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7/19/23, 6:19 AM Aspen Custom Modeler Fun!

: Membrane Reactor (Intermediate)

‫تسجيل الدخول‬ ‫إنشاء مدونة إلكترونية‬ ‫المزيد‬

Aspen Custom Modeler Fun!

Saturday, July 11, 2015 About Me

Sub Modelist
Membrane Reactor (Intermediate)
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This is a simple membrane reactor model described in a textbook.
Blog Archive
H. Scott Fogler (2010), Section 6.4 Membrane Reactors,
Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, p.p. 217-225 ► 
►  2021 (2)
▼  2015 (3)
In the textbook, specific components were not specified. ▼ 
▼  July (3)
So, I treated the reaction as propane dehydrogenation. Membrane Reactor (Intermediate)
Quadratic Equation (Beginner)
  i.e.      C3H8 (Propane) -> C3H6 (Propylene) + H2
Isenthalpic Pressure Drop (Basic)

In this example, heat duty was also calculated.

ACM is very convenient for user to consider the heat balance.
Because molar enthalpy can be taken with a single line as below.

  Call (hret) = pEnth_Mol_Vap(T, P, zret) ;

Download ACM file (V8.8)

Download MSI file (V8.8)

Download Aspen Plus file (V8.8)

Model MembReactor

  Kc  As RealVariable
    (Description:"Equilibrium constant [mol/dm3]", Fixed, 0.05);
  k   As RealVariable
    (Description:"Reaction rate constant [1/min]", Fixed, 0.7);
  Cto As RealVariable
    (Description:"Total molar concentration [mol/dm3]");
  kc_ As RealVariable
    (Description:"Transport coefficient [1/min]" , Fixed, 0.2);

  V   As LengthDomain (DiscretizationMethod:"OCFE4",

  Fa As Distribution1D(XDomain Is V, HighestOrderXDerivative:1)
                        Of RealVariable(0); // [mol/min]
  Fb As Distribution1D(XDomain Is V, HighestOrderXDerivative:1)
                        Of RealVariable(0); // [mol/min]
  Fc As Distribution1D(XDomain Is V, HighestOrderXDerivative:1)
                        Of RealVariable(0); // [mol/min]

  Nodes As IntegerSet([0 + V.Interior + V.EndNode]);

  Ft(Nodes) As RealVariable; // [mol/min]
  ra(Nodes) As RealVariable;

  T         As temperature;
  P         As pressure;
  Q         As enthflow; 1/5
7/19/23, 6:19 AM Aspen Custom Modeler Fun!: Membrane Reactor (Intermediate)
  // Inlet variables
  Fin       As RealVariable; // [mol/min]
  zin(Componentlist)  As molefraction;
  hin       As enth_mol;
  Vin       As vol_mol;
  MWin      As molweight;

  // Retentate variables
  Fret      As RealVariable; // [mol/min]
  zret(Componentlist) As molefraction;
  hret      As enth_mol;
  rhoVret   As dens_mol;
  Vret      As vol_mol;
  MWret     As molweight;

  // Permeate variables
  Fper      As RealVariable; // [mol/min]
  zper(Componentlist) As molefraction;
  hper      As enth_mol;
  rhoVper   As dens_mol;
  Vper      As vol_mol;
  MWper     As molweight;
  // Ports
  PortIn  As Input  MaterialPort;
  PortRet As Output MaterialPort;
  PortPer As Output MaterialPort;

  // Inlet condition
  PortIn.F = Fin / 1000 * 60 ;
  PortIn.T = T ;
  PortIn.P = P ;
  PortIn.z = zin ;
  PortIn.h = hin ;
  PortIn.V = Vin ;
  Cto = 1 / Vin ;
  // Boundary condition (Inlet)
  Fa(0) = Fin * zin("A") ;
  Fb(0) = Fin * zin("B") ;
  Fc(0) = Fin * zin("C") ;

