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Two consecutive values (in which); they are within the What should the tech do? - Correct for temperature;
+2SD or -2SD of the same mean - 2,2s - Westgard QC high protein, glucose, and bilirubin levels can elevate
rulev the SG. Results can be reported with pos for glucose.

Which condition causes the ESR to decrease? - B - How does oral contraceptive change levels of iron
Vibration of the desk stores? - Iron stores are higher (higher ferritin seen)

In obstructive liver disease, red cells tend to have the Describe blastoconidia - One large mother cell that
following morphology - Macrocytes; in OLD, lipids produces multiple daughter cells (budding)
deposit on the surface of RBC's, and cause them to
become macrocytic What does a delta check mean when doing automated
clinical measurements? - Significant change in the PT's
Pink mucoid colonies on MAC lab result compared to the previous result.
Spot indole = positive - Klebsiella oxytoca; the Define Azotemia - Increased BUN in the blood
difference between K. pneumoniae and K. oxytoca is
the indole test. If volume of fetal bleed is 62 mL, how many vials of
RhIG should be given to the mother? - 3 vials; one 300
Weakened (or sometimes no) expression of antigens mL vial of RhIG will protect against 30mL of D-pos fetal
during pregnancy is seen in what blood group type? - blood. when the number to the right of the decimal is
Lewis; pregnant women transiently exhibit Le(a-b-) less than 5, round down and add one dose. When the
phenotype and Lewis antibodies are sometimes formed number to the right of the decimal is greater than 5,
during pregnancy round up and add one dose.

TIBC = 240 ug/dL Which bacteria are of concern when it comes to water
Serum iron = 144 ug/dL contamination? - Legionella Pneumophilia (more
Ferritin = 250 ug/dL mentioned)
What is the UIBC%? - 40% Campylobacter Jejuni
240 (TIBC)-144 (serum iron) = 96 Eschericha Coli (more mentioned)
96 = unsaturated fraction of TIBC Salmonella
96/240 (TIBC) = 0.4 or 40% Vibrio cholerae

Ferritin isn't used for this calculation ID this catalase pos, gram pos bacilli (diptheroid morph)
is highly resistant to many antibiotics, and is associated
ABO Typing is done with immunocompromised patients - Corynebacterium
Forward = Anti-A (4), Anti-B (4+) Diptheriae; non-spore forming, non-motile
Reverse = A cell (2+), B-cells (2+)
How to differentiate between Yersinia pestis and
What to do next? - Incubate reagents and specimen at Yersinia enterocolitica? - Motility; Y. pestis is non-motile
room temp for 15-30 min and repeat; suggests cold / urease neg
agglutinins Enterolytica is motile / urease pos

Reactive Monocytosis is seen in - Tuberculosis; all Which compound has the same physiological effect as
patients with TB demonstrate monocytosis, likely due to procainamide? - NAPA
high macrophage death rate due to toxicity from the
macros consuming tubercule bacilli. In Auramine-Rhodamine stain for acid fast bacteria,
what is the function of potassium permanganate? -
A urine specimen was kept in the fridge overnight at Quenching factor/counter stain
10C. Glucose level is 1000 mg/dL, and the SG is 1.010.
What is the name for echinocytes and when are they 5 HIAA test is used for what disease? - Carcinoid tumors
seen? - Burr cells; seen during a slow drying smear as an (usually done on a 24 hr urine sample)
Rapid detection test for legionella in a urine sample? -
What does caffeine benzoate do in the Jendrassik-Grof Antigen-detection test
method for measuring bilirubin? - Acts as an accelerator
What is the carrier of endogenous triglycerides? - VLDL
What does the PCO2 electrode measure? - pH (chylomicrons carry exogenous)

Hemolysis pattern of Strep pneumoniae - Alpha Which conditions can be observed in Cushing's
Hemolytic (dark and greenish) Syndrome? - Hyperglycemia / Hypercalcemia

