11th Thursday Test IV

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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

Recommendations to submit the scholar work: Handwritten, in white sheet paper (folder) with: cover, sub-cover, introduction, development and conclusions. SCIENCE 1. Define with your own words what does contraceptive methods means 2. What do you think are the more useful contraceptive methods? Argue your answer 3. Write four contraceptive methods for women and the four contraceptive methods for men. >_______________________________ >______________________________________ >_______________________________ >______________________________________ >_______________________________ >_______________________________ >______________________________________ >______________________________________

4. Draw one example of the best contraceptive methods for women and men. 5. Read the text about Contraceptive Methods and answer some questions. In Brazil, a Ministry of Health report _______________ (celebrated/ revealed) women who underwent an abortion were predominantly in the use of contraceptive _______________ (methods/ theories), but mentioned inconsistent or erroneously contraceptive use. _______________ (praying/ promoting) the use of contraceptive methods to prevent _______________ (wanted/ unwanted) pregnancies is one of the most effective strategies to reduce abortion rates and maternal morbidity and mortality. Therefore, providing post-abortion family planning services that include structured contraceptive counseling with _______________ (expensive/ free) and _______________ (easy/ difficult) access to contraceptive methods can be _______________ (suitable/ inappropriate). So the _______________ (cause/ objective) of this study is to determine the acceptance and selection of contraceptive methods followed by a post-abortion family planning counseling. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out from July to October 2008, enrolling 150 low income women to receive post-abortion care at a family planning clinic in a public hospital located in Recife, _______________(Argentina/ Brazil). The subjects were invited to take part of the study before receiving hospital leave from five different public maternities. An appointment was made for them at a family planning clinic at IMIP from the 8th to the 15th day after they had undergone an abortion. Every _______________ (woman/ doctor) received information on contraceptive methods, side effects and fertility. Counseling was individualized and addressed them about feelings, expectations and motivations regarding contraception as well as pregnancy _______________ (intention/ discussion). 6. Draw an image with represent the text 7. Write a letter to a young couple who dont know anything about the contraceptive methods. 8. Create a flyer to expose the important to the contraceptive methods SOCIAL 9. Print the English map and locate these elements: -capital city -highest mountain -ten main cities -borders -two important rivers

10. Draw the Royal British flag and the England flag 11. Complete the information about England. -Capital city -Patron Saint -Language -Queen -Ten important cities -Prime Minister -Government -Currency

12. Write a short biography of Margaret Thatcher 13. Write two goals that Margaret Thatcher got as politician 14. Consult and write a

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