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A. Choose the negative:

1. I drink whiskey but ……………... Rum

I don’t drink

She doesn´t eat

He doesn’t speak

You don´t play

2. He speaks Japanese but............. German

he doesn't speak

I don't drink

she doesn't eat

you don't play

they don't like

3. They like pop but............. rock

he doesn't speak

I don't drink

she doesn't eat

you don't play

they don't like

4. She eats Chinese food but........... Vietnamese food

he doesn't speak

I don't drink

she doesn't eat

you don't play

they don't like

5. You play drums but........... guitar

he doesn't speak

I don't drink

she doesn't eat

you don't play

they don't like

B. Which is correct?



































C. Add the correct verb

00. ... a book

A. ask

B. read

00. ... a letter

A. speak

B. write

00. ... to a song

A. listen

B. look

00. ... at a picture

A. look

B. work

00. ... a question

A. ask

B. speak

00. ... English

A. live

B. speak

00. ... in a town

A. live

B. read

00. ... in a bank

A. work

B. live
D. Put the correct preposition

00. We will arrive... ... Berlin Airport at 14:30

a. at

b. of

c. in

d. around

16. We live... ... New York

a. in

b. near

c. on

d. under

17. Where is my wallet? Oh, yes, it's... ... my handbag

a. under

b. over

c. in

d. on

18. ... my house, there's a bank

a. over

b. under

c. between

d. beside

19. Robert lives... ... the same street as Emma

a. in

b. at

c. on

d. of

20. Where are my keys? I think I put them... ... the table

a. over

b. in

c. around

d. on
21. The children go to school... ... our building

a. in

b. at

c. near

d. between

22. The dog is lying... ... the door

a. under

b. over

c. beside

d. between

E. Choose the correct option


00. A. Where did you have dinner last night?

B. Where have you had dinner last night?

C. Where do you have dinner last night?

00. I was born .....

before 30 years

thirty years ago

the last thirty years

00. Do you mind if I open the window?

Yes, that's fantastic

Don't be silly

No, not at all


00. A. I should stop smoking

B. I should to stop smoking

C. I must to stop smoking

33. You ..... ..... if you don't want to.

A. mustn't to go

B. don't have to go
C. needn't to go


A. I really should to talk to her

B. I really need to talk to her

C. I really must to talk to her

35. I'm .....

going to take a long walk

going taking a long walk

going a long walk


A. Are you going party on Friday?

B. Are you going partying on Friday?

C. Are you going to the party on Friday?


00. A. I'm not working tomorrow

B. I'm not to working tomorrow

C. I don't working tomorrow


A. Did you rather go to a different movie?

B. Would you rather go to a different movie?

C. Would you didn't go to a different movie?


A. It will be very hot this summer

B. It isn't willing very hot this summer

C. It will is very hot this summer


A. It was been very nice this evening

B. It has been very nice this evening

C. It will been very nice this evening

F. Choose the right question

23. Who  is that girl?

24. What  is the matter?

25. How  is your father?

26. When  did you come?

27. Where  do you live?

28. Why  are you looking at me?

29. How many  languages do you speak?

G. Match the opposite

30. find ---------------- lose

31. depart ------------ arrive

32. finish -------------- start

33. buy ---------------- sell

34. catch ------------- drop

35. remember ------ forget

36. spend ------------ save

37. dark -------------- bright

00. break ------------ mend

00. love ------------ hate

H. Match the synonym

38. dull --------------- boring

39. strange ---------- odd

40. intelligent ------- clever

00. funny ------------- amusing

00. quiet ------------- silent

41. cheap ------------ inexpensive

42. terrible ---------- dreadful

00. fantastic -------- fabulous

00. easy ------------- simple

00. difficult --------- hard

A. Choose the correct option

A. When are you going to go out?

B. When going out are we?

C. When do we go out?


A. I work tomorrow

B. I don't working tomorrow

00. C. I'm working tomorrow


A. Did you finish your project?

00. B. Have you finished your project?

C. Have you got finished your project?

Answer: Yes, just now


A. I am usually having some coffee and toast for my breakfast

B. I am used to have some coffee and toast for my breakfast

C. I usually have some coffee and toast for my breakfast


A. I'm trying to eat a more healthy diet

B. I try to eat a more healthy diet

C. I'm trying to eat a healthier diet


A. He's never been to New York

B. He's never gone to New York

C. He's gone often to New York


A. At this rate, they will never be here on time

B. At this rate, they are never here on time

C. At this rate, they are never going here on time


A. Are you studied Chinese before?

B. Are you studying Chinese before?

C. Have you studied Chinese before?


A. I can do that for you

B. I could do that

C. I could to make that for you

Answer: Thank you, that's very kind


A. Are you going to University?

B. Are you going to go to University?

C. Do you like University?

Answer: Yes, in the Autumn


A. You haven't to do that, you know

B. You didn't have to do that, you know

C. You didn't must do that, you know


A. How long is it from Hong Kong to Shanghai?

B. How far is it from Hong Kong to Shanghai?

C. How much is it from Hong Kong to Shanghai?


00. A. When we finish the painting, we'll have a cup of tea

B. When we've finished the painting, we'll have a cup of tea

C. When the painting finishes, we'll have a cup of tea

14. He told her that...

A. He would love her forever

B. He loved her forever

C. He is loving her forever


A. She asked the shop assistant to have a refund

B. She asked the shop assistant to give a refund

C. She asked the shop assistant for a refund

B. Write synonyms

Big --------- enormous / huge

Small ------ minute / tiny

Tired ------ exhausted

Angry ----- furious

Dirty ------ fulthy

Clean ----- spotless

43. Kind ------- generous

44. Polite ---------- respectful

Expensive ---- dear

Intelligent ---- clever

Boring --------- dull

45. Sad ------------- miserable

Frightened --- terrified

Bad ------------- awful

Good ----------- fantastic / great / well

C. Fill in the appropriate Preposition

46. I don't agree with you.

47. Forget about it!

48. Does he still go to school ...

49. ... or is he at University?

