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2018 Twentieth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), Cairo University, Egypt

Optimal Allocation of DGs and TCSC in Radial

Networks Using Ant Lion Optimizer
Thomas George Abdel-Raheem Youssef Salah Kamel
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Faculty Dept. of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Department of Electrical Engineering,
of Engineering Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Aswan
South Valley University South Valley University University
Qena, Egypt Qena, Egypt Aswan, Egypt,eg

Abstract- This paper offers the Ant lion optimizer technique to [3], back-tracking search algorithm (BSA) [4], particle
estimate the optimal planning of thyristor controlled series Swarm algorithm (PSO) [5], improved analytical method
compensation (TCSC) and distributed generations (DGs) in (IA) [6], differential evolution algorithm (DE) [7], hybrid
radial distribution grids based on reduction of the total active Algorithm (HSA-PABC) [8], analytical approach algorithm
losses. The ALO is a nature inspired algorithm which concludes (AA) [9], dynamic programming (DP) [10], bacterial
the behavior of the antlion and its preys. The proposed
foraging optimization algorithm (BFOA) [11], and Fuzzy
algorithm is validated using different standard distribution test
systems IEEE-33-bus Simulated results of this technique has Genetic Algorithm (FGA) [12]. .
been compared to BSA, GA and other algorithms. Because of In this paper, the ALO is experienced on 33-bus radial bus
accuracy of calculations and high strategy of ALO technique, system. It has been utilized to determine the optimal
the numerical results demonstrate that the ALO is more allocation of the two components (DG and TCSC) separately
sufficient to obtain the superior solutions with less power loss. and simultaneously. The new simulated results of ALO are
contrasted with the above techniques' numerical results to
Keywords: Index Terms-- Distributed generations, Thyristor confirm the ALO superiority and the perfect utilization of
controlled series compensation, Active Losses incoming equations.
2.1 Power flow analysis
I. INTRODUCTION Regards of modern destination towards some incoming
In modern era technology, the RDNs suffer from a lot of consequences of RDS such as radial construction, high ratio
challenging problems such as high lines power losses, poor of R/X, and large number of nodes, the traditional power
voltage profile, heavy current lines, and problems in flow techniques (NR and Gauss Seidel) are suitable for
consumer's service. So the use of DGs and FACTS are sorts solving RDS. In this article, the use of backward forward
of devices which applied to RDN to overcome these barriers. sweep as a load flow technique is significant because of its
DG is a unit its identity related to the type. Types of DGs powerful and fast calculation speed in RDS [13].
include renewable and non-renewable resources. To avoid 2.2 Objective Function
environmental concerns, the destination looked forward to Our destination here is to reduce the active losses under
utilization of renewable DGs such as photovoltaic cells equality and inequality constrains, to improve the voltage
which executed in this paper. DG technology has become stability.
extremely required in modern societies. As a lot of studies Minimize ( , )
has observed that 70% of power losses system because of (1)
such as ( , ) ≤ 0
distribution sectors and only 13% of the total generated The power loss is function of x & u which they include the
energy related to energy consumption in grids [1,2]. state and control variables, respectively and are selected as:
TCSC is a kind of FACTS family devices, which
=[ , , , ] (2)
distinguished with the fast control of thyristor, continuous
and instantaneous response, and self-regulating. It can be =[ , , , ] (3)
controlled to generate or absorb reactive power by the where P and Q are the feeder's active and
compensation of its capacitive or inductive impedance, reactive power, V is the ith bus voltage, I is the current of
respectively. Because of its simplicity in design and
operation, it is widely used power system to solve a lot of its ijth carrying branch, DG is the DG placement at ith
challenging problems. bus , P is the DG's injected power, TCSC is the
The optimal planning of DGs and TCSC is the objective TCSC placement at ijth branch, and α is the TCSC firing
requirement which applied to achieve the minimum active angle at the same branch.
losses and obtain the best performance of the RDS. The ALO 2.3 Power losses
technique is the way to plan the optimal strategies of these
Most of active power is dissipated in such a copper loss, as
given in (4)
Different meta-heuristic algorithms have been utilized for
the optimal allocation of DG and TCSC elements separately
or simultaneously such as cuckoo search algorithm (CSA)

