The Great Physician

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In relation to
Robert Lambert
1-24-1971 a.m.

This message was preached by Brother Robert Lee Lambert, on January 24 th

1971 A.M.

The efforts to transcribe & saving the audio messages of Bro Lambert had been
made by the saints & daughter of Bro Lambert, Connecticut U.S.A. Those
precious saints sat under Bro Lambert, took hours of hours to write & type the
messages of Bro Lambert. This booklets will be available in the printed form.
Copyright © CLJC. All rights reserved 2015

Let’s bow or heads in prayer, how many are here to meet God this morning?  You are here to
hear, not from man, but from the Lord?
Father, we come to You this morning through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus, thanking You for
the grand privilege of being able to stand for Thy Word in this end time.  Help us to press toward
the Promise of the hour.  And, Father, I pray that You’ll alert every soul here this morning that
they may hear the Voice of God.

Touch thy unworthy servant whose body is very weak, but when we are weak You are strong. 
Father, help my failing voice that I may speak to these thy children.  That I may give to them thy
bread that Thou gave to me.  Lord, I only tell them what You tell me and I pray that they’ll know
this comes from you.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Now, I pray you’ll be very reverent this morning and weigh the things out that I say and let them
come down deep in your heart.
Now open your Bibles, I’ve got a very strange message here this morning and I wouldn’t be
preaching if God hadn’t given me something supernatural this morning to tell you.

I want to read one Scripture found in Joel 2:1 (insert)

Now, Luke 8:43-48 (insert)  
Now, this Scripture won’t go together and it’ll look a little funny, but you’ll understand in a little
Now, I’d like to speak this morning on the “Great Physician in relation to Pregnancy and Birth”.
This woman is a type of the elected bride of Christ, who had been losing her life – her life
blood.  Notice, here is the Revealed Word of God passing through the land and a multitude of
people was following this Word.

Notice, she was losing her life, the life she had, she was losing it.  She had spent everything she
had going to every tent meeting going to every church she could find and she could not find any
help anywhere.
But she has sense enough to know that she had to find help.  She was losing her life, she knew
she was dying spiritually – apply this to the spiritual.
Notice here, she touched the Lord; she touched the Revealed Word of God by faith.  When she
touched the Revealed Word of God by faith immediately she was made whole.  She was not hid
from Christ, the Revealed Word of God anymore; He called her out and said, “You touched me! 
You got a revelation that I’m the Revealed Word of God and you touched me!”
Notice she found the Great Physician that was able to heal her and make her whole.  And that’s
what every person that’s going to go in the Rapture is gonna have to find – the Great Physician,
to be made whole.
Notice, when you touch the Lord in real, divine revealed faith, you receive the real blood cell
that will not seep out.  You won’t lose it.  But it will bring you to the object that you need, which
is the true new birth – the birth of Christ!
It is a total impossibility for a man or woman in this hour that we’re living in, to be born again
according to John 3, unless they have come in contact with the Revealed Word of God by faith,
for the new birth is not the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Seal of God.  The new birth is a
revelation of the Revealed Word of God, personally to you.  It is a total impossibility for you to
receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost unless you have touched Him by faith.

Notice that this woman, the bride church, found the Great Physician and when she found the
great physician she found the Revealed Word of God.
Notice, that in relation to pregnancy, before you can give birth to the Man Child, Christ Jesus,
you must first be impregnated by the Ram, Christ.  Every sheep must be impregnated by the ram,
Christ Jesus our Lord.  And He is the revealed Word of God.  You cannot get impregnated on
your own by reading your Bible.  It’s a total impossibility – it won’t hold up in the Word of God!
You can’t be born again by reading a tract.  I defy that!  I want some man to take his Bible and
stand and prove it to me, don’t tell me your experience, but fit your experience in the Word of

You must first touch Christ Jesus the Revealed Word of God by faith!

We’re certainly living in an hour when we are turning a corner.  When you turn a corner you no
more look back here anymore!  You pull a blind down to everything that’s happened in your life
and you don’t look to what happened yesterday, but you press on – to the saving, not of the flesh,
but to the saving of the soul.
Notice here, that it is a total impossibility for man or a woman to be born again as far as the first
Covenant bride is concerned – as far as the first resurrection.  You can accept the Lord Jesus as
your personal savior, quit smoking, quit drinking – but let me tell you something, any man in his
right mind shouldn’t commit adultery.
Any thinking man shouldn’t smoke, cuss or drink.  Now we took that for salvation, the new
birth.  It’s not!   Bro. Bob’s trying to tell you, you must be born again!  I know that hurts many
people, but you just the Word of God.

Nicodemus came to Jesus by night – walking in darkness – and he found the revealed Word of
God.  He said, ‘good master, we know you have something we never heard of before, and uh –
Jesus interrupted him, He knew what he was after and said “verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Nicodemus, except a man be born again he cannot see the preaching of the Token.  Verily, verily
I say unto thee, Nicodemus, except a man be born again of the revealed Word of God, he cannot
understand the preaching of the revealed Word of God on the Token.  Nicodemus, verily, verily I
say unto thee, you thought you were born again by the Scribes and Pharisees preaching, you
thought you had it.  But, verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again of the water –
washing of the Word of Divine revelation he cannot even see (understand).”

Except a man be born again of divine revelation he cannot understand that man – that wise
servant, preaching on the good man of the house, faith.  He can’t understand it, it confuses him
and he turns around and begins to fight it, he tries to disprove it.

Verily, verily I say unto you this morning, except a man or woman here be born of the
unadulterated Word of God, the Water of God, you cannot understand what I’m saying.  You
cannot understand the preaching of the true Seal of God, the headstone baptism of the Holy
Ghost!  Except a man be born again, he can never enter into the baptism of the Holy Ghost! 
Now, you’re trying to tell me – people are trying to tell me they already entered into the baptism
of the Holy Ghost – before you were ever impregnated by the Ram, Christ, the revealed Word of
I say it’s a total impossibility and you will never go in the rapture!

