Police Management Research by Team Swat

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A study of Evaluating the Impact of Crime Control Strategies

and Management by Objective on Police Performance in

Course Name: Police Management & Administration
Course Code: CRM - 316

Submitted to:
Mrs. Shaharia Afrin
Associate Professor
Department of Criminology
Submitted by:
1.Samiul Amin 4. Nur Rafsan Siddik Saim
Roll:57 Roll:41
2. Rina Khatun 5.Samia Rob
Roll:16 Roll:08
3. Faiza Showkat Autoshe 6. Umair Saifee, Roll:101
Roll- 68 7. Md Ifrat Hossain Somit , Roll 95
This research is based on police management system where there is a brief discussion about
Crime control strategy, Management by objective (MBO) and Police performance evaluation.
Here we’ve made some research questions regarding the following topics which are given below.
1) Question -1: What is the effectiveness of a comprehensive crime control strategy in
reducing crime rates, improving community safety and enhancing the criminal justice
2) Question -2: What is the impact of implementing a performance-based Management by
objective system on the effectiveness of police crime control strategies and what will be
the outcome?
3) Question -3: In current Bangladesh perspective, is police performance evaluations
evaluating properly? And is there any impact of crime control strategy and management
by objective for evaluating police performance?
In this research paper, we are going to discuss regarding these questions.

Introduction: A police force is a group of people who are trained in law enforcement and crime
prevention and detection tactics and are tasked with maintaining the community’s peace, safety
and order.
The term POLICE can be abbreviated as:
P stands for Polite.
O stands for obedient.
L stands for Loyal.
I stand for intelligence.
C stands for courageous.
E stands for efficient.
In this context, "police" refers to a comprehensive system of regulating a society through
economic, social, political, and cultural policies. In today's world, the police are viewed as a
modest part of the overall domestic government and an important criminal justice system agency.
Bangladesh's principal law enforcement agency is the Bangladesh Police. It is controlled by the
Bangladeshi government's Ministry of Home Affairs. It serves a critical role in keeping peace
and enforcing the rule of law throughout Bangladesh. Though the police are primarily concerned
with maintaining law and order as well as the security of individuals' persons and property, they
also play an important part in the criminal justice system.
Literature review:
Research question -01 (Effectiveness of Comprehensive Crime Control Strategies)

Crime control strategies are essential to maintain a safe and secure society. In Bangladesh, where
crime rates have been a persistent problem, comprehensive crime control strategies have been
implemented to address the issue. This literature review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of
comprehensive crime control strategies in reducing crime rates, improving community safety,
and enhancing the criminal justice system in Bangladesh. Comprehensive crime control
strategies are multi-faceted approaches that involve different stakeholders, including law
enforcement agencies, local government bodies, and community members. These strategies aim
to prevent crime by identifying the root causes of crime and addressing them through various
interventions. Several studies have examined the effectiveness of comprehensive crime control
strategies in reducing crime rates, improving community safety, and enhancing the criminal
justice system in Bangladesh.

One study conducted by Rahman et al. (2019) evaluated the impact of a comprehensive
community-based crime prevention program on crime rates in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The program
involved community policing, crime awareness campaigns, and neighborhood watch programs.
The results showed a significant reduction in crime rates in the intervention areas compared to
the control areas.
Another study by Ahmed et al. (2017) evaluated the effectiveness of the Rapid Action Battalion
(RAB) in reducing crime rates in Bangladesh. RAB is a specialized law enforcement agency that
was established to combat terrorism and serious crimes. The study found that RAB has been
successful in reducing crime rates in Bangladesh, particularly in cases related to terrorism and
organized crime.
A study by Hossain et al. (2018) examined the effectiveness of the Criminal Investigation
Department (CID) in Bangladesh. CID is a specialized investigative agency that deals with
serious crimes. The study found that the CID has been effective in improving the quality of
criminal investigations, which has led to higher conviction rates and improved public trust in the
criminal justice system.
Comprehensive crime control strategies have been effective in reducing crime rates, improving
community safety, and enhancing the criminal justice system in Bangladesh. These strategies
involve a multi-faceted approach that involves different stakeholders and interventions. Studies
have shown that community-based crime prevention programs, specialized law enforcement
agencies, and investigative agencies have been effective in reducing crime rates and improving
the criminal justice system in Bangladesh.

