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Your Revelation is the Victory

10/26/69 pm
Robert L. Lambert

This message was preached by Brother Robert Lee Lambert, on October 26 th


The efforts to transcribe & saving the audio messages of Bro Lambert had been
made by the saints & daughter of Bro Lambert, Connecticut U.S.A. Those
precious saints sat under Bro Lambert took hours of hours to write & type the
messages of Bro Lambert. This booklets will be available in the printed form.
Copyright © CLJC. All rights reserved 2015

Dear Heavenly Father we’re very thankful to be back here and stand our post of
again tonight. Looking for thy soon coming. Oh Lord, how we long for revival.
How we long
for the power of the Holy Ghost to have it’s way in us Lord. Lord we want to see
every person
find their place in the body of Christ. Be filled with the power of God......everyone
of the
deacons, the elders, brothers and sisters which believe the word of God. We want
every fiber,
our being just saturated with the great Holy Spirit the Love of God. Lord, this all
we have to
live for Father. Nations are falling Father. Soon everything that can be shaken will
be shaken and
only those things that are of thee will remain. So we pray that You’ll bless us
tonight with Your
word. That we might learn something tonight Father, that will help us to be more
established in
the faith. Bless every person that’s here. It’s so good to gather together around this
evening light
message. Contending for an old Saint Paul sky blue sin killing revival Father. Lord
we know that
we’ll get it. We wired the building up right. There’s a man here that can turn on the
light. We’re
thankful Father, we’re wiring the building up and we pray the Jesus Christ will
soon turn on the
light. Now Father bless us until this great hour arrives. We’ll patiently, longing,
expecting Lord you’ll pour out your Spirit. In Jesus name bless thy word. Amen.
Yes, I believe that with all my heart. I’m a revivalist. You know a lot of people
say, “well
Bro. Lambert believes revival’s coming to the East.” I do.! If I didn’t believe it’s
coming to the
East, I’d move to the West. If I didn’t believe it’s coming to America I’d go to
India. I’d go to
wherever I believe God was going to move.
Somebody said, “you know they have a 120 seats in the building and they believe
the upper room.” They have an upstairs and downstairs is where they have
service.” I never did
count the seats. I don’t know anything greater than to press for another upper
room. Why that
offends anybody, I just don’t understand that. Does that offend anybody here? I
think we need
an old St Paul sky blue sin killing revival. The kind that will get us to get down and
weep and
wail between the porch and the alter; and get right with God.
I tell you, one of these days this message will live again. God may raise up a little
insignificant nobody. That’s who He’s going to find. Nobodies! Send them into
places and
preach the Word of God and the Spirit of God will fall in that place. Women won’t
be able to
make their beds the next day. Daddy won’t be able to go to work. It will be revival.
And it will
be in you brother and sister! In you. You will have to know Him in the power of
resurrection and these signs shall follow them that believe. I believe that with all
my heart.
A brother gave me a little slip of paper, a scripture reading for every day, and
today is the
26th. And it says. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven like a rushing
mighty wind. I
said God let it be today.

...............there’s been all kinds of things, but there’s going to be a real thing. He’s
going to raise
up a real bride of Christ. That’s what I want to be in. How many want to be in that?
Well, I
believe that’s exactly what’s in store for this world. Is Jesus Christ getting ready to
show off His
lovely little girlfriend. He’s going to stand her out there. ....
..........Peter didn’t hem and haw around to show where the bride is. .....It’s down at
We can prove that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.......
Come down to service tonight. God heals the sick ,opens the blind eyes and raises
dead and the gospel is preached in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost.
Now you find me that somewhere in the land. Where’s it at? Then don’t call it the
Because that’s blasphemy. The Bible says it was blasphemy to call yourself the
Bride of Christ
and not be able to produce the works of Christ. Now we don’t want to be
blasphemers do we?
You see what a terrible place I’m putting myself and yourself. We’ll either get an
old St.
Paul sky blue sin killing revival to prove that we are the Bride or we’re going to
turn out to be a
bunch of blasphemers. .............
When you look in the Bible, she’s bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh Spirit of His
and power of His power. Where’s it at? I believe Jesus Christ is going to show
where it’s at
before this thing is over. I believe there’s going to be a little masterpiece. That
Jesus Christ will
stand out here and one day Jesus Christ is going to let the WCC reach out to smite
it and He’s
going to say: “Speak little masterpiece.” “Speak little bride.” How many want to
see that
happen? If I didn’t say anymore. That’s enough right there.
I’m so happy to be living in this hour. ...When everybody thought they did great
for God, and the great something was here. And Jesus said you weren’t doing
nothing. ..and now
You’re getting ready to do something. The prophet of God come on the scene, and
I’m here. It’s
me involved here. I can be in on it. ...If we didn’t have anymore promise than what
we got now.
I’d rather been living in Martin Luther’s day. .......
..........The Great Merciful God came down and opened up the Seals. It was a closed
....many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase. ......but they that know
their God shall
do great exploits. ....But the real revelation of the Bible was not to be revealed until
the end time.
So everything in here today, that’s revelation today, after the Seals were opened.
You can
thank God for it because God removed the Seals from the book. Now for the first
time you can
look in your bible and every scripture’s got a revelation in it! The whole thing
dovetails into
one great big beautiful picture of Christ in you the hope of glory in the evening
You hear a tape, your read the bible, you listen to these great messages and if you
see Christ in you the hope of glory. It’s the center theme of the plan of Almighty
God. All that
God was He poured into Christ, all that Christ is He’s getting ready to pour into the
..............I’m so thankful that we can be lead of the Holy Spirit. I desire to see the
day every
member of my congregation will be filled with the mighty Token of God. That’s
my ultimate
aim. That I won’t rest day or night. ....not just say they are but I’ll never be
satisfied until they
possess the thing of which we profess. ...When we possess it we’ll demonstrate it.
Now if the prophet of God said, give me 10 men filled with the Holy Ghost and I
show you a light the world will come to. Bring any Joe Lewis (that’s an atheist)
with any of the
sick people that he wants to bring. Set these sick people down among these 10
men. And every
one of them will walk away whole or I’m a liar. God was in one man with the great
Malachi 4:5. The Bible says one will put a thousand to flight. What did you mean?
Demon power, what is blindness, demon power. What is lameness, what is cancer,
demon power.
What is unbelief? Demon power. If you had 10 men filled with the Holy Ghost. I’ll
show you a
light the world will run to. You know what we’re saying friend? If we had 10
people in here
that really absolutely possessed what the bible said the baptism of the Holy Ghost
was the cars
would be lined up here down in the ball field lined up to get in the door. All I need
is 10. That’s
why that I’m standing on the truth of God’s word.
Like bread upon the water it shall return to you some day. Now bear me in mind,
day you’ll look back to the things that I’ve said and tell people that brother
preached that for
years. ..and the word that God gives me to speak the revelation that I speak on the
message; it’s
God sovereign grace will not let that fall on the ground. It will be like bread upon
the water. It
will return back and bring a revival as sure as I stand here. You see, you say, how
are you able to
say that. Because He revealed it to me. It’s easy for me to put my name down
under it. Because,
it’s been revealed to me that this will happen. Then one day....hardly anybody
believed Abraham,
but after Abraham was able to possess the things that he professed, everybody
looked back to the
great faith of Abraham. But nobody believed he had anything at that time. But then
after it came
to pass, by faith looked to the promised blessing ..(.?) after oh... the great faith of
Because of that; he’s known as the father of the faithful.
Now I believe if we wire the building up right, there’s a man here that can turn on
light. It’s that simple. If you follow the law of God you can have a revival. How
many believe

