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Decision Making

Mid Term Review

Wednesday, 2nd October 2019
Tutorial Class
No. Model Price Print Speed Print Quality Noise
Heuristic (Problems) (in $) (in ppm) (in dB)

1 Solar 200 12 5 45
If for all method there is assumption that the
rank from the best attribute to the worst will 2 Symbol 159 7.8 4 46
be: price, print speed, print quality, noise
3 Real 169 5.4 3 38
consecutively then choose the printer using
several heuristic method: 4 CCC 250 6 5 40
1. Lexicographic
2. Semi-lexicographic, we use assumption 5 Tiger 80 4.1 4 48
that there is $100 more for the cheapest
one. 6 Linwood 110 5.6 4 43

3. Elimination by Aspect, with the

7 GA 185 5.4 4 40
assumption that cut off point for price is
less than $150 and no cut off for other 8 Superb 210 7.2 4 45
4. Satisficing, with the sequence of checking 9 MultiTask 170 6.1 5 36
process will be started from No. 1 then
10 AR52 237 14 5 48
continue to No. 2 until 12. The
assumption of price should be at most 11 Zeta 105 7 2 45
Notes: For print quality 5 is the best and 1 is the 12 MultiTask 2 118 9.1 3 43
Before we explain the answer please try to
answer by yourself
Heuristic (Answers)
1. Lexicographic (Rank of Attributes: (1) Price; (2) Print Speed; (3) Print Quality; (4) Noise
Then we will look at price attribute and find that Tiger is the cheapest and no tie with other type of printer
2. Semi-lexicographic → we will have $100 more from the cheapest one so:
The cheapest is Tiger with price as $80 then we can look other printer with price no more than $100+$80=$180 and
there are shown in the Table below:
Model Price Print Speed Print Quality Noise Now look at the print speed since the attribute is
(in $) (in ppm) (in dB)
the second most important after price, then
Symbol 159 7.8 4 46 compare them which one is the best. In the end,
we have MultiTask 2 with the best performance
Real 169 5.4 3 38 in print speed.
Tiger 80 4.1 4 48

Linwood 110 5.6 4 43

MultiTask 170 6.1 5 36

Zeta 105 7 2 45

MultiTask 2 118 9.1 3 43

Heuristic (Answers) 4. Satisficing → cut off for price is $150 and no
criteria for other attribute so we check from the
sequence from Solar then Symbol then Real until we
3. EBA → cut off point for price is $150 have Tiger as the chosen one because the price is
The printer with price no more than $150 are: at least $150.
Model Price Print Speed Print Quality Noise No. Model Price Print Print Noise
(in $) (in ppm) (in dB) (in $) Speed (in Quality (in dB)
Tiger 80 4.1 4 48
1 Solar 200 12 5 45
Linwood 110 5.6 4 43
2 Symbol 159 7.8 4 46
Zeta 105 7 2 45
3 Real 169 5.4 3 38
MultiTask 2 118 9.1 3 43
4 CCC 250 6 5 40

Now look at the print speed since the attribute is 5 Tiger 80 4.1 4 48

the second most important after price, then

compare them which one is the best. In the end,
we have MultiTask 2 with the best performance Checking direction should follow the sequence just the
in print speed. assumption said
PT/OT (Problems) → 10 minutes
Sis.Ta Companies have been develop certain products of muslim wear for women. In several last months, the number of
working accident was increased in their production department. Aisha, as manager for EHS (environment, health, and
safety) department, is assigned to identify the cause of that. In a month, she observed all activities in production
department. She conclude that human errors as one cause. There are several forms of human errors such as the
employee forget to put their hand from sewing machine when the machine is start to sew the fabric; the employee
always put the cutting machine not in the allocated places; and the needle and thread are not well stored. She interview
the employee to know detail of the event. The employee said that they often forget to put their hand off from the sewing
machine because they feel dizzy after working for a long time and lost their concentration. Beside that, there is no
appropriate warning system to give a reminder what to do to avoid accident especially to not forget put hand off the
sewing machine and to put the cutting equipment in the appropriate places. There is no appropriate storage place for
cutting equipment, needle, and thread since this place is broken and need to be renovated. The other cause is the
condition of working place especially in the painting department where there is no enough ventilation so the employee
often complain that they difficult to breath. This also supported by the data of health clinic in the company which stated
that one of working accident causality is the number of the employee with the respiration infection increasing. In the end,
Aisha have to develop Problem Tree to map the cause of working accident and Objective Tree to know which solution
should be come up to solve the problem. Please help Aisha to do that!
Before we explain the answer please try to
answer by yourself
Problem Tree Objective Tree
The number of working accident is increased The number of working accident is decreased

Unhealthy Human Errors Healthy Human Errors

respiration is happened respiration is avoided
of workers of workers

The Forget to Cutting Needle The Remember Cutting Needle

ventilation put hand machine is and thread ventilation to put hand machine is and thread
is not off from not in its is not well is enough off from in its is well
enough machine places stored machine places stored

Lost No Storage Stay Warning Storage

concentrat warning place is concentrat system/re place is
ion system/re broken e minder is renovated
minder available
VFT (Problems) → 15 minutes
Ministry of Public of Works and Housing of Indonesia is try to select the contractor to build 1000 MW power plant in
certain area of Kalimantan and Sulawesi. There are three contractor had been selected in final phase of the project beauty
contest. There are: PT. Abadi, PT. Jaya Karya, and PT. Kita Karya. There are several attribute will be considered such as:
experience of the company in power plant project (the company at least conducting two of power plant project before and
at least one of them is working together with PLN), good and transparent financial performance of the company (the
company show an increasing pattern in capital market and the results of last year audit from BPK should be WTP), and
domestic companies (the majority of shareholders are from Indonesia). The profile of each company is shown below.
Please make VFT for this problems!
PT. Abadi PT. Jaya Karya PT. Kita Karya
They are conducting Power Plant The company is 60% owned by Sastra As the new contractor companies they
Project in Denpasar and Lombok. The Group, the market leading companies build Power Plant Project in several
project in Denpasar is under from Indonesia. As the new contractor cities in Kalimantan. One of the project
coordination with Indonesian Power, companies they build Power Plant is in a partnership with PLN. BPK audit
one of subsidiary of PLN. BPK audit is Project in Cirebon. The project in is WTP. Share value in the capital
WTP. Share value in the capital market Cirebon is in a partnership with Shell. market is unstable for last three
always increasing in the last three BPK audit is WTP. Share value in the months. Last year 55% of share had
months. The company is 65% owned capital market always increasing in the been acquisitioned by one of the
by British company. last two months. Indonesian state-owned public bank.
Before we explain the answer please try to
answer by yourself
>= 2 Power
Plant Project
Experience in
Power Plant
Project PT. Abadi
One of the
project with PLN

Select the
contractor for BPK audit is PT. Jaya Karya
power plant in WTP
Good and
Kalimantan and
Financial Increasing
Performance pattern in capital
PT. Kita Karya

shareholders is
from Indonesia
Good luck for your midterm exam

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