Notice here, in Matt. 13, there was one type of ministry that sowed the unadulterated Seed – only
one type of ministry and that was the ministry of the Son of Man!  And the Son of Man was not
just Mal. 4:5.  But the Son of Man was Christ Jesus the Word of God!
The Son of Man was the man that had the good seed and the good seed, the Bible said, was the
Seed of the Kingdom, which is the seed life revelation that brings you to the true baptism of the
Holy Ghost.
The Bible said, “Brethren, I would that you would earnestly contend for the revelation that was
once given to Peter, James and John.”  That faith that we’re to contend for comes by the hearing
of the preaching of the revealed Word of God that was brought by the Son of Man.
Notice, there are different phases of the ministry of the Son of Man, the Bible said that the Son
of Man would come forth sowing seed.  In other words, he would bring the true, unadulterated
Word of God, back to the predestinated.  It’s just not the Word that turns…….(come on now if
you are spiritual, you already have that.).
Said, “Behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, but before that day comes, I will send
you Elijah the prophet…..”which will be God hidden and revealed in human flesh, the Son of
Man.  And he will bring the real, true unadulterated Word Seed whereby you might be
Notice, it is not just the hearing of the Word of God that impregnates you.  Note, Mal. 4:5, was
to turn the hearts of the children back to the faith of the fathers.  Notice, it is not just playing the
tapes and hearing the man preach – that does not bring you back to the faith of the Apostolic
fathers.  Because we know there is something amiss – something wrong with the multitude
following the message.

#1. There is far too many following, there will never be very many go in the rapture, it will only
be a few.
#2. They have not produced the new birth.  You cannot find Christ’s true revelation and true
faith hardly anywhere around the world.  But you find a mass of confusion wherever you go.
The promise of God was, that this message of Mal. 4:5, was to introduce Christ.  The supreme
purpose o that ministry was to make – as I preached here – he was the ‘way maker’.  He was the
bridge, running from denominational law over to grace, which is revealed in divine revelation. 
Divine grace of God comes to you by revelation.  Notice, if you cannot receive the revealed
Word of God you cannot receive the grace of God.  If you cannot receive the man by which the
revelation is coming through, you cannot receive it at all.
It was said of Jesus, the revealed Word of God, “Why you’re a man and you’re going around
acting like God – trying to take the place of God.”
He said, “If you don’t believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.  Whither I go you cannot
come.”  He said, “I come from the Father – I always was the Word of God, I come from God and
I go back to God.  And where I’m going you cannot come – you cannot follow me.”
They said, “Is he going to be dispersed among the Gentiles and teach them?” said, “What manner
of saying is it that He’s saying – we cannot follow Him where he goes?”
Jesus said, “You cannot follow me and come where I am because you cannot hear the Voice of
God.  If you were of your father Abraham you would hear His Voice.  Abraham rejoiced to see

Jesus was not referring to Isaac, Abraham was rejoicing and shouting all the time because he was
seeing and understanding Christ.  He was understanding the coming of Christ.  Jesus said,
“Abraham rejoiced to see my day and saw it.  Here I am the one Abraham was rejoicing about
the revealed Word of God, and you go about to kill me.  You are not the seed of Abraham, but
you are of the seed of your father the devil.”
Only the predestinated bride is the only group of people that are able to hear the voice of the
bridegroom, the son of man.
Notice that the son of man came first to bring us back to the Word of God.  Then, by restoring
the Word of God on tape and book – by restoring the Word of God – out of that Word of God
comes forth Christ.  You cannot have Christ until first you have the Word.  When you find the
revealed Word of God you find Christ.  You cannot separate the revelation of the eternal God –
Jesus Christ was the revelation of God, the Word.
That’s why the prophet of God said, “Unless you are constantly in these tapes and messages you
will not know the bridegroom when he comes, because he will be the revealed Word of God.”
Now, except you believe on him you cannot be saved!
Notice here, that the first part of the son of man’s ministry was to restore the Word of God and
that Word of God being restored would restore faith.  Right?  Just the Word of God laying there
on tape and book does not restore the faith.  But faith cometh by hearing and hearing the
revealed Word of God.
When you contend for that faith – contend for it – well, if you’re contending for it and fighting
for it you haven’t got it yet.
Showing you there would be a battleground fought over trying to get the revealed faith.  Oh,
come on children, do you see that?

The Word message was to restore the faith.  Notice, the prophet, himself, Mal. 4:5, did not
restore the faith but it was the message that was to introduce Christ.  He said, “I’ll leave the earth
one day but the message will live on.”  Said, “I won’t introduce Christ, but my message will.”
So the true message of Mal. 4:5 is introducing Christ, the revealed Word of God to the
predestinated, elected bride!  I hope you can receive it!  Blessed is he that’s not offended in me!
So we see that revelation cometh by hearing and hearing of the word, message of Mal. 4:5,
which is introducing the bridegroom to the people.  Now, you have to know – see, the
bridegroom.  Except a man be born again he cannot see the bridegroom.  Except a man be born
again he cannot understand the bridegroom because the bridegroom is being manifested by the
revealed Word of God.  And that is the carcass, the body – the opening of the seals released the
full-body Word, which is the full revelation of Christ.
Now we understand, like the woman that touched him, by a touch of faith.  She was among a
mixed multitude, everybody was touching the revealed Word of God – pressing around him, but
it was only a certain woman that really could touch him.
Peter said, “well, everybody’s trying to touch you!”
He said, “Yes, but this is a certain kind of touch, when that touched me virtue went out of me.” 
What is virtue?  It’s the life of God.
Now, we see that the first coming of the son of man in this end time was that his message threw a
net out over the peoples of the world.  It, his message, pulled that net into shore and there was
tadpoles, scalawags, crawfish, but also there were nice big, wonderful rainbow trout.  All of them
in the net that was caught----.
The Bible said, “Many are called and caught in the net, but only a few are chosen to see –
Blessed are your eyes, children, blessed are your ears if they understand.
Notice, it is the son of man that has the true, unadulterated Seed.
Now notice, that before a man can be born again, according to John 3, as He was speaking to
Nicodemus, you have to come in contact with that revealed Word of God.  Now, that revealed
Word of God, you can’t come in contact with It --- now, I know this is touch, but I can’t help it –
you can’t be born again by coming in contact with it by tape.  Why?  Because that Word must be
living.  It’s never living unless – Jesus said, “I have hidden this revelation in earthen vessels.” 

Notice here, the Bible said that, after the son of man left – the seed sower – the people would
desire to see one of his days, because they missed the power, the healing services and the great
miracles.  It’s not the Word of God they are desiring to see, but they desire to know him after the
flesh.  They miss him after the flesh.
Jesus said, “Thomas, you see” said, “you see now, because of the proof. But blessed are they that
never have seen the flesh.”
You cannot know God by human contact, you can only know Him by His revelation of the
present time you’re living in.
You cannot be born again today by what Luther had or by what Wesley had.  But, if you were
living in that day, you would have been saved – justified and sanctified in those stages and went
into the ground.  But the reason they’re in the ground today is because they didn’t have the
complete birth.  Now, you wrestle with it!  You wrestle with it!

