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‘Schone Division. Hc: Aguson dl Sur Republic of the Pyilippines pete REL ZASED Department of @oucation — EEGs our hay CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR May 31, 2023, DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 294 , s. 2023 MONITORING TOOL FOR THE END OF SCHOOL YEAR RITES 2022-2023 To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Personnel of the Office of the School Governance and Operations Division Personnel of the Office of the Curriculum Implementation Division School Heads both Elementary and Secondary All other concerned This Division 1. To be able to ensure efficient evaluation of the End of School Year Rites vis-a-vis outcomes to enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of the Year End Rites process in the Division of Agusan del Sur, a contextualized monitoring tool was crafted. 2. The data gathered using this tool shall provide baseline information, capture significant feedback on the experiences and challenges encountered in the schools, and determine the needed technical assistance to be provided. 3. In monitoring, the observations and findings shall serve as inputs to the Schools Division Office for determining policy gaps, problem areas, trends, opportunities, goals, and other concerns that need to be addressed or timely and appropriate interventions. 4. Enclosed is the Monitoring Tool for the End of School Year Rites SY 2022-2023. 5. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. Liga gnedy cnesmuosa vesean sono JOSITA B. CARMEN, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent tmf2023 Encl.: As stated Allotment : To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: MONITORING TOOL END OF SCHOOL YEAR RITES Po D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 2 (085) 839-5456 tf Se Wwe ies. und Republic of the Philippines petro 3L| Department of Education —_|seroressi00. ah _o¥..1_MAY [208 CARAGA REGION To SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR Enclosure 1 MONITORING TOOL FOR THE END OF SCHOOL YEAR RITES 2022-2023 Profile ‘Name of School: District ‘Name of School Hea Position: Sex: ‘Number of Years as a School Head: Directions: Please check the rating base on your observation then compute the mean, 1, Hall and Stage Decoration Indicators 5 4 7 2 7 Good | Acceptable | Poor | Very Poor T. The stage is clean and decorated ina imple manner (* Avoid use of Tarpaulins and Single use plastics in the Decorating the stage, only three colors to be utilized in the decoration) 72. Flag, rostrum, tables for diplomas and awards, and other ceremony essentials are present. 3. The event, date, and theme are presentin the backdrop, readable and are free from grammatical and mechanical 4. Chairs are well arranged. 3. Hall and stage are free from visualphysical obstructions and hazardous objects. 6. Leamers, teachers, and stakeholders ane well seated with ventilation. 77 Austerity measures vis- observed. is No Collection Policy are Mean (Tota), fo D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur BR (085) 839.5456 Sermo an del Sur Republic of the Philippines DabEOR 8 OE Department of Education CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR. 2. Technical Set Up Tndicators, 5 7 7 7 T Very | Good | Acceptable | Poor | Very Good Poor 1. Clarity and volume of the audio system, including microphones, speakers, and any additional sound equipment is evident all throughout the event. 2. The school assures functionality of visual displays, such as projectors, screens, and monitors, 3. Visuals, slideshows, videos, or any multimedia clements are clearly visible and properly aligned for optimal viewing by all attendees. “4. There is presence of technical support staff or personnel who can quickly address any technical issues that arise during the ceremony. Mean (Total/4) 3. Flow of Ceremony Indicators 3 4 a 2 T Very | Good | Acceptable | Poor | Yery Good Poor T. Hard copy of the program is available to all those who have parts and all the leamers and. parents. 2, ‘The program started on time, 3. The programs systematic, organized, and well- rehearsed. 4. The program is done i where teachers are ol movements of the leamers. 5. Crowd control is present as manifested by the presence of signage and other measures (ie « disciplined manner sly facilitating the 2) D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 2 ‘WF (08S) 839-5456 ‘ Fina ss pebeoF 2. Republic of the Philippines stersue: $00 A Go Je: Department of Education ri 4 CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR presence of CAT Officers, SSG/SPG, BSPIGSP tnd PTA controlling the crowd) 6. Diplomas, certificates and other paraphom: used for the ceremony to be used for the ceremony are well organized. 7. Suggested program flow is followed or with ‘minor digression. 8. The guests are not making the event as @ | political platform. ‘9. The cvent ends witha mob dance (optional) 10. Graduation /Tribute to parents songs exemplify significant values. Mean (Total/10) 4, Emeeeing Indicators 5 4 3 z T Very | Good | Acceptable | Poor | Very Good Poor T. The emcee is cordial and has good ‘commnmunication skills. 2. The emece avoids adlibs and other unnecessary remarks during the program. 3. Announcements and other needed tasks are given by the one emcceing. Mean (Tota¥3), 5. Waste Management Tndleators $ 7 3 2 7 Very | Good | Acceptable | Poor | Very Good Poor T,_The hall is generally clean. 2. Presence of waste segregation bins that are clearly marked. Po D0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan dl Sur 152 (085) 839-5456 Ferrets Dison ie F anae de Sur psteoREL ...SED Repub of tye Bhiippnes Department of Education CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR. 3. Uiilization of reusable and biodegradable options instead of single-use plastics and or Styrofoams refer, to Division Memorandum on Banning of Single Use Plastic in Schools and Offices of SDO Agusan del Sur 6 Attire Indicators 5 4 3 z 7 Very | Good | Acceptable | Poor | Very TEsublished clear dress code guidelines for ‘graduates, faculty, staff, and attendees. Filipifia/Uniform for Teachers and Toga and or Uniform for Graduates) 2 Toga and or Uniform is worn by graduates. *A copy of approved Resolution from the PTA must be furnished to the SDO for the use of Toga during the ceremonies 3. Chosen attire is comfortable, fits well, and allows, for ease of movement during the ceremony. ‘Mean (Total/3), (Note: Afier the event, the supervisor assigned to rate this tool will give debriefing to the School Heads, Mentoring ‘and Coaching follows. The schools shall be categorized based on the rubrics as GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE. all rated tools will be collected by the CID EPS/Coordinators assigned in the district and it will be handed to the CID for analyses as bases of interventions) 4.2/- 5.00 GOLD 3.4 1-4.20 SILVER 2.61-3.40 BRONZE [ D.0 Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 2 (085) 839-5456 , a ty ) OsbOREL SED Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Coucation CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR (Means of the 6 categories will be added by 6 10 get the general mean) Po DO Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur 2 (085) 839-5456

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