Research question -2(Impact of Performance-based MBO System and outcome in Bangladesh)

MBO systems are designed to align the goals and objectives of individual officers and
departments with the overall goals of the organization. This approach involves setting specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) performance targets, tracking
progress towards those targets, and providing feedback to improve performance. Several studies
have examined the impact of implementing a performance-based MBO system on the
effectiveness of police crime control strategies.
A study by Holgersson and Norman (2018) examined the implementation of a performance-
based MBO system in Swedish police departments. The study found that the implementation of
MBO systems improved the effectiveness of crime control strategies by providing clear
performance expectations, improving communication and coordination, and enhancing
Another study by Alam and Hossain (2019) evaluated the impact of performance-based MBO
systems on police performance in Bangladesh. The study found that the implementation of MBO
systems improved the effectiveness of police crime control strategies by improving resource
allocation, enhancing communication and coordination, and providing feedback to improve
performance. The implementation of performance-based MBO systems in Bangladesh is
expected to improve the effectiveness of police crime control strategies by aligning individual
and departmental goals with the overall goals of the organization, providing clear performance
expectations, enhancing communication and coordination, and improving accountability. This
approach is expected to improve the quality of policing, increase public trust in the police, and
reduce crime rates in Bangladesh.
The implementation of performance-based MBO systems in law enforcement agencies has been
shown to improve the effectiveness of police crime control strategies in several countries,
including Sweden and Bangladesh. This approach provides clear performance expectations,
improves communication and coordination, and enhances accountability. In Bangladesh, the
implementation of performance-based MBO systems is expected to improve the quality of
policing, increase public trust in the police, and reduce crime rates.
Research question -03 ( Police Performance Evaluation in Bangladesh and impact of Crime
Control Strategy and Management by Objective on Police Performance Evaluation)
Police performance evaluation is crucial for ensuring accountability and improving the
effectiveness of crime control strategies in Bangladesh. This literature review aims to evaluate
whether police performance evaluations are being conducted properly in current Bangladesh
perspective and whether the implementation of crime control strategy and management by
objective has any impact on police performance evaluation.
Several studies have indicated that police performance evaluations in Bangladesh are not being
conducted properly. A study by Alam and Hossain (2019) found that the police performance
evaluation system in Bangladesh is subjective, lacks transparency, and does not adequately
reflect individual and departmental performance. Moreover, the performance evaluation criteria
are not clearly defined, leading to inconsistent and unfair evaluations.
The implementation of crime control strategy and management by objective has the potential to
improve police performance evaluations in Bangladesh. These systems provide clear
performance expectations, objective performance criteria, and regular feedback to improve
performance. Studies have indicated that the implementation of management by objective in
Swedish police departments improved the effectiveness of crime control strategies and enhanced
accountability (Holgersson & Norman, 2018). Similarly, a study by Alam and Hossain (2019)
found that the implementation of management by objective improved resource allocation,
communication, and coordination in Bangladesh police.
In current Bangladesh perspective, police performance evaluations are not being conducted
properly. The implementation of crime control strategy and management by objective has the
potential to improve police performance evaluations by providing clear performance
expectations, objective criteria, and regular feedback to improve performance

Case Study:

In 2020, the Police Department of Dhaka Metropolitan City (DMC) in Bangladesh implemented
a performance-based management by objective (MBO) system to improve the effectiveness of its
crime control strategies and enhance police performance evaluation. The MBO system was
designed to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound performance targets
for individual officers and departments and to track progress towards those targets.

The implementation of the MBO system had a significant impact on police performance
evaluation in DMC. Previously, police performance evaluations were conducted based on
subjective criteria and lacked transparency. However, with the implementation of the MBO
system, performance evaluations became more objective and transparent. The MBO system
provided clear performance expectations, objective performance criteria, and regular feedback to
improve performance.
Moreover, the implementation of the MBO system also had a positive impact on crime control
strategies in DMC. The system helped to improve resource allocation, enhance communication
and coordination, and increase accountability. As a result, crime rates in DMC decreased
significantly over the course of the year.