Now the Bible said, “prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.”  Now if you can’t
prove it by the Word of God – don’t give me one quotation from a tape or just one quotation
from the Bible; give me the Bible all the way through from Genesis to Revelation.  And lace it
up for me and dove tail it together.  If you can’t stand against it and you can’t tear it up, then it’s
best to be quiet.  Because you may blaspheme yourself clear way from the Token.

The Bible said blasphemers would arise in the last day, blaspheming.  Said they’d speak evil of
the things they understand not and said they should utterly perish in their own corruption. 
There’s people right now trying to handle this message and preach it, that’s got no business with
it at all!

Let me tell you something, children, if God hasn’t called you to handle the Word of God you sit
right there and listen!  Don’t you grab a hold of that because that’ll be death to you.  You wait
there until you know that you’re called of God!  When he calls you he’ll make it clear to you, it
ain’t hard for Him to speak to you and tell you.

That’s what’s messing up the whole picture today.  There’s too many doctors trying to handle
this prescription and they’re killing people with it.  They’re injecting too many man-made
interpretations into the pure Word of God.  Now, the Word of God as it is on tape is pure, but
when a man takes it and tries to bring it out of his mouth, he mixes with that Word his
interpretation of it and hybrids the pure Word of God.  You cannot be born again with that!  Oh,
it’ll produce something, but what is it?  An old withered up thing that’s no good for nothing.
Bro. Branham (hear this now) – Bro. Branham said (1965) “I am persuaded that the people are
not getting to Christ”.  He was firmly convinced and persuaded that the people were not getting
to the revealed Word of God, Christ!  He said, “you are getting one another’s spirit.”

(Bro. Bob tells how people take one another’s spirit or their pastor’s.  If the pastor snaps his
head, the people snap their heads.)
You know what causes that?  That man is not divinely called of God.  If he was divinely called
of God he would not be trying to establish his personality in those people’s hearts.  But, he
would be taking out the unbelief and placing the revealed Word of God on the inside.  Take out
the unbelief, preacher, and place the revealed Word of God inside the sheep – not your
personality!  That’s what they’re doing.
(Bro. Bob tells how the people would mimic Bro. Branham – buying same kind of car, air-
conditioner, oil, etc.)

See, they were taking Bro. Branham’s spirit, but Bro. Branham never came to give us his spirit,
he came to bring the Holy Spirit.

Notice here, that the bride of Christ is to be impregnated, or born again we’ll say.  She is to be
impregnated and born again at the bottom of the pyramid.  See, God is building you in a
pyramid, the seven church ages is coming forth in a pyramid.  But you, in the end time, you can’t
just get what Paul and Peter got, or Luther or Wesley got.  No, no, see, we get it all!  We gotta
get every bit of what they had and more too!

Now there’s no way in the world for you to go in the rapture if you just have that.  If you have
that (faith, at the bottom of the pyramid) you’re heaven bound – no way for you to miss it. 
Because He that hath begun a good work in you (faith) will perform it till that day.

Notice, before the bride can be impregnated there must be (oh, He’s here, see) a pure,
unadulterated revealed Word of God to impregnate here with.
Notice, the woman does not have a seed of her own, she only has a field.  She has a womb. 
Notice that the predestinated bride is protected.  Notice, that is why that when Abraham’s wife,
Sarah, that the promised son was to come through – when the kind was going to take her and
give her another seed ---  now, what was he going to put in?  A seed of the devil, he wasn’t
God’s child, he was a religious – knew that there was God but he was going to put another seed
in Sarah.  After God had already promised that she would get the promised seed.

Notice, the promised seed is not Isaac, but the promised seed is Christ.  Christ is the revealed
Word of God.

When the man started to make love to Sarah – what a terrible thing it was!  God doesn’t want
anybody to even wink at his bride.  Much less try to make love to her.  When one of these
preachers tries to put his arms around you – make love to you with some carnal interpretation on
the Word of God, you better run from that thing.  Don’t you sit there and listen to that.   You
ought to be ashamed of yourself.  There’s not adulteress going to enter into the token at all!
If you think that Christ is going to let you wink at somebody else – now He’s going to get mad. 
If I’d catch my wife winking at somebody, boy, I tell you, she’ll hear about it.  Come on, now!
But people will just go anywhere and just try to hear anything.  You better stop that; remember
the false anointed ones are loosed.  Remember there’s a bunch of false lovers loosed around here,
trying to make love to the bride.  Oh, I could get into something, but I’ll have to get away from
that.  I’ll get to it one day.  We’ll talk about that bedroom sometime.
Notice, the bride is to be impregnated by the unadulterated revealed Word of God.  Notice, that
once her womb receives the revealed Word of God – faith – Christ – when I say “faith” I always
look here at the bottom of the pyramid.  Everybody’s got their eyes on the top; you get your eyes
on the bottom first.

(Bro. Bob tells about preaching in Georgia and telling the people they had the pyramid turned
upside down.)
But you must not flirt with anything; you’re to be in love with the bridegroom.  Now, come on,
children.  How can you say that you love the Lord Jesus, the bridegroom, when you’re out here,
hearing any kind of preacher that comes by – you’ll sit and listen to him.  And don’t know that
that man could damn your soul and send you to hell.

See, what we’re doing we’re playing we don’t believe it’s really a serious thing at all. Our
actions speak louder than our words.
We must be impregnated by the revealed word of god coming forth from the bridegroom. 
Right?  Notice, it was only one kind of seed that he sowed – the seed of Christ.  God doesn’t
want you impregnated with nothing but the seed of Christ.  If you don’t get impregnated by the
seed and you go ahead and have a baby it isn’t going to look like Christ.

How many admit up to this hour you have not produced Christ?   Let’s see your hands.  All right,
now is the time to make an about face and be born of the revealed word of god.

Notice that Christ was the revelation of God, now you cannot see God because God is a Spirit. 
And the only way you’ll see him when he comes for the bride is to understand him – to
understand him by a revelation because the resurrected, earthly body that Christ had, that had the
blood in it, that will not be here walking around on the earth.  That body will meet the bride in
the air.  But, honey, if you don’t meet him here on earth before the rapture you ain’t gonna meet
him in the air.  Do you understand?

