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In this chapter the researcher will present the conclusion and suggestion of

this research. The researcher divides this chapter into two subs. First, the

researcher will deliver conclusion of the research and lastly will provide

suggestion of the research.

A. Conclusion

Based on the findings of the research, logo is indirect media

communication that is used by the company to attract customers. Within the

logo company able to express the identity of their products. In this research,

the researcher focuses on Connotation and Denotation meaning of nine

fashion brand logo. Those are Burberry, Lanvin, Polo Ralph Lauren, Versace,

Hermes, Lacoste, Gucci, Coach, and Giorgio Armani.

From the data analysis, it shows that the denotation and connotation

meaning in nine fashion brand logo are slightly similar because denotation

meaning is representative of connotation while connotation is an indirect

meaning of denotation. Means denotation is an object that visualized regarding

something and connotation is an idea that helps to create image.

The company reason behind choosing and created these nine images of

a fashion brand are very unique. First, Burberry’s logo is created because


founder wanted his fashion brand known as a fashion that served a high

quality material so the customer feels confident, brave and strong whenever

they used Burberry Products. Second, Versace’s logo the owner hopes that

through the logo Versace’s Products able to present sense of beauty to anyone

that used the products, so that the user able to attract people whenever they

wearing the product. Third is Lanvin logo, in this logo the people who owns

this brand is trying to convey the motherly love and enduring spirit of fashion


Fourth Polo Ralph Lauren, the logo was made because the owner

wanted to provide high class vibes regarding his products also at the same

time it gives a sense of simple, elegant, classic for the user of the product.

Fifth is Lacoste’s logo, the owner was inspired from an alligator skin suitcase

that he really wanted to have. Within this logo the owner wanted to provide a

comfortable and energetic for those who wear the product. Six, Coach Logo

derived from a picture of a man driving a horse-drawn carriage the founder

decided to use that as logo for his fashion brand. In this logo, the owner

wanted to present an elegant and high class for the customer.

Seven is Hermes logo, this logo is used to remind the company’s

origin before they have a name in fashion industry which makes them

recognized all over the world. Through the logo, fonder wanted to serve a

luxury and high quality of leather. Then eight Gucci’s logo, the logo was

inspired by the founder name Guccio Gucci then his name was

implementation in the logo which we can see now that there are two letters G

combined together in Gucci logo brand. In this logo the owner wanted to

present a luxury, elegant, and modern style for customer. Nine is Giorgio

Armani’s logo. It was inspired from Gucci and Channel logo that present a

sense of elegance and style who wears their fashion product.

B. Suggestion

Within this research it reveals, there are several important points

regarding the use of logo in fashion brand that we should know. First, logo is

form by many elements, these elements were connected each other and created

strong and memorable impression on costumer heart. Second, logo is a media

that is used by the company to express their identity. Third, logo is the

company indirect marketing tool, this is discovering through the connotation

meaning of their logo.

Therefore, this research can be used as a reference in society in order

to understand the knowledge behind each logo that is used by fashion Brand

Company or any other kinds of business.

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