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7. De joven ¿Qué solías hacer los fines de semana?

When you were young, what did you use to do on weekends?

- We went to the park with my parents or went to eat somewhere as a family.

- Later in my adolescence the truth has never been much difference between weekdays and
weekends in my family since neither of us have had a lifestyle of employment.
- I spent some years in voluntary military training and that was every Saturday for several
years, apart from that church activities or meeting with friends but I could meet with
friends on the weekend on a Wednesday afternoon it did not matter.

How did you and your spouse meet?

Well, that hasn't happened yet, so I'm going to create a story of how I think I would like it to
happen, so I'm going to say that we met, we became friends. We started a project together and
then we decided to be together as a couple.

Well, that hasn't happened yet, so I'm going to create a story of how I think I would like it to
happen, so I'm going to say that we met, we became friends. We started a project together and
then we decided to be together as a couple.

Or maybe I never know anyone so I'll say I've always been single.

Did you have a long courtship?

It depends on what is considered a long courtship, a year and a half was not long for me.

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