that? You can of course, denominations can’t have it because
they won’t
follow the law of God; and the law is in His word. If you line up the mechanics
right, and pour
on the gasoline and strike the fire to it. What have you got? You got power. What
good is a
Cadillac (said Bro. Branham) if you have all the pistons and valves and no fire to
strike it.
.......Bro. Branham said we have the mechanics of the message, but we’re waiting
on the
Now what do we have to do. Make sure the revelation of the word of God places
mechanics right in it’s place, then by faith we press toward that then God rewards
us with a
revival. It’s as simple as can be. How many believe we can get that?
Let me quote you again what Bro. Branham said on another tape. Gather the
together, preach the full gospel to them get them filled with the Holy Ghost. Then
you have a
revival on your hands.
Now I want to ask you a question, if everybody has the fullness of the Holy Ghost,
why don’t we have a revival on our hands.? See, I don’t understand these things.
You say
you’re filled with God. Filled with the Holy Ghost, but we don’t have any revival.
The word of
God is not made flesh. The secrets of the hearts aren’t discerned. We have no great
power of God
in our midst. We can’t prove the resurrection of the dead. All we can do is profess
we got
something, but can’t demonstrate it.
If we’ll be honest hearted and empty out of self and come before the Lord God
crying out to God. I believe with all my heart and I tell you in the name of the
Lord. You can
have a great Holy Ghost revival.
Anyway, whether you believe it here. The Bride’s going to get it. So we might as

come on and believe it and get it right here. How many would like to get it right
here? Let this
be the place. ..........
Now somebody says “Bro. Lambert, I believe you. At first I heard you I didn’t
you. But now I believe you, now Is God going to pour His Spirit out here first?”
Well, I said brother, I want to believe He will. That’s why I’m here. Now if I
God would pour out His revival first in Hollywood Calif. I said, I love these people
here, but I’d
try to figure out Bro. Perrelli or somebody to pastor while I left. ............I love the
Spirit more
than I love anybody. I love everybody but I’d want to go there. See, it’s in my
heart. I’d leave.
Well, you say.......yeah I believe it’s going to be here first. You say , that doesn’t
very humble, well, I don’t know, that’s just what I believe. I want it to be here.
See, and if I didn’t think it would be here, now I think, if ever preacher doesn’t feel
way. Then he better get down and pray. Now I’m sure that some of the other
brothers believe
it’s going to be there first. And it may be. But as long as I’m here; I’m going to
believe it’s
going to be right here. I want it to be right here. I’d like to be in first place where
God is going
to pour out His Spirit.
Somebody said, well, maybe somebody would be washing dishes, another one
would be
over on the farm or something. They’d receive the great Holy Ghost like that. The
great Token.
I said that sounds good. The only thing I know to tell you is to look in the word of
How did they get it in the word. Now, that’s what I go by. The word of God can’t
fail. 120
gathered together and got it first. When was the next time did it fall? When one
man took the
revelation and went up to Cornelius’s house. Why didn’t he get it when the angel
of the Lord

appeared to him? No he said, go call Peter and he’ll tell you how to get the Holy
Come on, just make it like the word of God is. No you can’t get it. You got to send
Peter. He’s got the key to unlock the revival. Peter came up there, put the key in
the door and
unlocked it .....down it come. Peter said, can any man forbid water? ...he got it just
like he did.
While Peter yet spake these words. Revival fell on all of them. What happened?
Every place
you read in the Bible it happened that way.
Take the Welsh revival, same thing. People got together and all at once God pour
out His
Spirit. Take it in Germany, Africa, India, China, anywhere you want to same thing.
Take Azuza
St. How did it happen there? Six great people got together just burning in their
heart for revival.
They wouldn’t stop. They believed they could have it. They believed God would
answer their
heart’s cry. What happened? God poured out His Spirit. If you got any of it. You
had to go to
Azuza St.....................
Wouldn’t you like to see revival break out here and people pull up in cars all over
place . The Spirit of God strike them, fall right down on their knees ..................
Cold New England, of all the places for revival to break out, this would be the
unlikely place. .......don’t never go past the Mason Dixon line.
Every preacher I ever met........old cold New England. I thought, boy, keep me
from there. And here’s where I wound up. .......all the ministers, oh.........old dead
Where, revival broke out where? There must be some mistake. Revival broke out
New England. Impossible. ...I got to go see. Oh........That’s my heart. That’s all I
live for.
Revival. Let’s get revival friend......People say, how did you get a revival?
I’d like to tell you. There was a prophet in the land. Bro. William Branham. Ever
of him? We preached his message three days a week and finally it loosed the Holy
Ghost on
everybody. Aren’t you ashamed you turned him down? This is how we got the
Brother, sister, that’s exactly how it’s going to be. Oh brother, the Bride will be
given a
voice in that day. How many would like to see the little Bride say come out of
The Bible says, the Spirit and the Bride say come. Now there’s only one Spirit that
I heard that said come out of her and be not partakers of her sins and then you’ll be
my sons and
daughters. And I’ll be your Father. There’s only one ministry that I heard with
authority to
make that cry and that was Mal. 4:5. Come out! Now the same scripture that Mal.
4:5 said come
out, what we believe the Spirit was. Then it said the Bride said come out. I have
not seen any
power and authority given to the Bride to be able to demonstrate the power of God
in such a
way; and say Come out.
How many would like to see the bride receive such power and authority. To be
able to
have a voice, she’s got to be vindicated. ......
Gates of Hell give way to the name of Jesus. I believe that’s the great deliverance
on it’s road through the bride of Christ. I believe the deliverance is so great and the
word of life
is so great yea, the power of God is so great on the little bride that even the Jews
are going to get
jealous of her. The Jews are going to recognize that the Bride of Christ has the
keys to the corn
crib. If you’re going to get any corn and wine you’re going to get it through the
bride. ......
Let’s open our Bible to I John 5:4. It will be wonderful to see perfect love in every
No more strife, no more malice, no more jealousy. All the works of the flesh be
done away with.
Just the perfect love, ..........there has never been a return of Pentecost. .........Azuza
St was not a
return to Pentecost. ............restoration of gifts without the giver..........(talks about
thought he was a prophet till he baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,,
then they thought
he was a false prophet.)...............
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. And this is the victory that
overcometh the world even our faith.
Prayer. Father God we thank You Lord for every precious soul here tonight. I love
everyone. I pray Lord You’d help me to say something tonight to bless their hearts.
Forgive us
of our unbelief and our sins that so easily besets us God. Help us to rise up with
such a
consecration and dedication to thee Lord that we might grab ahold of the horns of
the altar till we
are able to make thy word live. ............bless this that we might have a better
understanding of thy
word in Jesus name order my conversation. Amen