In megaloblastic anemias, RBC's are: - Macrocytic, Why would the color change from blue to orange, and
Normochromic (normochromic because there is NO then back to blue in a Clinitest? - "Pass through
defect in Hgb synthesis) phenomenon;" When amount of sugar is over 2000
mg/dL, this phenomenon occurs.
binding strength of an antibody to its antigen is called: -
Avidity Describe / ID Alternaria fungus morphology - Alternaria
(drumstick) - associated with hay fever /
What can make CSF appear cloudy? - Crystals (WBC up hypersensitivity / asthma
to 5 per mm3 and proteins up to 45 mg/dL are normal)
Describe / ID Fusarium fungus morphology - Fusarium -
Which test is used to confirm presence of Bence-Jones soil fungi associated with burn victim / BM infections
proteins? - Immunofixation electrophoresis ; BJ protein (green beans)
is a globlulin (secreted by plasma cells) and is meaured
in the urine to help diagnose multiple myseloma Describe / ID Aspergillus fungus morphology -
(mostly) / Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia Aspergillus (flower/bloom) - farmer's lung

Reagent used in sickle cell solubility test? - Sodium Describe / ID Candida fungus morphology - Candida -
dithionite; If HbS is present, it will form liquid crystals dimorphic yeast (albicans grows a germ tube)
and give the solution a cloudy/turbid appearance.
A 3 year old child has severe anemia with a very low
Large, circular, gray/smooth colonies are seen on a BAP RBC count of 1.7x10^6, but WBC and PLT counts are
with swarming motility. What test should be done next? normal. What's the most likely DX? - Pure RBC aplasia;
- Indole; Swarming is characteristic of Proteus, and the only RBC production is affected. RBC count's usually
Indole is done to differentiate between P. vulgaris (pos) won't fall that low in lead poisoning.
and P. mirabilus (neg)
If RPR test is pos, and ABS-FTA is neg, what is the
A and B blood group antigens are derived when interpretation of the results? - False pos RPR; repeat in
glycosyltransferases add specific sugars to precursor H. 2 weeks. ABS-FTA test is the fluorescent treponemal
Heat is the terminal sugar for B antigen? - D-galactose antibody absorption test. Confirms RPR

Which solution is used for HDL measurement? - A smear is made that covers 60% of the slide, and the
Heparin-Maganese (precipitation factor used) WBC's are clustered at the end. What should you do? -
Reject the slide; prolonged storage of blood in EDTA can
Which enzyme can help with DX of muscular dystrophy? cause WBC's to cluster. Reject the entire specimen.
- CPK (elevated CPK levels are indicative of muscle
disease) A gram stain performed on a sputum sample revealed
gram neg diplococci within PMN's. Oxidase pos, and
carbohydrate degredation is inert. What is the
organism? - Moraxella catarrhalis; this bacteria is What is the specimen of choice for FK506 (Tacrolimus),
inert/asacchrolytic Cyclosporine, and Sirolimus? - EDTA; those are all
immuno-suppresant drugs
ID stomatocytes; what condition are they commonly
associated with? - Mouth cells; liver disease (alcoholic) HPV test is more often done for what condition? -
Genital Warts (HPV is the most common STI in the USA)
D-Dimer test is normal, but FDP is abnormal. What does
this mean? - Primary fibrinogenolysis; D-dimer is A PT with a pancreatic mass will be tested for? - CA-19-9
abnormal/pos when actual clot has been formed and (marker for pancreatic cancer)
then broken down; FDP (fibrinogen degredation
products) can present when there is no clot, but a If an individual is a non-secretor (se se) with Lewis
primary fibrinogenolysis is going on. phenotype LE(a+b-), what antigen will be detected in his
or her fluids? - Le A (only antigen that can be secreted
the anemias of the qualitative hemoglobinopathies, by a non-secretor)
such as sickle cell anemia, are morphologically classified
as: - Normocytic, normochromic Describe and ID Histoplasma capsulatum fungus -
globular macroconidia with finger-like protrusions, and
Which enzyme is the best indicator of excessive alcohol ovoid microconidia with smooth/finer edges.
consumption? - GGT
Total cholesterol = 220 mg/dL
A sputum sample has 25 PMN cells, 10 Epis, and HDL = 45 mg/dL
bacteria/fungi were seen in oil immersion. What do you Triglycerides = 250 mg/dL
do? - Culture both the bacteria and fungi; good
specimen criteria is met. You reject with 25+ epis What is the LDL concentration? - LDL = TC - HDL -
What's the formula for specificity? - TN/(TN+FP)x100 = 220 - 45 - (250/5.0)
True neg = TN = 125 LDL
False pos = FP
What is used to compare two sets of mean? - Paired T
PT, aPTT, and TT are all abnormal. What's the most test; calculates a range of values that is likely to include
likely cause? - Afibrinogenemia; can be caused by the population mean of the differences
aribrinogenmia, dysfibrogenemia, DIC, heparin
contamination, and thrombin inhibitors Rh neg phenotype is most likely a result of - RHD
Which test is used to ID Hairy Cell Leukemia? - TRAP
(tartarate-resistant acid phosphatase) activity is present if the DAT is positive on the cord blood, what is done
in the leukemic cells of most HCL patients. next? - Antibody screen on maternal blood; is is
assuming the ABO and Rh type of the baby/mom are
What's the best blood type of choice for blood known. If the baby's type isn't known, the next step is to
transfusion for newborns? - O negative which has been do the ABO/Rh typing
crossmatched with the mother's blood
Gram neg bacteria, normally found in the
What is the drug of choice for MRSA isolates? - oropharyngeal tract of mammals, are involved in the
Vancomycin pathogenesis of some animal bite wounds, as well as
periodontal diseases.
17-Ketosteroids are produced in the: - Adrenal glands; This bacteria exhibits "gliding"motility: -
they form when the body breaks down androgens and Capnocytophaga
other adrenal gland hormones
(capno = CO2 dependence)
(cytophaga = flexibility / mobility)

