Consensus Clustering

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Consensus clustering

Consensus clustering is a method of aggregating (potentially conflicting) results from multiple clustering
algorithms. Also called cluster ensembles[1] or aggregation of clustering (or partitions), it refers to the
situation in which a number of different (input) clusterings have been obtained for a particular dataset and it
is desired to find a single (consensus) clustering which is a better fit in some sense than the existing
clusterings.[2] Consensus clustering is thus the problem of reconciling clustering information about the same
data set coming from different sources or from different runs of the same algorithm. When cast as an
optimization problem, consensus clustering is known as median partition, and has been shown to be NP-
complete,[3] even when the number of input clusterings is three.[4] Consensus clustering for unsupervised
learning is analogous to ensemble learning in supervised learning.

Issues with existing clustering techniques

Current clustering techniques do not address all the requirements adequately.
Dealing with large number of dimensions and large number of data items can be
problematic because of time complexity;
Effectiveness of the method depends on the definition of "distance" (for distance-based
If an obvious distance measure doesn't exist, we must "define" it, which is not always easy,
especially in multidimensional spaces.
The result of the clustering algorithm (that, in many cases, can be arbitrary itself) can be
interpreted in different ways.

Justification for using consensus clustering

There are potential shortcomings for all existing clustering techniques. This may cause interpretation of
results to become difficult, especially when there is no knowledge about the number of clusters. Clustering
methods are also very sensitive to the initial clustering settings, which can cause non-significant data to be
amplified in non-reiterative methods. An extremely important issue in cluster analysis is the validation of the
clustering results, that is, how to gain confidence about the significance of the clusters provided by the
clustering technique (cluster numbers and cluster assignments). Lacking an external objective criterion (the
equivalent of a known class label in supervised analysis), this validation becomes somewhat elusive.
Iterative descent clustering methods, such as the SOM and k-means clustering circumvent some of the
shortcomings of hierarchical clustering by providing for univocally defined clusters and cluster boundaries.
Consensus clustering provides a method that represents the consensus across multiple runs of a clustering
algorithm, to determine the number of clusters in the data, and to assess the stability of the discovered
clusters. The method can also be used to represent the consensus over multiple runs of a clustering
algorithm with random restart (such as K-means, model-based Bayesian clustering, SOM, etc.), so as to
account for its sensitivity to the initial conditions. It can provide data for a visualization tool to inspect
cluster number, membership, and boundaries. However, they lack the intuitive and visual appeal of
hierarchical clustering dendrograms, and the number of clusters must be chosen a priori.

The Monti consensus clustering algorithm

The Monti consensus clustering algorithm[5] is one of the most popular consensus clustering algorithms and
is used to determine the number of clusters, . Given a dataset of total number of points to cluster, this
algorithm works by resampling and clustering the data, for each and a consensus matrix is
calculated, where each element represents the fraction of times two samples clustered together. A perfectly
stable matrix would consist entirely of zeros and ones, representing all sample pairs always clustering
together or not together over all resampling iterations. The relative stability of the consensus matrices can be
used to infer the optimal .

More specifically, given a set of points to cluster, , let be the list

of perturbed (resampled) datasets of the original dataset , and let denote the connectivity
matrix resulting from applying a clustering algorithm to the dataset . The entries of are defined as

Let be the identicator matrix where the -th entry is equal to 1 if points and are in the
same perturbed dataset , and 0 otherwise. The indicator matrix is used to keep track of which samples
were selected during each resampling iteration for the normalisation step. The consensus matrix is
defined as the normalised sum of all connectivity matrices of all the perturbed datasets and a different one is
calculated for every .

That is the entry in the consensus matrix is the number of times points and were clustered together
divided by the total number of times they were selected together. The matrix is symmetric and each element
is defined within the range . A consensus matrix is calculated for each to be tested, and the stability
of each matrix, that is how far the matrix is towards a matrix of perfect stability (just zeros and ones) is used
to determine the optimal . One way of quantifying the stability of the th consensus matrix is examining
its CDF curve (see below).

Over-interpretation potential of the Monti consensus clustering

Monti consensus clustering can be a powerful tool for identifying clusters, but it needs to be applied with
caution as shown by Şenbabaoğlu et al. [6] It has been shown that the Monti consensus clustering algorithm
is able to claim apparent stability of chance partitioning of null datasets drawn from a unimodal distribution,
and thus has the potential to lead to over-interpretation of cluster stability in a real study.[6][7] If clusters are
not well separated, consensus clustering could lead one to conclude apparent structure when there is none,
or declare cluster stability when it is subtle. Identifying false positive clusters is a common problem
throughout cluster research,[8] and has been addressed by methods such as SigClust[8] and the GAP-
statistic.[9] However, these methods rely on certain assumptions for the null model that may not always be

Şenbabaoğlu et al [6] demonstrated the original delta K metric to decide in the Monti algorithm
performed poorly, and proposed a new superior metric for measuring the stability of consensus matrices
using their CDF curves. In the CDF curve of a consensus matrix, the lower left portion represents sample
pairs rarely clustered together, the upper right portion represents those almost always clustered together,
whereas the middle segment represent
those with ambiguous assignments in
different clustering runs. The
proportion of ambiguous clustering
(PAC) score measure quantifies this
middle segment; and is defined as the
fraction of sample pairs with
consensus indices falling in the interval
(u1 , u2 ) ∈ [0, 1] where u1 is a value
close to 0 and u2 is a value close to 1
(for instance u1 =0.1 and u2 =0.9). A
low value of PAC indicates a flat
middle segment, and a low rate of
discordant assignments across
permuted clustering runs. One can
therefore infer the optimal number of
clusters by the value having the PAC measure (proportion of ambiguous clustering) explained.
lowest PAC. [6][7] Optimal K is the K with lowest PAC value.