I’d like to preach on “Your Revelation is the Victory.”.(repeats

scripture).........After the
seven church ages are over. We enter into a new day. As we have learned from the
opening of
the Seals. We’ve moved into a new day, which is the Age of the overcomer that’s
spoken of in
the word of God. I believe this is the hour for the overcomer. And it’s only the
great blessings of
the Holy Spirit and this open door age... Through the restoration of the name of
Jesus Christ and
the revelation of the hour over in the church ages Christ said I set before thee,
coming in the
Laodicean church age; I set before thee and open door. Now, what that means: the
door was not
swung open to Martin Luther. Oh what a marvelous revelation..
Martin Luther the beginning of reformation. God only cracked the door a little bit
and he
come out with a message. The just shall live by faith. Then He opened the door a
little further
and John Wesley stepped out and He opened the door a little further and they got
sanctified. But
then brother when it come time for the Laodicean age to come up and the prophet
was going to
come up to the Laodicean age to bring back the restoration of the full Word of
God; the door
swung clear wide open. I set before you an open door. He that
overcometh. ....which is Christ.
That means that all the blessings through Christ the word of God, is the door
swung open to
whosoever will let him come. And drink of the water of life freely.
This is the hour that we’re living in. The bride age. It’s the age of the overcomer.
bride is the overcomer. God is taking a group of overcomers out of the church. God
is not
dealing with the church; but He’s taking a bride out of the mixed multitude that’s
going to
overcome the things of the world. Now notice here the bible says Faith is our
victory. And it is
this Faith that will overcome the world.
You say, well what do we have to overcome? Here’s some things we got to
The first thing we got to overcome is ourselves. Our biggest enemy is
ourselves. ...........
The bible says that our Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
Faith is our victory that overcomes the things of the world, brother I tell you. When
get a revelation of Christ the mystery of God revealed in you for this hour . Christ
in you the
hope of glory. That Faith should give you victory over yourself, and over the
things of the world
and the anti-christ.
Faith is our victory that overcometh the world even our Faith this is the victory.
that’s why I say revelation to you means more than anything else in the world
today, because it’s
only through victory .............the battle the victory is going to be ours but we’re
going to have to
fight a battle. And the Faith is what we fight the battle with today. Taking the
shield of faith, the

whole armor of God that we might be able to quench the fiery darts of the anti-
christ. Every
sharp dart of anti-christ interpretation on the word of God that he’s throwing you to
day we need
to hold up the shield of revelation faith and quench all them darts.
That’s why the bible says Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. That’s
what we
need today to overcome the anti-christ that’s in the world today. Because there is
only two major
powers in the world today and that’s the power of satan, satanic power, demon
power, is the
thing that we got to overcome. And the only way we can have victory over the
through all the interpretations he’s bringing our way today and that is the Faith is
our victory that
overcometh the anti-christ. Even our faith. Now the bible said that faith cometh by
hearing and
hearing of the word of God. How shall they hear without a preacher. I believe
that’s why we
need to give Jesus Christ the word first place in our lives and let the word, keep the
word of God
in our minds , praying in our hearts, reading the bible listening to tapes; carry the
spoken word
books around and stay in the presence of Christ till you become the word of God
and let Faith,
the word of God and faith come into that intellectual faith and turn it into a divine
And revelation is the victory that will overcome the world and all that’s in the
world. Even our
faith is the victory today. That’s why I say, brother and sister we need to put Jesus
Christ the
word of God first place in our lives. We’ll never get revelation, unless we give the
word first
place. Because faith cometh by hearing. And hearing by the word of God. That’s
why we need
to give our minds, and give our spirits, over to the word of God.
Let me quote you Joshua 1:8 Moses my servant is dead. Be ye therefore strong and
valiant and cross this Jordan and divide up the inheritance to the overcomers. At
that day, is that