Research Methodology:
a. Qualitative Research Approach: The research will employ a qualitative approach to gather
rich, in-depth data that captures the nuances and complexities of this research. This approach will
allow for a holistic understanding of the subject matter, exploring the subjective experiences,
perspectives, and motivations of participants.
b. Data Collection:
Key Informant Interviews: Conduct semi-structured interviews with law enforcement personnel,
community leaders, policymakers, and crime prevention experts. The interviews will explore
their views, experiences, and recommendations regarding crime control strategies.
Focus Group Discussions: Organize focus groups consisting of community members from
diverse backgrounds to gather their perceptions, concerns, and suggestions regarding crime
control initiatives in their neighborhoods.
c. Sampling:
Purposive Sampling: Select participants who have direct experience or knowledge related to
crime control strategies. This will include law enforcement officers, community leaders,
policymakers, and individuals living in high-crime areas.
d. Data Analysis:
Thematic Analysis: Transcribe and analyze the qualitative data collected from interviews and
focus groups. Identify recurring themes, patterns, and connections to gain insights into crime
control strategies and stakeholder perspectives.
Open Coding: Employ open coding techniques to allow for the emergence of new themes and
categories during data analysis.
Triangulation: Cross-validate findings by comparing and contrasting perspectives from different
stakeholder groups.

Ethical Considerations:
a. Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from all participants prior to their involvement in
the study. Ensure confidentiality and anonymity to encourage open and honest responses.
b. Data Protection: Safeguard collected data by anonymizing personal information and securely
storing it in compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
c. Research Ethics: Adhere to ethical guidelines set by institutional review boards and relevant
ethical committees.


These are the 3 research question of our research. Findings on these research question are
discribed below:
Q-1) What is the effectiveness of a comprehensive crime control strategy in reducing crime rates,
improving community safety and enhancing the criminal justice system?
Q-2) What is the impact of implementing a performance-based Management by objective system
on the effectiveness of police crime control strategies and what will be the outcome?
Q-3) In current Bangladesh perspective, is police performance evaluations evaluating properly?
And is there any impact of crime control strategy and management by objective for evaluating
police performance?

Q1.What is the effect in a comprehensive crime control strategies that reduces

crime rates ,improves community safety ,and enhances the criminal justice
system ?

What is crime prevention strategy :

Crime prevention is an approach to reduce crime .Well planned investigations can control crime
and victimization, promote community safety and make an effective contribution for the
development of vibrant communities. Governmental or non governmental any types of
preventive initiatives can control or prevent or avoid victimization of crime . Successful
strategies that prevent crimes involve firstly, the identification of a crime risk and secondly the
development of actions designed to reduce that risk. To be effective , it requires a thorough
understanding of a local crime problem ,where and when it occurs ,who is committing it and who
affected by it. In Bangladesh ,no scientific rigorous study on the topic so far had conducted .Very
few popular books and newspapers ,seminars and workshops were carried out in Bangladesh on
crime prevention issues. If crime is ever to understood and reduced or controlled , it needs to
have a sophisticated explanation .

3 main types of crime control strategies are:

1. Situational crime prevention( Is very local for example ; fixing shutters to a shop to
make it harder to break into at night)
2. Environmental crime prevention(Is more regional and focused on a wider problem
area .An example is zero tolerance policing in a city with an increasing street crime
3. Community and social strategies.(are more focused on working with offender or
potential offenders and local communities to reduce offending .)
Situational crime prevention strategy:

Situational crime prevention increased rapidly as a viable strategy for reducing the occurrence of
crimes. Situational crime prevention helps to focus on specific situation in in which violence
occurs and prevent those situations gravitating or escalating to the point where violence more
likely. These strategies were based on the well established notion that crimes occur most often in
particular places ,times and circumstances based on the rational choice approach. For example
use of security system in homes and business. Anti vandal point can be applied to walls. Secure
gates on alleyways.