Related work
1. Clustering ensemble (Strehl and Ghosh): They considered various formulations for the
problem, most of which reduce the problem to a hyper-graph partitioning problem. In one of
their formulations they considered the same graph as in the correlation clustering problem.
The solution they proposed is to compute the best k-partition of the graph, which does not
take into account the penalty for merging two nodes that are far apart.[1]
2. Clustering aggregation (Fern and Brodley): They applied the clustering aggregation idea
to a collection of soft clusterings they obtained by random projections. They used an
agglomerative algorithm and did not penalize for merging dissimilar nodes.[10]
3. Fred and Jain: They proposed to use a single linkage algorithm to combine multiple runs of
the k-means algorithm.[11]
4. Dana Cristofor and Dan Simovici: They observed the connection between clustering
aggregation and clustering of categorical data. They proposed information theoretic distance
measures, and they propose genetic algorithms for finding the best aggregation solution.[12]
5. Topchy et al.: They defined clustering aggregation as a maximum likelihood estimation
problem, and they proposed an EM algorithm for finding the consensus clustering.[13]

Hard ensemble clustering

This approach by Strehl and Ghosh introduces the problem of combining multiple partitionings of a set of
objects into a single consolidated clustering without accessing the features or algorithms that determined
these partitionings. They discuss three approaches towards solving this problem to obtain high quality
consensus functions. Their techniques have low computational costs and this makes it feasible to evaluate
each of the techniques discussed below and arrive at the best solution by comparing the results against the
objective function.

Efficient consensus functions

1. Cluster-based similarity partitioning algorithm (CSPA):In CSPA the similarity between
two data-points is defined to be directly proportional to number of constituent clusterings of
the ensemble in which they are clustered together. The intuition is that the more similar two
data-points are the higher is the chance that constituent clusterings will place them in the
same cluster. CSPA is the simplest heuristic, but its computational and storage complexity
are both quadratic in n. SC3 (
is an example of a CSPA type algorithm.[14] The following two methods are computationally
less expensive:
2. Hyper-graph partitioning algorithm (HGPA): The HGPA algorithm takes a very different
approach to finding the consensus clustering than the previous method. The cluster
ensemble problem is formulated as partitioning the hypergraph by cutting a minimal number
of hyperedges. They make use of hMETIS (
verview) which is a hypergraph partitioning package system.
3. Meta-clustering algorithm (MCLA):The meta-cLustering algorithm (MCLA) is based on
clustering clusters. First, it tries to solve the cluster correspondence problem and then uses
voting to place data-points into the final consensus clusters. The cluster correspondence
problem is solved by grouping the clusters identified in the individual clusterings of the
ensemble. The clustering is performed using METIS (
s/metis) and Spectral clustering.

Soft clustering ensembles

Punera and Ghosh extended the idea of hard clustering ensembles to the soft clustering scenario. Each
instance in a soft ensemble is represented by a concatenation of r posterior membership probability
distributions obtained from the constituent clustering algorithms. We can define a distance measure between
two instances using the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence, which calculates the "distance" between two
probability distributions.[15]

1. sCSPA: extends CSPA by calculating a similarity matrix. Each object is visualized as a point
in dimensional space, with each dimension corresponding to probability of its belonging to a
cluster. This technique first transforms the objects into a label-space and then interprets the
dot product between the vectors representing the objects as their similarity.
2. sMCLA:extends MCLA by accepting soft clusterings as input. sMCLA's working can be
divided into the following steps:
Construct Soft Meta-Graph of Clusters
Group the Clusters into Meta-Clusters
Collapse Meta-Clusters using Weighting
Compete for Objects
3. sHBGF:represents the ensemble as a bipartite graph with clusters and instances as nodes,
and edges between the instances and the clusters they belong to.[16] This approach can be
trivially adapted to consider soft ensembles since the graph partitioning algorithm METIS
accepts weights on the edges of the graph to be partitioned. In sHBGF, the graph has n + t
vertices, where t is the total number of underlying clusters.
4. Bayesian consensus clustering (BCC): defines a fully Bayesian model for soft consensus
clustering in which multiple source clusterings, defined by different input data or different
probability models, are assumed to adhere loosely to a consensus clustering.[17] The full
posterior for the separate clusterings, and the consensus clustering, are inferred
simultaneously via Gibbs sampling.
5. Ensemble Clustering Fuzzification Means (ECF-Means): ECF-means is a clustering
algorithm, which combines different clustering results in ensemble, achieved by different
runs of a chosen algorithm (k-means), into a single final clustering configuration.[18]

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Nguyen, Nam; Caruana, Rich (2007). "Consensus Clusterings". Seventh IEEE International
Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2007). IEEE. pp. 607–612. doi:10.1109/icdm.2007.73 (htt
ps:// ISBN 978-0-7695-3018-5. "...we address the
problem of combining multiple clusterings without access to the underlying features of the
data. This process is known in the literature as clustering ensembles, clustering
aggregation, or consensus clustering. Consensus clustering yields a stable and robust final
clustering that is in agreement with multiple clusterings. We find that an iterative EM-like
method is remarkably effective for this problem. We present an iterative algorithm and its
variations for finding clustering consensus. An extensive empirical study compares our
proposed algorithms with eleven other consensus clustering methods on four data sets
using three different clustering performance metrics. The experimental results show that the
new ensemble clustering methods produce clusterings that are as good as, and often better
than, these other methods."

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