right? Notice here he said and this book of law, this word of the prophet Moses
shall not depart
out of our mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night. That thou mayest
observe to do
according to all that is written therein. Then shall thy way prosper, then shall you
have good
success. Oh brother, that’s what we need today is to give ourselves over to the
word of God through the prophet. And let the word reign our spirits and then let
the wind of the
Holy Ghost go by and turn the word of God in our minds in our intellectual minds
turn it into an
overcoming victory, faith that will overcome the things of the world and the devil
and the antichrist.
Blessed be the name of the Lord. What we need is people today that will yield
to the word of God and stay in the presence of Christ till they become the word.
Brother, I believe Amos was the word of God walking down the street. I believe
Jeremiah was the word walking down the street. I believe William Branham was
the word of
God walking down the street. And I believe the bride of Christ will stay in the
word of God till
she becomes pulsated with the full revelation of God and she’ll be Jesus Christ
walking the
streets of this earth. Brother, we need a people that will make up their minds ...?
themselves, overcome the anti-christ, overcome the things of the world.
How will we ever do it? By Faith! We are victorious in Christ Jesus. Revelation is
Faith! Faith is revelation. Faith is the victory. Faith will overcome for you! The
bible says,
though you fail, yet He abideth faithful. Your old carnal mind may fail and the
things that you
want to do, you can’t do. And the things that you should do, you won’t do. And the
things that
you shouldn’t do, that’s what you’ll do. And the things that you want to do, you
won’t do.
Why? Because you have an enemy. You have a deadly enemy. Who is he? You.
You are the

deadly enemy. The old natural man will continually war with the spiritual man
But when that Faith brother, you yield that inward man to the word of God and that
revelation will overcome the old man. A real divine revelation of the Holy Ghost
will overcome
self. It will overcome the anti-christ. It will overcome the things of the world. This
is our
victory, even our faith.
Whosoever is born of God. ...Whosoever is born of divine revelation overcomes
things of the world. When you see people love the things of the world they’re not
born of God.
..when you see people that can’t overcome themselves they’re not born of God. He
that is born
of God overcometh himself. Overcome the things of the world, overcome every
interpretation of the message of Mal. 4:5. Because faith is the victory that
overcometh all these
things. Even our revelation is beating in our heart. You can’t make the word of
God lie.
Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world.
How many want to be born of God? This is the age of the overcomer. This is the
when every person that receives the great Token of God, every person that receives
the power of
God in the hour will be overcomers. You’ll overcome yourself, you’ll overcome
the things of
the world. You’ll overcome every anti-christ interpretation of the word of God
today. You’ll get
a divine revelation and through that revelation you’ll be victorious over the devil.
That’s why I believe there is nothing of such prevailing power as a child of God
that has
a divine revelation. Because you’re revelation upon the message of Mal. 4:5 is
your victory.
And when you don’t have a divine revelation upon the word of God. You are
defeated before
you get started. That’s why that I believe the first thing, put first things first. Give
yourself to the

unadulterated word of God. Hear the word of God and faith, revelation comes by
hearing of the
You can always tell who the real bride of Christ is. They’ll drive any distance to
hear the
word of God. They love their bible. They got tape recorders in the car. They carry
spoken word
books. All they’re concerned about is the Spirit of God. They’re hungering and
thirsting for the
Spirit of God. They don’t care nothing about the things of the world. The bible
says whosoever
is born of God overcometh the world. You go around and you see people with a
one eyed
monster television in the house. They got to have a boat, they got to have this, they
got to have entertain themselves...........that’s all right. If you want to go fishing in
a boat. I got
an old boat too, but that’s not my victory...............
I don’t need nothing to entertain my spirit. There’s only one thing that entertains
me and
that’s the coming revival. An outpouring of the Holy Ghost. .............the things of
the Spirit is
what I’m concerned about. And whosoever is born of God overcometh the things
of the world.
People say they believe the message and the TV is the overcomer, dresses and
and everything. ......It shows, when the people are loving the things of the world.
When you see
women that can’t stand to where decent to trim their hair.....when you
see all of this
and yet they say they believe. You know something’s wrong.
The bible says that whosoever is born of God overcometh the world and the things
of the
world. If you love the world and the things of the world the love of God is not in
you. Jesus said
if you love me you’ll keep my word. I will love you and my Father will love you
and we will
take our abode with you.

Jesus said, I know that you have not the love of God in you, for Him whom God
has sent
you believe not. I know that you don’t have the love of God in you. He that loves
God keepeth
God’s word. Herein, is the love of God matured. Herein is the love of God
perfected. He that
keepeth God’s word in him is the love of God fully matured.
You talk about the love of God. It’s not hugging your brother and proving to him
you love him. Even though he may displease you in the things he’s doing. You just
got to love
him. That’s not the love of God He’s talking about the love of God the bride is to
As much as you obey His word. That’s why if you love the things of the world the
love of
God is not in you. Whosoever is born of God overcometh the anti-christ. That’s
why I’ll stay
with God’s word because I love Jesus Christ. Anybody take a man made
interpretation of Mal.
4:5 does not love Christ.
Faith is the victory that overcometh the world and this is the victory that
overcometh the
world even our faith our revelation. ........Since the seals have been loosed so that
the bride can
have a divine revelation to overcome the world and the anti-christ. ......
So then faith cometh by hearing, ? cometh by hearing, future tense, by
your ear to the word message of this hour. .........
That’s the way the church is (likened to a girl kissing and sloping around before
marriage)....The bride is given a sacred virtue to keep her body(I’m speaking
spiritually now)
Keep these virtues of prayer and the word. That’s the thing that God has given to
the bride to
keep. To be wholly dedicated to the word of God and prayer. This is her sacred
virtue that she
must keep the word of God and prayer. By giving yourself to the word of
God, ...give ourselves
to Christ and stay in the presence of Christ until we become the word of God, and
when we

become the word of God. God will put forth power and authority on you the
overcomers in this
hour and they will be living epistles known and read of all men.
Somebody’s going to do many here want to do it? This is the age of the
overcomers... The manifested sons of God ......?.........
The real manifested son of God, and I believe I saw wave sheaf. I believe we’ve
seen the
wave sheaf waved over the congregation, and I believe there are more sons to
come to maturity.
..Since faith is the victory that overcometh ..we can’t overcome nothing. But
revelation in us
....God’s will overcome everything. Divine revelation beating in your heart will
everything. You’ll put old self down....? Inner man.. Will begin to grow faith,
knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, Capstone.
Faith is the substance of things hoped revelation is the substance.
bottom of the pyramid that hopes for the Token at the top. You can’t make the
word of God lie.
It will hit dead center the middle of the bull’s eye every time.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. Faith is
victory and we are fighting a battle today. To come into Christ’s fullness today.
We are fighting
a battle against the anti-christ and all of his demon power that’s throwing forth
every kind of
I saw something yesterday, the Son of man revealed. God willing I want to preach
........a message on Harvest Time, a message He gave me three years ago and tried
to preach.....?
Great things. The faith is the substance of things hoped for.
Faith, the foundation. That’s what you stand on. The bottom of the pyramid is
faith. That
is the substance. He that is born of God by divine revelation at the bottom of the
pyramid cannot