Notice, that faith (revelation) comes by hearing and hearing of the word seed.  Now, Jesus said,
“a sewer went forth to sow and he is the son of man.  And the seed the sewer sews is the seed to
the token.”
Honey, if you ever get that by revelation it will set you soul on fire!  He is sewing the seed to the
token.  There’s no other possible way that a man can receive power for service, the seal of god,
the baptism of the Holy Ghost unless he has seen and understood the preaching of the token
itself.  Because that is the seed of the life of Christ and to produce and manifest Christ, first you
must be born of the life of Christ.
The blood cell – the life is in the blood and the blood is in the revealed word.  That’s why the
bible said “He that is born of God cannot doubt God’s promise, and herein was the son of man
made manifest, that he might destroy the works of unbelief.  He that is born of Christ the
revealed word of god cannot doubt any of the promise of god.  Every bit of revelation he hears
he has to say ‘amen’ to it.  There is no doubt inside a person that is born again of the revealed
word of God.
Now, if we say we’re born again and we try to fight the preaching of the true new birth and of
the token – we try to fight that – it proves we do not have faith.  Proves we’re down here in the
mixed multitude, thinking we’re the bride when we’re not.  Did you get that?  Thinking you’re
the bride and you’re not.

Yet, when you pin it right down to the people following Bro. Branham, they have perfect faith
that Bro. Branham will go in the rapture but they don’t know that they will.  They turn around
and say they have perfect faith for the rapture, and they tell a lie. Because the revealed Word of
God, standing there listening to what you say, he knows you’re lying because you’re not even
born again.  Because when you make a statement “I got perfect faith and perfect love”, right
away  the revealed Word of God knows you’re the seed of the devil.  I know that’s powerful, but
it’s the truth!

Now, here’s a man saying he’s got perfect faith, he’s ready to go in the rapture and he’s fighting
the very thing God’s trying to do.  Proves that he’s not born again, I don’t care how religious he
is.  Oh, you say, he’s a good man.  Yes, that’s fine.  He doesn’t smoke. That’s wonderful.  That
doesn’t have a thing to do with the new birth.  I appreciate all that, I wish everybody would quit

Now notice, when a woman makes love to her husband, eventually – sometime she’s to receive a
seed which will impregnate her and give her a birth of a son like her husband.  Of course we like
husband and wife to Christ and the church.

Now, it is Christ, the bridegroom that impregnates His bride.  You don’t think he’d let anybody
else do it, do you?  What are you going around listening to all them preachers for then?  What do
you go hear the preacher for?  If you aren’t going to get impregnated what are you doing in there
having intercourse for then?  Would you please tell me that?  You better listen to me or you’re
going to miss it!

That’s just exactly why the bible said “broad is the way that leads to destruction  but narrow is
the way that leads to the token and few there be that find it.”  Because the many were
impregnated by a wrong seed.
Don’t worry, it going to come out plainer all the time, one day many will seek to enter into what
I’m preaching and will not be able to.  You better find the bridegroom, you better find the
carcass and feed off that, honey.
Notice, the wife, the bride, finds contact with the revealed word of god.
Now, we know, before you can have the fullness of Christ (token) you have to have this (faith)
and all the steps in the perfect stature.
But now, let’s talk about pregnancy in relation to the revealed word, Christ.  How many want to
be impregnated by the revealed word, Christ?  Let us speak on signs of pregnancy.  One of the
first signs of pregnancy is called morning sickness.  You know, one time the revealed word of
god, bringing his message on the token of that day, (I didn’t make no mistake).  He sent out the
seventy and said, “Go preach and say the token is at hand.”  Honey, the kingdom of heaven and
the token is one and the same.  The token is Christ, the seal of god and the token and the
kingdom of heaven is one and the same.
And he said, “As you go preaching, say the kingdom of heaven is at hand.  Cast out devils, heal
the sick, raise the dead.”  Notice, the preachers came back rejoicing because the devils was
screaming.  They said, all hell is breaking loose because of this token message.

He said, “Don’t rejoice because you’re making the devil tremble, but rejoice because your names
are in the book and you’re going to get it.”
Now, one of the first signs of pregnancy is morning sickness.  One time, in the ministry of the
son of man, the revealed word of god, he was going to preach in a certain location that day, and
he went up there and he borrowed Peter’s boat.  Notice, Peter was divinely called of God, God
had his hand on him, and he had found the revealed word of god. (Now, let me help you a little
We know the first two pulls of Bro. Branham was not the spoken word, the original seed, but it
was the third pull which was the spiritual meat in due season.
Now, John 6:47, said, “Except a man eat my flesh and drink my blood, he has no life in him.”  
“Labor not for the preacher’s messages that will perish, labor not for the doctrine message of
preachers that’s not divinely called of God, you’ll perish.  But, here is where you eagles labor –
labor for the meat that the son of man will give you, that will endure until the token comes.”

Labor for that revelation that is coming forth from the third pull, the revealed word of god.  I
know that stumbles people but the third pull is the revealed word of god.  When arms and legs
begin to come and all that, that’s just part of it, that isn’t all of it.  That’s just going to be the
other part of the revealed word of god.
People going around saying, ‘he said there’ll be a short quick work’.  Yeah, we’re gonna –
there’s something coming, but it’ll be just short, we’ll go out and speak the word and create.’ 

Huh!  There’ll be so few used in that, it’ll be pitiful.  Pass right through the thing and they’ll miss
it altogether!
How in the world are people going to go out and speak the word when they don’t have one bit of
revelation.  Nonsense!
Note here, the revealed word of god borrows the boat of the fisherman, this man of God, this
preacher, called Peter, and said, “Push out a little bit from shore, son.”
Peter took him out, he rowed the revealed word of god out in the boat and Jesus stood up and
began to preach the token.  After He got through preaching He told Peter and some of the other
brothers, “Now let your net down to catch some fish.”  (Now remember he’s just a little way off
They said, “Master, we’ve toiled all night long in darkness and we haven’t caught anything.”
(Bro. Bob types it to the preachers not catching any fish – they were in darkness – no revelation).
He said, “Let down your net.”  Do what He tells you to do, let your net down!
They said, “At thy word Lord!”
(Bro. Bob mocks the deacon boards, and how people act, how preachers have to change diapers
and pamper them.)
Oh, God!  How are we ever going to see a powerful bride come forth with such baby-fied stuff
You find the revealed word of god, he’ll bust your hide, you don’t come back that’s you tough
luck.  What we need is a good Gospel spanking, get your old dirty diapers changed and get out of
them. Get you a little bit of training.
(Bro. Bob talks about how the people left Bro. Mike’s and how they hated Bro. Branham at the
Preach the word of God, brother, if there isn’t five left.
Jesus said, “Peter, cast your net on this side of the boat.”
“All right, Lord.”  He cast his net down and pulled it in.  I think it was a hundred and fifty three
gigantic rainbow trout.  No tadpoles or nothing else.  The strange part about it, the place that he
let down his net was the most ridiculous place that ever was to find them big rainbow trout.  But,
the revealed word of god said it.
Don’t make no difference where you preach the revealed word of god, the Holy Spirit goes out
and brings the rainbow trout into god’s token.
Over in Revelation, God told John, “the water you saw is a multitude of people.”  The Holy
Spirit goes out through that water and brings them all right up there where you want them.
Peter, you just go ahead and preach the word of god, I’ll bring the fish in.  I may give you a
hundred or I may give you seventy, but I’ll give you what I want you to have.
I thank God that we don’t have to fish in darkness anymore. I thank God that we can fish in the
Notice here, the point that I want to make on morning sickness, one of the first signs, when you
begin to think you’re pregnant, ladies, is, you get up so sick you can’t eat or work and just mope
around the house in an awful shape.  Usually it just make everybody miserable.  First signs of
pregnancy.  Now this is in relation to Christ and the bride.  When can we get a little sign, Lord
that we’re pregnant, that we’re really going to get this thing? One of the first signs I know of is
found here in Peter. 
When Peter saw he’d fished all night and hadn’t accomplished anything – fished in darkness,
preached in darkness, couldn’t catch no bride, see?  He couldn’t get them to pray or seek God or

