enclosure 5: Learning Survey on Motivation, Engagement, Interest and Socio-emotional Form Enclosure 6: FGD Guidelines Reference: DO 013, s. 2023 & DO 014, s. 2023 ‘To be indicated in the perpetual index under the following subjects: cAMP LEARNING NATIONAL SMART Po D.0 Plaza Goverment Center, Patn-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 52 depedagusandelsur@deped (085) 839-5456 ‘Schonls Dvsion Office-Azusen del Sur “SED Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Enclosure I to the Division Memorandum No, 14% s. 2023 NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP REGISTRATION FORM Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ey (Region) (Division) (School) (School Address) NATIONAL LEARNING CAMP REGISTRATION Name: Grade Level: Age: Address: Parent/Legal Guardian: Contact Number: Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur (2 5 (085) 839-5456 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Enclosure 2 to the Division Memorandum No. 349, . 2023 PARENTS’ CONSENT TEMPLATE 5) Sehr Dn Gis ena pebeoREL Sap Aboud 3 JUL} 208 area's) Guardia’ Name: Relatlonshp to Learner: ome Address: Contact Number “de ofthe Activity: Naonal Learalng CanplOtber EOSY Break Acids Sehoot: Duration of the Activity: -Asthe prent/guan ofthe sboencntoned leaner, hereby akxowledge tat Ihave bes informed of he eis ofthe National Leaing CanpOther EOSY Break Activites sod voluntarily and Geely eet para inthis ctv, Furbennoe, | wderstan he rik sociated withthe ati and are at ule and regulations essed fortes atv ate forte sera ery ofthe parkhpans, and us agree instet my child obey em. Having understood al the aforementioned, hereby consent o allow ry child o participate, acknowledging al of the foregoing Tne and Signe > D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 2 (085) 839-5456 is Way Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation ‘CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Enclosure 3 to the Division Memorandum No. 24f, s, 2023 (wey S sae Pais ot @b ‘DUREAU OF LEARNING DELIVERY Sha Bon fe Agana r pheOR OSD ene 419 Bhool) 3 National Learning Camp ‘Teachers! Self-Assessment Too! Dear Teacher, ‘This survey too! will help you assess as to what level you demonstrate your pedagogical skills and collaborative practices, Rest assured that all Information gathered from this Survey Is, held confidential. ‘Answer as honestly as you can by putting a check mark on the columa that corresponds to your answer each statement. The following scales are uscd as bases for your answer: $+ always demonstrated 4-often demonstrated 3 +sometimes demonstrated 2- rarely demonstrated 1 -never demonstrated 1. Pedagogical Skills ‘The indicators below identify the proficiencies that allow you to manage and instruct your learners in the classroom. This refers to the art of teuching und the strategies you employ to communicate learning content effectively. ‘Curriculum and Planning L_ Uses evidence-based, content-specific pedagogical practices that enable learners to develop and apply grade-level knowledge and skills in real and actual Contexts, ‘2 Draws from and builds on knowledge oflearners? Identities, Interests, skils, developmental levels, cultures, languages, and communities to inform curriculum and planning, 3. Implements learning materials using evidence-based, inclusive, and culturally responsive instructional ‘methods, and activities, 4. Aligns lesson objectives, teaching methods, learning | I Page tora Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur F) 63 (085) 839-5456 ‘Schools Division Offie-Agusan del Sur pebeoR TL! SED Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR. activities, and learning materials. S. Creates situations that encourage learners to use higher order thinking skills. Instruction and Delivery s{[s[3[2 [i 1. Uses appropriate Inclusive practices to make grade-level content accessible and culturally relevant to all earners and accommodate and support individual differences in all tearners' learning needs, abilities, interests, and levels of readiness. 2. Supports learners to think critically, ask questions, and analyze sourees, perspectives, and biases In order to deepen learning and make connections between the ‘content and real-world problems and events. 3. Monitors learners’ progress through varied and appropriate assessments. Learning Environment s|[+[3]2 [2 1. Builds positive, caring relationships to ensure each and every learner fecls valued, respected, supported, and scasc of belonging in the classroom community. 2. Creates and maintains a safe, supportive, and inclusive ‘environment where learners positively contribute to their community. ‘3. Creates a physical and social environment in class that allows learners to attain maximum learning. Learning Materials s{4{3]2 {1 1. Selects, organizes, develops, and uses appropriate print and non-print Iearning materials, to address specific earning objectives and learners’ learning styles, nceds, und interests. 