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English daily

Today I’ve learned... how to listen. I need it a lot. Improve my English skills is very important
this year. Speaking and listening… Ok and writing too. I need to improve all of them. Let’s start
it. I’ll take it more seriously from now on. 22/07/20

Today I’ve learned… Phrasal Verbs. Call off, that means to cancel, to suspend or something like
that. Come up with, that means to propose/to suggest something. Get by, that means to
survive or something like that in a tense situation. I’ve practiced listening too, it’s easier now. I
need to practice more, I know it. I’m going to study my flight attendant book now. After that, I
will go study French and drawing, I think. Well, let’s start it! A little bit more each day.

Today I’ve learned… A little bit of grammar and more “listening”. I’ve practiced this a lot and a
feel difference now. It’s good. Finally I’m improving my English. I really need this if I wanna
flying in a large company. Become a flight attendant is my biggest dream e it’s still on me after
years and years. I know what I’m wanna do. I know what I am. I know that I’m capable of doing
this. I just need to study more. I’m almost there. 24/07/20

Today I’ve learned… A new phrasal verb. It’s “get way with” that means escape unpunished by
something wrong. I’ve been training “speaking” and a feel the difference at that also. I studied
grammar and the uses of “have” and “have been”. I studied my flight attendants book and I do
some lessons of it. I watched Gavin today. I’ve practiced the French “R” a lot and now throat is
a little sore, but I’m excited to learn this. 27/07/2020

Today I’ve learned… The uses of “do” and “does”. Actually, I’ve known that already, but some
practice sometimes is not bad, especially for me. The phrasal verb for today is “go back”. This
is very simple, just mean “back” (go back ‘volte’ – went back ‘voltamos’ – going back ‘voltarei’
– he’d go back ‘ele voltaria’). For today I’ve had more “listening” again and some “speaking”.
I’ve been improving my skills a little more each day, and that’s great. One step more… Or
should I say “one step less” for my dream? 28/07/20

Today I’ve learned… More “listening”. And “writing”. I got a small vacation from my studies
this week, but now I’m back. I needed some rest from all those grammar, rules e other things
like that. 11/08/20

Today I’ve learned… More “listening” again. It’s very important and I’m improving it a lot.

Today I’ve learned… The five “nem”. Not even, not all, not always, neither, nor, just like…. All
of them means “nem” in Brazilian Portuguese. Of course, the uses are different. But it’s very
interesting. Thanks, Gavin! Now, I will study more “listening”. 13/08/20

Today I’ve learned… More “listening”. I really need back to my studies. I was away for about
thirteen days and it’s not good. It’s time to go back to my “practice, practice and then practice
more” habit. One step less, one step more. 27/08/20
Today I’ve learned… Guess what? Yes, more “listening” and more “speaking’ and more
“writing” too. I promise to myself that I’ll be fluent soon, and I will. 02/09/20

Today I’ve learned… Some drawing; I always liked to draw and one of my goals is to improve it.

Today I’ve learned… Duo, and “listening” with songs and tv series. Today I’ve studied
Navigation, for my Anac test. I got to admit that I don’t like this subject. It’s not interesting to
me. I prefer first aid, it’s much more interesting. I will study French today, as soon as I finished
my English studies, and I started a new subject yesterday: Python programming. Let’s go to this
new area. 10/09/20

Today I‘ve learned… Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I promise that next week I will get my
studies back, all of them. And this time I won’t stop for fool reasons again. Dude, it’s
September. What the hell I think I’m doing? Almost six months of this shit, only four months
for the next year, and I’m procrastinating. I’ll take it more seriously at this time. There’s no
more time for fool things. I need to study and I need to study hard. 11/09/20

Today I’ve learned… Duo, and a new phrasal verb. It’s very simple, to be honest. “Go back”
said his meant by itself. I’ve watched Gavin too, and I still love his videos. I bought his book
recently, and I adore it. Now, I’m watching some videos to practice my “listening”. I will study
French today, and some Python lessons, I think. 21/09/20

Today I‘ve learned… How to be a fool. I mean, do you know that? I went back to there. I’m
worried, dude, I’m really worried. I did lose confidence in that place. Yes, I need a job, and yes,
I’m happy to have one. But, honestly, I’m worried. If this shit gets wrong again? This time,
there’s no scape. Oh, and what about my studies? I’m back… Ok, I did say that about six or
seven times already. That’s right. Let’s see how it’s going now. But I’m sure that I’ll be flying
next year, and that’s a serious promise, because my place is not on the floor anymore.

Today I’ve learned… Duo, and I will study some “listening”, and Anki. I’m really tired. Six
months after the last work day and now my body is painful. I need to learn how to do this shit
again. I will keep my promise this time, I swear. Do you know? That’s a good thing. Nothing
makes me so determined than to be where I don’t want to be. To be honest and fair, there are
good people there. But there is not my place. I’m the airplane girl, not the coffee girl. 16/10/20

Today I’ve learned… Duo, some “listening” and I will study my flight attendant’s book.

Today I’ve learned… Duo, and some “listening” again. I know, I need more. Much more. But
remember, one step more, one step less. I’m anxious about my Anac test, I need to say. I’m
studying for this too, and I need to remember so much about the course. 20/10/20

Today I’ve learned… Duo, and blá blá blá. I’m trying to study more again, really trying. See? I’ll
start some conversations with a friend. It’ll be helping both. 21/10/20
Today I’ve learned… You know that shit already. I learned a new phrasal verb from Mario’s
site. It is “dress up”, that means to dress with… Elegance, or something like that. But it also
means to dress a costume, like goblins or witches. It’s very important. I watched a little bit of
Gavin’s video, and I had ten minutes studying a small text. 25/10/20

Today I’ve learned… Blá blá blá. Let’s say I have too much to study now. But, I’d like to say
something: I’m really looking forward to hanging out and catching up… But not really. It was on
Gavin’s videos and it has three phrasal verbs. It’s cool (and very useful).

Today I’ve learned… How to come back. It was a long time, I know. But, dude, what the hell? It
looks like two days, but it was two months. Woa. 12/01/21

Today I’ve learned… Nothing. That’s a joke, ok. I Know, I know. To be honest, I’m tired. Yes,
I’m still tired. Give me a chance, dude, it’s hard. The “covid situation” makes me anxious, in a
bad way. I mean… Can we just come back to no-covid-existence? Come back to the bored,
ordinary days? I really wanna back to those days. Now days are full of sadness and worry.

Today I’ve learned… Duo, and I watched some videos from Mad English. I like his videos, and
his English is really easy to understand and he is a funny professor. Listening is much more
pleasant when I use Mad English for it. I would like to able to speak like that, so calm and
understanding. 07/04/21

Today I’ve learned… How to order food and drinks. With Mad English, yes. I’m a flight
attendant and it’s very important, because it’s part of my job. I’ll serve people and assist them
with everything they need. I’ll focus on it this week. 16/04/21

Today I’ve learned… Well, the same thing as usual. I find a good site to study English and
French. It’s calls “Kultivi”. Dude, I’m so tired, and I’m really tired. My job was not easy.

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