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Audni Aomar Secondary School 2022/2023

First Year Literary stream Duration: 2 hours


Part One: Reading. (15Points)

A/ Comprehension. (7points)

Read the text carefully to do the activities below.

Millions of people in the world make use of the Internet, this international network of computers. This
medium will soon change the way we communicate, shop, study, conduct business and publish. The
Internet has unlimited possibilities. In an hour’s time the users can send an important message to one
hundred thousand people, visit the most beautiful places all over the world, buy a computer, look over
official documents, study the weather report and even get married.

The most popular way of using the net is e-mail. The system allows the holder to send information to
other people in just a second; of course on the condition that the addressee has also access to the Internet. It
costs only as much as a local telephone connection and is the fastest in the world.

Businessman use the Internet to obtain the latest information from the Stock Exchange. Scientists
acquaint themselves with numerous achievements and novelties in all branches of science. In medicine, it
is used in so-called tele-surgery. The Internet makes it possible for a doctor to perform surgical operations
on patient by remote control. The power of the Internet is infinite.

Adapted from:

1. Say whether the following statements are true or false
a. Analysts think that the Internet will transform the way people study.
b. People don’t like using Internet.
c. The quickest way to communicate is the telephone.
d. The Internet is useless in medicine.
2. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. What can people use the internet for ?
b. What is the condition to send an e-mail?
c. Can doctors use Internet in their work? Justify.

3. Find who/ what the underlined words in the text refer to.
a-We (§1) - b-themselves (§3)

4. Give a title to the text. ………………….

B/ Text Exploration. (8points )

1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following.(=)
a. transform (§1) -b) permits (§2) -c) named (§3)
2. Divide the following words into roots and affixes

beautiful - useless - connection

Prefix Root Suffix

3. Combine the pairs of sentences using the connectors between brackets

1.a) He created a Facebook accounts .
b)He wants to connect with his friends. ( in order to )

2a) I couldn’t send the email to my teacher yesterday.

b) The connection was too bad and slow ( because )

4. Spot the mistake in each sentence then correct it.

a. I eat usually in the school canteen.
b. She must wears a uniform.

5. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables

Pollution_ story _report_ send
One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

Part Two: Written Expression. (05 points)

Choose ONE of the following topics.

Topic One:

Nowadays, most teenagers like to use social media such as Facebook and Instagram. However, they
are sometimes very dangerous if people don’t know how to use them. Write a newspaper article of about
80 to 100 words in which you discuss the benefits and disadvantages of using these social media.

Make the best use of these notes:

 The benefits:
-Connect with family and friends all over the world.
- People use them as means of entertainment (play games, watch videos, listen to music…).
- Help students in their studies and researches.

 The disadvantages:
- They are waste of time and money.
- Pupils may lose their works and studies.
- They may affect people’s health badly.
Topic Two:
At the present time, most students enjoy reading short stories in their free time .As a learner
write your preferable short story of about 100 to 120 words to be published
in your school magazine .


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