50. Please look at me when I'm talking!

51. Are you listening to me?

52. I'm sorry for what I said earlier.

53. She's married to a doctor, you know.

54. Can you have dinner with us next weekend?

55. That's a lovely thing to say!

56. I haven't seen him in ages.

57. I'll come by your house on Tuesday.

D. Fill in the gaps

When (58.) George decided to set up his own business, (59.) everyone told him he was crazy to give up his old job.
(60.) His friends told him not to throw away his fantastic lifestyle. (61.) His business started out small, but (62.) it
soon grew into a large company. (63.) Now it's not an easy company to look after, (64.) but George manages to sort
out his problems.

A. Choose the correct option


A. He told he wasn't feeling well

B. He said he doesn't feeling well

C. He said he wasn't feeling well


A. We won't know how to do after we get the results

B. When we get the results we won't know what to do

C. We won't know what to do until we get the results


A. If you wouldn't tell me, I'll scream!

B. If you don't tell me, I'll scream!

C. If you didn't tell me, I'll scream!


A. He's probably lost her number

B. He's lost her number, probably

C. Probably, he's lost her number


A. I'll only tell you, if you can keep a secret

B. If you can keep a secret, I would tell you

C. you can't keep a secret, if I did tell you


A. What do you think we'll be doing in five years' time?

B. What do you think you're doing in five years' time?

C. What do you think we do in five years' time?


A. I didn't do that if I were you

B. I wouldn't do that if I were you

C. I wouldn't do that if I was you


A. I usually to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid

00. B. I used to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid

C. I am used to live in Paris, but now I live in Madrid


A. This time tomorrow, I am in Tokyo

B. This time tomorrow, I am being in Tokyo

C. This time tomorrow, I will be in Tokyo


A. You didn't use to smoke, did you?

B. You usen't to smoke, did you?

C. You aren't used to smoke, did you?


A. He looked tired, because he had travelled all day

B. He looked tired, because he had been travelling all day

C. He looked tired, because he had travelling all day


A. Sarah is working on something done!

B. Sarah is having some work done!

C. Sarah is doing work done!


A. You must have drink something!

B. You must have drinking!

C. You must have been drinking!

A. She's so nice a woman!

B. She' s such a nice woman!

C. She's a so nice woman!


A. I was told the party was next Friday

B. I told the party was next Friday

C. told them the party was next Friday

B. Correct the word order

1. is American her second husband?

65. Is her second husband American?

2. he dances beautifully the Waltz

66. He dances the Waltz beautifully

3. about what is the movie?

67. What is the movie about?

4. nobody was injured seriously in the accident

68. Nobody was seriously injured in the accident

5. what mean does 'Glitterati'?

69. What does 'Glitterati' mean?

6. I like very much this restaurant

70. I like this restaurant very much

7. almost he missed the flight

00. He almost missed the flight

8. he has lost his keys probably

00. He has probably lost his keys

9. he didn't say goodbye even

00. He didn´t even say goodbye

10. how many cigarettes usually you do smoke a day?

00. How many cigarettes do you usually smoke a day?

C. Confusing words

00. I've known him since I was a little girl.

00. He told us that he would be here later.

00. We met when we were doing an exam.

00. It doesn't matter if we arrive a bit late.

00. They won a lot of money in the Lottery.

00. Do you see the guy wearing the dark glasses?

00. Remind me to take an umbrella when I leave.

00. I suddenly noticed that she was wearing my green jacket.

00. He spends all his time avoiding me, because he owes me money.

84. We are expecting some visitors this weekend.

85. How many people have climbed Mount Everest?

a. a

b. in

c. _____

d. the

86. The children played in the garden with dogs

a. in

b. a

c. _____

d. the

89. Children under 15 could attend ……… they were with and adult

a. as long than

b. providing to

c. on condition to

d. as long as

90. We ……… to show our passports when we left country

a. were obliged

b. didn´t have to

c. weren´t allowed

d. mustn´t

91. His boss refused ……… him the day off

a. to let

b. to give
c. to make

d. allow

92. We had very little petrol left in the car but we ……… get home in the end.

a. managed to

b. were able

c. could

d. managed

93. By this time tomorrow, they ………… in San Francisco

a. might landing

b. ´ll land

c. ´ll be landing

d. be landed

94. When do you think you ………… painting the house?

a. be finishing

b. would´ve finished

c. ´ll have finished

d. finish

95. There are still ……… people who feel unhappy about the changes

a. a great deal

b. quite many

c. a little of

d. quite a few

96. ………… of us feel like going out on a cold, wet, winter´s night.

a. neither

b. either

c. any


98. The teacher wanted to know why …………… his homework last night

a. hadn´t the done

b. he hadn´t done

c. he hasn´t made
d. he isn´t doing

99. They told ………… start work the following Monday

a. me I could

b. I will

c. I could

d. I can

100. If she ………… to wear glasses, she could have been a pilot.

a. ´d needed

b. needed

c. ´d need

d. didn´t need

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