disbelieve God’s word. And this is the victory that overcometh the world. Even our
substance. This substance that we have in our hearts tonight from the revelation of
Mal. 4:5 is
the victory that overcomes the anti-christ. today.
Don’t you see without divine revelation, you can’t overcome
interpretations. ......Until
you receive a substance here, faith, revelation of the message at the bottom of the
pyramid, your
womb is open to any kind of interpretation that’s out on brother William
Branham’s message.
Did you hear what I said? When your spiritual womb receives divine revelation,
womb closes up, no other ?(seed) can get in there to pregnant you. You are
pregnated with the
unadulterated seed/faith which will produce one kind of a son. ....
Now if you want to see the first blood cell that came over from the Father that
overshadowed the virgin Mary. The Holy Ghost overshadowed the virgin Mary
and created a
blood cell. She said “Be it unto me according to Thy word.” That’s how you get it
started friend.
Just say: Be it unto me according to Thy Word Lord. And you say, how am I going
to be a
manifested son of God? An angel will tell you. Mal. 4:5 will tell you. The Holy
Ghost will
overshadow you. How many want to be that kind of a son. The Holy Ghost shall
thee and thou shalt have a son, and you’ll call it Jesus! That’s what you’ll call it.
So, that’s what we need. Divine revelation. And that is the foundation. That is the
evidence of things hoped for. That is the substance of things hoped for the
evidence of things
not seen. ......How many want to be overcomers? This is the way that you’ll
overcome. Just as
simple as I can tell you. You must pray. How many believe the message of Mal.
4:5 here. All
of you. Now that puts you in the church. Now to come into the bride and go in the
rapture and
be victorious over every anti-christ interpretation you think you could
overcome the antichrist

with an interpretation of the revelation? I don’t care how good it sounds. You may
the best interpretation of all of them. Friend, you’ll never overcome any anti-christ
with an
interpretation. And you’ll never overcome yourself, either. But a divine revelation
overcome the anti-christ where ever it needs.
The anti-christ is totally helpless before a child of God that has divine revelation
on the
word of God. You say, well what about a gift? Jesus on the Mt. temptation fasting
forty days
and the devil appeared to Him, and said if thou be the Son of God command these
stones to be
made bread. .......What did He do. He went through the scriptures and knew who
He was in the
word of God. He knew why He was on the mountain. He knew when He was
coming off the
mountain and what was going to happen when He got off the mountain.
He said to Satan, it is written! Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the anti-christ come and hit Him again.
He said, if
thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, Thy angels shall bear
thee up lest
thou dash thy foot against a stone. He said, it is also written. Thou shalt not tempt
the Lord thy
God. What was it? The Word. It was the word of God coming out against the devil.
What was it, when He had twelve apostles, He made a statement when His
ministry was
about over. 9
Now notice here, when Christ was ready to be crucified.......he made a statement
the seventy left him.. They went on preaching but they left Christ. The multitudes
Him...That’s God himself revealed in human flesh...
Well if Bro. Lambert preached the truth, looks like he’d have a lot more people
here, and
half the church wouldn’t have left. Well, that’s about what they said about Jesus
too. The
multitudes left Him, then the seventy left Him. He turned around and He had
twelve men left.
Will you go away also? Peter said, where can we go? Thou has the words of the
Token. Have
to let that settle in. Where can we go thou hast the words to the great Holy Spirit.
Thou hast the
words to the power of God. Thou hast the words to Eternal Life. Where can we go?
I’d like to ask you. Where you going to go from here? You say, I’ll get mad and
come back no more. Where you going to go? For one time in my life, I preach as
hard as I want
to and you can’t go nowhere. As far as going on with the truth. Because, we have
.......somebody always tore up his church wherever he, this is
last stand. Now when someone rises up and knows more about then I
do. .....angels, thundering
voices appeared to them. ....
Usually I leave, however, this is Lambert’s last stand. I ain’t going nowhere.
going this time. .....I’ve moved fifty times and don’t you think that maybe just this
one time I
Faith is our victory. Our faith today tells us we can have and shall have on old St.
sky blue sin killing revival. That’s what my faith tells me that we never had a
return to
Pentecost. Azuza st was not a return to Pentecost but it was just something God
allowed to
throw the people off from the real thing that was coming. Azuza St. thought they
got the great
baptism of the Holy Ghost.
When I say baptism of the Holy Ghost, I’m not saying the restoration of the gifts,
experiences. I’m talking about the Capstone that seals the people into the bride of
Christ. I Cor.
12:13. Azuza st did not get it. If they had, it would have ushered in the second
coming of
Christ. We would have had no need for a prophet to come and turn us back to the
path to glory.

