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Management Information System

Data Resource Management

Venue: Liberty College, Anamnagar

Date: 30th August 2016

By: Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Learning Objectives

• This chapter will cover the following topics:

• Introduction,
• Database and Database management systems,
• Data vs. information,
• Data hierarchy,
• Methods of organizing data in files,
• Limitation of traditional file-based systems,
• Entity relationship

1.2 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Traditional File Environment

• The organization has multiple applications with related
data files
Each application has a
specific data file related to it,
containing all the data
records needed by the

Each application comes with

an associated application-
specific data file
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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Traditional File Environment

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Problems of Traditional File Processing

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Problems: Traditional File Environment

• Data redundancy – same piece of data found in several places.
• Data inconsistency – various copies of data no longer agree.
• Data isolation – data in several application data files is hard to
access and integrate.
• Security – may be difficult to limit access to various data items in
• Data integrity – data must be accurate and correct.
• Application/data dependence – applications are developed
based on the way data is stored.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Database : The Modern

The database management system provides access to
the data

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Database :
Today’s business enterprises cannot survive or
succeed without quality data about their internal
operations and external environment.

Data Resource Management is a managerial activity

that applies information systems technologies to the
task of managing an organization’s data resources to
meet the information needs of their business

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Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS
Data Hierarchy
Data Foundation Concept

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Data and Information

The unprocessed raw information is known as data.
It can be numbers, letters, word or any symbols
representing facts and figure that may not have
significant meaning by itself.
For example, Raj and 10 have no significant
The collection of organized related processed data
which has significant meaning is called
For example, “Raj is a student. He studies in class
10”, have significant meaning.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS


The collection of organized interrelated data/information

to any subject or purpose is known as database.
It is used to store, organize and extract data. Database can
be computerize and non-computerize (manual).
A database may have single table or multiple tables. The
data in a database are organized in rows and columns.

Examples: Telephone directory, mark ledger, attendance

register, dictionary etc.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Database Management System (DBMS)

Database Management System (DBMS) is a
method that stores data process them and provide
information in an organized form using database
management software. It also allows the user to
modify, update organize and retrieve information
from the database.
Examples :
 MS-Access
 Oracle
 FoxPro
 MS SQL Server
 dBase
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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Features/Advantages of DBMS

• Large volume of data can be stored and updated

• It provides data integrity and security
• Easy in data administration or data
• It provides the data sharing facility
• It reduces the data redundancy (duplication of
• Provides concurrent access, recovers the data
from the crashes
• Centralized control

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Disadvantages of DBMS

• Problem associate with centralized

• Cost of software, hardware and migration

• Complexity of backup and recovery

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS
Relational Database Management System
Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS) is most widely used software or program
that stores database in multiple tables on the basis
of a key field. It allows a user to view or retrieve
records from the multiple linked tables
continuously at a time.
Examples :
 MS-Access
 Oracle
 MS SQL Server
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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Types of Databases
• Operational – store detailed data needed to support the business
processes and operations of a company. Also referred as subject area
database (SADB), transaction DB and production DB. Example: IM
DB, HR DB etc.
• Distributed – databases that are replicated and distributed in whole or
in part to network servers at a variety of sites
– Type 1: Replicated database
• Copies of database in many locations
• Reduced single-point-of-failure problems
• Increased user access responsiveness
– Type 2: Partitioned databases
• A portion of the database in each location
• Each location responsible for its own data
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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Types of Databases

• External – contain a wealth of information available from

commercial online services and from many sources on the
World Wide Web
• Hypermedia – consists of hyperlinked pages of multimedia

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Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Types of Databases

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Database Structures

• Hierarchical – relationships between records form a hierarchy

or treelike structure…one to many relationship. Example: an
employee can have more than one dependent
• Network – data can be accessed by one of several paths
because any data element or record can be related to any
number of other data elements…many-to-many relationship.
For example: A doctor can have more than one patient and at
the other hand a patient can have more than one doctor
• Relational- All data elements within the database are viewed as
being stored in the form of simple tables

1.19 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information
Fundamental Database Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Example: Relational Database

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Evaluation of Database Structures

• Hierarchical data structure is best for

structured, routine types of transaction
• Network data structure is best when many-to-
many relationships are needed.
• Relational data structure is best when ad hoc
reporting is required.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Multidimensional Database Structure

Variation of the relational model that uses multidimensional structures to
organize data and express the relationships between data

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

• Multidimensional Database Structure

Student Name Exam Result
John Collins Databases 70
John Collins Programming 72
John Collins Operating Systems 60
Larry Wall Databases 80
Larry Wall Programming 99
Larry Wall Operating Systems 70
Linus Torvalds Databases 80
Linus Torvalds Programming 90
Linus Torvalds Operating Systems 99