come to service, and you just want to quit preaching and move off somewhere and go hunting. 
That’s the way Peter felt.
And when the revealed word of god came forth, Peter obeyed it, he caught a hundred and fifty
three fish.  In a place where he didn’t think not.  The big fish, he thought, was in good spots over
here, you know.  Come to find out they were right there where he was at and he didn’t know it. 
What happened?  He just hadn’t come and heard the revealed word yet.  Why?  Because it was
hidden in human flesh.
Let me tell you something, everything that’s in the Bible has a revelation to it!  You read it –
fine.  But look in there and get a revelation of what it is.

When the preacher saw the net full and busting the net, when he saw those great big beautiful
rainbow trout in there, Peter fell down on his knees and said.  ‘Oohh, revealed word of god pass
away from me, for I’m not worth of this thing.”  Oh, Lord depart from me, for I am a sinful man
and I’m full of unbelief, have no revelation of God at all.”

What happened?  Peter got morning sickness!  Hello!  Is anybody home here?  When Peter saw
the revealed word of god he got sick of himself!  If you don’t get sick of yourself, you don’t have
any sickness yet.  ‘oh, lord, depart from me, I’m not worth of such a great message, I’m not
worth of even sitting in His presence!”
You better reverence God’s revelation!

That was the best thing that ever happened to Peter, when he got sick of himself.   Jesus consoled
Peter said, ‘don’t you worry now, Peter, I’m going to make you a fisher of men – to catch my
Peter got morning sickness.  If you want to know whether or not you’re pregnant, come to the
place where you get evening sickness.  In this evening time we have to get some evening time
sickness.  When you hear the revealed word of god you ought to get sick of yourself.  Loath
yourself, hate yourself, lose your life and forsake your life to find the Life of the revealed word
of God.
Peter said, ‘I’m not worthy of being in the presence of such a revelation.’
‘Don’t worry, Peter, I’m going to make you a fisher of men.’  Jesus said, “My sheep know my
voice”.  When they hear His voice ripping through that water they come right to it.  “My sheep
know my voice.”  The voice is the revealed word of God, the voice of the bridegroom.  The
Bible said, “He shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the revealed voice of God.”

When you first see the revealed word of God, see how blind and wretched you were and how
you didn’t know anything.  How you’ve done such foolish things and labored in darkness.  How
you’ve not accomplished one thing for Christ, when you come and hear the revealed word of
God today, you ought to get evening time sickness, get sick of yourself.
Now notice, when I see people never get sick of themselves and just go on and try to claim to be
the bride then Dr. Jesus looks at that and He’ll diagnose that ‘I don’t believe you’re pregnant. 
You go home and come back a little later.’
The Bible said, “If you walk in darkness you have no fellowship with Christ.”  Until you come to
the revealed word of god you have no fellowship with Christ.

(Bro. Bob goes on and talks about evening time sickness.  You must go through a period of time
when you feel thoroughly sick of yourself and everything in the world.  Then, after you’re sure
you’re pregnant then you get real happy and joyful.  After a while the sickness leaves.)

I thank God that we have the revealed word of god to examine us to see what we’re impregnated
by.  You can be impregnated by the wrong seed.  But the revealed word of god will give you
such an examination it let you know who’s the daddy of that baby.  Hold that now. We call that
the Word test.  The Word test, tests what kind of seed went into your womb, hallelujah!  Trouble
is today they have too many wrong seeds in the womb, and not the seed of Christ.  The seed life
of Christ fees on nothing but the revealed word of god.
(Bro. Bob goes on talking about the revealed word doctor checking the bride for pregnancy.   He
says we put ourselves into the hand of this good doctor and he knows what it’s all about.  The
doctor tells us to come back three times a week because He wants to watch over us and make
sure we’re getting the right kind of diet because we want this to be a healthy baby!)
There’s somebody standing here besides me!  As Bro. Branham said, “I sure feel religious now!”
Notice, we must have these signs before we can get any maturity of the baby.  If we get this
evening sickness, we ought to get real happy.  Though you get sick you ought to be happy that
the Christ child is on His way.  Because He that has begun a good work in you is going to keep
forming it by the revealed word of god.
Now notice, there isn’t any use you going around saying, ‘I’m pregnant, I’m the bride.’  And you
don’t have any sickness, you’re still watching television and you just can’t keep from trimming
your hair just a little bit. And you know you ought to have enough material to cover your knees. 
You didn’t mean to but something just made you go see that movie that you ought not to have
seen.  ‘I’m the bride, I believe I’m pregnant.’  I’m sorry to tell you, lady, you’ll have to keep
trying.  You’re not pregnant yet.
I’d like to examine this case and I’d like to say give up the world, hallelujah!  Forsake the world
to get pregnant to Christ, or you’ll never have him. Hallelujah!  Put him first place; love him
with all your heart and all your might.  Love the word of god and pray.  No signs, no birth, no
sickness no impregnation. 
Now, I have to say this, just to my assembly here, this is not me – He told me to tell you, so you
talk to Him about it.  We have people in our assembly, crying for the token, when they haven’t
had any sickness yet, which is complete vanity and vain!
No sickness!  “Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone.”
What is the use of praying and crying for a birth, when you don’t have any sickness yet?  Still in
love with yourself – still got pride – afraid somebody’s talking about you.  No use crying for the
token, the birth of the child until we’re positive we’re pregnant.