Research into situational crime prevention :

Implementation target hardening strategies that include removal of coin operated gas and
electricity meters ,household security systems helped reduce crime by 38% in first year and up to
70% in subsequent years.
Evaluation: Situational crime prevention doesn’t tackle the root causes of crime rather than
deals with the symptoms.

Social and community crime prevention: Focus on tackling the inequalities in society that lead
to crime occurring . Preventing crime through early intervention and developing relationship
within the local community with police and other agencies.

Victim blaming of parents and children and assuming parenting styles were inadequate.
Environmental crime prevention:

Broken window theory .

Zero tolerance : Environmental crime prevention is linked with zero tolerance policing moving
on homeless ,shutting down of bars and clubs .

Existing crime prevention strategies of Bangladesh

Theoretically there are very few crime prevention strategies in Bangladesh . But in practice ,
there are various strategies for crime prevention used here institutionally or un institutionally.
Most common crime prevention strategy in Bangladesh is community based prevention
programs which are continuing here in the title of community policing .Here initial efforts ,is led
by the Bangladesh police ,started as early as 1992 in Mymensingh and Natore districts and then
spread to others parts of Bangladesh.

Include all figures in their own section, following references, footnotes, and tables. Include a
numbered caption for each figure. Use the Table/Figure style for easy spacing between figure
and caption.
Q-2) What is the impact of implementing a performance-based Management
by objective system on the effectiveness of police crime control strategies and
what will be the outcome?

From the gist of our research we have development some important point about this research
question. Implementing a performance-based management by objective system in policing can
have a significant impact on the effectiveness of crime control strategies. This type of system
sets specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives for officers, and then
evaluates their performance against those objectives. By doing so, the system can help to ensure
that officers are focused on achieving specific goals and objectives that align with the
department's crime control strategy.
“The implementation of a performance-based Management by Objectives (MBO) system on the
effectiveness of police crime control strategies can have both positive and negative impacts
depending on how it is designed and implemented”- by a police official.

From our research we can say that,

On the positive side, a performance-based MBO system can provide a clear framework for
setting and achieving goals related to crime control. It can help to ensure that officers are held
accountable for their performance and incentivize them to prioritize crime prevention and
enforcement. Additionally, it can provide valuable data that can be used to evaluate the
effectiveness of different strategies and adjust them as necessary.

However, there are also potential negative impacts that must be considered. A narrow focus on
meeting performance targets could lead to officers prioritizing certain types of crimes over
others, potentially ignoring crimes that are not included in the performance metrics.
Additionally, a performance-based system could lead to officers prioritizing easy-to-solve
crimes, potentially neglecting more complex or resource-intensive cases.
One of the key benefits of this type of system is that it can help to ensure that officers are being
held accountable for their performance. By setting clear objectives and regularly evaluating
officers against those objectives, the system can help to identify areas where officers may be
falling short and provide opportunities for improvement.
Another benefit of a performance-based management by objective system is that it can help to
improve communication and coordination among officers. By setting common goals and
objectives, officers can work more effectively together to achieve those goals, rather than
working in silos or pursuing different strategies.
However, there are also potential drawbacks to this type of system. For example, some critics
argue that it can lead to a narrow focus on specific performance metrics, rather than on more
holistic measures of success. Additionally, if the system is not designed and implemented
effectively, it could lead to unintended consequences, such as officers pursuing objectives at the
expense of other important tasks or engaging in unethical behavior to meet performance targets.

Overall, the impact of implementing a performance-based management by objective system on

the effectiveness of police crime control strategies will depend on a range of factors, including
the specific design of the system, the level of buy-in and engagement from officers, and the
broader organizational culture within the police department. If implemented carefully and
thoughtfully, however, such a system has the potential to improve accountability, coordination,
and performance among officers, leading to more effective crime control strategies and

Question-3: In current Bangladesh perspective, is police performance

evaluations evaluating properly? And is there any impact of crime control
strategy and management by objective for evaluating police performance?