978-1-5386-6654-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
oscillation effects and reduce its output harmonics while its
P = ( )= (4) operation in the distribution system. It is explained at length
in the next sections.
≤ ≤ = 1,2, … … , .
where P is the total active losses, P (j) is the branch j = 1,2, … … , . ≠ . (11)
active loss, I is the current of carrying branch ( j ), R is the
 Limitation of TCSC reactance.
resistance of the same branch and n is buses' number. The allowable operating range of TCSC reactance is:
2.4 Constraints
A. Power Balance Equality Constraints. −0.2 × ≤ ≤ 0.9 × (12)
Eq. (5) represents the power equality operating constraints. whrer X is the total reactance of all braches.
In this paper, the PV type is the applied DG unit which
generates only real power to the system. Consequently, the 2.5 Design of TCSC
incoming TCSC devices which can compensate with  TCSC analysis and modeling
inductive or capacitive reactive power as shown in (6) but in
TCSC is a FACTS device that consists of series capacitor C
this paper, only one device is used and applied in the
and thyristor controlled reactor Ls in parallel as shown in
capacitive control mode.
Fig.1 [15]. Its equivalent reactance equation is function of
capacitor, inductor and firing angle.
+ ( )= ( ( )+ ( )) (5)

± ( )= ( ( )+ ( )) (6)

Where P , Q are active and reactive power sources of

reference bus to the system, P (k) is the active power
generated of kth DG unit, N is the DGs' number,
P (j), Q (j) are the two components of jth load. Fig.1 TCSC circuit model

B. Limitation Inequality Constrains.

 Voltage limitation. 2 + 2
The allowable voltage at any bus must be between V = =− +( + )
1.05pu and V = 0.95pu to maintain voltage stability. (13)

− 4 [ ]/
≤ ≤ (7)
= . /( − ) (14)
 Each of DG unit limitations. = ( / ) (15)
The active power limitation of DG at any bus is between:
Where X is the equivalent reactance of TCSC device, X
100 ≤ ≤ 3000 KW (8) is the capacitor reactance, X is the inductor reactance, and
= 180−∝, where ∝ is the thyristor firing angle.
 Limitation of DGs' summation capacity.
The summation of DGs' capacity must be within limits to  TCSC selected parameters
ensure that it's not very small to ignore its efficiency in When TCSC is designed, it is important to select the best
improvement nor very large to cause instability problems. size of capacitor and inductor to avoid or reduce the
resonance points. To increase the effective control of
reactance bandwidth, and reduce the total harmonics, the
( ) ≤ 0.85 × ( ( )+ ( )) (9) capacitive and inductive values are properly selected as C =
4760μF and L = 0.52mH respectively (X = 0.668 Ω, X =
0.1634, F = 50HZ) [17]. Consequently, only one resonance
 Limitation of any branch capacity. point is present in Fig. 2 which illustrate the relation between
The allowable current capacity of any branch in RDN is the operational reactance of TCSC and the firing angle.
given by [14].
≤ = 1,2, … … , .
= 1,2, … … , . ≠ . (10)
 Limitation of TCSC firing angle.
The allowable range of firing angle should be within α =
90° and α = 180° to avoid the device resonance,

where a , b are the lowest and topmost numbers of ants'
walk in each iteration, and c , d are the lowest and topmost
variables at t-th iteration of accelerated function.

b) Alignment towards antlion's pits.

The antlion's traps are more attractive to the ants. This
assumption can be modeled as shown in the following

= + (19)
Fig.2 Operational impedance of TCSC [17]
= + (20)
III. SURVEY OF ALO where c , d are the lowest and topmost numbers of all
ALO is a natural-inspired algorithm [18]. It concludes the variables at t-th iteration, respectively. c , d are the lowest
counteraction between antlions and ants. the antlion digs a and topmost numbers for the i-th of seach agents (ants)
pit and settle down the end of pit. As ants walk randomly respected to c , d variables, Antlion is the location of j-th
while searching for food, these pits are attractive to them. As trape in free space at t-th iteration.
soon as, they pass over a pit, they are attached by antlion, as
shown in Fig. 3. c) Widening and building of trap structure
To enable hunting the pray, the antlion makes to widen the
volume of trape. It's also direct proportional to its hunger.
This is done by using a roulette wheel as shown in the
following equations:

Accumulation = cumsum (Weights) (21)

Weights = (22)
( )

where, Weights is an array which contains the arrangement

of antlions according to their fitness and preference, cumsum
is the cumulative sum of antlions' sequential numbers, and
Fig.3 Ant lion steps in catching ants.
M is an array which stores the fittest antlions.
It repeats again this type of hunting after rebuilding its trap
and so on. In every time, five main steps are carried out d) Slide of ants
what's mathematically modeled. Once the antlion notice the prey close to its area, it pulls the
sand down to slide the prey at the trap's bottom. This
a) Ants' Random walks. assumption is drawn as a function of the running iteration.
Ants are randomly searching for food which modeled as (23)
shown in Eq (16) = , =