Now, I believe, after the Lord spoke to me, here in the assembly last night, and give me the
Word of the Lord.  Then come to me this morning and spoke to me again – I believe that it’s
needful for this assembly to be travailing for Christ to be, not born yet, but to be formed!!   We
are trying to get a birth without having Christ formed on the inside.
But, we thank God for the travailing for Christ to be formed.  You might have prayed different,
but, nevertheless, it has accomplished something.
Notice that before you can cry for the birth of the token, you must have Christ fully matured
down on the inside.  Fully matured means perfection!

It’s an utter total – and I wrestled with this the other night and I just tried to believe God that
somehow, in His grace and mercy, I didn’t know how it could be because I knew that there were
people sitting right here, it was a total impossibility.  I knew that if He’s come that most in here
would not, I doubted if there’d be one or two receive It.  But I went ahead because I knew you
wanted it real bad and the Lord allowed it all just to help you.  “All things work together for
good to them that Love God.”  That’s what He spoke to me last night.
Christ must be fully matured won on the inside before you can ever give birth to the
supernatural.  It’s an utter impossibility for a person to jump from faith or virtue or even
knowledge, to there (top of pyramid).  There’s no way in the world it can be done.
Christ must be fully matured and perfected down on the inside of the soul before that birth will
ever come forth.  When we see Him coming to make us one with Him, we must be like Him!
So what we need in this assembly is groaning, agonizing, and travailing prayer life to get every
one of these attributes in us.   A continued maturity of perfection unto Christ.
Now notice, in the early church 120 stayed close by the revealed word of god.  He said things in
such a way that sometimes they didn’t understand Him at all and it caused many to go away.  But
He only said those things to test you.  The Father let Him say those things to cause a test for
you.  He could have explained why you had to eat His flesh and what His blood and flesh was. 
But the Lord didn’t want Him to do it. Right?
What happened?  Many of His assembly walked right away from the revealed word of god.  You
know why?  Because they said, “Jesus, if you don’t bring the kingdom to us Jews today we
aren’t going to follow you anymore.’
You better hear that and bury it down real good on the inside.  That’s what stumbled them, ‘oh,
we thought you were going to restore the kingdom.’  And they were still fuming and fussing
about it on the way to Emmaus.  ‘well, I thought he was going to bring the token, I thought he
was going to do that.  Boy, just everything’s gone wrong.  I don’t know – just go back to
Emmaus and go back into business.’
All at once the revealed word of god walked up beside them and said, “why are you sad, why are
you troubled in your heart?  Oh, fools and slow of heart not to understand all of the word of
Jesus turned around one day – all me were forsaking Him.  Who were they forsaking?  The
revealed word of god.  That was the revealed word of god.  He wasn’t to heal the sick and raise
the dead now; he was bringing forth the revealed word of god.  They all walked away from Him
and then he sadly, with tears in his eyes, he looked at Peter and said “Peter, are you going to go
Peter said, “Lord, where can I go? You have the words; you have the revealed word of god that
will lead us to the token.  Where can we go? But the faithful physician, Jesus of Nazareth, the
revealed word of god, faithfully watched over His 120 that were impregnated by Him.  He said,
“I will never leave you or forsake you, lo, I am with you right up to the birth.”  Eat it all!
Now, notice here, this woman, the bride in pregnancy, there will come a time when there will be
what we call, false labor pains.  Now, church, I don’t want to rake you hard on that, but I have to
tell you.  Don’t you blame it on Christ!  Don’t you blame Christ for the token not coming the
23rd.    You’re the one at fault, weigh it out, you had false labor pains.
I’ve seen many here never have labor pains at all, they had false labor pains.  Some were
travailing in the real true Spirit of God, but there was sure a bunch of false.  That’s right.  I have
to tell you the truth.

What happened to this assembly is a normal thing, and right divinely in the will of god.  We
rushed to the delivery room to have the baby because we didn’t want to carry the burden any
longer.  Amen!  Amen!  You wanted to have the baby so bad to get rid of it – get it over with –
get going – let’s get out of this thing.  And you worked up some labor pains, called the

(Bro. Bob talks more about the assembly having false labor.  We stayed all night in the delivery
room and then go back home with no baby.  ‘what’s wrong, Lord, is there sin in the camp?’ 
yeah, you got it probably.  Don’t want to carry the burden any longer.)
So we leave the delivery room and we go back home.  But then, when you get back home you
get to thinking it over.  ‘well, praise the lord, I’m going to have it anyway – it may be very long
– I’m going to have it.’  Then you get happy again.
The doctor tells you, you were a little ahead of time and you must wait for real labor pains. 
When the baby is fully matured then it will come, at the right time, in His season and His time
for it to come in.
Well, where is the promise that token coming?  It couldn’t come to you because you weren’t
ready for it.
Now, this is just what has happened here in our assembly.  But all things work together for good
to them that are pregnant by Christ, who are called according to His purpose, to give birth to the
Christ child.  Don’t blame it on individuals, don’t blame it on God.  But it’s just the baby is not
mature enough to come forth or it would have come forth.  There was enough anointing and
enough of the Spirit and power of God in here to bring it forth.
So, we see no man, no force, no nothing, can bring forth the true labor pains, but He, Himself. 
Only He can bring forth Holy Ghost burden, labor pains.  And when the Holy Ghost brings forth
labor pains for birth, then the Christ child is born.
Now, let us, in this assembly pray this way.  Pray, “Thy kingdom come…”  but pray, “Lord, lead
me not into temptation and deliver me from all evil, and Lord, give me every one of these Christ
like attributes.  Deliver me, oh, God, help me to be an over comer.  Help me to be Godly, help
me to be just like Christ and then bring me forth, Lord, when I’m ready.”  They that wait upon
the lord…..
Abraham staggered not at the birth that was coming, but was strong in revelation, giving glory to
God that if he promised it, it would mature and come forth in its time.
Now, I  have something awful cute here.  All right now, we see the mother, she leaves the
delivery room after false labor and goes back home to wait for the baby to mature a little more. 
Now, she’s got great joy because, if we see some form of crying and agonizing, then we know
that’s a great sign that it couldn’t be very far off.  We won’t have to wait too much longer.  But
you have joy in knowing that you’re that far along, at least you could lay on the table and roll a
little bit and groan.  Before, you couldn’t even do that, you know I’m telling the truth.  You
couldn’t even pray five minutes without going to sleep.
Now, we’re alert, we know something’s getting ready to happen.  We know the Lord’s coming
and we watch this thing.  We’re getting like God.
You know a man that has got godliness will pray all night.  God went out on a mountain and
prayed all night long.  How many want to be like God?  God never prayed ten minutes, in the
garden, He was burdened down in prayer and found the rest of the assembly – kicked them on
the shins, said, “wake up boy.”  Wake up, I’m getting ready to do something!  Wake up, get you
a prayer life.