To evaluate this question, we have to understand and discuss about these terms Crime control
strategy, Management by objective (MBO) and Performance evaluation. Thoroughly describing
about these terms below.
Well, first of all let’s discuss about Performance evaluation and what does it mean. Performance
evaluation is basically a technic of getting good performances from police employees. If we
elaborate it, this is a method where employee performance evaluations provide a platform where
employees get recognised for good performances. And here evaluations can be measured across
various kind of behaviour or matrices such as well performance, well attendance, well character,
well obedience which ensures that employees who meet and exceed business goals are rewarded
accordingly. It is a systematic and periodic process of measuring an employee’s work
performance against the established requirements of the job. Mainly it’s a subjective evaluation
of getting recognised about an employee’s ability of doing works; is he strong or weak, his
strengths and weaknesses of his works, relative worth to the organisation and the future
development of that potential workplace.
On the other hand, Crime control strategy is a process of reducing crime rates in a society.
Obviously this kind of methods are generally taken by the police persons who are involved in
such kind of policies. It is also recognised as ‘Crime Prevention’ strategy. Crime control
standardises police work. It emphasizes the standardisation of police work, expeditious
processing of defenders through the court procedures and the legalized punishment of offenders
(provided by Court) according to the number or availability of their crimes. Under this model,
arrest and prosecution tend to imply guilt.
And lastly, what does it mean by Management by Objective. It is called MBO in short. MBO is
recognised as the process whereby individual managers identify objectives for the coming
performance period. Which means the processing of identifying objectives for any upcoming
performances which is going to be taken by an individual police employee. Police management
refers to the administrative activities of coordinating, controlling and directing police resources,
activities and personnel. A police department’s management style can be known as flagship. It
can be the way that entity runs it’s business.

Performance evaluation has three basic functions. 1) Providing accurate feedback to each person
on his/her regular performance; 2) Serving as a basis for modifying or changing behaviour
toward more effective working habits; 3) Providing data to managers with which they may judge
future job works. In Bangladesh perspective, we can come to see that police employees work
hard behind any crime occurrence or any kind of criminal activities. But what is the point is are
they doing their best for evaluating their performances or not.
Bangladesh is a developing country where there is large numbers of development programs and
where there is very little success accomplished from these programs. Throughout the world,
performance management system is considered to be of one of the most important management
practices in all types of organisations for many years. Performance management is the
framework of polices established for “planning, monitoring, developing, evaluating and
rewarding both individual and organisational performance where there is a goal of improvement
over a prior year. Performance management consists of two basic phenomenon which refers
performance expectation (setting MBO and KPI) and working towards achieving the MBOs.
Bangladesh police usually tries their best to evaluate their performances through maintaining
different kind of methods. If we talk about taking crime control strategies, we certainly come to
know about their feedback and lacking. Police take actions towards that particular incident. If it’s
about any murder; they handle it by their particular methods. And if it’s about terrorism or drug
abuse; they handle it on a different way. Most of the time police sectors can’t be able to handle
these type of serious issues and take help from CID or detective branches. Basically we can find
a lacking in their crime control strategies to evaluate their performances. The methods which
they are taking to build up their community is not sufficient in this current era in Bangladesh
perspective. So here we can bring the impacts of MBO and Crime control strategies.
Crime control strategy and management by objective has surely the impact for evaluating police
performance. MBOs are the key objectives or goals to be reached and are those output of the jobs
which contribute to organisational goals. It depends totally on sharing expectation which refers
following up & giving feedback and activity coaching tools. And crime control strategy is used
for the better development of their community systems which is highly effective for their
performance evaluation. If there is any need of getting effective performance; there is a must
need of MBO and crime control strategy. They will be benefited and their performance
management system will improve in a significant amount.

In this research paper, we have evaluated three questions where they are related to crime control
strategy, management by objective and police performance evaluation. If we discuss these
questions we can find some objectives which will bring this research a great dimension.

In question 1, there has a brief discussion about crime control strategy. Which components are
using in crime control strategy, what are the methods, what else steps should be taken and so on.
We have focused on three main types of crime control strategy which are- situational crime
prevention, environmental crime prevention, community and social strategies. But in
Bangladesh, there are a few crime control strategies which is actually working to prevent crime
rates in our country. On the other hand, if we talk about the overall criteria of preventing crime
rates through crime control strategy, the ethics that police officers follow, works quite good in
comparison of before.