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Multidimensional DB structure:

Variation of the relational model that uses

multidimensional structures to organize data and
express the relationships between data

In multidimensional DB
•All similar information is lined up in a single
dimension, like Results, so that they can be very
quickly summed up to a total…

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

The Database Approach to Data Management

• Capabilities of database management systems

– Data definition capability: Specifies structure of database
content, used to create tables and define characteristics of
– Data dictionary: Automated or manual file storing definitions
of data elements and their characteristics
– Data manipulation language: Used to add, change, delete,
retrieve data from database
• Structured Query Language (SQL)
• Microsoft Access user tools for generating SQL
– Many DBMS have report generation capabilities for creating
polished reports (Crystal Reports)

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Database Table
Table is primary object or building block of
database that stores large volume of data in the
form of rows and columns. A single table is used to
store data of a specific purpose or subject.

For example: Table

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Elements of Database
A column of a table which stores a particular type
of data is known as a field. It is the smallest unit of
the database. It is also known as attribute.
For example:

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Elements of Database
The collection of multiple related fields in a row is
known as record. It gives complete information
about a person or thing. It is also known as tuple.
For example:


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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Table Relationship

The logical linkage between two or more than two

tables with the help of unique key field is known as
relationship. To prevent the duplication of
information in a database by repeating fields in
more than one table, table relationships can be
The types of table relationship are:
• One - to - One
• One - to - Many
• Many - to - Many

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Primary Key
Primary Key is a special field in the table that uniquely
identifies each record from the database. The primary
key does not accept duplicate value for a field and it
does not allow a user to leave the field blank or null.
The importance of primary key
• To identify each record of a table uniquely within
very short time.
• To reduce and control duplication of the record in a
• To set the relationship between tables.
Foreign Key
Foreign key is a field in a relational table that
matches the primary key column of another table.
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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Data Type

A data type is a feature of a field

that determines the kind of data
that can be stored in the field.
Each field can store data relating
of only a single data type.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS


Query is an object of database that is used to view,

retrieve, change and analyze records from a table or
multiple linked tables based on specified condition. When
a user changes data in the query, the data in the table
also changes. It can use as a source of records for forms
and reports.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

The types of query are:
• Select query
• Action query
Select query Action query
Select query is a most An action query is also type
common type of query that of query that makes
retrieves data from one or changes or updates many
more tables and displayed records in just one
the result in a datasheet. You operation. The different
can also use a select query to types of action queries are:
group records and calculate i) Delete query
sums, counts and average, ii) Update query
minimum, and maximum. iii)Append query
1.34 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel
Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Form is a type of database object that is primarily
used to create an interface for entering data in a
table or multiple linked tables. A form displays a
complete record at a time, so it is more
convenient to view and modify record through the

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Report is a type of access database object that
present data in effective way in a printed format.
It allows a user to print documents according to
the user specifications of the summarize
information through queries or tables.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Basic Database Terms

Entity is the distinguishable objects of real world.
For e.g. Student, customer, employee.
They are the set of properties possessed by an
E.g. Name, address, contact no of student.

Each record row in a table is tuple.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Basic Database Terms

The process of arranging all the records in a table either
ascending or descending order based on field or fields is
known as sorting.
The process of viewing required record of a table that
matches the specified criteria is known as filtering.
Formatting the table
The process of changing the appearance of a table using
different options is known as formatting the table. For
example, change the column width, row height, hiding
columns, changing the font, style and size of the text and
table border etc.
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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Database Administrator (DBA)

An information specialist who has responsibility
for the database is called a Database
Administrator (DBA). His/her duties fall into four
major areas: Database planning, implementation,
operation and security.

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Normalization of Data
• Analyze the data structure by applying the
Normalization process
– method that reduces a relational database to its
most streamlined form
– Helps achieve
• minimum redundancy
• maximum data integrity
• best processing performance

1.40 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Normalization of Data
An Unnormalized Relation of ORDER

An Normalized Relation of ORDER

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Object-Oriented Database Structure

• In this database, the data is defined in object classes and
sub classes.
• Can accommodate more complex data types including
graphics, pictures, voice and text
• Encapsulation – data values and operations that can be
performed on them are stored as a unit
• Inheritance – automatically creating new objects by
replicating some or all of the characteristics of one or
more existing objects

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Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS


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Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS



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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Entity-Relationship (ER) modeling

– process of planning the database design
– Entity classes  Instance  Identifiers 

Course Professor
Course Number 1:M ID Number
Course Name can have Name
Course Time Department
Course Place