The revealed word of god went back and bared down again, praying, ‘lord, give me strength to
drink of this cup.  Oh, God, help me to drink this cup.  Give me virtue.’  And what happened? 
The angels of god, watching the elected with the promise of god, came down and strengthened
Then He came back and found the brothers sleeping again. ‘what, brethren, couldn’t you even
watch one hour?  You haven’t prayed five minutes and you’re asleep already.  Watch and pray. 
The spirit is willing but the flesh is awful weak.  Watch and pray that you fall not into
When the child is fully matured, it drops into position for birth.  The doctor will watch real close
now, says, ‘ it won’t be long now.’  And when God’s season and God’s time arrives, the fully
matured baby will drop down into position, to give birth.  There cannot be true Holy Ghost birth
pains until it drops into that position.  Only the Lord knows the hour that those true birth pains
will come.

Now, let me say, my children, groan, and press and strive to enter into the likeness of Christ. 
What a terrible thing it would have been for most people in this assembly if the Lord had
descended with a sound from heaven.  Many would not have recovered from it and would have
never lived through it.
Now this is awful sticky here, but notice, when the true birth pains came, there was nothing but
pure, unadulterated, impregnated, fully matured men and women with Christ on the inside, ready
to give birth.  There was not one in there that wasn’t pure wheat.
Is it possible --- is it possible that this assembly could be led into a great temptation to even thin
her down a little more?  I hate to say that.  Is it possible.  I suggest that you pray, Lord lead me
not into temptation, but deliver me from all evil.
Remember my message that I preached on ‘time tested bride’.  Get it and listen to it.
True birth pains, by the Holy Ghost, in his season, brings Christ on the scene.  Only when Christ
is fully formed, in god’s season, it will bring forth Christ, the revealed word of god, made
manifest in every person.
Children, fill your soul with the revealed word of god!  And then when the season arrives, the
doctor will be called on the scene, everything will be made ready and this will not be a false
labor pain, but it will be the real thing.  We’ll rush the pure wheat, impregnated bride, into the
assembly room and she’ll be delivered of a baby.
Listen closely, I haven’t slept in about four days, I kind of got in a little doze sometime, maybe
three or four o’clock this morning and I dreamed about Bro. Branham and being with him out
west and I was looking at him just like he was when he was a real young man.
Then I woke up and the Lord spoke two or three words to me and then he spoke to me this
message and wanted me to preach it to you.  God knows I don’t have the voice to preach.
Now notice here, immediately when the word of the lord came to me, right about at that time my
alarm clock went off, and something spoke to me, “Bob..(it was down in my heart, see).  ‘bob
sound an alarm’.  Sound an alarm, blow the trumpet in Zion.  False labor pains!  Now, that alarm
clock went off and right away he spoke to me, ‘blow the trumpet in Zion.’  Sound an alarm in my
holy mountain, let all the people there tremble for the day of the lord cometh.  They better have
that right there. (Bro. Bob points to the pyramid).  You go sound an alarm and tell them its false
labor pains.
Do you believe he told me that?  Do you believe?  Let’s see your hands.
Now watch here, let’s take her on down here to true labor pains.

When the hour finally arrives, what?  Bro. Branham said, ‘before revival can arrive it has to be
God’s man, it doesn’t matter what you think about the man, it’s what God thinks about him.  He
knows who his servant is and who isn’t.’  He said, ‘it’s got to be god’s man, god will start
dealing with other individuals, but, if a man won’t line up with that man He’s called, God won’t
deal with the other man at all.
You say, ‘that’s hard’, I know, but it’s the truth, god only deals with one mind at a time.
Notice, Bro. Branham, said you had to watch three things, it has to be God’s man, it has to be
God’s time, season and it has to be in the Word.
Now, children, I say to you this morning, strive and struggle and groan and pray to enter in to the
straight and narrow way.  For one day many will seek to enter in and will not be able.  Get
Christ, don’t play with anything anymore, overcome and get every bit of this (pyramid) on the
inside.  Find you a real prayer life with Christ, whether it’s in the assembly or praying at home.

God never really said, ‘come to the assembly and pray’.  I only started these prayer meetings
because you wouldn’t pray at home.  You were dying on my hands, now, let me warn you, in the
name of the lord – I cannot give you the token!  I can only do my part, every one of you ---. 
Some of you don’t have enough victory you can’t even work a job.  You haven’t got enough
Christ on the inside, you can’t even work on the outside.  You lust after women, some of you. 
How in the world are you going to get the token?

Some of you say, ‘oh, praise the lord, Bro .Bob, I just know God’s going to give me the token.’  I
know he isn’t!  because there’s no way for Him to get it to you unless you got this right here.
Now, I have to tell you the truth.  I don’t want your blood on my hands!  You get that!  Or you’re
not going!   If you don’t have enough victory to work on a job and mingle with the ungodly, you
don’t have anything down on the inside to hold you.  If you’ll let your job or your housework
(women) or whatever it is, sap away every bit of victory you have, you can’t pray or do nothing
else, that’s your fault.
John Wesley’s mother had 15 children, working hard and helping out in the fields and still
prayed 2 hours a day with her apron over her head and her children playing around her.
What it is, we’re so back slid and cold in God in this Laodicean church age, we don’t even know
what it is to serve god.  And the only way we can pray is to get everybody together and pray.
I say this – if this assembly doesn’t ever come to the place where it’s got a prayer life at home,
when you close the door and pray in secret—and let me say it while I’m at it – if you won’t pray
in secret, then you have a wrong spirit on you!
I know it’s a fact that some people don’t want to pray till everybody’s prayed out, so they can
hear them pray, so that they’ll think they are the most spiritual one in the congregation.  You
hypocrite!  Come out of that unclean thing!  That’s of the devil, that’s pride and God said He
hated pride.
Right here the other night, I saw people that were no more under the Spirit of God than nothing. 
Rolling on the floor and doing things they ought not do and they did not have the Spirit of God
on them.  But they wanted to convince everybody else that the Spirit of God was moving
mightily on them and they live the poorest life in the church.  You come out of that thing or
perish, I tell you!
I want to give you a good spanking, you get serious and reverent with God.
(Bro. Bob continues rebuking us for being so carnal.)