Calculate the anion gap: A gram stain from a BAP shows gram pos cocci in
chains, which are non-hemolytic. The bacteria will grow
Na+ = 138 mEq/L on 6.5 NaCl, and is bile esculin pos. What's the most
Cl- = 102 mEq/L likely ID? - Enterococcus (only entero can grow on both
HCO3 = 27 mEq/L - 9 6.5 and bile esculin)

Formula = Na+ - (Cl- + HCO3-) What is flocculation? - The bridging and binding of
destabilized solids into larger particles; differs from
What test is used to monitor unfractionated heparin precipitation in that colloids are only SUSPENDED in a
therapy (not UFH test)? - APTT; used for UFH.... but not solution, not actually dissolved. Used in VDRL and RPR
LMWH (Anti Xa assay is used) testing.

Enzymes enhance which blood group systems? - ABO, Describe the lab manager's role? - Democratic
Rh, Kidd, Lewis
What are pappenheimer bodies? When are they seen? -
What is ANA (anti-nuclear antibody) test used for? - To Iron particles; can be seen in groups and variable sizes.
detect and help DX certain autoimmune disorders; Can be seen in sideroblastic anemia and
ANA's are a group of autoantibodies produced by a hemoglobinopathies.
person's immune system when it fails to distinguish
between self and non-self. What urine test can help diagnose pheochromocytoma?
Define pheochromocytoma - methanephrines;
ANA patterns seen and what do they indicate? pheochromocytoma is a rare adrenal gland tissue
tumor. Too much epinephrine and nor epinephrine are
Homogenous (diffuse) excreted
Nucleolar Acidic urine specimens are frequently seen in? - High
Centromere (peripheral) - Homogenous (diffuse) - assoc protein diet
with SLE / drug Lupus
Alkaline urine specimens are frequently seen in? -
Speckled - Assc with SLE, sjogren, rheumatoid arthritis, Bacterial infection / diuretic drugs such as azo
scleroderma, polymyositis
What's the predominant cell type in CLL? - B-Cells
Nucleolar - scleroderma / polymyositis
ID the bacteria grown anaerobically on chocolate agar,
Centromere (peripheral) - scleroderma and CREST with a gram stain showing long, Gram neg rods with
tapered ends. - Fusobacterium; "spindle shaped"
What types of cells in Sezary syndrome become
cancerous?? - T-cells; aggressive form of blood cancer In photometric method of bilirubin measurement,
called cutaneous T-cell lymphoma analyzers measure the color change at what
wavelength? - 454 nm
Target cells (codocytes) in blood can cause what when
automated methods are used? - high WBC count; Which test is done when pesticide exposure is
codocytes are more resistant to being lysed due to suspected? - Cholinesterase
increased surface volume, and can falsely increase WBC
count. What chemistry value will be the first to increase after
Myocardial Infarction? - Myoglobin; when heart of
Target cells (codocytes) are associated with? - liver skeletal muscle is injured, myoglobin is released into the
disease, thalassemia, Hgb C, and splenectomy among blood and can be measured within a few hours post-
others injury

