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Friday, 19 August 2022 9:33 PM

• Honesty is necessary but not a sufficient condition for the welfare of the
people. A civil servant is paid to perform, to deliver. Such ‘honest-only’
officers forget the fact that they are paid not merely to remain honest but
to perform as well. They evaluate their performance in terms of punitive
actions that they take against others, i.e., the number of people or
institutions they expose (becoming quintessential whistle-blowers, a role
that brings ‘name’ and ‘fame’ to them), the number of disciplinary
proceedings they get initiated, and the number of First Information
Reports (FIRs) they lodge. In fact, in the final analysis, such precipitate
actions by these ‘crusaders’ do not even serve their professed goal of
cleansing the society. In their enthusiasm to hunt down the bad guys,
they end up making no effort toward sevolving systems that can reduce,
if not eliminate, the incidence of corrupt practices. The ‘honest-only’ civil
servantstops being the prime instrument available with the State to
execute plans and programmes. He smells a rat in every file. Hence, he
brings execution to a grinding halt. Even for projects which doget
delivered, it usually is too late to attain the desired impact. More often
than not, these situations result in ‘paralysis of analyses’.
• Recent study by Harvard on Adult Development 1938-2015 (world’s
longest study ever) hasconcluded that ‘good relationships keep us
happier and healthier’.

• As our former President Dr A.P.J.Abdul Kalam said “When we tackle

obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not
know we had.....We only need to find them and move on with our lives
• In ethics write Socrates quote of unexamined life to show introspection
and public welfare, corruption etc
• Plato “ just as the people, so is the state
• Use term “ team india “”
• Leo Tolstoy : the ultimate aim of human life is service to humanity
• Nehru : no state become great by dwarfing its own people
• Wikileaks
• when a man assumes a position ofpublic trust, he should consider himself
a public property "..Thomas Jefferson

• Aristotlehas said that it is in justice that the ordering of society is

centered. Justice brings unity and cohesion in society.

• hedonistic instinct which psychologists like Sigmund Freud often talk

about, keeps telling us to give more importance to our own pleasure and
needs rather than the welfare of the society.
• Ethical issue in plagiarism

• allowing large corporates to open their own banks is a basic conflict of
• Plastic ban vs employment
• Banning firecracker vs job loss
• Role of family: there is no doubt that it is around the family and home
that all the greatest virtues are created, strengthened , and maintained :
winston Churchill
• Role of education: the highest education is that which does not merely
give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence :
Rabindranath Tagore
• Role of society : what is honoured in a country is cultivated there : Plato
• When there is adherence to rights action , there lies victory. Yato
Dharmasthato Jaya.
• Wangari Mathai : environment

Avinash Saran ias sent his daughter to government school: to maintain
quality and encourage others.

• Elitism : I am superior : IAS

• People first approach should be our mantra

• Climate consequentialism to violate kantianism

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