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Written test 2 Name: Total Score

Date: ______ /100 points


A Emma and Jack are talking about Jack’s vacation. Listen and circle the correct answers.
1. What countries did Jack go to? 3. Where was it hot?
a. Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador a. In Peru
b. Brazil, Peru, and Colombia b. In
c. Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia c.
In Ecuador

2. What was Jack’s favorite city? 4. Where did Jack eat locro, a kind of soup?
a. Lima a. In Peru
b. Cuzco b. In Colombia
c. Puno c. In Ecuador

A _______ /8 points (2 points each)

B Eva is telling Kyle about her busy schedule. Listen and circle four true sentences.
a. Eva is taking a volleyball class.
b. Eva isn’t living with her parents now.
c. Eva has time to go out with her friends.
d. Eva went to the movies every weekend in the past.
e. Kyle doesn’t want to dance.
f. Kyle doesn’t like to go to the movies.
g. Eva can’t go to the movies on Saturday.
h. Kyle can go to the volleyball game at 2:30.

B _______ /8 points (2 points each)

C Read the answers. Then complete the questions. Use the present continuous. Use contractions where possible.
Use capital letters where necessary.
1. A Look – there’s your dad. Where ____________________________________ (go)?
B Um, I think he’s going to the supermarket.

2. A I like this music. Who ____________________________________ (play)?

B It’s my sister’s new band.

3. A How are you? ____________________________________ (study) hard this semester?

B Yes, I am. Really hard.

4. A How’s your sister? ____________________________________ (work) at the restaurant?

B No, she’s not. She has a new job in a bank.

5. A Are your parents OK? How ____________________________________ (do)?

B They’re great, thanks. They’re on vacation this week.

C _______ /5 points (1 point each)

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D Look at the picture. Circle the correct words in the questions. Then write the answers with It’s or They’re and the

1. A How much is this / are these bracelet? 3.

A How much is this / are these gloves?
B ____________________________________ .
____________________________________ .
2. A How much is that / are those earrings? 4.
A How much is that / are those briefcase?
B ____________________________________ .
____________________________________ .
D _______ /8 points (1 point each)

E Complete the email below. Use can or can’t and the expressions in the box. There is one extra expression.
visit the exhibitions walk around buy some souvenirs
take a ferry go up the tower take a bus tour

E _______ /5 points (1 point each)

F Circle the correct answers.

1. Do you like Ecuador / Ecuadorian food?

Touchstone 1 © Cambridge University Press 2014  Photocopiable Written test 2 2

2. Is your grandfather from Vietnam / Vietnamese?
3. My sister spoke Italy / Italian when she was on vacation.
4. Did you see the pyramids in Egypt / Egyptian?
5. Did you go to China / Chinese on your trip?
6. My mother loves Morocco / Moroccan food.
F _______ /6 points (1 point each)

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G Circle two words that go with each verb.
1. do: karate volleyball bowling weight training
2. play: soccer biking basketball ski
3. go: running football aerobics shopping

G _______ /6 points (1 point each)

H Complete the conversation. Use the simple past and the words in parentheses. Use capital letters where
A Hey, Jackie. Look at this photo. ______________ (I / be) only 14!
B Wow, Paul. ______________ (you / have) really long hair!
A I know. And look at my scarf! ______________ (I / wear) it all the time.
B Really? A bright yellow scarf? ______________ (you / wear) it to school?
A Um, yeah, I did. ______________ (I / look) so cool. Well, I thought so!
B Oh, that’s funny. What ______________ (your friends / say)?
A They said it was weird.

H _______ /6 points (1 point each)

I Circle the correct words.

1. A How many / much seafood do you eat?
B I don’t eat some / any. I’m allergic to seafood.

2. A Would you like / Would you like to some fruit?

B Yes. I’d like / I’d like to have a mango.

3. A How many / much glasses of water do you drink?

B Oh, I don’t know. I drink a lot of / much water.

I _______ /6 points (1 point each)

J Match the questions with the answers. There is one extra answer.
1. How did you do on your test? _____ a. Yes, and it was embarrassing. I made a mistake.
2. What did you do for fun last weekend? _____ b. I don’t know, but she’s young.
3. How old is our teacher? _____ c. Great! I passed! I’m so happy.
4. How was your homework last night? _____ d. I get nervous in my karate class.
5. Did you speak in class today? _____ e. I went to a club with friends.
f. It was really hard. I spent all night
doing it.

J _______ /5 points (1 point each)

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K Change the underlined words to the negative.
didn’t find any
Example: I __________
found some sunglasses at the café.

1. I ____
was in Brazil last month.

2. Carla __________
sold a lot of sweaters at the student fair.

3. I ______
can go hiking on Sunday.

4. _________
It’s raining right now.

5. We ___________
have to wear uniforms at work.

6. Jon and Penny _____

were at the basketball game.

K _______ /6 points (1 point each)

L Circle the correct words.

1. A What are you doing before / these days?
B Well, this week / this season I’m studying for a test.

2. A What did you do last night / right now?

B I went to bed when / before I got home.

3. A How many classes are you taking this semester / last month?
B I’m taking four classes after / right now.

4. A What did you do after / today you got home?

B I went for a walk. When / Then I met a friend.

L _______ /8 points (1 point each)

M Circle the correct words.

1. A What’s a mandolin?
B Well, it’s kind of like / a kind of a guitar, but it’s smaller.

2. A What do you want for a snack?

B Something small, like potato chips or anything / or something.

3. A What’s a buñuelo?
B It’s kind of like / a kind of Mexican dessert.

4. A Are you a vegetarian?

B Yes, I am. I don’t eat meat or anything / or something.

5. A Do you want meat with your rice, like / kind of like beef or chicken?
B No, I’d like shrimp, please.

6. A What’s a frittata?
B Um, it’s a kind of / kind of like an omelet.

M _______ /6 points (1 point each)

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N Put the conversations in the correct order.
Example: _____
2 Well, let’s see, it was rainy and very cold.

_____ 3 That’s too bad! I’m sorry to hear that.

_____ 1 How was your vacation last month?

1. _____ This sweater? Oh, it’s old. Anyway, where would you like to go for lunch?
_____ Let me think. I know, let’s try that new Turkish place.
_____ I like your sweater. Did you buy it at the mall or something?

2. _____ Oh, you did? Thank goodness! Was it hard?

_____ I did really well on my test yesterday.
_____ Uh, no. It was pretty easy!

3. _____ Well, I’m planning a vacation to Greece.

_____ I’m busy. I’m working part-time and taking classes. What are you doing?
_____ What are you doing these days?

N _______ /9 points (1 point each)

O Read the article. Then correct the sentences.

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Example: Diana Miller is a jewelry designer.
Diana Miller is a clothing designer.  
1. Diana Miller’s designs are in black and white.

2. She started her business after school.


3. Roberto Gomez makes each piece of jewelry in a couple of days.


4. He sells his jewelry at other stores in Miami.


O _______ /8 points (2 points each)

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