2. Knows the principles of learning material preparation for Fort Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 2 ‘3 (085) 839-5456 Tae Oven ic nga ear eebeoRE! AR OE Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Enclosure 4 to the Division Memorandum No. 34, s. 2023 Regublie of the Dhltpoines of 2B ‘BUREAU OF LEARNING DELIVERY Matlonal Learning Camp (WLC) Mos! (During Implementation) ring Tool sus TP STo [ania FOAL, INSTRUCTIONS: Pata check mark (on the appropriate column for every Indicator observed. Kindly Put additional information (U there is any) af every Indleator in the REMARKS column Tadioators ot evideat | Remarea een Shite nan aa aera Soa gte Se ee Sige ag ls rat rane ate ceases Teachers Commitment/Undertaian Page Lots Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur © (085) 839-5456 Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Republic of he Philippines ‘Wepactment of BUREAU OF LEARNING DELIVERY ome IOP 4 yt 8 = cashing Samp erogram a er of NLC Team NLC Guidelines/lssuance ‘C Hoaith and Safety Protocols Health and Safety Plan ‘Evacuation Plan posted In conspicuous places, ‘Camp Vicinity Map posted in conspicuous placts ‘Availability of health and eafety materials (orst-aid ikea, reecuc materials such as apine board and splints, thermal seanner, face-masks, alcohol/ hand sanitizer, ste) ‘Presence of Reaponae Teams ‘School Clinte in-Charge/ School Nurse DRRM personnel ‘SDO health personnel rangay /city municipal health personnel | Safety and Security Team: PNP, Security Guard, Tanod, Others ‘Solid waste management and scgiegation system Tnstifutionslizes mental health and wellness intervention rechanism ‘Functional washing faciiics Functional drinking facilities D. Teaching and Learning Resources and Pactlicies, Tecture Room conduche for learning camp activities ‘TCearning facilities ‘Camp Assembly Arca Weeldy Home Learning Plans (WALFs)/Lesson | Log/activity Plan for Grades 1-6, 9-11 Lesson Plans for Grades 7-8 [provided by CO) Warkhooks for Grades T&S [provided by CO) Lint of least mastered competencies in Grades 1-11 iar Reading Mathematicn ‘enrichment Localized learning materials [indigenized Lis ‘Cantextaalized Lia see Non-print materiale Le, aide decks, vided clips, and e- ‘Attendance Sheets "Teacher's Monitoring sheet for learners’ progress in? remediation. intervention Bl (085) 839-5456 Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Endosure 5 to the Division Memorandum No. 29, ». 2023 @ Rese oe Begionace BUREAU OF LEARNING DELIVERY ‘National Learning Camp Learning Survey on Motivation, Engagement, Interest and Socio-emotional Parana Mag-aaral: ‘Maaring sumagot ako ng totoo sa pamamagitan ng paglagay ng tick ea kolum na tumutugma sa snyong sagot sa bawat pahayag. Ang mga sumusuned na metrika ay magaiailbing batayan ng inyong ago + 4 (Lubos na Sumasang-ayon): Ito ay nangangahulugang malakas na sumasang-ayon kaye aa pahayag at na kayo ay kumportable at kumplyansa ea pagpapahayag ng inyong, maga damdamin ea karamihan ng mga aitwasyon. + 3 (Sumasang-ayon): Ito ay nangangahuligang surazang-ayon kayo sa pabayag st na kayo ay kaya magpabayag ng inyong mks damdamin sa lang sltwasyon, ngunit hind! sate + 2 lind! Sumasang-ayon): Ito ay nangangahulugang hind! Kayo sumasangayon sa pabsyag at'pa nahihirapan kayong ipahayag ang inyong mga damdamin sa karamiban ag mga aitwasyon. + 1 (Ludo na Hind! Sumasang-ayon): [to ay nangangahulugang malakas na hind! sumasang-ayen kayo sa pahayag at bihirang o hind! ninyo ipinahahayeg ang injoos, mga damdamin aa anumang aitwasyon. __MOTIVATIONINTEREST ‘MAG-AARAL Tabos | Suma) Hindi na | sang- | Suma Suma | ayon | sang- sang- | ayon yon UEPy “Ai ay naganyak DAHIL... ‘Ang learning camp ay isang magandang paroan para madadaghan ang kaalaman dahil sa maraming mga Iba't bang @.| Ang guro ay may pagpapahalaga sa mga gevaing linagawan a, | Ang guro ay palakelbigan at madaling lapitan at nagaisiguro na ang mga | pangangallangan ay natutugunan at | Pinakcidoggan upeng tealln _ | 1 | nakakaakit na gawain i t Masaya ang lahat na makatrabaho sa mea akubidad Po D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur "58 (085) 839-5456 Republic of the Philippines Department of Cducation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR BUREAU OF LEARNING DI rERY 5. | Ang guro ay nagbibigay ng mga angkop na mga aklat learning materials na ibinigay sa | mga bata. 6. | Ang mga gawain sa learning camp ay puno ng saya. 7. |Lahat ay nagiging mas tiwala sa sarili dahil malaya silang makapagpahayag ng keanilang sarili na nagsasalin. @. | Lahat ay nakikibahagi sa iba’t ibang aktibidad. ‘9.__| Ang lahat ay nakakakuha ng kaalaman ‘araw araw at naisasagawa nang maayos |__| batay sa resulta ng mga pagtatasa. 