The song says It shall be light in the evening time, the path to the baptism fo the
Holy Ghost you
will surely find.
Bro. Branham said the baptism of the Holy Ghost has been taught but the Holy
hasn’t been taught. That’s the confusion among the people today. So that’s what
we’re trying to
do here. I know it’s hard to grind out the error of Pentecost. ................Bro.
Branham said,
tonight we’re going to grind out the error in Pentecost.......speaking in tongues is
not the evidence
that you have received the Holy Ghost. ........
I believe, you must be born again before you can receive the baptism of the Holy
I say that the only way you can receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost according to
I Cor. 12:13
is to come by God’s provided way to that Token. And I say Pentecost has rejected
the plan to
the baptism of the Holy Ghost which is the blood.
Listen here friend, let me show you how great this is. Did you know the plan to the
has only come in view in this hour that you’re living in? .............Where was the
blood. Where
is the blood? The blood is the hemoglobin. The blood is a cell. Is that right? It’s
with the male.
The male is Christ. Christ has the blood cell. Christ is the word. We did not have
the word
because we did not have a prophet. Reformers could not bring the word. So He had
to send a
prophet. The prophet had the word. And the blood cell was in the word.
When you saw the prophet come you saw the plan to the blood. When you lined up
the message of the prophet, you lined up with the blood cell. How many are glad to
be living in
this hour? I know that’s real deep and hard to understand ...........
When the teacher from God came today, Mal. 4 he came to Laodicea. What did
tell Mal. 4:5 William Branham? We are rich in Spirit, increased with goods and
have need of
nothing from you Bro. Branham, just hold a little revival. We know it all.
Then Jesus, the great teacher spoke back and said yes, but I say unto thee, thou art
wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried
in the fire.
Be zealous therefore and repent. For whosoever I love I rebuke and chasten.
The word chasten means teaching and instruction on the word of God. That doesn’t
I take a switch and spank you. It is instruction. Whosoever I love, whosoever is my
son, I
chasten, I teach him and instruct him.. Now, what is it? Isaiah says in chapter
28..line must be
upon line, precept upon precept. Here a little bit, and there a little bit and with
stammering lips
and another tongue will I give the Token. But He said, who can I teach doctrine
too. Isa. 28.
Those in the upper room, the 120; talking about the 120 in the upper room and
that’s today
whosoever will ......oh this is great I hope you see this when you go
home. God said
who can I teach knowledge to? Them that are weaned from the breast, drawn from
the breast.
......line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little bit and there a little bit.
You get a little bit of revelation over in Genesis...little bit in Leviticus, little bit in
Deuteronomy, some over in Isaiah...........? Then You line it upon line. Start from
Genesis and
run a plumb line and then you get the beast in the beginning, the beast in the
end. ....line upon
line, precept upon precept.
Now if you get a people that will sit and learn this; learn the word of God so
thoroughly,........I’m going to give them the Token. The angel of the Lord told Bro.
Branham the
Spirit of this hour is man will not endure sound teaching. How many know the
angel of the Lord
told Bro. Branham, they will not endure sound doctrine. ......”bless God I know it
all anyway.”
Everybody’s got their own tapes, and bibles so everybody’s their own pastor. So
we don’t
need pastors today. Then why did God put them in the church? That’s the spirit of
the hour.
Know it all. God help me I don’t ever want to appear that way. .......
God told Bro. Branham do the work of an evangelist for the time will come that
they will
not endure sound doctrine. What is going to stand against the deceiving power of
the anti-christ?
We don’t have enough revelation here...... We need more revelation on the power
of the antichrist
to deceive you. .....Walk spiritual before the Lord.
His demons are trying to find some other way to trip you up. Your senses don’t see
demons so, you only see them when your preacher tells you or you read it in the
But friend, the atmosphere is charged with demon power. Real live demons. The
person that’s
going to harm you is the person that enters the pulpit. He can steal your crown by
teaching you
the word of God. He can change the word of God just a little bit and poison your
But Faith is our victory! That overcometh the anti-christ teaching. What have we
today? The revelation of the Seals has come forth on false anointed ones.. Bro
Branham said
false anointed ones going forth to deceive the very elected ones if possible.
Now notice, the Token, the Capstone is the goal and hope inside for those who
have the
victory by divine revelation. Those that have divine revelation will overcome every
obstacle in
the course that they’re running today. They’ll overcome every obstacle that’s in
their way today.
How? By a divine revelation upon the message of the hour. ..let this drop way
underneath the fifth rib on the left side. You have right now, as much Spirit of
Christ in this hour
as you have revelation.
You say, clarify that. Alright. ... Martin Luther came forth in a reformation. When
cracked the door. Gave him a message, a revelation. ... “Martin, the just shall live
by faith.”
Martin Luther had that much of the Spirit right there. That one little bit of
revelation. The just

shall live by faith. And that’s how much of the Spirit Luther had. ....He didn’t have
the Token
because he didn’t have enough of the word. He didn’t have enough of the
revelation to receive
the Token. Now if you’re spiritual, you know where I’m going to.
When John Wesley came on the scene after Martin Luther’s ministry got common.
you hear what I said? .......God sealed Martin Luther away. Then God raised up
different. God has always got to do something different to stir the spirits of the
people and bring
them to repentance. Isn’t God’s grace wonderful?!!
You think He’d get mad and say, well I’m just not going to send them anymore.
I’ll just
curse them and kill them all. No, in loving kindness, He sends you more Spirit all
the time!
Ain’t HE wonderful!! When John Wesley stepped out God opened the door a little
further. Not
only shall the just live by faith, He sent sanctification through the word of God.
John Wesley
had as much Spirit as Martin Luther had plus what he got on the revelation of
He got more of the Spirit of God because he got more revelation. Then we come
down to
Azuza St. We see this in Ezekiel 47 Martin Luther walked out and the angel of the
Lord took
him out to the water and he went in up to his ankles. He said this is good. Praise
Hallelujah. This is wonderful. That was the reformation of justification. Then the
angel of the
Lord said come out further. He took the man out further and it went up to his
knees. That was
John Wesley. He got as much Spirit as Martin Luther had plus he got as God gave
out in
revelation of sanctification. Martin Luther had the Holy Ghost. Martin Luther was
born of God.
When Martin Luther got a revelation of the just shall live by faith. He was born of
God right
there. He was born again. ....then when he went out and preached the message on
the just shall
live by faith. Every person that came out of the Catholic church and believed that
message came
from God, got a revelation of it, was born again. And they’re going to come up in
resurrection. Then the angel of the Lord took the man out to his knees. John
Wesley, and then it
went on. Meetings started falling off. Power of God started fading away. Martin
anointing started to decrease. Next thing you know John Wesley died. Wesley got
common to
the people. ..........God help you to see this.
When Martin Luther got common then unbelief set in. What is unbelief? It’s of the
The devil got strong against Martin Luther’s ministry, unbelief of the devil moved
in with great
force. So God to combat that unbelief.. He poured the Spirit out up to the knees.
John Wesley
got as much of the Spirit as Luther got and that much more went up to his knees.
And that much
of the Spirit went out........and it was so different so much more powerful then
Martin Luther’s
ministry that it caught the attention of the Lutherans and caused them to come out.
Come out of
the Lutheran church every way. John Wesley preached in ball fields and had ten
thousand. ..cow
pastures and had five thousand. He had such power of God . One night men came
in and turned
a bunch of foxes loose, and tied their tails together and put buckets behind them or
and they went through the congregation and tore it all to pieces. John Wesley was
against worldliness.......lace on your shirt.........
He really preached a message of holiness and sanctification. John standing up there
the Spirit up to his knees, never saw it on that fashion before. .....Oh come and see
John, I never
saw the power of God like that. People began to repent of their unbelief. Devils
cast off by the