( _( , ) ( )) = [0, (2 ( _1 ) − = 10 ∗ (24)
1) , … … (2 ( _2 ) − (16)
1), … … (2 ( _( _ ) ) − 1)] where, I is a ratio of T the maximum number of iterations,
and t the running iteration. w is a constant which varied based
on the t-iteration as givin:
where C X , (t) is the set of ants' walk, each defined by n-
th ant at t-th iteration, cumsum is cumulative sum, Ni_max 2 > 0.1 × _
is the maximum number of iterations, but r (t) is given as: 3 > 0.5 × _
0 > 0.5 = 4 > 0.75 × _
( )= (17)
1 5 > 0.9 × _
The updating of ants' walk is tied between the boundaries of 6 > 0.95 × _
lower and upper limits as shown in Eq (18) to avoid the
violations of variables out of boundaries. e) Catching Ants, Re-building Traps, and Elitism
This phase is obtained when the ant reaches the bottom of the
( − )∗( − ) cone between the antlion's jaws. The antlion pullsand
= + (18)
− consumed it inside the sand. This stage occurs only when the

ant is fitted than its corresponding antlion as specified in Eq curve of the objective function (minimization of total active
(25). losses) for all scenarios (1,2,3) is shown in Fig. 5, and the
plot of voltage profile of all system buses for all scenarios
, ( )= , ( ) ( , ( ) ) > ( , ( )) (25) (1,2,3) is shown in Fig. 6.

where X , (t) is the j-th antlion's location, and X (t) is the 4.1.2 Case #2: Planning of DG and TCSC
i-th ant's location at t-iteration. simultaneously.
In this case, the proposed technique is chosen for optimal
The best allocation of antlion is saved in each iteration and is allocation of (single, double and triple) DG units with single
considered as the elite which this later is affected by its TCSC device in simultaneous which indicates the minimum
corresponding ant, the best solution is specified as: total active losses and maximum voltage improvement of all
system buses. For 33-bus system, after choosing the best size
( )+ ( )
, ( ) =
(26) and location of single DG unit with the TCSC device
2 (scenario#1), the total active losses is minimized to 98.7005
where, R (t) is the ant's random walk around its selected KW with percentage reduction of 53.22 %. Also, in
antlion, and R (t) is the ant's random walk around its scenario#2 for optimal planning of double DG units with the
corresponding elite at t- iteration. TCSC device, the total active losses are minimized to
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSION 77.5494 KW with percentage reduction of 63.25 %, and with
employment of triple DG units with the TCSC device
To examine the efficiency of the ALO, this section offers the (scenario#3), the total active losses are minimized to 65.1353
simulated results of IEEE 33-bus system using ALO KW with percentage reduction of 69.13 %. The numerical
technique which compared with different techniques. In this simulated results are defined in tables (5, 6,7) and is
study, two different cases; case#1 includes three scenarios of compared with other presented methods. The convergence
multi applied DG units only. But in case#2 includes three curve for all scenarios (1,2,3) is shown in Fig. 7, and the plot
scenarios of multi applied DG units with single TCSC device of voltage profile of all system buses for all scenarios (1,2,3)
in simultaneous but TCSC device is applied on branches is shown in Fig. 8.
(lines between buses). This part can be illustrated as listed in
table 1. The selected parameters are given in table 2 using
MATLAB 2015.


Scenarios Case#1 Case#2
Scenario#1 1DG 1DG + TCSC
Scenario#2 2DGs 2DG + TCSC
Scenario#3 3DGs 3DG + TCSC


Max. iterations number 100
Number of agents 50
Voltage limitations 0.95 ≤ V ≤ 1.05 p. u

The total load of 33-bus system which given in Fig. 4 is (3715 Fig.4 SLD of 33-bus system
+ j2300) KVA with 12.66 KV base voltage [19]. before
compensation, the total active power losses is 210.9983 KW
and the minimum bus voltage is 0.9038 p.u