10. | Lahat ay nagbubukas ot gumagamit ng kanyang buong potensyal sa pamamagitan ng malikhaing mga oktibidad na isinasalin. LEARNING ENGAGEMENT a. Ako ay aktibong nakikilahok at nakikipagtuhungan sa talakayan sa klase. ‘b. Masigasig at may dedikasyon kong tinatapos ang mga takdang aralin at gawain. ‘c. Naghahanap ng mga bagong kaalaman nang may pagkukusa. ‘d. Nagtatanong ako upang maging mas malinaw ang aking pag- unawa at nangangalap ng mga karagdagang impormasyon. e. Ako ay naldkipagtulungan at mabisang nagtatrabaho kasama ang aking mga kasamahan sa pangkatang proyekto/gawain. f. Ako ay may pananaguton sa aking pag- aaral at nagtatakda ng mea layunin upang matukoy ang aking pag - unlad. g. Iniuugnay ko ang aking mga natutuhan sa mga pangyayari sa tunay na buhay. nh. Nakatuon at masigasig ako sa tuwing may talakayan at mga gawain. 1. Matiyaga kong hinaharap ang mga hamon at tinitingnan ang mga ito bilang oportunidad tango sa pagbabago. Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, ©2 $$(085) 839-5456 -ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur = eto OF ‘Republic of the Philippines i i rare: OL Who Department of Education oy CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Enclosure 6 to the Division Memorandum No. 743, ». 2023 4 Repablic of the Ddilippines B of National Learning Camp INTERVIEW QUIDE FOR FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION Part 1 Introduction Good day! ‘This interview will lok into your experiences, valuable insights and perspectives before, during, and after the conduct of the earning camp. Your participation in tla incervicw {a really ‘aluable and of great help to improve the program. Before we begin, we would ike to provide a brief ‘overview ofthe purpose and objectives of this focus group discussion. Our main goal is to explore {area of interest) and gain a deeper understanding of (opie). Your experiences in the National cerning Camp are cssendal in extabliahing the extent of how successful the NLC was in achieving ‘objectives and in gathering information én how we can improve on fatare learning camps Such as thin Please do not hesitate to ask questions if you have doubts or need to clarify something. However, i'you want to refuse to anawer any ofthe given questions, then it will be highly respected. Please note that this discussion will be recorded (or accurate documentation and analysis. During this session, we encourage open and honest dialogue. There are no right or wrong answers, land we value all opinions and viewpeints. This in a aale space (or you to expresa your thoughts and ‘engage in meaningful discussions with fellow participants. ‘As a preliminary procedure, this interview respects the confidentiality of your identity. As such, I would like to knew how you want me to addreas you by name. ‘Name: (optional) Distriet/school: Part 11: House Rules for Interview Session Each participant ofthis scudy will be requested to observe the following rules before, during, and after the interview session. 1. Ifyou have personal needs, kindly have them pilor to the Interview process. 2) You may turn off your cellular phone or have it on allent mode to avoid being distracted. 3. Feel Ge to ask questions ifthe question/s ie/are not clear to you to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretations. 4. Since your answers serve aa the soul of the interview, please be honest or religious with ‘your answers to the given questions; 5. Atthe end of the interview, you will be given the opportunity to review your responses as recorded. Ifyou believe everything is correct within your knowledge, {wil ank you to complete and sign the “Participants Verifeatlon Ferm” (softcopies). Page Lol Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 2 ‘38 (085) 839-5456 Savon ivan Clee Agusan del Sor Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education Sehr Divion . s-AcutandelSur peteoRZ. ED S090 signature: CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Part IlJ- Guide and Probing Quest implementation? Probing Questions/ Statements How will you describe it? What valuable experiences that you consider memorable that help improve your competence ‘aaa learner? What valuable experiences that you consider memorable that motivated you to attend the encounter defore the conduct of NLC as regards preparations? As regards Expectations? As regards plans? “4. What challenges did you ‘encounter during the ‘conduct of NLC as regards preparations? As regards expectations? As regards plans? 3 Tearning camp? 2. Can you tell us your initial expectations when you [joined the learning camp? ‘4. What challenges did you | 2. Why do you aay so? How will you deseribe it? What challenges did you ‘the 4, How will you deseribe it? (52 13 (085) 839-5456 2 D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur

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