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Faithful Emotions

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Our emotions are powerful forces in our lives. Peak deeper into an idea that gives
you more power over your emotions. It's not that they're to be denied, you will
instead find the strength to be with them.

intelligence,spiritual beings,love

Article Body:
<em>The original article contains an image of a sad clown. This can be found on my
blog through my website.</em>

The sad clown attracts us and evokes a feeling of sadness and compassion. Have you
ever noticed that the sadness and compassion really feels like it is for you? Often
we live our suppressed emotional experiences through some other external situation,
mainly entertainment. Once we�re in a safe environment, it�s okay to let it out.
Except, you�ve buried so many emotions, you�re not sure what is left unexpressed.
It can derail you at any time, upsetting your equilibrium, setting the waterworks
at the drop of a hat, and blazing the rage with a tiny spark.
style="FLOAT: left; MARGIN: 0px 10px 10px 0px; WIDTH: 100px; CURSOR: hand" alt=""
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Consider a new way of being in this world; a way that allows the expression and
understanding of your emotions. Imagine being present for others who are enmeshed
in difficult times, barely coping to keep their emotions in check. What healing can
occur! What strength will be gained! What friendship and loyalty will be developed!
What team support will be developed! What courage will be found!
<li>If we�re human, then what does it mean to be human?
<li>If we�re spirit, then what does it mean to be spirit?
<li>If we�re emotions, then what does it mean to be feelings?
<li>If we�re the mind, then what does it mean to be thoughts?
<li>If we�re soul, then what does it mean to be soulful?
I believe we are spiritual beings having a physical, human experience. Within in
that context, we experience many things on many levels. Could it be that this is
what it means to be a multi-dimensional being? I�m not interested in empirical
evidence and succinct clarity; I�m interested in the experience of being and life.
The complexity of existence and the human entity absolutely requires an element of
faith and trust in an inner core that cannot be defined by science.

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