What solution is contained inside a reference In which blood type system are the antigens NOT a part
electrode? - KCl (potassium chloride) of the RBC membrane, and are made by tissue cells,
carried in the plasma, and absorb onto RBC surface? -
What serves as the specimen of choice for the Lewis; newborns don't have Lewis antigens
demonstration of tertiary syphilis? - CSF; tertiary
syphilis most often involves the CNS; CSF-VRDL is done In blood bank DAT testing, 3 tubes are negative to AHG
to confirm. Brain and spinal cord involvement is often a (antihuman globulin), and when cell check is added, the
sign of late-stage syphilis result is still negative. What's the error? - Serum wasn't
added to the tube for the reaction to take place. Cell
In hydrops fetalis, what kind of Hgb is found? - Bart's check = quality control, and should always be positive.
(y4; 4 gamma chains)
The fetus doesn't survive In respiratory acidosis, the compensatory mechanism is
the increase in: - Plasma bicarbonate concentration
Describe Hgb H - HgbH (b4; 4 beta genes)
In Rhabdomyolysis, breakdown of what component
Alpha thal minor deletion? - 2 alpha genes deleted causes kidney damage? - myoglobin

silent carrier (thal) gene deletion? - Single alpha What is true regarding the weak D phenotype? - All
deletion epitopes are present but are under-expressed

TIBC = 200 ug/dL Test results with a low TSH and elevated Free T4
Iron = 125 ug/dL indicate what? - Hyperthroidism

Calculate UIBC? - UIBC = 75 (TIBC - Iron = UIBC) Hashimoto's thyroiditis - an autoimmune disease in
which the body's own antibodies attack and destroy the
What are Howell-Jolly bodies? - DNA fragments; usually cells of the thyroid gland; associated with
pitted by spleen to form helmet cells. hypothyroidism

Assc with alcoholism, post-splenectomy, Beta thal A patient on warfarin (coumadin) is tested for protein C.
major, severe hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia How does this affect their test results? - Decreased
levels of Protein C; anticoag drugs interfere with protein
What can cause a false pos urobilinogen on urine strips? C and/or Protein S assays.
- porphobilinogen or sulfonamides
Best diagnostic test for excessive alcoholic
exposure to light can cause false neg consumption? - GGT

Macrocytes typically seen in megaloblastic anemia are What is true of the lupus anticoagulant? - Causes micro
what shape? - ovalocytes emboli (clots) formation in the blood vessels of patients
with SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus)
round macrocytes are assc with alcoholism and
obstructive liver disease Glass membrane electrode is used for what
measurement? - pH (in solution)
How to calc coefficient of variation (%)? - SD / MEAN x
100 In primary biliary cirrhosis, which of the following
antibodies is seen in high titers? - Anti-mitochondiral
A blue top was drawn from a catheter, and tested for
PT/PTT. Results are significantly higher than yesterday's. When Primidone is administered, what other
What's the most likely explanation? - Heparin compound must be quantified in serum to monitor drug
levels? - Phenobarbital (primodone = inactive form of

A critically ill patient becomes comatose. The doctor

believes the coma is due to hepatic failure. The assay
most helpful in DX is? - Ammonia; high level of fatality

The extrinsic system of coagulation is monitored by

which test? - PT (prothrombin time)

Unconjugaed bilirubinemia - Unconjugated bilirubin =

Urine bilirubin = neg
Urine urobilinogen = neg

Assoc. With Crigler-Najjar Syndrome

What nutrient -


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