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Myself as Culturally Competence? The Philippines is the product of multi-cultures, traditions, beliefs, values, for the countrys crossing by more navigators. Consequently, it is the result of cultural diversity in fact, in our school in AMEC in Legaspi city, a lot of foreigner such as Indian, Korean, Pakistan, and also much more of Cebuanos, Visaya, and of course came from different parts of bicol region in yet, with different dialects and values, so in this sense, by observing and mingle with them, little-by-little I adjusted. For me, there is perhaps no other field that encounter the wide range of cultural backgrounds the physical therapist, ever since in the internship for ten(10) months of rotation in a different hospitals along the country like for instance, in Baguio City ,in my first day of duty a native client which cant speak in Tagalog;he speak in Ilonggo in which I cant understand what he said during my assessment .My co-intern mostly came from our place in bicol; so I looked for interpreter in order to understand. Then for the second visit as PT I try to speak for what I have learned, by the help of my landlord in that place I learned a lot; by using key words in their language so that I am better able to communicate with them during assessments, treatment or other intervention not only

that but of course, the non-verbal communication such as body language, gestures and sign. A couple of months during my internship I assigned in Palawan Adventist Hospital. I had client which I guest over 70 yrs old but I surprised he was a hundred years old already! Im so glad to talk with him. Although his hearing a little deteriorated, I ask him for what his secret. He answered a bit of exercise and diet .I learned so much from him because most of Adventists are vegetarian, they making food like vegemeat, soya milk and famous gluten. I couldnt forget his premise that The peoples teeth are designed to eat vegetables I realized, Like a carabaos teeth are same shapes with us. On the other hand cat is carnivorous their teeth are designed for it, so every things has specific functions; according to him; that is why his life extended because of diet and exercises. When I was in Davao assigned in Davao Health Care and Medical mission most of clients are Muslim and for the women client it might be also treated by women therapist. But not all maybe they are in cross culture or in sub- cultured already. Every now and then, the Physical therapists ask permission to client and explain the necessity of touch before conducting a physical examination because physical touch

across gender requires special consideration; sometimes the client may request that another female or her husband remain in the treatment room. Today I got the reasons why our school during internship should assigned in different parts of the nation which so much expensive, I thought that the Stroke case here in bicol is nothing differ, Stroke in Mindanao. I realized that with all of this is to become a culturally competence. At present Im in province practising my profession. I encountered one patient from the far from barangay in our place in Camarines Sur, He was debilitated by stroke he cant move his left arm and leg but he seldom go for treatment for Physical therapy; leaving through to fate or luck; he sometimes would say bahala na and choose to wait for things to happen, I just explain to him the importance of physical therapy and hope after the best result in wishes and prayer at the same time. One reason why maybe seldom to visit Physical Therapy clinic because literally making a necessary to put food on the table and delay going to doctor or rehab clinic; so one of factor is socio economic status of the client. One more things might be socioeconomically the services of public hospitals are very different in compared to the private one so, client from public hospitals so much disparities. Theres also a common belief about pasma they will not wash with water for three (3) days or drink cold water after physical treatment, there will compromise

their personal hygine especially to the elderly patient, they would say they are experience person with regards to that matter; all I had to do to is respect. I just leave it to them but it hinder for them to improved ; I would explain it to them especially for wound healing cleanliness are very relevance. One more thing in our culture especially elders are pampered and not allowed to exert themselves when they are sick; because taking care of their every need brings a great pleasure and expected; physical therapy profession may find this very frustrating when they encounter a wife or mother feeding or dressing the client when the physical therapy is trying to have the client relearned to do the task independently. Some client had wrong impression in physical therapy they could say manghihilot and very depressing in part of therapist. Then once the client trying to teach an exercise and move independently some client disappointed because they expected that the physical therapist should massage them. Because some of them rely only in massage and washing with warm water (e.g. stroke) patient; thinking that all of a sudden the patient might be automatically turn to become a normal without residual effects. As Physical therapist is trying to explain the outcome in relying to this false belief. In spite of this other understand but the belief and values are within and we cant deny it; but before visiting services in the home care setting I seek an information on acceptable behaviours, courtesies, custom and expectation that are unique culturally

and ethnically and I understand that the age factor must be considered interaction with individual in family. For instance, high value placed on the decision of elders, the role of eldest male or female in the families or role and expectation of children with in the family. To give most quality, effective and efficient in rendering physical therapy care and reducing health disparity; be an open mind to environment; know the background of the client. Understanding Client cultures their values, traditions, history and Respecting Religious preference. those are the integrals to eliminating health care disparities and providing high-quality patient care. Culture shapes individuals' experiences, perceptions, decisions and how they relate to others. It influences the way patients respond to physical therapy services and preventive interventions and impacts the way Physical therapist deliver those services. The healthcare provider must be sensitive towards client needs and worked to understand them culturally.

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