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Entity-relationship model
• Types of relationships:
– One-to-one: a student has
one schedule; a schedule
belongs to one student
– One-to-many: a course has
one professor; a professor has
one or more courses
– Many-to-many: a student
has one or more courses; a
course has one or more

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Big data
• Massive sets of unstructured/semi-structured data
from Web traffic, social media, sensors, and so on
• Petabytes, exabytes of data
• Volumes too great for typical DBMS
• Can reveal more patterns and anomalies

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Business intelligence infrastructure

– Today includes an array of tools for separate
systems, and big data
• Contemporary tools:
– Data warehouses
– Data marts
– Hadoop
– In-memory computing
– Analytical platforms
1.48 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel
Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Data warehouse:
– Stores current and historical data from many core
operational transaction systems
– Consolidates and standardizes information for use across
enterprise, but data cannot be altered
– Provides analysis and reporting tools
• Data marts:
– Subset of data warehouse
– Summarized or focused portion of data for use by specific
population of users
– Typically focuses on single subject or line of business

1.49 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS


A contemporary business
intelligence infrastructure
features capabilities and
tools to manage and
analyze large quantities and
different types of data from
multiple sources. Easy-to-
use query and
reporting tools for casual
business users and more
sophisticated analytical
toolsets for power users
are included.


1.50 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Hadoop
– Enables distributed parallel processing of big data
across inexpensive computers
– Key services
• Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): data storage
• MapReduce: breaks data into clusters for work
• Hbase: NoSQL database
– Used by Facebook, Yahoo, NextBio

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• In-memory computing
– Used in big data analysis
– Use computers main memory (RAM) for data storage
to avoid delays in retrieving data from disk storage
– Can reduce hours/days of processing to seconds
– Requires optimized hardware
• Analytic platforms
– High-speed platforms using both relational and non-
relational tools optimized for large datasets

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Analytical tools: Relationships, patterns,

– Tools for consolidating, analyzing, and providing
access to vast amounts of data to help users make
better business decisions
• Multidimensional data analysis (OLAP)
• Data mining
• Text mining
• Web mining

1.53 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Online analytical processing (OLAP)

– Supports multidimensional data analysis
• Viewing data using multiple dimensions
• Each aspect of information (product, pricing, cost,
region, time period) is different dimension
• Example: How many washers sold in East in June
compared with other regions?
– OLAP enables rapid, online answers to ad hoc

1.54 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Data mining:
– Finds hidden patterns, relationships in datasets
• Example: customer buying patterns
– Infers rules to predict future behavior
– Types of information obtainable from data mining:
• Associations
• Sequences
• Classification
• Clustering
• Forecasting
1.55 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel
Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Text mining
– Extracts key elements from large unstructured data
• Stored e-mails
• Call center transcripts
• Legal cases
• Patent descriptions
• Service reports, and so on
– Sentiment analysis software
• Mines e-mails, blogs, social media to detect opinions

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Web mining
– Discovery and analysis of useful patterns and
information from Web
– Understand customer behavior
– Evaluate effectiveness of Web site, and so on
– Web content mining
• Mines content of Web pages
– Web structure mining
• Analyzes links to and from Web page
– Web usage mining
• Mines user interaction data recorded by Web server

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making

• Databases and the Web

– Many companies use Web to make some internal
databases available to customers or partners
– Typical configuration includes:
• Web server
• Application server/middleware/CGI scripts
• Database server (hosting DBMS)
– Advantages of using Web for database access:
• Ease of use of browser software
• Web interface requires few or no changes to database
• Inexpensive to add Web interface to system

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS


FIGURE 6-14 Users access an organization’s internal database through the Web using their desktop PCs and Web browser

1.59 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Managing Data Resources

• Establishing an information policy

– Firm’s rules, procedures, roles for sharing, managing,
standardizing data
– Data administration
• Establishes policies and procedures to manage data
– Data governance
• Deals with policies and processes for managing availability,
usability, integrity, and security of data, especially regarding
government regulations
– Database administration
• Creating and maintaining database

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Managing Data Resources

• Ensuring data quality

– More than 25% of critical data in Fortune 1000
company databases are inaccurate or incomplete
– Redundant data
– Inconsistent data
– Faulty input
– Before new database in place, need to:
• Identify and correct faulty data
• Establish better routines for editing data once
database in operation
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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS

Managing Data Resources

• Data quality audit:

– Structured survey of the accuracy and level of
completeness of the data in an information system
• Survey samples from data files, or
• Survey end users for perceptions of quality
• Data cleansing
– Software to detect and correct data that are
incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or
– Enforces consistency among different sets of data
from separate information systems

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Management Information Systems
Unit 4: Data Resource Management and DSS


1.63 Copyright © 2013 Laxman Pokhrel

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