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Diagnostic Exam

Name: 6th grade / Group:

School: CCT:

I. Listen to the voicemail message and shade in gray the correct option.

Please, leave your message after the tone…

Good 1. morning / afternoon . This is Carlos Ramírez.

I’m calling to find out if we can arrange a meeting next

2. Tuesday / Thursday .

I would like to talk about the new 3. soccer / ballet shoes line.

3:00 / 6:00 pm?

Could you call me back before 4.

My phone number is 5. 555 8239 / 555 7289 .

Thank you.

II. Read and underline the correct natural disaster.

6. The ______ shook my house last night. It was 3.5 in the Richter scale.

a) tornado b) earthquake c) hurricane

7. The ______ erupted at three o’clock in the morning.

a) tsunami b) fire c) volcano

8. Three months without rain has caused a ______ in Africa.

a) drought b) tornado c) earthquake

9. The ______ started when some kids were playing with matches.

a) hurricane b) volcano c) fire

10. After the ______ all the houses on the beach were devastated.

a) earthquake b) tsunami c) drought

III. Solve the crossword puzzle with the past form of the verbs.


11. eat

13. dance


12. play

14. go

15. find

IV. Read the article and answer the questions

Hurricane Delta Hits Louisiana

NFK Editors - October 11, 2020
Hurricane Delta hit the state of Louisiana on Friday night, leaving over half a million people
without electricity. Though Delta slowed down by the time it made landfall in Creole,
Louisiana, it still hit with 100 mile-per-hour (160 kilometer-per-hour) winds. Hurricane Delta
quickly weakened, but its effects were still serious. The strong winds took out trees and power
lines. Delta also dropped nearly 18 inches (46 centimeters) of rain in southwestern Louisiana
in just 12 hours, causing flooding and other damage.

16. What was the name of the hurricane?

17. Where did the hurricane hit?

18. When did the hurricane hit?

19. How fast were the winds?

20. How much rain did Delta drop?

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