preaching of John Wesley. John Wesley said to those men that sent the foxes,
‘before the sun
goes down, you’ll call me to pray for you.” He was struck with a terrible disease
and called for
John Wesley to come pray for him. They never seen such power of God. John
Wesley went to
go preaching and his old horse broke his leg and he got down and took a hold of
his horse’s leg
and in the name of Jesus Christ and got up on his horse by faith and rode the horse
to the
meeting....people never saw such power of God. .........A great revival struck the
world because
God sent a man down with the Spirit up to his knees.
Well, the next thing you know.....”I don’t know if I’ll go to meeting (Bro.
tonight.”............people chewing gum, talking while he’s preaching. Next thing you
“Come Home John.” You’re just getting common now. Poor old John had to come
God didn’t get mad and say, I’ll just curse them, every one. I sent them a great
Spirit in
John, more Spirit then they’ve ever seen, now they just take him for
granted. ...we’ll get down
home in a minute.
Then God in His sovereign grace and mercy and tender kindness and loveliness.
Unbelief was so powerful. Just come in like a flood and the church completely died
and was in
the ice box, deep freeze. .... but God, God in sovereign grace was coming against
the devil
.........Bro. Seymore,,,,,,,,we can have revival. He got a few people to believe him.
The angel of
the Lord got him to come out to his waist. That was Azuza st. When God poured
out His Spirit
at Azuza st. the Wesley church was in a deep freeze. It struck the world and people
coming from all over the world to Azuza st. It was God’s Spirit combating the
unbelief. They
got so much of the Spirit, they started prophesying and speaking in tongues,
because they had so
much spirit, up to the waist. ...God restored the gift of the Holy Spirit.
It was not a return to Pentecost. But it was enough of the Spirit to cause them to
speak in
tongues and prophecy. ........? Put it down you have received the Pentecostal
experience of the
baptism of the Holy Ghost... which was an erroneous error. ..........speak in tongues
and you got
it...... That’s wasn’t the way Bro. Seymore and them got it. They didn’t prime
anybody up and
hold the hands up in the air.
(Describes how people primed people........etc. Jesus, Jesus....some of your workers
up and work with these people......)
That’s why I say the bride will have just as much of the Spirit as she has
Let’s get a revival. Pray for revelation and get revival. Because we’re going to
receive it just as
sure as Martin Luther, John Wesley and Bro. Seymore. The error creeped in by
believing that
speaking in tongues was the baptism of the Holy Ghost...................
Now Azuza st got more of the Spirit then Wesley got. That spirit died out and they
formed denominations. ...... sent missionaries........organized. ..
Then God in His Sovereign grace. Combat the unbelief. What did He do? This
time He
sent an Eagle with the word of the Lord. The head come out, the eyes, the seer. He
came out
with a prophet who had the word of the Lord. Where we at today?
Now I want to ask you something. How much revelation is the bride to receive?
All of it.
Why? Because the seals are taken off of the book. The bride receives the full
revelation, so
how much of the Spirit are you going to receive. The fullness.
How many thank God for that? Brother and sister we ought to be peculiar people.
If we
say we believe these things we certainly ought to be stirred to think that we could
be the people
that receive a full revelation, a full open door, receive the fullness of His power.
I hope that helps you see my teaching here on receiving the Spirit of God. Now,
we’ll run through these things. Even so faith if it hath not works is dead being
alone. Faith is
the victory that overcometh the anti-christ and the things of the world. And this is
the victory that
overcometh the world even our revelation. Overcometh the world and the anti-
Faith without works is dead. Our works is our profession. We are professing that
we are
to receive by revelation the Token of God and we press for that. Our movements
receiving revival and the great fullness of Christ is the works of our faith. Faith
without works is
dead. If you say I got faith, I believe the message and you don’t have no works to
go with your
revelation; what kind of works is to your faith. “You say I believe it’s all over.”
Real faith has
to have works. Then said they unto Him, what shall we do, that we might work the
works of
God. Jesus said; this is the works, that you believe on Him whom God hath sent.
This is the
works of God. Now faith without works is dead, showing us that the real bride
revelation faith
has got to have works to it.. And what is her works today? She is believing the
message of
Mal.4:5 and lining up with it, this is the works of her faith.
Now notice here, follow a false prophet and get a false experience of the baptism
of the
Holy Ghost. Follow a true prophet and have the works of your faith and you
receive a real
genuine God sent reward to a believer which is the Token of God. That is the
works of our faith
today; believing on Him who He hath sent. Believing that message by divine
revelation. Faith
today, revelation today, in the elected will have to have works to go with it. They
will have to
prove their revelation by staying with the word of God. Now why do I say this?
herein, is the Son of God made manifest. That He might destroy the works of the
devil. Now

that isn’t the scripture I wanted to quote... but maybe I didn’t make a mistake at all.
is born of God does not commit unbelief.
Herein is the Son of God made manifest. That He might destroy the works of the
Now what is the works of the devil? Perverting the message of God is the works of
the devil.
That’s what Jesus said it was. He said, I know who you are. You’re of your father
the devil and
the works of your father you’ll do. Said, he was a liar from the beginning. And
abode not in the
revelation. Oh I love that! What was it? It was the beast He was talking to; was the
father of
these children he was talking to here. He said, you’re of your father the devil and
the works of
your father you’ll do. He was a liar from the beginning and he abode not in the
truth. That’s
what the anti-christ is today. He’s a liar and the truth’s not in him. And the real son
of God that’s
born correct, is born of God takes the faith/ victory and overcomes the anti-christ
by destroying
his works. The Bible says, cast down all imaginations and everything that exalteth
itself above
God. That’s what Satan wants to do with his interpretation today is to exalt himself
in the church
above God and be God in the church. Right in the congregation.
If the devil can get you to believe an interpretation from some man on this message
brother Branham then he’s got you in his church. You’re in Satan’s church. Cast
down all
imagination and everything that exalts itself above God.
Now that’s what Satan wants to do today with his interpretation is to exalt himself
in the
church above the word of God and be god in the church. Right in the congregation.
If the devil
can get you to believe an interpretation from some man on this message of Bro.
Branham, then
he’s got you in his church. You’re in Satan’s church. When you think your
worshiping Christ
you’re worshiping the devil by an interpretation of the flesh. That isn’t skin milk.
That’s why you better get revelation. You’ll call on Jesus and be worshiping the
devil all
the time.. The first woman, the first church worshiped the beast worshiped Satan
when she
believed his lie. ...........the jews just as religious as can be......and Jesus said, I
know who you are.
You are of your father the devil and the works of your father you’ll do and he was
a liar from the
beginning, and he abode not in the revelation. What did he do? God the first
messenger came to
earth and gave them a message. You can eat of this tree, but don’t eat of
can eat of all
these trees, but don’t eat of this tree.
The devil came down and misinterpreted the message to her and got her to believe
interpretation of it and now everybody’s dying. What do you think about the bride?
predestinated to victory! She’s predestinated to the glorious word of God and she is
born correct
and she defies the anti-christ with a revelation and that is her victory that
overcomes the world.
Even her faith. Alright, I’ll quote one more scripture and I’ll close.
The scripture says without faith it is impossible to please God. You can’t even
God without a divine revelation. God will not even receive your worship without a
revelation. Jesus said ..I tell you ....the woman at the well, the hour is coming when
God wants
the true worshipers to worship Him in the Spirit, in the revelation. The only way
you can get
revelation is to get in the Spirit. That’s the way God wants the true worshiper to
worship Him is
in the Spirit and in the truth. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Impossible to please
Him. For he that cometh to God, he that cometh to God, how do you come to God.
You got to
approach God that right way. And you got to come to God and approach God by
the way of the

