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Audni Aomar Secondary School School year 2022/2023

Level : 1st year literary stream Allotted time: 2 hours

Third Term Exam Of English
Part one : Reading (15 pts)
A / Comprehension (7pts)
Read the following text to do the following activities
What do people need to light their homes and drive their cars? Energy! Ii gives power to many things we
need and we use .Most of the energy people use comes from coal, oil and gas. They are called fossil fuels. For
the past 150 years and so, Humans have depended heavily on this finite type of energy to perform tasks
associated with modern life, like run our transportation system and to produce electricity for our homes, offices
and factories. However, the burning of fossil fuels produced large quantities of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere. It caused a great damage to the environment and resulted in many issues like climate change, global
warming and pollution.

Recently, people began to look for different or alternative sources. Renewable energies such as biomass,
geothermal resources, sunlight, water and wind differ from fossil fuels principally in their abundance, they are
available all around us, furthermore, they produce neither greenhouse gases nor polluting emissions . In some
countries, such as Sweden produces all of their electricity from hydroelectric and wind powers. China is the
world’s largest market for solar energy. The majority of people there have installed solar panels on the roof of
their houses to produce heat.

It is important to understand where each type of energy we use comes from, how it is produced and how
each type effects our environment. As technology improves, we have to balance the use of non-renewable fossil
fuels and renewable energies to live in a healthier and safer planet.

Adapted from

1. Say whether the following statements are true or false.
a) Fossil fuels are available in limited supply .
b) Burning fossil fuels is harmless to the environment .
c) Renewable energies produce greenhouse gases and polluting emissions .
2. Complete the following table with information from the text .

Country Type of renewable energy The usage of this energy

…………………………. …………………………… ……………………………….
………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………..
3. Answer the following questions according to the text .
a)What are the consequences of using fossil fuels at a high rate?
b)What are the advantages of renewable energy resources?
c) What must people do to live in a better planet?
4. Find who or what the underlined words in the text refer to .
They (1§) there (2§)

B/ Text Exploration (8pts)

1. Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to the following
a) endless (1§)≠ b) cold (2§)≠ c) more dangerous (3§) ≠
2. Give the opposite of the following words keeping the same root .
finite ≠ available ≠ understand ≠ useful ≠
3. Combine the pairs of sentences using the connectors between brackets .Make change where
necessary .
1.a) Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced in the atmosphere.
b) People depend more on renewable energies in everyday life tasks. (if)
2.a) Humans burn high quantities of fossil fuels.
b) Our environment is suffering from climate change. (because of)
3.a) More people are using alternative energies .
b) Alternative energies are clean, available and cheap . ( as a result )
4.Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s “
Energies roofs humans resources

/s/ /z/ / iz /

5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word from the list.
low- fossil –natural- sunshine –alternative-high
Renewable energies are obtained through ………1………..sources that nature itself will
replace ,like wind, water and ………2………….they produce ………3………..amounts of pollution
and friendly with the environment .
Part two : written expression (5pts)
Choose one of the following topics
Topic one:
The industrial sector in Algeria depends heavily on fossil fuels. Unfortunately, this type of energy
has many disadvantages. Write an article of about 100 to 120 words for your school magazine in
which you explain the dangers of fossil fuels and the importance of using renewable energies.
Make the best use of the following notes:

- Fossil fuels / coal – petroleum……… / runt out / pollution / climate change

- Alternative energies / sun /wind/ biomass / replenish / renew
- Clean / cheap / not cause global warming /safe for environment

Topic two :
Our existence in this planet is threatened because of pollution .Write an article of about 100 to
120 words for your school magazine in which you expose the causes, the consequences and you
suggest solutions to this problem.

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