I’ve blown a trumpet in Zion, here this morning, repent or perish!  The Kingdom of Heaven’s at
hand, repent!  Don’t you play the part of a hypocrite, you repent!  Clean your lives up.  The day
of the lord’s at hand!
I don’t pray that you’ll take them out of the world, but I pray God you’ll keep them from the
world.”  I’ll tell you one thing, if you don’t have that (points to pyramid) down on the inside,
you’re going to fall sooner or later.  Something is going to stumble you.  When you’re sitting,
hearing the true revealed word of god, if you don’t have that on the inside you’re gone!
The Bible said, ‘when you pray enter into your closet, shut the door and pray in secret.’  Now
balance this out, we’re going to go right on with the prayer meetings in this assembly, but the
best prayer that there is, is praying to god in secret.
What am I saying?  Every individual must have a personal walk with the Lord.  In your walk
with the Lord, you ought to walk so close to the Lord, that you should be prayed up and in
victory all the time.  When you feel those old depressing spirits around you, that’s the time to
pray through, get down and wrestle with God, cry with God, press your way until you break
through, like we did here last night.
Then, when you come to the assembly to pray, how can binding forces be here, when you have
already prayed through and gotten victory?  Boy, and then you talk about praying, you’ll have a
prayer meeting.
‘put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil’.  We
think we have the whole armor until the first little test comes by.
I say, if a man wants to see whether or not he’s sanctified, if he’s a luster of women, just walk by
a beautiful, naked woman and see if he drools after her.  Then, when you can look right at her
and you don’t lust in your heart, you have something.  How many say, Amen?  Glory to God, it’s
the truth!
Till you can get all that pride out of the way, until you women can love your own husbands like
your own flesh, and your wives – both.  Until you can be the best little wife, mother,
housekeeper.  Until you can be the most sincere brother in the assembly.
Don’t be blood suckers, sucking off the life that somebody else has got.  Every person has to get
their own life of Christ.  Then, if you get the life of Christ down in you, you’ll never fail.   You’ll
seek Him, brother, I don’t care, you take a man of God that’s got that seed life down in him and
you put him on an island with ten of the most beautiful women in the world and separate him
from his wife, he’ll move to the other side of that island and remain true to God.
But, you take a man, no matter how sincere he thinks he is, says, ‘I’ll stand Lord.’  Put him on
that island and he’ll love every one of them.  Why?  Because he hasn’t got anything supernatural
down inside to hold him.  When you get that down on the inside, though I fail, yet He remains
faithful.  God, let us repent, until we come to the place where we have that, an anchor that’ll hold
in a time of storm.
Children, listen to these words; they are words of eternal life.  Listen to the extent that you’ll act
upon them
All right now, we have this little pregnant woman, bride, right?  She’s had some false birth pains
and did not deliver, but she’s joyful and encouraged – patience, waiting on the promise of the
lord.  She goes home to wait and the doctor keeps examining her and watching over her.  She’s
eating the right foods and the baby’s getting healthier all the time.  She has more signs all the
time, movement and kicking.  When it drops down in the position where it’s supposed to be, the
season has arrived.

The alarm goes out, everybody’s gets ready, we rush her to the hospital.  She goes into the labor
room (upper room).  True labor pains come forth, oh, my, Holy Ghost labor pains now.  You
couldn’t stop them if you tried.  You never heard such a squalling in your life.  Oh the pain is
killing me, when you get that something will happen. Until He give you that it won’t do any
Notice, here is the bride impregnated, in its time and in its season, the baby is fully matured.  She
rushes into the delivery room, which is the upper room.  She’s already born of the word of god,
she’s got faith, virtue, etc.  She looks just like Christ, she’s overcome everything, everything in
the world.  remember, “to him that overcomes…”  now, how can you overcome if you run off
and hide somewhere.  Why you wouldn’t have anything to test you if you went off somewhere to
get away from people.  Why don’t you work around something till you get the victory over it.
Lord I pray that you’ll not take them out of the world, don’t take them off their jobs, Lord, but I
pray that while they’re on their jobs, give them victory so that the people there say, “I’ll tell you,
if there ever was a Christian, that man’s a Christian.”
I believe if you have the rose of Sharon down on the inside, you can walk through the filthiest
prostitute house and the lowest pit on earth and come out smelling like a rose.  Until you get that,
stay on your knees, honey, stay on your knees.
(Bro. Bob continues talking about true and false labor pains and how when a mother is about to
give birth something supernatural  comes near her, the baby’s spirit.)
The next morning she has a beautiful gown on and holding the little Christ child.
Then comes the day when they come out of the room, here comes Daddy and Mommy and the
little Christ child.  “I in the Father, the Father in me, I in you and you in Me.”
She has a certificate from the great physician, a birth certificate.  It has the name of the Father on
it!  It has the time she gave birth.  Hallelujah!  We need the birth certificate!
Let’s stand to our feet.
These signs shall follow them that has got the birth  certificate, hallelujah!  The proof of the
This woman, married to the Lord Jesus Christ, gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ on such and
such a month, day, time.  Signed and witnessed by the Lord of Heaven.  Here you are, your
Go into all the world, show this birth certificate.  It will be the proof that you are born again. 
Heal the sick, cast out devils and raise the dead.  The works that I do, you do them now.
Oh, God of heaven, we thank you for this message that has come from you.  I pray that it will
abide richly in the hearts of your children.  And I pray, God, that you will bless them, strengthen
them and mature them, Lord, to the time of pure Holy Ghost birth pains.
Help each one to strive and struggle and press to enter into these born of Christ attributes.  Then
when the season arrives, we’ll give birth to God, Christ Jesus, manifested in human flesh.  We
ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.
In the light of this message where are you at in that pyramid?  Have you had evening sickness
yet?  Do you know, positively, with a perfect faith that that blood cell is down in your soul? 
Forming the divine character of the Lord Jesus, without which no man or woman shall be able to
enter in to the rapture.
Now with our heads bowed and our hearts reverent before the Lord, how many want to reverence
God’s revelation more?  Bro. Branham said, “I have to be more sincere toward this revelation.”

How many are going to pray for me?  I stand in a horrible, terrible place, Oh, God!  If I didn’t
know what I know, I’d run like a rabbit.  Please pray for me and I’ll pray for you.  And I promise
you, by the grace of god, I’ll never deceive you. I’ll tell you the truth.
If you turn your back on me and walk away from me, on the day of judgment you’ll see me
standing there.
Hear me!  On the day of judgment, when Bro. Branham’s standing there, I’m going to take my
place too.  In what he called me for and you’ll give account for what you’ve heard.  You’ll find
out in that day, though you doubt me now, if you do, you’ll believe me then, because I spoke the
God will one day prove His revelation from Heaven.

(Bro. Bob asks Chan Davis to dismiss the congregation in prayer.)



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