In question 2, we have discussed about the effectiveness of MBO (Management by objective) on

police crime control strategies and its outcomes. We have taken interviews of police officers
regarding our topics. They have told us about both of the positive and negative sides of MBO
impacts depending on how it is designed and implemented. From our research, we have found
that MBO can help to ensure that officers are held accountable for their performance and
incentivize them to prioritize crime prevention and enforcement. And the negative impacts that
must be considered is a narrow focus on meeting performance based system which potentially
ignores crimes that are mostly not included in the performance metrics. But the best part is the
benefits of implementing MBO system which can help to improve communication and
coordination among police officers.

In question 3, we have talked about police performance evaluation through Bangladesh

perspective. Also we have focused on the impacts of crime control strategy and NBO for
evaluating police performance. Police performance evaluation is basically refers to the meaning
of a police persons characteristic demands by which their work experiences and performances
can be defined. It can be of good or bad behavior, good or bad performances during duties and of
many other criteria. In Bangladesh perspective, BD police usually tries their best to evaluate their
performances through maintaining different kind of methods. They certainly can defeat big
problems but they do obviously perhaps there are no other kind of issues that can harm their
investigation problems. Crime control strategy and MBO has impacts in their both way for
evaluating police performance. Though there are lacking too. Like the methods which are taken
to evaluate police performance through crime control strategy to build up their community is not
sufficient at all and badly needs to improve these methods. 

Lastly we can say that these research questions have helped us a lot to implement our focus areas
on which criteria should be followed to evaluate our research topic and made a great extension
by which we have extended our research questions including crime control strategy, management
by objective and police performance evaluation.

Recommendations: Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are
1.Develop a comprehensive performance evaluation system for police personnel in Bangladesh,
which should be based on the Management by Objective approach.
2.Increase public participation and collaboration in crime control strategies, involving
community leaders and civil society organizations.
3.Strengthen the training and development of police personnel, ensuring that they possess the
skills and knowledge required to handle complex crime-related issues.
4.Enhance the use of technology in crime control strategies, including the use of CCTV cameras
and advanced crime analysis tools.
5.Improve the coordination and collaboration among different law enforcement agencies to
enhance crime control strategies' effectiveness.
6. Implementation of performance-based management by objective system in police departments
to improve police performance.

7. A need for revising the current crime control strategies with a focus on community-oriented
policing and the use of technology.

8. Improve the current performance evaluation system by including metrics that focus on
community engagement, crime prevention, and reducing recidivism.

After conducting a thorough research on the effectiveness of comprehensive crime control
strategy in reducing crime rates, improving community safety and enhancing the criminal justice
system in Bangladesh, it can be concluded that implementing a comprehensive crime control
strategy can significantly reduce crime rates and enhance community safety. However, the
effectiveness of this strategy depends on a number of factors such as proper allocation of
resources, effective implementation, and cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the
community.Regarding the impact of implementing a performance-based Management by
objective system on the effectiveness of police crime control strategies, the research suggests that
it can significantly improve the effectiveness of crime control strategies. A well-designed
Management by objective system can provide clear goals and objectives, motivate police officers
to work towards achieving them, and enhance accountability and transparency within the police
The research also examined the current police performance evaluations in Bangladesh and found
that they are not evaluating properly. There is a lack of proper performance metrics and
evaluation criteria, and the evaluations do not reflect the actual performance of police officers.
Moreover, the study found that there is a significant impact of crime control strategy and
management by objective on evaluating police performance. When implemented properly, they
can enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of police performance evaluations, leading to
improved accountability and better service delivery to the community.
Overall, the research highlights the importance of implementing comprehensive crime control
strategies and effective performance evaluation systems to reduce crime rates, improve
community safety, and enhance the criminal justice system in Bangladesh. Proper allocation of
resources, effective implementation, and cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the
community are crucial to the success of these strategies.

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