word. He that cometh to God must come by the way of the word. And He is a
rewarder of them
that diligently seek Him.
What? He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Jesus said, seek and ye
find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. How many believe you’re
living in that
hour? When you can ask and receive because the door is open. True revelation will
seek after
the reward of the true believer which is the Token itself. ......
Friend, faith is our victory. Faith is our victory that overcomes the world even our
That’s so precious to me, I could ........nurse on that for a long time. Faith is the
victory that
overcomes the world. I can’t overcome the world, but God gives me the faith of
Jesus Christ.
By divine revelation, faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God. How
many are going
to give their ear to the word of God? Revelation comes by hearing and we need
revelation more
than we need anything else in the world. We need it more than we need a bank
account. We
need it more than we need a new car. You need it more than you need a wife. You
need it more
than you need a husband. You need it more than you need food, clothing, houses.
It’s first
place. Divine revelation. Because revelation is the victory that overcometh the
world, the things
of the world, and overcome yourself. How many want to overcome their
selves? ..Revelation
will overcome me, because it will cause me to buffet my body and bring it into
subjection unto
the Holy Spirit.
Now herein is the children of God made manifest to the children of the devil.
The children of the devil is the make believer without revelation. And the true
believer is
manifested because they have a divine revelation. And their revelation is the
victory over the
devil’s interpretation and his children on the message of the hour.
I know it’s hard. Bro. Branham said nine different interpretations in Tucson alone.
that meant the anti-christ has given enough people in Tucson AZ to given them
deception to put out nine different interpretations that come from the devil. How
many converts
did they convert to their interpretations. That made every one of them,,if God’s
word is true and
I know that it is. That made everyone of them in Satan’s church. I don’t care how
much they
say they believe. Bro. Branham said about the people moving to AZ. It proves they
believe what I say. If they did believe what I say, they’d do what I say. ....
Let’s bow our heads......I keep you so long. ..........(refers to people driving all that
distance.......) There would be a famine for the true word of God. Not for bread
alone, but for
hearing the true word of God..And people drive to and fro to try to hear the true
word of God.
It’s sad to say that many are running to and fro and having great convictions and
people together. What are they gathering around? An interpretation. God help us
We want to gather around the carcass. How many want a revelation to overcome
world? ... Sisters come to the organ and piano.
Let’s close our eyes and pray. Dear God we’re so thankful for revelation. Lord we
much tonight and didn’t have time to finish this message, but Lord God I don’t
have words to
thank You for revelation beating in my heart. I thank You Father for grace to be
giving divine
revelation to the bride of Christ and Lord we know, we know, this is the great
victory today. It
will overcome every obstacle every stumbling stone in the way. Father it will
overcome it. And
Lord You’ll go with us through every valley, through every brier patch, through
every desert,
Lord. You’ll cross with us Father. You said if we walk in the revelation, walk in
the light,

revelation and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Father, we know
that the blood
is applied in divine revelation on the word of God. The blood, the word, the token
everything is
in the word. And Father God I pray Lord, that You’d help every person here
tonight. That God,
she’ll give herself Lord, I want to consecrate my life anew after last night, sitting in
the chair,
Lord Your word speaking to me. Father God, I rededicate, reconsecrate myself,
give my ears to
the hearing of Your word. Spend time on my knees in prayer, that, that word may
be turned into
revelation. Father I pray that every heart here tonight will put your word first.
They’ll put Jesus
Christ first place in their life. Lord help our minds not be on the things of the
world. Help us to
be satisfied with food and clothing and shelter and therewith be content. And take
no thought
what we shall wear, or what we should put on, what we shall eat. For Jesus so
clothed the birds
of the air, and the flowers in the field. Are ye not more value than the sparrows.
Jesus said.
Father help us not take thought for these things. Help all of our thoughts be taken
to find the
pearl of great price.
Now Father we thank You for each and everyone that’s driven great distance and
are tired. .........Bless the precious people Lord, Oh what can I do but stand here
week after week and
preach the truth, trusting You’ll come riding in one day when we least expect it
and give us revival. God I believe we can have revival light in this land where
we’re at right now. I believe
we can have revival here in Durham CT. I believe everybody can have revival if
only they’ll see it and go after it according to thy word. We can have a revival.
Now, God we gathered together in the name of the Lord around the revelation for
this end time.

17The path to glory we have surely found. And we’re walking this path, Your
word is lightening up our pathway and we’re walking toward a revival. Now
Father by faith, substance we hope and look forward to this great day when You’re
going to pour out Your Spirit and seal Your little bride into the great Kingdom.
Now Father bless everyone. I’ve said many things. Maybe, misunderstood. I pray
people will go home and pray over it. In Jesus Christ name turn that word in their
intellectual faith turn into revelation. In Jesus name give revelation to every heart .

Congregations sings Amazing Grace, Victory in Jesus. Arthur Graybill dismisses




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