4.1.1 Case #1: Planning of DG.

In this case, the proposed technique for the optimal planning
of (single, double and triple) DG units indicates the finest
saving of power system consumption and the finest keeping
voltage profile at nearly its based-p.u level. For 33-bus
system, but after optimal allocation of single DG unit Fig. 5 Case#1 of the convergence curve for 33-bus system
(scenario#1), these losses are minimized to 111.0299 KW
with percentage reduction of 47.379 %. Also, in scenario#2
for optimal planning of double DG units, the total active
losses are minimized to 87.1673 KW with percentage
reduction of 58.688 %, and with employment of triple DG
units (scenario#3), the total active losses is minimized to
72.7869 KW with percentage reduction of 70.213 %. The
numerical simulated results is defined in tables (2,3,4) and is
compared with other presented methods. The convergence Fig.6 Case#1 of the voltage profile for 33-bus system

Fig.8 Case#2 of the voltage profile for 33-bus system
Fig.7 Case#2 of the convergence curve for 33-bus system
Case#1 Techniques
Scenario#1 Base case SAT [21] FGA [12] Proposed (ALO)
Optimal allocation and size of DGs - 18 1000 8 1486 6 2590.2
Total kw - 1000 1486 2590.2
Power loss kw 210.9983 142.34 120.6 111.0299
% reduction in power loss 0 32.54 42.843 47.379
Minimum voltage bus 18 NA 18 18
Minimum voltage p.u. 0.9038 NA 0.9424 0.9424
Case#1 Techniques
Scenario#2 Base case DAPSO [22] IA [6] Proposed (ALO)
Optimal allocation and size of DGs - 13 1227 14 720 13 851.5
32 738 6 1800 30 1157.6
Total kw - 1965 2520 2009.1
Power loss kw 210.9983 95.93 91.63 87.1673
% reduction in power loss - 54.53 56.573 58.688
Minimum voltage bus 18 NA NA 33
Minimum voltage p.u. 0.9038 NA NA 0.9685
Case#1 Techniques
Scenario#3 Base case BFOA [11] IA [6] DE [7] HSA–PABC [8] Proposed (ALO)
Optimal allocation and size of - 18 90.8 31 720 14 736.1 14 755 30 1053.6
DGs 17 633.5 6 900 31 890.4 30 1068 13 801.7043
33 947.0 12 900 6 1667.0 24 1073 24 1091.3
Total kw - 1671.3 2520 3293.5 2896 2946.6
Power loss kw 210.9983 98.30 81.05 78 72.81 72.7869
% reduction in power loss - 53.4 61.59 63 65.5 70.213
Minimum voltage bus 18 NA NA NA NA 33
Minimum voltage p.u. 0.9038 NA NA NA NA 0.9687


Case#2 Techniques
Scenario#1 Base Case BSA [4] GA [4] Proposed (ALO)
Optimal allocation and size of DGs - 6 2563.9 7 2884.4 6 2538.3
Total KW 2563.9 2884.4 2538.3
Optimal allocation and size of TCSC Equivalent - 2-3 NA 2-3 NA 2-3 -4.4989
TCSC Firing Angle (deg) - 142.58 148.05 137.9278
Power loss kw 210.9983 101.0661 114.6 98.7005
% reduction in power loss - 52.1 45.69 53.22
Minimum voltage bus 18 NA NA 22
Minimum voltage p.u. 0.9038 NA NA 0.9932

Case#2 Techniques
Scenario#2 Base Case BSA [4] GA [4] Proposed (ALO)
Optimal allocation and size of DGs - 13 832.1 12 960.9 30 1092.2
30 1209.5 30 1120.6 12 953.4436
Total KW 2041.6 2081.5 2045.6436
Optimal allocation and size of TCSC Equivalent - 6-26 NA 2-3 NA 2-3 -4.7053
TCSC Firing Angle (deg) - 142.554 144.34 137.9278
Power loss kw 210.9983 82.3309 87.0108 77.5494
% reduction in power loss - 60.98 58.76 63.25
Minimum voltage bus 18 NA NA 22
Minimum voltage p.u. 0.9038 NA NA 0.9929

Case#2 Techniques
Scenario#3 Base Case BSA [4] GA [4] Proposed (ALO)
Optimal allocation and size of DGs - 13 822.6 13 799.6 30 1065
24 1077 24 1096 24 1046.9
30 1037.2 30 1053.8 13 775.7109
Total KW - 2936.8 2949.4 2887.6109
Optimal allocation and size of TCSC Equivalent - 6-26 NA 2-3 NA 2-3 -4.428
TCSC Firing Angle (deg) - 142.56 151.75 137.9683
Power loss kw 210.9983 69.8841 72.7381 65.1353
% reduction in power loss - 66.88 65.53 69.13
Minimum voltage bus 18 NA NA 22
Minimum voltage p.u. 0.9038 NA NA 0.9934

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