  // Component mole balances

  For i In [V.Interior + V.EndNode] Do
    Fa(i).ddx = -ra(i) ;
    Fb(i).ddx =  ra(i) - kc_ * Cto * (Fb(i)/Ft(i)) ;
    Fc(i).ddx =  ra(i) ;

  // Total molar flow

  Ft = Fa + Fb + Fc ;
  // Reaction rate
  ra = k * Cto * ((Fa/Ft) - Cto/Kc * (Fb/Ft) * (Fc/Ft)) ;

  // Average molar weight

  Call (MWin)  = pMolWeight(zin)  ;
  Call (MWret) = pMolWeight(zret) ;
  Call (MWper) = pMolWeight(zper) ;

  // Specific Vapor Molar Enthalpy

  Call (hret) = pEnth_Mol_Vap(T, P, zret) ;
  Call (hper) = pEnth_Mol_Vap(T, P, zper) ;

  // Specific Vapor Molar Density

  Call (rhoVret) = pDens_Mol_Vap(T, P, zret) ;
  Call (rhoVper) = pDens_Mol_Vap(T, P, zper) ;

  // Mass Balance
  Fin * MWin = Fret * MWret + Fper * MWper ;

  // Heat Balance
  Fin * hin + Q * 1000 / 60 = Fret * hret + Fper * hper ; 2/5
7/19/23, 6:19 AM Aspen Custom Modeler Fun!: Membrane Reactor (Intermediate)
  // Retentate condition
  Fret = Ft(V.EndNode) ;
  zret("A") = Fa(V.EndNode)/Ft(V.EndNode) ;
  zret("B") = Fb(V.EndNode)/Ft(V.EndNode) ;
  zret("C") = Fc(V.EndNode)/Ft(V.EndNode) ;
  Vret = 1 / rhoVret ;
  PortRet.F = Fret / 1000 * 60 ;
  PortRet.T = T ;
  PortRet.P = P ;
  PortRet.z = zret ;
  PortRet.h = hret ;
  PortRet.V = Vret ;
  PortRet.Av= 1 ;
  // Permeate condition
  zper("A") = 0 ;
  zper("B") = 1 ;
  zper("C") = 0 ;
  Vper = 1 / rhoVper ;
  PortPer.F = Fper / 1000 * 60 ;
  PortPer.T = T ;
  PortPer.P = P ;
  PortPer.z = zper ;
  PortPer.h = hper ;
  PortPer.V = Vper ;
  PortPer.Av= 1 ;


Example 6-2 Results (textbook)

Same results were obtained using ACM. 3/5
7/19/23, 6:19 AM Aspen Custom Modeler Fun!: Membrane Reactor (Intermediate)

Heat duty was validated using Aspen Plus. 

Posted by Sub Modelist at 9:07 PM


Unknown March 24, 2016 at 5:25 AM

Thanks, this was very helpful. Please keep posting!


Unknown December 2, 2018 at 10:17 AM

Hi, do you have the codes for a hollow fiber membrane (not a reactor) please, I have codes from
other source but it is not working with me


Unknown October 9, 2020 at 12:29 AM

Hi did you get any help regarding this, if yes may you kindly help me out

shoaib March 17, 2021 at 12:39 PM

hi, i am also looking for the codes for a pervaporation membrane. if you have them
please share, thanks.


Hieu nguyen June 30, 2020 at 7:33 AM

hello sir, could you help me simulation of membrane to remove CO2 from natural gas? Thankyou!
Reply 4/5
7/19/23, 6:19 AM Aspen Custom Modeler Fun!: Membrane Reactor (Intermediate)


Vadillo September 21, 2020 at 2:33 PM

Hi! I am trying to do the same. Did You get something? Could you help me?

Vadillo September 21, 2020 at 2:34 PM

Hi! I am trying to do the same. Did You get something? Could you help me?

constanza September 8, 2022 at 4:59 AM

Hi! I am doing something similar, could you do it?


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